Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 1 Dec 1932, p. 7

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: po 'Well. Consider well. your own . bout the faults . my luck, he's married." prs or look at other women. But, woman will stay married a There's something good, | oble, about anyone who does his s and you will have less to say of others. \ S | -- Get It Done it fsn't the job we intended to do, Or the labor we've just begun, . That puts us right on the balance , sheet, "It's the work we have really done, Dur credit 1s built upon things we do, Our debit on things we shirk, Fhe man who totals the biggest plus Is the man who completes his work. Bood intentions do not pay our bills, ~ It's 'easy enough to plan, Po wish is the play of an office boy, To do is the work of a man. When a man buys a round trip ficket he thinks he's covered all the axpense of the trip, but he forgets that As wife will have to buy a trunkful of teow clothes. Sandy--'How much to the station?" - Taxi Driver--'Fifty cents, sir." Bandy -- "Does that include the sharge for my bags?" . Taxi Driver--"I'll take those for ~ nothing." Sandy--"Excellent. Then Tl] walk." . "Everybody has more or less trou- ble." "Yes" answered the observant wo- man, "If a man can't find anything else to worry him, he goes to a ball game and gets highl, indignant at the Evelyn--"Oh, Jack's so wonderful-- he's generous, polite, self-sacrificing, modest, religious and extremely affec- tionate. He doesn't smoke, gamble, 'Hattie--"Don't worry, dearie; no to a freak {ike that." ' Truth im a Nutshell * The reason some folks never have any luck is because they spend too much time wishing on a load of hay, or looking at the moon over their right shoulder. Mary--*I hear you intend to teach _ After you are graduated." _ Carrie--"Yes, and I have the man already picked out.t' A wealthy society lady had just en- ~gaged a new maid and was instructing her in the duties of waiting on the table. Society Lady--"At dinner, Mary, you must remember always to serve from the left and take the plates from the right. Is that clear?" New Maid--"Yes, ma'am. the matter, thing?" Small chil, in cinema, as picture of Gandhi appears on the screen--"Oh, Mummy, what is it?" Mother--"Sh, dear." Child, #Oh, Mummy, it can talk!" a What's superstitious or some- Just the Thing A minister delivered a sermon of only ten minutes duration. At the conclusion he explained: "I regret to rm you, brethren, that this morn- lng my dog playfully ate the portion of my sermon that I have not deliver- - od. Let us pray." After the service a man who was a member of another church shook the her's hand and said: "I should to know when that dog of yours Bas pups. I'd lke one to give to our a minister." A Sori as Gandhi starts talking-- Like the horse you - lead to water, you ccn coax a man into a new suit but you cannot get him to go out in it until his fancy as well as his figure .onforms to the cut. So a de- cision just made publi: from the In- ternational Association of Clothing Designers' convention in New York seems a bad ome. It is that peg-top trousers, accentuated waists and broad shoulders must return '1 men's wear. The backward turn in styles for wo- 'men has so widely revived recollection of the Gibson girl that an attempt to revive the Gibson man might Le thought = order. But men feel funny that way. And if their tendency to cling to last year's fedora extends to other sections of the wardrobe, the clothing designers will have to employ some subtle designs to put over their latest idea of reform. It might be argued, of course, that the pegtop trouser was popular for a number of years at Oxford and Cam- bridge. It might be pointed out that it doesn't really matter whether the superfluity in a pair of trousers is at the top or bottom, and that a genera- Well Children "Occasionally I give each of my five children BABY'S OWN TABLETS-- I am sure that is why they never have any serious illness", writes Mrs. George Morley, Yarker, Ont. This sound ad- vice is passed on to all Mothers, BApPS OWN TABLETS Sa be given complete safety to youngest and most delicate ie analyst's statement in each 25¢ . Recom- by mothers for teething troubles, simple fevers, colic, digestive disorders, constipation, fretfulness. Easy to take as candy. 245 Dr. Willams" BABY'S OWN TABLETS tion that has learned to steer a clear course through society in bell-bottoms should be able to sail alogg in peg: tops without having to take a reef in them except in a heavy wind. As for the broad shoulders and accentuated walsts--the arguments will have to fit the occasion and no less the individ. ual. The success or failure of the cloth- ing designers to impose their will on the sterner sex must be left for future historians to discuss. The significance of their move, however, already is the basis of much philosophical comment. Does it portend a return to the good old peg-top ideas of yesterday? Are we about to adventure in the content: ment of a simpler era? Only one thing is sure: Whoever habitually scoffs at his wife's submission to fas- hion's decrees will have to conceal his admiration for his neighbor's new broad shoulders--when, as and if pad- ded--and will do well to keép forever out of peg-tops -- if he can.