Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 12 Jan 1933, p. 4

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RIE a 19 Loan Office first door east of Canadian Bank . of Commerce, over the Observer ww Office Office Phone 98 Residence 19 Port Perry, Ontario Explosion Causes Fire . Residence of Dr. D. E. Steckley Badly Damaged When Furnace Blows Through Floors, The home of Dr. D, E. Steckley, 146 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, was badly wrecked; persons in the house had a narrow escape from serious injury or death, and considerable damage was done to clothing of lodgers, early Sun- day morning when gases which had accumulated in the boiler of a hot water heating plant in the home ex- ploded. Fire which followed the ex- plosion, added to the damage which according to Fire Chief Elliott, will be heavy, and is placed by Dr. Steckley at approximately fifteen or sixteen thousand dollars, inclusive of all prop- erty damage suffered by occupants of the house. Fire Chief Elliott stated that the explosion which had evidently been caused by the ignition of a quantity of fumes which had accumulated in the furnace, which blew the top of the furnace through the floor of the house and into a room on the second storey, occupied by Miss Gladys Timms, a house-keeper, who fled from her room amid a shower of plaster and flames which accompanied the blast, Fire from the basement which quickly fol- lowed the gases to the upper storeys caught fire and spread with lightning- like rapidity and were only extinguish- ed by the fire department who laid two lines of hose. The blast which took place at' about 12.45 a.m, Sunday was totally unex- pected. Miss' Timms who was asleep in her room over the kitchen, had a miraculous escape from injury as the top of the boiler came through the floor close to the foot of her bed, leav- ing a gaping hole. She was only able to secure a pair of shoes from the wreckage of the room before she was driven out by the flames which ac- companied the blast. The whole room was scorched and part of the plaster knocked off the ceiling. Miss Timms lost all her personal apparel. Such was the force of the blast that neighbours ran from their homes to investigate, while the interior of the house was badly wrecked. The north wall of the house bears mute testimony to the power of the blast as it is bulged some six inches from plumb. A party of visitors in the house also escaped injury by a mir- acle as a large mirror fell on their bridge-table when the explosion took place. Note: Dr. Steckley, Chiropractor, visits Port Perry three times each week. etl Pee. . 0. H. A. HOCKEY On Friday, January 13th, Uxbridge and Port Perry will play at Port Perry rink. Game called at 8.15. , Admission 25c. LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan Office: McCaw Blk, Port Perry. Phone 264 Phone after hours: 3514 i Oshawa, : WARRINER LODGE NO. 75, LO.O.F. On January oth | O. R. Risk, Opt. D. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Toronto will be at our store from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eyes examined and glasses fitted when necessary. No charge for examination. Now is the time to have that Watch, Clock, or Jewellery Repaired. I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER and OPTOMETRIST TL Chambers' Bakery Moves to the Nelson Block Owing to a re-arrangement re the Tuffs property .in Port Perry. Mr. Chambers has bought the ovens and other baking equipment and has moved his business to the Nelson Block at the corner of Queen and Water streets. Mr. Chambers has built up a nice growing business and his commodious quarters will be very convenient when the Spring and Summer business opens up. It is intended to put in confectionery and ice cream when the season opens. Town Council The first meeting of the Council was held on Monday, January 9th, with all members present--Mr, W. M, Letcher, Reeve; Messrs. Reesor, Weir, Archer and Jackson, Councillors. The following committees formed for the year: Finance--Messrs. Letcher and Jack- son. Roads and Sidewalks--Messrs, Weir and Archer. Waterworks "and Hydro -- Messrs. Archer and Reesor. Relief---Messrs. Letcher, Reesor. Property & Fire Protection--Messrs. Jackson and Archer. At a subsequent meeting of the Council held on Tuesday evening, the following