Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 1 Dec 1932, p. 4

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Local Items _ COMING--F. E. Luke, Eyesight Specialist, at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry, Thursday, Dec. 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reesor, of Markham, were week-end guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Reesor. Miss Grace Cawker, of Hampton, was at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cawker for the week- end. z Miss Irva Nott, of Mount Albert, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nott. Mr. Forbes Nasmith, of Toronto, was in town on Friday, and attended the LO.O.F. Dance. Miss Isobel Cawker, of Blackstock, was at home over the week-end. Miss Mary Dearborne, Miss Mild- red Morris, Miss Emily Watson, Mrs. Goodwin, Mr. E. Watson and Mr. Archie Britton, of Oshawa Centre St. United Church choir attended the Cantata, which was presented by the United Church choir on Monday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Davey, of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived on Monday, to make an extended visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Goode. Mr. Harley Balfour and friends of Uxbridge, attended the Oddfellow's Dance on Friday evening of last week. 4 Dr. R. B. E. Wilson, of Uxbridge, is closing his office in Port Perry during the winter months so that he may de- vote his whole time to the organiza- tion of a completely equipped X-Ray and Ultra-Violet Ray Department and emergency operating room with which he is equipping his Uxbridge Offices. Mr. and Mrs. G. Reesor, and son Alec, of North Markham, were visit- ing relatives in town, on Monday. The Young Woman's Auxiliary of St. John's Presbyterian Church will hold their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 6th, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Robt. Jenkins, Would like all members, if possible, to attend this meeting. el Peer HAD NARROW ESCAPE While shovelling snow one day last week, Mr. W. T. Rodman had a very narrow escape from being seriously hurt. A piece of ice fell from the roof of his residence and struck Mr. Rodman on the back, injuring him so badly he has been confined to bed. We are glad to learn that Mr. Rod- man is somewhat improved, and we hope she will soon be out again. etl NIP Pree. L O. D. E. MEETING The regular meeting of Scugog Chapter of the L O. D. E., will be held on the afternoon of Monday, Dec, 5th, at three o'clock. The meeting will take the form of a silver tea. Dona- tions of groceries and articles suilable for Christmas baskets for children will be very gratefully received from members and interested persons. © enter MRS. RICHARD HARPER DIES Mrs. Richard Harper's death came suddenly at the residence of her son- in-law, W. F. Wier, Brooklin, on Mon- day Nov. 21st. She had not been ill at all, but slept away peacefully. She had formerly resided in Reach Tp., on her farm between Manchester and | Port Perry. After the sudden death of her husband in 1882, she and her daughters managed to carry on in a splendid manner for over thirty years. After living in Brooklin for sixteen years she passed on to her reward at the ripe age of ninety-four years. WARRINER LODGE NO. 75, LO.O.F. We have our Christmas Cards now on display at the follow- ing prices for the balance of Nove: Reg. 156. Cards at $1.60 doz. Reg. 10c. cards at $1.10 doz. Reg. 5c. cards at 55c. dozen. Box Assortments. 12 cards to box, ..21c. a box. 12 cards to box ..25¢c. a box. 16 cards to box ..69¢c. a box. Extra special value FOR OPTICAL REPAIRS For Optical Repairs and lens replacement, see us. . Our Prices are right in accord with times I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist PORT PERRY, ONT. Watch for Santa Claus announcement ------ ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH" Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Myrtle Station Service next Sunday at 3 p. m., Sun- day School at the usual hour of 1.46. Next Monday evening is the time we are all looking forward to, when the Howard Park Ave. Choir will be well represented here with other friends, who are giving us a real con- cert, We hope to see a good crowd. Mrs. Chas. Pilkey entertained the Trail Rangers to a weiner roast. Did they have a good time just ask the boys. Mr. and Mrs. T. R.-Price, were visit- ors to Cobourg over the week-end. , Mr. Frank Harrison attended the 116th Battalion Banquet in Toronto, last Saturday. Mr. 0. Downey made a business trip to Toronto, on Mopday. The Young People's Society met on Monday evening with an attendance of 18." Miss Reva Cooper took charge of the meeting, Mr. Totten gave a de- votional topic. Mr. Moyer gave a very interesting talk on "How Ottawa became the Capital". Miss Ruby Cook gave a Piano Solo, after the closing of the meeting an enjoyable period was spent in games. Mr. and Mrs. Pilkey and Mrs, Jas. Cooper motored to Toronto, on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Houstan, of Tor- onto, also Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Beacock, were Sunday guests of Col. and Jobb, of Oshawa. Mrs. McMillan and daughters, Dorothy and Violet and their friend, Miss Servis, of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Pilkey. The new grinder is now in working order at the Eleyater, Grinding is being done at reduced rates, in ton lots, Mrs. Robt, Chisholm, spent Tuesday in Toronto. The W. M. S. meeting was held at the Parsonage, last week, with a good attendance. The President, Mrs. Totton was in charge, and a good meeting was en- Joyed. lf Ml A MBit me THE CANTATA