--The Christian Science Monitor re ete - Behind All Beauty I cannot love the woods now, All dim and fragrant where The pines have dropped needles; For once I wandered there And saw a baby rabbit Held crying in a snare! their I cannot love the sea now, However fair it be! I heard a sailor's mother se Counting her graves at sea, With fingers worn and wrinkled, She counted three times three! And so, because of pity, Behind the wind and rain, Behind the year's first roses, Behind the ripening grain, I know that past all beauty There lies unvisioned pain! ~~Patricia Mann in The Australasian. 38--At this place 39--Hawalian wreath 41--To carry Couldn't Walk a Step Credit Given Dr. Williams' Pink Pills For Ending Severe Attack of Rheumatism "My father, a man poetry Rheumatism | past middle lile, was Never + | suddenly stricken with rheumatism in Returned the knees," writes Mrs. James Mitchell, St. Catharines, Ont. "Seo severe was the attack that he was unable to take one step without assistance.- We con- cluded that the trouble ./as constitu- tional, so we procured a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A decided im- provement was noticed, and when three boxes had been taken the trouble had completely disappeared. He never had the slightest return of the rheu- matism." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have proved wonderfully effective '1 numerous cases similiar to this one. When the blood stream becomes thinned, rheu- matism attacks the system, Dr. Wil llams' Pink Pills actually create an with alittle KEEPIN @ Indulgence in rich foods, tobacco, or anything elo that piles up acid in the system should be offet neutralizes the acidity and you feel fine. Plenty of - i] Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. This and Skimming the plain and clearing the abund of new -1 blood cells, which enrich the blood stream ani re- vitalize the entire system. They're highly recommended for ALL run- down or nervous conditions. They are a great help to growing girls, Get the Pills at your Druggist's. 60c¢ package, I Ask I do not ask for life's most costly things, Nor scramble for the jewels fortune brings, Nor yearn for painted hours of fitful glee, Nor yet for fame far-flung from sea to sea; I only ask for mine a blue-gold day, The dear enchantment of a woodland way, My own a kingdom fair and azure- rimmed, A day with autumn magic over: brimmed, And just we two--my high-bred horse I hedges high, Within our veins an exultation rare, A wild exuberance beyond compare; 0, Destiny, one promise I would ask, When all is done, each homely earthly task, When I tread in lone years the sunset trail, With weary, earth-worn feet, and eyes that fail, In heaven's vastness may I find a stall, And know my comrade, dear, awaits my call, ~--@Gertrude E. Forth, in Our Dumb _ Animals. Ba SARA Queer Taste The big-game hunter had just re- turned from an expedition and was telling a crowd of admiring friends and relatives his thrilling experiences. After a few stories of encounters with lions and elephants, he said: "Just be- fore leaving I had the good fortune to » Horizontal 42--Stupid person 13--Mechanical "man" 1--Swift 43-- es 16--Anger 6--Tapestry 45--Negative prefix 19--Offers 11--Distant 46--Prono..a 21--Prudence 12--"Fan" 47--Requital 23--To lift 14--Aloft _ 49--Slang: to defeat 25--Confidence 15--Hero 650--Ruling 27--To soak 17--Negative 52--Robber 29--Tool 18--Hard shell fruit b4-->-Cupola 32--Seat of office 20--Stalled in mud 56--Concluded 33--Ceased 21--Spider _ Vertical 34--Falls as hail and 22--Roman road 1--Estimation rain 24--Number 2--Part of "to be" 356--To sift - 26--Tropical plant 3--Seed container 36--Fed with fuel 26--Trees 4--Entry 37--Purport 28--Jab 6--Releases ; 40--Spike of grain 30--Hazard 6--Silvery ®" 43--Moon (variant) 31--Away 7--Cross 44--Anon 32--Ridges " 8--Land measure 47--Jewel 36--To oppose 9--By 48--To bow 10--Spanish titles 11--Pertaining to Norse Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur- uished With Every Pattern, 61--To leave 53--Symbol of tellurium For Fall Wear By HELEN WILLIAMS, A fascinating little dress is this and one which has many modish points and slimming qualities into the bargain. It has lighter plain trims which is so attractive against a ark ground. Such materials as thin woolen mix- tures, crepe satin and rough crepe silks, ete,, are stunning for fall wear. Style No. 8069 is designed for sizes IN TEARS WITH PAIN OF RHEUMATISM "For six weeks," a woman writes, " had rheumatism, mostly in my feet and wrists. In fact, I have been in tears with the pain, Owing to stomach trouble, I could not take any kind of medicine, as it made me feel sick. So a lady sald I should try Kruschen Salts, I am very thankful that I did 80, for now I feel completely restored. 