appointments were made. Board of Education--A. B. Cawker. Library Board--Mrs. W. H. Harris. Assessor--G. D. Aird, Weir and . Agricultural . Meeting The annual meeting of the Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society, will be held in the Town Hall, Port Perry, on Tuesday, January 17, 1933, at the hour of 8 o'clock, for the purpose of receiving the auditors' report, electing a Board of Directors, and transacting such business as may be brought before the meeting. All interested in the local Fair are urged to be present. Grant Christie, President. Norman Ewers, Secretary. ----------l PPP DIED DUSTY--On Wednesday, January 11th, 1933, at his late residence, Samuel Dusty, in his 81st year. Funeral Service at Greenbank United Church, on Friday, Jan. 13th, at 2.30 pm. Friends and acquaint- ances please accept this intimation At Seagrave, on Thursday, January 5th, 1983, Beulah Frise, beloved wife of William Short, in her 84th year. rr Pe CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 pm.--Evening Service. a rll this week, shall busy for a few days moving our stoc to more commodious q The new arrangement \ will give us the opportunity to serve our customers| much better. We shall be open for business at the| new store on Wednesday morning. PORT PERRY DOMINION STORE ALIX. GILBOORD, Proprietor Genuine Scotch Anthracite and district to this superior British fuel. value and extremely low in ash. 10 POINTS OF SUPERIORITY 1. A British Product. 6. Uniform Quality. - 2. Less Ash. 7. No Clinkers. 3. Long Burning, --8. High in Carbon Content. 4. Even Heating 9. Less Cost per Season. 5. Easily Kindled. 10. Less Furnace Attention. McLAUGHLIN COAL AND SUPPLIES LIMITED. Distributors, Oshawa. . PORT PERRY COAL YARD Exclusive Representative in Port Perry, Phones 94W and 94) were| . Twenty-Third Annual Sale VICTORIA COUNTY SHORTHORN ASSOCIATION will be held on Wed., Jay 25th at ; Fanning s Barns, Lindsay 1.30 p.m. The offering consists of 11 males, of Scotch Breeding, sud sired by a number of Toronto Prize Winners. - All animals have been inspected by a Representative of the Live Stofk Branch, Toronto, and selected from leading herds. TERMS: Cash or 12 months' credit on Bankable paper. Interest at 7% per annum, For catalogue spy to! the 9 Sesretory: J. H. STROUD, President. | resent store closes on Saturday We wish to call the attention of the Citizens of Port Perry It is mined in the Glasgow District in Scotland, and is exceptionally high in heat SHORTHORN SALE CALAMITY AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture, the property of Mrs. S. V. Smith, at Saintfield, on SATURDAY, JAN. 14th. Sale at one o'clock. Terms Cash. See bills for complete list. - + Ted. Jackson, Auctioneer, rms in DANCE AT SCUGOG HALL A dance will be held in Scugog Township Hall, on Friday evening of this week. Admission 25c. Ladies will provide lunch. ANNUAL MEETING OF FE PINE GROVE CEMETERY The annual meeting of the XY CO. Pine, Grove Cemetery Company, will be held in the Town Hall Port Perry, on Monday, January 16th, 1938, at 2.30 p.m. J. T. Dobson, President, HOCKEY COUNTY "PRO." LEAGUR The presentation of a silver cup by Peel Bros. for Rural Hockey, has put "pep" into the series of games just starting. . Greenbank and Myrtle started the puck~ rolling with a tie game, the score being 2-2. Evidently these teams will need another struggle to find out who's to be the winner. 'The second game was between the Oddfellows and Nestleton, with a score of 2-1 in favour of the Odd- fellows. It is likely that Nestleton will turn the trick next time. PRINCE ALBERT vs. UTICA There was a spectacular game on Tuesday night between these husky stickhandlers, Billy Heayn scored the first goal for Prince Albert and all -the way through the game there was no evidence that there was a cemetery in that village.- Grant Hunter reg- istered a second goal when he sent the puck spinning into the net. Utica returned with a rush on Goalkeeper Lyle and made a number of fruitless shots before Smith (of Smith, Smith and Smith Co.) took the puck away 'f¥om them. With vicious ringing of the bell referee Raines was able to | end the first period. SUCCESSFUL] Every dollar spent at home works for the benefit of this community; every ; dollar spent out of

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