Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 15 Dec 1932, p. 4

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Local Items COMING--F. E. Luke, Eyesight Specialist, at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry, Tuesday, December 20th. On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. C. Peterson, who recently moved from Kingston to Port Perry, received for the first time in her new home. The hostess, wearing a handsome gown of wine-coloured crepe with beige and gold trimmings, assisted by her sister, Mrs. George Murray in a gown of dark brown crepe with egg shell trim- mings, received the guests in the living room which was adorned with rose and yellow chrysanthemums and where a cheery grate fire brightened the bright day. In the dining room, with its amber coloured lights, the tea table, prettily adorned with a silver LR basket of bronze chrysanthemums in it a silver basket and bronze candles in silver candle sticks, was presided over by Mrs. G. M. Rennie, Mrs. Jas, Lucas and Mrs. N. Sweetman, while Miss Frances Mellow, Miss Helen Willard and Miss Marion Goode served re- freshments. Little Miss Florence Peterson, frocked in peach shade georgette and taffeta, opened the door for the guests. Mrs. E. A. Cody and son Leonard, of Wildwood, Alberta, are visiting with Mrs, Cody's sister Mrs. John Moase. ; reel MP Peer = A DELIGHTFUL PROGRAM One of the most pleasing programs was given at the Young People's Society meeting at the United Church on Tuesday evening. It was Mission- ary night and some very informative and beautiful colored pictures were - shown, illustrating the life of the people of West China. Other numbers were a piano solo by Mr. Dempsey and a recitation by Miss Jean Sellery. Each of these numbers was unusually enjoyable, and Port Perry is fortunate in having such talented young people to assist in entertainments. A AP nonin TO CORRESPONDENTS Please note that those wishing to compete for the prizes for the year 1932, will kindly have their year's budget in not later than December 20th, in order that the prize cheques may be mailed before Christmas. ree et PP Peer BORN ROSE--On Monday, December 12, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. G. Rose, (nee Orma McArthur, formerly of Port Perry), 1 Bellefair Ave., Toronto, a daughter--(Joan Elenor)--both doing well. Ll Ml BIRTHS DREW---At Oshawa General Hos- pital, on December 9th, 1982, to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Drew (nee Retta Miller) a son. ee tl AIP Pennetta CARD OF THANKS Mr. Heywood Short, of Seagrave, wishes to take this opportunity of sincerely thanking all his friends and neighbours, who in anyway helped at the time of the fire which occurred on Monday evening of last week. AP ees PORT PERRY FOR LONGEVITY Out of eighteen deaths registered in Port Perry in 1982, one of which was accidental, the remaining seven- teen averaged over T7 years. WARRINER LODGE NO. 75, LO.O.F. Toronto, will be TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20th from 10 am. to 6 pm. . . Mr. Optometrists in Toronto and comes to us very highly recommended, so that we are in a position to gnarantee satisfaction to every patient. You will have a large selection of "up-to-the-minute" frames and mountings to choose from and you will find our prices most reasonable Phone or call for appointment rs I. R. BE Phone 19w JEWELLER and O..R. RUSK, Eyesight Specialist of at this store. on Rush is one of the outstanding a NTLEY OPTOMETRIST Phone 19w "| authoritive statement of the situa- ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN, CHURCH' Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. 'CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Advent Service--Thursday, 7.46 p.m. Prohibition Union Convention. The continued agitation for greater facilities for the sale of beer and wine in Ontario was the immediate cause for the interest shown in the conv tion held at Oshawa on Wednesday afternoon and evening. Rev. R. A. Whattam, organizer for the Prohibition Union, outlined the activities of that body from both edu- cational and legislative viewpoints. The local branch &f the Union was re- organized with the following officers elected: President--Mr. Fred Ormiston Vice-President--Mrs. J. R. Booth Secretary--Mr. Samuel Farmer Treasurer--Mr. Robert Thompson Membership and Finance--Executive Education & Publicity--Mr. McIntyre Hood. Childhood and Youth--Mr. S. G. Say- well, Mr. J. C. Anderson, Rev. A. R. Irwin. Legislation and Law Enforcement-- Rev. Dr. McTavish. Municipal Chairmen Reach--Mr. W. D. Munro Pickering--Mrs, Cronk Port Perry--Mr, F. E. Reesor Brooklin--Mr. Jos. Garbutt East Whitby--Mr. Harold Werry Whitby--M¥. 