Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 24 Nov 1932, p. 8

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COMING See F. E. Luke, 167 Yonge St., Toronto's Eyesight Specialist, at Lawrence's drug store, Port Perry, on Thursday, December 2 Sf 16th. "Pric ti the - Theropy and special attention given|] , a hm e to foot' troubles and resultant ail- 2 ments. F. BE. LUKE & SON, Consultation and examination free. Hours 9 to 11 am. on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto. (Up-stairs, opposite Simpsons) For Counter Check -- -- 'CONTRACTING AND BUILDING . L. A. KOCH Books of all Kinds Res. 2nd house east side Bigelow St. Port Perry. -- SEE THE -- ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS ; . . Estimates gi Over 20 ' tenes "| Port Perry Star Nov. 10 PHONE 50 Sunday School at the Centre will be- gin next Sunday in the afternoon at 1.80 o'clock. The Head folk are also holding their Sunday School in the afternoon with service afterward. The Lake Scugog Girls' Institute are holding a meeting on Saturday, December 3rd. < cently. ' Mr. Hubert Long sails on the "Montrose" instead of "Ausonia." Miss M. Sweetman, of Toronto, was a recent visitor with her parents, Mr, Murray McLaren attended the funeral of his friend Mr. Ralph Irwin, at Whitby, last Thursday. Mr. Irwin died in Toronto Hospital being ill just a few days with pneumonia. He will be missed very much by his parents, Rev. A. M. and Mrs. Irwin, and 6 brothers. Rev. Mr. Irwin lived on the Island at one time with his parents. The The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest. We Solvay Coke and Body Hardwood We have a supply of Solvay Coke on hand, and a car of choice 1009 Maple Body Hardwood. Let us supply your need in fuel this season. m---- Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 Day or Night Port Perry Some Specials TWO FOR ONE--A box of Symphonic Bouquet Powder and Armand's Foundation Creme which retains the powder and refines and softens the skin, for 50c. Regular price 75c¢. COMBINATION DEAL--Two packages of Kotex and one of Kleenex for 79¢c. Regular value $1.15. ABBEY'S SALT--Just a few of the $1.00 and 85c. bottles left. Both for 89¢. while they last. DR. WEST'S TOOTH PASTE---Two packages of Tooth Paste and one Dr. West Tooth Brush for 73c. Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry Phone 16 Ontario 'A FULL LINE OF FUEL ALWAYS ON HAND 'When you are in need of Fuel of any kind, give us ' a call. We have everything on hand to meet your requirements, -- ; Famous Reading Anthracite that better Pennsylvania Hard Coal--Stove, Nut, Pea. Hamilton By-Product Coke Nut and Range Sizes. Welsh Coal, Scotch Coal, 'Steam Coal, Cannel Coal, Hardwood, 'Hardwood Slabs, Softwood Slabs. Cement Lime Paristone Tile Prompt and careful attention to your orders at all times PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT Phones--ffice 94W Residence 947. SEER>4 | deepest sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family. Rev. Mr. Elford and Mr. Fred Jack- son, visited the Royal Winter Fair re- scently. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Samells attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Roach, at Manchester, on Sunday last. The snow storm of last Wednesday has made the sleighing very good. And the recent frosts" have frozen over Lake Scugog. This is the earliest freeze-up we have had for a number of years, The pupils attending school here some years ago when Mr. Archie Ewers taught, will he glad to hear that he has been appointed Inspector at Fort Frances. Miss F. Elford is teaching at one of the schools in his Inspectorate. Mr. Milton Demara, Mr. Luzerne Sweetman, Mr. Walter Hood and Mr. Fred Jackson, attended the softball league banquet at Whitby United Church last Thursday evening, which was presided over by the President, Mr. Harold Pascoe, of Thornton's Corners. Mr. Mac. Soanes, of Osh- awa, was the speaker, and he advised every boy to make 'an effort to be clean and fair at work or at play. The supper was served by the ladies of the church and was much enjoyed by the boys. Miss Helen Carter is spending a few days judging at the. Royal Winter Fair, and enjoying the free trip which she won judging at Uxbridge in June. Mr. Arthur Sweetman and son Amasa have gone north deer hunting. We wish them success. Miss Marjorie Milner is spending the winter in Toronto. Mr, Milton Demera visited on Sun- day with his friend Clarence Carter. Mr. Hutchison, of Whitby, was in- specting the school on the Island, on Monday. . Following is a list of the prize win- ners for the Scugog Girls' Garden and Canning Club, for 1932: 1 Helen Carter, 87.3, 2 Jean Hood, 82.4 «vi evesvre 4.50 3 Aileen Sweetman, 82.2 4.00 4 Margaret Black; 80.6 5 Jean Black, 8.4 i. 1rrs0e0 2 6 Edna Clark, 69.2 ...,.... ie 7 Ivah Milner, 69.0 8 Zella Hope, 67.8 9 Grace Bowman, 59.1 10 Leona Prentice, 57.0 11 Doreen Dawson, 55.6 12 Irene Heayn, 51.56 13 Lorna Dawson, 48.0 14 Clara Hardy, 40.0 BLACKSTOCK The following announcement will be of interest to many of our readers: "Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Heaslip, of Janetville, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Blackstock, the marriage to take place qufety the latter part of November. The weekly meeting of the Young People of the United Church was held on Thursday evening of last week. 