Monday evening was most enjoy- ably spent by those who attended the presentation of the Cantata--"Light of Life" in the United Church. This delightful selection was given by the United Church choir, and was a credit to the leader, Mr, V, P. Stouffer, and to the choir members, who have prac- tised most industriously to give that fine rendition of the Cantata, The choruses were particularly fine, hav- ing volume, expression, and time well balanced and in harmony with the hopeful character of the selection. The solos, quartettes, etc., were all taken by members of the choir, who gave a most creditable performance. A particularly pleasing number was the men's chorus. Preceding the Cantata, the string quartette--Mr. V. P, Stouffer, first violin; Mr. Bruce Snelgrove, second violin; Miss Mary Stone, 'cello; and Mr. Alfred Andrus, bass,--gave two beautiful selections which received] most hearty applause. Miss Helen Mellow, ATOM, was were in the village Saturday up their home for the winter. Miss, Holman has improved her property very much by building a double garage and by taking the old blacksmith shop. Mrs. Walter Webb and baby, of Norwood have been visiting Mrs. Webb's parents Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hunter. Rev. Colin Young a returned mis- sionary will assist Mr. Richards with the missionary service next Sunday. Rev. R. T. and Mrs. Richads en- tertained the Prince Albert Women's Assocation at the parsonage, Port Perry, on Wednesday. The young people are enjoying skating on the Duck Pond and hockey is again in full swing the very severe weather making the skating safe. tA Mri FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF PORT PERRY RINK COMPANY For year ending August 31st, 1932 . Receipts Bal. on hand, Aug. 81st, 1981, $114.07 Skating ..........0 Crary eis 120.36 Season Tickets .. 0. H. A. Hockey ... Amusement Tax Rural and H. 8. Baskey EC Rent for Booth . «9.00 Corp, grant... 5, iy 178.00 $1064.92 Expenditure Wakes ..0 7 veeeresss. $283.46 Corp. Tax, Water, Light .... 178.48 License, Filing Fees, ete. .... 8.00 Corp. Tax Act .....ccouviove 10007 0. H. A, Hockey Club | . 219.14 H. 8. Hockey Club , 28.00 Rural Hockey Clubs ... 45.00 Printing, Office Exp. .. 4.36 Exp. and repairs ....... 56.32 Interest... 5. vee oitsvnus 14.00 Fuel |... con, Ave wie naires 28.83 Insurance '....... oveieieed . 125.00 Bal. on'hand ................ 114.18 $1064.92 BAL. SHEET AS AT AUG. 81, 1982 Assets Charter. usvessns son is eee$:125.00 Land and Improvements . 879.20 Building: /,...veiviaiesn . 9832.51 TS. | Equipment "..,. hi 203.70 Cash in bank ............ «11413 $11,154.54 Liabilities ~ Cap. Stock ,......v. Pa $6952.00 Mortgage .........:s vonnes 200.00 Miss Dorothy Medd visiting im Tor onto for a few days. Mrs. Henry Skerratt and baby visit- ing her mother in Port Perry. Keep in mind the United Church Sunday School Christmas emtertain- PORT PERRY DOMINION ~ STORE'S GREAT ment, on Monday evening, December AL ; : : 19th, ! Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harper. : Mr. and Mrs. 3500 ape Simpson and] a Mildred, with Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Bent- ley on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Carson Watson, with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Geer. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor are mov- ing to Mr. Jos. Wilson's house on the seventh. The Ladies Aid of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. Frank Hortop, on Wednesday of this week, Mrs: Bigar Heron, of Ashburs spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Reynolds. Mrs, Jas. Swan and Mrs. Wm. Bell, in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. Jas. Resebrough had a very successful sale last week. The young folks have been having] a very enjoyable time skating om Myr. Leader's pond. etl AIP Ge SONS OF ENGLAND MEETING The annual election of officers of Old England Lodge, Sons of England, will be held on Tuesday might, Dec. 6. All members are urged to be present. nn et AAI AI ire. A meeting is called regarding hockey for the coming seasom, to be held in the Town Hall, on Thursday, December 1st, at 8 pm. All those interested are urged to be present. STILL IN FULL SWING It's quite a treat to hear of the satis- Suction ods guads ase giving both na regards quality price. ut sure there are those who have not Slo advantage of our Sale, we would like to impress on ; our lines are getting broken in sizes, so advise-- EARLY SHOPPING REMEMBER: This is a Sale-to the bare walls. | Santa Claus has written to Reeve Somerville that he will visit Port Perry soon. Date announced later. Watch our one day sale on Ladies coats and day, December 3rd. Three dozen 12.95 {i 98, and bo styles. Regular $ or $4.98, an Ladies dresses also below manufacturing price. Come all and for yourself. It will pay you to come. I -- PORT PERRY DOMINION STORE ° Alix. Gilboord, Proprietor : on | Willard's Store News Christmas hel Shao et aaa the to prepare this big event, and we can be of assistance that prove again it pays to buy from us. : ANT MINCE MEAT. pind saannssna. 200s. for APRICOTS, choice ............0ccceuueua...per ib. ee, Amnalan) sveesa..2 bs. for FERRERRERES hone 148, Port Perry, dresses, on Satur-{ ladies coats with fur collars Doi Business at cing Be Stand George W. Stephens Successor to John Doubt FOR SALE i wo. 2am. lambg---one pure. bred Suffolk; one grade Leicester. - Apply {0 Wes. Crosier, Seagrave, --_------ eer. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1982. For pa to Harris & Harris, Port Perry, Ont. = 2 dec 1

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