8S. Kempthorn Oshawa--Rev. A. M. Irwin The immediate task for the Union members and officials is to secure signatures to the following petition: To the Hon. G. S. Henry, Premier of the Province of Ontario, and to the members of the Legislative Assembly: We, the undersigned citizens of Ontario, desire to express to the Hon- orable George S. Henry, Premier of the Province, to the members of the Government, and to the members of the Legislative Assembly of the Pro- vince of Ontario, our emphatic op- position to any. increase in the facilities for the sale of Beer and Wine, whether in Hotels, Restaurants, Clubs or other pldces, and to any ex- tension of their use in places provid- ing public convenience or entertain- ment. The following resolution was passed unanimously: . We the members of the South On- tario Prohibition Union assembled in Convention at Oshawa, do hereby express our appreciation of the at- titude of the Premier of this Pro- vince, Hon. Geo. S. Henry, in his re- sistance to the propaganda of The Moderation League in relation to in- Sheed facilities for the sale of beer wine. The Convention was fortunate in having as its speakers Dr. A .J. Irwin, Secretary of the Prohibition Union, and Dr. McLachlan, Secretary of Social Service and Evangelism in the United Church of Canada. Both tion. Dr. Irwin pointed out that the are not a unit as to the Government liquor policy. Dr. McLachlan showed that only not depending to a very consid- erable extent upon the revenue se- cured from the sale of liquor. He could see no difference between the beer parlor and the bar, except that it would be possible to drink longer while sitting down than while standing up. In British Columbia the same evils prevail that used to degrade the barroom. The "thrower- out" is employed; the drunkenness exists; the essential effect of intoxi- cating liquor is not changed because it is sold in a "parlor." Very Special Bargains in Christmas Cards at the Star Office 1: Colored Assorted, ....10 for $1.50 1 The Golden Box, 12 for $1.00 1 Engraved Reproductions, 12 - $1.26 2 Colored Designs 12 for $1.00 1 The Wise Men 12 for $1.76 '1 The Wise Men Booklet 12 for $1.25 1 Colored Design 12 for $1.25 These prices include printing your personal greetings, complete with envelopes. Come early as the supply is very limited and the prices are ex- tremely low. Skating Saturday Night at the Rink - Plenty of good music eet PP PP ee. An old farmer was asked when he thought hard times would be over. "Well," he said, "I've lived through a good many such days as these and I've noticed that they most always just about last out three pairs of pants. I'm on my third pair now and the seat is so thin, if I sit on a penny I can tell whether it's heads or tails up, so I think we're pretty near out of the woods." eee tl MPP AP Pree. CHRISTMAS TREE AND CONCERT at the Yellow School, on Friday, Dec. 23rd, 1932, at 8 p.m. Admission, adults 20c., children 10c, Christmas Trees for Sale Delivered 50c one small Province in Canada was| dec 15 and 22 on a co-operative basis and this p includes facilities for: storing, : market a uniform produet. er FORCE RHUBARB FOR WINTER To have fresh rhubarb for the winter table all one has to do is to take a portion of a crown from the garden in the late fall (or dig it up during the winter.) let it freeze solid- ly, then put it in the cellar where the temperature is from 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. No earth is required, the rhubarb crowns or sections themselves containing enough stored energy to} produce the edible stalks; and for the best color they should be kept in al- most total darkness. i 1H si { sgt : iH yl i £38 4 HL i hi i f | E B8E3ES ig A H fis § i i i k i hi i Jit ; A Leave Orders at Star Office STOP! Christmas Prices to Suit Your Pocket Christmas Gifts, which will be sold out at half price, as all our stock has to be cleared out to the bare walls. We can give you a nice boxed Necktie for 29¢. This gives you some idea of the very low prices we are asking. » we Spectsl attention is called to our fine assortment of Ladies' Dresses and Coats, arriving on the 14th of December _ which will be onsale for only a few days. Alix. Gilboord, Proprietor Willard's Store News Christmas Cake and Plum Pudding is all the better if allowed to mellow for a few weeks; and you can buy the best of ingredients for them right' now at WILLARD'S Glazed Cherries, Candied Ginger, English Cut Mixed Peel, Bleached Sultana Raisins, Puffed Seeded Raisins (new), Spanish Valentia Raisins, Seedless Raisins (large), New Cooking Figs) Hallow! Dates, Currants. Almond Icing . Icing Sugar ..... 3 er for 23c. New Bordeau Walnuts and Almonds, shelled, ., .. 3% 1b 23c. Pecan Nuts, shelled . ' Quality Mince Meat . McLaren's Peanut Butter, 13 oz. glass pail FRUITS * Lemons, Seedless Oranges and Grapefruit, , Cranberries, Home-grown Ripe Tomatoes. . CHEESE Package Cheese--Nucraft, Chateau, Valveeta," McLaren's, Canadian Cheése--New and Old. . TEA Flowerdale Orange Pekoe Tea is a registéted brand of blended tea in bulk of high quality. Try it. MIXED NUTS and a good variety of CHRISTMAS CANDY Willard & Co., Port Perry Phone 46 r 2 CAWKER BROS. New Juic; Emperor Shing roguired froma ? mark DE LOOK! We have 'a large sssoftmient of 'articles suitable for - Call MORLEY MOASE, Phone 148, Port Perry, . "PORT PERRY DOMINION STORE | Doing Busines at the Old Stand When you need shoes repaired, or new shoes made to order, we want you to always think of the old stand. We Susraniée the best of workmanship. : George W. Stephens: Successor to John Doubt -found please return to Star Office. Give service and quality. i in every| DRESSMAKING > and MILLINERY Made-to-order, or Re-modelled Your patronage appreciated. MISS K. HARRISON (Rooms over the Royal Bank) ----------e---------- ONTARIO LADIES COLLEGE, WHITBY offers Night Classes in Commercial Art and other subjects. , Second term now beginning. ~ For information, apply to the Registrar. 2 " SANTA CLAUS December 17 Lt lB rei, GENERAL STORE BUSINESS FOR SALE AT NESTLETON STATION - Apply to P. C. Edgerton. rr Mii - Brown Kid Lon flint b¢ LOST : " Yellow dog, part terrier and co answers to the name.of Toby. Find- er please notify D., J. McTaggart, R. R. % Buskeran, Ont.

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