'The devotional part was in charge of TH Id is Mrs. Thomson visited in Oshawa re-| | grinding outfit in our vill property of the late Dr. Howe, owned by Mr. Albert Wright. If enterprise is a success, Mr. Read tends moving his family here: Mrs. Geo. A. Wells has returned to 'her home in Detroit after a visit with her brother at the parsonage. Mrs, (Rev.) M. Sanderson and son Roy, of Toronto, are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Swain, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Griffin and daughter Jean, visited recently with | Messrs. Jack Crawley and Ross Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stinson, Cad-| Broom were week end visitors to To- mus. ronto, and on Monday attended the Mrs, Robert Williamson, Omemee, | Royal Winter Fajr, is the guest of her sister Mrs. Jas. G. Marlow. tended the Winter lv Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy were | day, ; Roya) lie om Fr week end guests of Mr, and Mrs, N.| Mr. and Mrs, Will Ward also Mr. Mountjoy. and Mrs. Clayton, Ashton, of Oshawa, Mrs, John Hooey, Mrs, H were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Samells, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson] O. Lane, and daughter Gwen. visited with 3 friends in Peterboro. : i Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor and fam- ily, visited Mr, Taylor's sister Mrs. i UTICA Stanley Malcolm and family. One hundred farmers of Cartwright] Mr. E, Embury, of Greenbank, with Township were guests of the Bow-| Mr, E. Kendall, one day this week. manville Rotary Club at a banquet] The community was shocked to hear ¥ Mr. Ed. Whippey. and family have moved to the old homestead of the Calder fgrm, which Mrs. 'Whippey purchased a few months ago from Carnegie and Hortop, Port Perry. * " Mr. and Mrs, T. Vice, of Brooklin, were recent visitors at Mr. and Mps. Akita on Friday night last. Hon. Dr. H.| of Manchester. Mrs. Roach taught A. Bruce, Lieutenant-Governor of }school here about seven years ago, and Ontario, was unable to be present.| made many friends. - Our sympathy Two old Cartwright boys were guest-| goes out to Arnold in the loss of his speakers--Dr. 'Fred Marlow and] mother. Russell Nesbitt, K.C., both of To-| The annual Christmas entertain- ronto. Another Cartwright old boy,| ment of the United Church Sunday Geo. W. McLaughlin, of Oshawa, was | School wil be held on Monday, Dec. also a guest, 19th, in Memory Hall. Everybody Congratulations are extended tof come. Misses Olive VanCamp and Norma| The Blue Bird Club met last Wed- Hooey, on winning second and third nesday at the home of Mrs. W. Bell, prizes, respectively, in' the girls' sec-| with only nine members present, ow- tion of the Bowmanville high school] ing to the bad roads. After a splen- annual oratorical contest, held on Fri-| did tea, the meeting adjourned to day night, Nov. 18th, meet at the club 'house on the 8rd The regular monthly meeting of the | Wednesday of December. Woman's Auxiliary of St. John's{ Mrs. M, Christie entertained the Church was held at the rectory on| members of the Stephens family at Thursday evening last with a good| her home on November 12th, in honor attendance. The Bible reading was| of her father's (Mr. A. Stephens) taken by Mrs. Howard Bailey and|86th birthday. We wish Mr. Stephens prayers by the president, A business | many happy returns of the day, session followed and it was decided to] Born to Mr. and Mrs; Abrams, in pack the bale as usual. $150 was| Toronto, on November 2, a daughter. voted to the church wardens to help] Mr," Wm. Bell is visiting his mother with necessary expenditure. The] at Ayr, for a few days. . program, in charge of Mrs. A. Rahm,| Mrs. Fred Ballard spent last week was then given as follows: reading by| with Mr. and Mrs. H. Vanluven, in Mrs, W. Crawford, "The Little Mother | Toronto. of Canadian Soldiers"; a reading by| Mrs. Frank Kendall, with her par- Mrs. T. Smith, and the first chapter | ents here over the week end. of the Study Book on ¥China" hy Mrs. 3 hel T. Smith. Lunch was served by the ER dod group in charge, viz: Mesdames J. Fis John Forder, Campbell, and F. Bailey. | An impressive service was held in| We are sorry the United Church on Sunday evening | of Mrs. L. Roach, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison at- Co, held in the town hall in Blackstock,] of the sudden death of Mrs. Roach,| | MAGAZINES |Orders taken at the Siar Offices® They were eniertained by the follow-} * ing: The Union Stock Yards Co., the] Ontario Government, the Industrial ; ses 0 : and Development Council of Canadian eves where operations are performed, as in the past, it is now being proven Meat Packers, the Toronto Carpet Co., the Barrymore Co. Ltd, the|that many of these cases can be Massey-Harris Co., the Royal Winter Fair Management, and the T. Eaton Ra ---- News items that grens siide in this pat of tho. eye . Bie . conditions welfare, interest you will | conditions are on the increase and dae . 4 to our natural inclination to neglect mterest your we 'are making this more" true. Ted on, BT Arn needed, Bvertt WSs "8 welcome. | Please 8 d it" t6 G. A. SEND THE STAR TO Reld, 228 St. Toronts 3. College You can rely on prompt, efficient ser- ; 'vice at the Star Printing Office. We shall be pleased to quote prices. Anything from a visiting card to a catalog or book. The Port Perry Star would make a nice Christmas present for any of your friends who are interested in Port Perry. Price $1.50 a year. = FF

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