1 have not been taking anything else, 80 it must be: that has Te leved mer--Mrs, C. The six mineral salts of Kruschen have a direct effect upon the whole bloodstream, neutralizing uric acid, \patterne as you want. Enclose 15¢ in "Red Label, 25¢ Orange Pekoe, 38c¢. 1b. ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S PUZZLE 16, 18 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 36 requires 3% yards of 30-. irch material with 8 yard of 35-inch contrasting. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelside St., Toronto. ens mens ETERNITY We exist in eternity. Dissolve the body and the night Is gone; the stars are extinguished and we mea- sure duration by the number of our thoughts, the activity of reason, the discovery of truths, the acquirement of virtue, the approach of God.----Mary Emerson, --p-- Pre-war Stuff "We better make a front-page story of this wedding," remarked the editor. "Why ?" asked the society reporter in surprise. "They aren't very pro- minent people." "That may be," he replied, "but this is the first account of a wedding you have turned in for ages that hasn't had as a last line, 'They will reside with the bride's parents'. D* PLUMB'S The name is stamped on the stem--and the word, "PLUMB" isimpressed in white on the mouthpiece. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS $100 Avwidevariety of models to choose from. Model No. 168F 1 Trade enquiries fo: RUBINOVICH & HASKELL LIMITED 440 McGill St. Montreal Que. live ir2 smaller SAFE SCIENTIFIC ale i Classified Advertising N OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wanted Inventions and 'ull nformation sent free. The Ramsa; Com. n any, World Patent Attorneys. 27 Street. Ottawa, a. ULLETS. YEARLING HENS AND cockerel Barred Rocks, White we Wyandottes and Leghorns, J. G. Tweddle, Fergus, Ont. MOTORS FOI SALE. H.P. MOTORS, 5 OR 60 CYCLE, Ya $7.50, p .60, guaranteed, 181 King Street East, Toronto. oe i BLISS I think there can be few, who more truly feel than I, that this Is a world of bliss, of beauty; that is, are the shadows that are only the conditions of life in the picture.-- George Eliot. Earn $5.00 to $10.00 Daily | Earn part time, while learning fol- lowing Lig pay trades: Garage work, welding, barbering, hair dressing, Positions open, Informa:ilon free. Employment service from Coast to Coast. Apply Dominion Schools, Head Office, 79 Queen W, Toronto, Reduce Fat Safely Here is the fat reducing news for which you have waited. Ch . une plece of LACEY'S MEDICATED RE- DUCING GUM after each meal and lose pound after pound ¢' unsightly fat. 'The safest, most convenient method you have ever heard of. Ime ported from England. Succeeds where all other methods have failed. Thou- sands have benefitted. Mrs. G. of To- ronto writes: " shall continue to take Lacey's regularly « . it ha» rid me of 151 Ibs. excess fat in three weeks and improved my health," LACEY'S does not contain Thyroid or other harmful drugs and is not habit~ forming. It is a combination of rec- og! anti-fat {ingredients in a pleasant owing I m form---AP- VED 1 which is the: cause of rheu- ¥ , Thiey also Festore tho elimi | and doparenkent stores-oniy "ts for a proper working order, | | TU our desler 1 LACEY'S RE- t to . (Mailed postpaid.) ' RE-TINNING Milk Cans, 1ce Cream Packers, Cheese Hoops. Your old cans made like new for less than half cost of new. Pas teurizers retinned at your own plant, Toronto Cadmium P'ating .; Tinning 40. Xu 190 Edwin Avenue, - Toronto The Soap That's Known and Sold The World Around Cuticura Nothing Better for Daily Use Price 25c. ICRC Ta i SCOTT'S - EMULSION of Norwegian ; Ld IEE Tt Easy. to Digest' SOURED ON THE WORLD?--THAT'S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile Be) --No Calomel necessary Many people who feel sour, sluggish and generally wretched make the mistake of taking salts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing gum, or roughage which only move the bowels and ignore the liver. What you need is to wake up your liver bile. Start your liver pouring the daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Get your stomach and intestines working as they should, once more. Carter's Little Liver Pills will soon fix you up, Purely vegetable. Safe, Sure. Quick. Ask for them by name. Refuse substitutes, 250. at all druggists. 51 at COUGHS Take half a teaspoonful of Minard's in molasses. Heat Minard's, inhale it. Also rub it well into your chest. You'll get relief | 32 DEEL "KG OF Pu 3 ATI: BACKACHE Take Lydia E. Pinkham's : Vegetable Compound 11 your backache is the result of & oP 6 For sixty backaches and doo did i is TNR py Epler PEF Tovey 100 3 who i 25c. ib. Gi

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