Theropy and special attention given 'to foot. troubles and resultant ail- Thursdays and Saturdays. COMING D.E. ROKR. eagles pact 'tioner, has taken over J. A. Hether- ington practice in Port Perry, and ing in the same office. iropractic treatment, Electro- over 30 years. ments. - Consultation and examination free. Optometrists Hours 9 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, P 168-167 Yonge St. Toronto. F. E. LUKE AND SON ! 163-167 Yonge St. Toronto 2. Dr. F. E. Luke, Eyesight Specialist, may be consulted at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry, on Thursday, February 16th. He has been coming here: For Counter Check Books of all Kinds -- SEE THE -- Port Perry Star PHONE 50 l The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, 'palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest. pti Burn Sennel-Solvay Coke and are r Why MORE H apidly gaining customers. WE WILL SATISFY YOU, c/a Cut One-Third off Your Fuel Bill We have the exclusive agency for this fine fuel, wip T. LESS ASH.--A clean, dry fuel. Place your order for a trial ton of this coke. Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 Day or Night Port Perry Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver is a good all the year around tonic. Buckley's Mixture, for Coughs, 'Colds, and Bronchltis. a flush, TRY A BOTTLE. Mcintosh & Fillery's English Toffee A smile in every piece. 25c. a bag. = Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry Phone 16 It acts like Ontario Are You Burning Our Better Fuels? . If not, start the New Year right by phoning us your next order. | We have a supply on hand of all required fuels to meet your needs. Sunderland. Hard Coal--Stove, Nut and Pea sizes. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE--Nut and Range sizes. WELSH ANTHRACITE, SCOTCH ANTHRACITE, CANNEL COAL, STEAM COAL, BODY HARDWOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFT SLABS. No D delay 1 in filing 3 your order. all | Uses. » We havea full supply on hand at' § © FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE--That Better Pennsylvania | F 2 g made by Mrs. Stanley Hall. benediction. Wi MYRTLE Mr. Leask was in Uxbridge on Sat- urday attending his aunt's funeral. Eighteen tables of progressive euchre were played at the Hall on Friday night. Miss Doris Davies and Mr. Fred O'Boyle scoring the highest number of points and winning the prizes. A goodly number of those' present remained for the dance after the games had finished, when Mrs. I. Rodd and Mr, Jas. Cooper provided music that kept all on the hop until a late hour. The scribe has been -mis- informed about the admission fee and instead of fifteen cents as previously reported, the admission is twenty-five cents as in previous years. Sneak thieves have been active of late and their spoil is somewhat varied. Entering the Rev. M. Tot- ton's garage on Wednesday night of last week they siphoned the gas out of his car although the dog was in the garage. About the same time Mr, I. T. Ormiston had about sixty laying pullets taken from his hen pen. It is hoped that the clue that has been obtained may lead to the guilty party or parties being arrested. It is much regretted that our mail carrier, Mr. Grandy, of Brooklin, met with such an unfortunate accident last week. During the year and a half he has been delivering mail here he has been most efficient and his genial man- ner has won him many friends who hope that he may soon be fully re- covered again. Just a short time after the Claxton- Grandy cars collided, a car coming from the north just a few, rods south of the village skidded and took a header into the ditch and went with all force into a maple tree throwing the occupants, a Toronto man and woman, through the windshield, For- tunately they escaped with a few cuts, but the car was quite badly smashed and had to be towed into "Mr. Bert Duff's yard. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Archibald Johnson in the death last week of his brother Mr. Percy John- son, of Whitby. Rev. Mr. Williams, of Toronto, gave a most inspiring talk on missions, here on Sunday night, in the absence of our pastor, Rev. Mr. Totton, who was preaching at Claremont. - The Faithful Workers' Class are making extensive preparations for their fowl supper and concert which they are having at the church op Jan. 25th. Fuller particulars will be given later. Mr. Jack Kirkham and family are visiting the former's parents at Perth. ZION . Mr. John Osborne, of Lindsay, is visiting with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Bruce Sonley returned on Tues- day after visiting with relatives at Mr. and Mrs. John Grills and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Grills, of Valentia, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. F. ' Western. Mr. Jas. Canipbell, of Seagrave, was a business visitor in this vicinity on Tuesday. A few from here attended the dance in the Little Britain Community Hall on Monday night. The Women's Association met at the home of Mrs. Norman Jacobs on Thursday afternoon, January bth, with a large number of members and Seth, The ot by the singing of a hymn followed by spent New Year's with her sister Miss evening. d| Pettitt $25 as caretaker of the hall; Mr. and Mrs. Chilvers have | erly owned by Mr. Will Colwell. Miss Annie Johnson, of Lindsay, Ruby Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McQuade 'en- tertained a number of their friends to a dance at their home on Friday Miss Norine Sonley is visiting with friends at Orillia, Mrs. Loy Rogers has returned home after spending several days in Lind- say with her son Carman, who was seriously ill with pneumonia. We are glad to report him on the road to re- covery. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Short, of Seagrave, on Saturday. The friends of Mrs. Emily Jacobs are sorry to hear that she is under the doctor's care. We hope that she will soon be able to be up again. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Western visited with friends at Valentia on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Blackburn and family of Uxbridge, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hall. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wesley Sloan, Little Britain, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Jacobs. A Scugog Council The Council for 1933 for the Town- ship of Scugog, met in the Township Hall, all members being present to subscribe to the declaration of office. Reeve, Mr, Jonathan Aldred, Council lors, Messrs. R. J. Carter, Geo. Hood, Frank Gerrow and John L. Sweetman. On motion of Messrs. Geo. Hood and R. J. Carter, a by-law was passed ap- pointing Messrs. R. D. Burnham and Chas. Samells, Auditors. On motion of Messrs. Carter and Sweetman, a by-law was passed, to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow sums of money from the Can- adian Bank of Commerce, to meet the current expenditures of the Corpora- tion not to exceed $2,000 for the year, The Clerk was instructed to strike off $2.40 of lots 5:and 6, plan 280, in- A number in this district are gon-|} fined to their beds with the "flu". wish them all a speedy recovery. ; "We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Thomas| "| Chilvers and family into our com-|. | munity. £ | moved from Salem to the farm form-|d 'part. bers of the Wom "Wel | meeting closed with a hymn an the | Mar church and the add Newell; Church, the Devotional part taken by the address by Dr. C. E, Whittaker; Thursday in the same church, the Devotional part taken by the members of the Women's Missionary Society of that church and the address by the the Devotional part taken by the A. Y. P. A. and the address by the rector. Cartwright has lost one of, if not, its oldest and most. highly respected citizens in the person of Mr. John Brent who passed away at his home in Shirley on Monday, December 26th, The deceased was born in Devonshire, England on December 25th, 1840 and celebrated his 92nd birthday the day previous to his death. He came to Canada at the age of two years. In 1872 he married Miss Margaret John- ston, of Uxbridge, who predeceased him 87 years ago. - Their married life was spent on the farm on lot 1, con. 2, Cartwright, now operated by his son-in-law Mr. Leslie Coates, and with whom the deceased spent his declining years, The funeral service was held at his late residence on Thursday, December 29th, conducted by the Rev. Mr. Nind, of Port Perry, and the re- mains were laid to rest in Pine Grove Cemetery. The late Mr. Brent was a man of sterling qualities, a splendid neigh- bour, and a loving and devoted hus- band and father. He leaves to mourn his loss his only child Mrs, Leslie Coates with whom he lived on the homestead and two grandchildren, Margaret Coates (Mrs. Ed. Oyler), of Prince Albert, and Robert Coates, "at home. Two brothers and two sisters predeceased him. The pallbearers were six nephews: Messrs. William and Willmott Brent, of Uxbridge; Arthur, Gordon and Howard Brent, of Tyrone; and Blake Pollard, of Bowmanville. ; "It is enough earth's struggle soon shall cease 4 And Jesus: call us to heaven's per- fect peace," Wednesday in the United] i the Young People of that church and{ pastor;Friday in the Anglican Church 'Howsam,. Mrs. | Phoenix. ; Mrs. 'Howard visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ashton. Misg Keating has returned to her home in Toronto after visiting for some time with Rev. and Mrs. Denny. Miss Leona Brown visited last week with friends on Scugog Island. We are glad to say that most of those who have been: on the sick list are improving. Mrs. MeKercher was visiting with her sister Mrs, Albert Bailey, recent iy, . > 8) Prince Albert At the annual school meeting held in the school on Wednesday; December 28th, Mr. E. McCrea was re-elected trustee, and at the annual school meeting held at Cedar Creek School, Mr. W. Blain was elected. Mr. Steele who retired had been trustee for some twelve years. On Sunday prizes were presented in the Sunday School to those pupils who had perfect attendance or almost per- fect attendance. The prize winners were: in the primary class, Hazel and Viola McCrea; in the junior class, Esther Hunter, Doris Murphy and Jack Hope, and in the young men's class, Murray Luke. The program of last week's Young People's Association was in charge of on the topic "What Think Ye of Christ?" A trio was sung by Messrs. H. Tooms, L. Hunter and A. Harper, and community singing rounded out correctly d to Lily Rennick On motion of Messrs. Sweetman and Carter, the Clerk was instructed to order sufficient copies of the Municipal World for the members of the -Coun- cil, Assessor and the Clerk, for the year. Mr. Carter vd through a 'by-law appointing Pathmasters and Fence- viewers as follows: 1 Thos, 'Redman; 2 Amasa Sweetman; 8 Frank Gerrow; 4 Chas. Samells;-6 Robt. Jackson; 7 GREENBANK Mrs. Geo. Real, Uxbridge, is stay- ing with her daughter Mrs. Albert the prog "After" this meeting the annual Sunday School meeting was held. All the former officers were continued in office except 'that of treasurer, Mr. D, Lyle resigning and Mr. Murray Luke Phoenix. Miss L. Murphy. Mr. C. Clarke spoke being appointed. Migs B,, MeCrea was his brother Luzerne ronto with him. of Minneapolis, visit brother, Mr. Jonathan Aldred, a few days recently. ' Geo, Samells; 8 David Hope; 9. Geo. Jackson; 10 Robt. Reader; 11 C. L. Fralick; 12 Wm. Jeffrey. ~ Poundkeepers--1 Stewart Rodman, 2 Geo. Samells, 3:Wm. Jeffrey. David Hope was appointed . Truant Officer and Alfred Prentice, Weed In- spector: Robt. Jackson was appointed a member of the local Board of Health. Messrs. Gerrow 'and Carter passed a by-law to appoint Mr. Amasa Sweet- 'man, assessor hy 1933 at a salary of "$80. « Mr. J. We Crozier wag paid $18.09 for salary, as Tax Collector. The time for returning the roll was extended to the next regulas meeting of the coun- ell. 5 Messrs. Geo. Sood 'and R. Carter, passed a. motion fo pay Mr. Frank and Mr. Alfeed Preniss, $5 as weed. re Gi stationery, stamps, etc., and $50 for |