Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 24 Nov 1932, p. 5

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sian, ? FEW Of OF OUR SPECIALS. av ilk, Hose in. Gunmetal, Drab, Grey, and us. ilk and Wool Hose, in Gunmetal, Indo- Nightingaleshades. SPECIAL at 490. Boys 1009 all wool Sweaters, Pullover and i Qoat style, at $1.08. Several shades to choose SPECIAL at 390. id Mens 100% all wooliSweater Coats in different izes, SPECIAL $2.88. ; = RIGHT AND SAVE Santa Claus has written to Reeve Somerville that he will be in Port Perry shortly. Watch for the date of his arrival. "| Jas. McKEE & SON 0 "SPECIAL ~ PRICES MEN'S SUITS and Overcoats % EYESIGHT SPECIALIST : Author of Eyes in Modern Life Specializing exclusively in nar anomalies, eyesight and glasses. 0 estoy, 1 Thursday and Saturda, Tues] Disney Block BE pposite P.O. OSHAWA, ONT. Phone 2020 14% King Street East ~ OSHAWA ONT. Permanent Waving, $3.60 up. , Wave 50c. Marcelling, 50c. . All other lines Beauty culture including tinting by Mr. Rafferty Jeanne McCabe Chain RED & WHITE Stores. Pickles, sweel mixed & relish dish, 40 oz. 9c. en crowd the ture and increasing pressure, detects an ominous odor or a id ig and jerks it open. And de been pent-up in the hall --and the unsuspecting oP ha air is heated to 400°, 600° a of it is a. Men have 1000 Rilled of one ve or even ten stories above the actual flames--and in the most graphic instance in my experience, 13 People 'were killed in one room on the fourth floor of a tenement ouse by a fire that hadn't advanced above the first floor. Nobody who is safe behind a bedroom door should forsake that protection until he has first made certain that such a course is feasible. Put the palm of the hand on the door panel before opeuing ning the door. If the wood feels hot, it's too late. The only ce left is the window, and even if that be too high to escape from, if the door is closed behind you, you can call for help and wait there until it comes. People who do that are seldom if ever trapped on the top floor. Those who are picked up unconscious or dead near the windows are those who first opened the door and then ran to the window, leaving the door wide open behind them to the deadly wave of heat that quickly flooded the room. If the door panel doesn't feel hot, take the knob of the door in the right hand, put the palm of the left hand across the crack and higher than the head, put one foot or knee or hip against the door to facilitate closing it against any possible pressure from the other Side and stand as far to the left of the opening as possible so as to keep the face away from the first inrush of fumes or heat. For a left-handed door you merely alter the position of the body accordingly. Even if the wood is not hot, there may be heat | enough in the hall to stagger you with its first blast, or pressure enoug to push the door wide open the moment you pull it ajar. If neither of these signs je in evidence, you can trust to the hall. But shut the door behind doors and windows ; the middle third will be blistered or blackened; fire and the paint won't even be discolored. all fours. wall. "A wet cloth over the mou of the fireman in a "hot spot" is never to breath deeply, WIth the arsival of naw goods there 1516 -- Phone -- 1516 | is 8 splendid choice. Get your order in early. . thoroughly Sieaied by our New Dey Sn PING TENING = a Cleaning Process at very modera ~-- pisno actions ries SEER ER RES W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON ; Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 pm. toy nrg es Office over Nelson's Store. 4d "ORDER YOUR ~~ PERSONAL 'GREETING CHRISTMAS time trying to save personal belongings. fire than in any other activity. 3 everybody. ire x never accepts ignorance as an excuse. against itis knowledge backed by repeated drills. wet | these lessons and they are never too young to learn them. CHRISTMAS 2 ti FAIR™ DECEMBER TUESDAY 20 See Prize List next week 1 Bag Red & White Flour, T's, 1 Package Jewel Shortening, Both for 27c. SCOTCH DATE JAMS .............. 1b. 21ec. i SPECIAL ASSORTED CHOCOLATES Half pound 13c. . ORANGE PEEL ................... 1 19¢c. Keiffer QUEEN OLIVES, tall jar .............. 20c. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S MARMALADE 40 oz. jar 3lc. PEARS ROMAN MEAL ..........c.ons spe pkg. 32c. 3 ti NATIONAL CHOCOLATES, .2 1b box 59¢. ns ROMAN MEAL COOKIES .......... doz. 10c. FALCON PEAS, CORN, TOMATOES, tin 10c. for 25c¢. TODDY, ... viiiivs 14's tin 33¢c. 1's tin 53c. (With Jig-Saw Puzzle FREE) CHIPSO, large size ................ pkg. 22¢. PEARL SOAP .............. 5 bars for 19¢c. Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. 15c. RY ills A "Lawrence's Drugs Store News GOLD ME AL YELLOW LABEL COFFEE With Gold Medal Jelly Powder free, 1b 50. , BRITISH EMPIRE TEA, vei iase uIP 2760 CHEF PRUNES, medium size ........2 Ibs for 17c. FALCON PEANUT B R, pint jar 20c. Read HAWES' FLOOR WAX ........ 1 1b tin 43c. eaay SUGAR. White or yellow ....10 Ibs for 49¢. CROWN SYRUP, No. 2 tin .......... tin 16c. to Serve | MAcic BAKING POWDER (cash and carry) Eh 6 oz. tin 34c. MEALS | WRIGLEY'S GUM .............. 3 for 10c. HANDY AMMONIA ......... .... 2 for 13e. The most foolish thing people do in fires is to waste precious The only weapon Children need on Friday afternoon and evening. A number of beautiful and useful art- Children should learn "that the safest place in a smoke-filled | icles which had been prepared by the room is close to the floor, for whatever fresh air there is will be| ladies were disposed of. A hot fowl down there. If you go through a house that has had a fire which | supper was served from 5.80 to 8.00 was checked, in room after room you'll find the wood charred and blackened for a half-inch or inch around the upper third of the| consisting of the following: A song followed by a miscellaneous program "0 Canada" by the school; reading by the lower third will often show not the slightest sign of heat or| Miss Florence Mortimer; violin music Consequently, the | by Mr. Lawrence Gilson; solos by Mr. individual who is moving about in a burning building is safest on| Wilfrey Kitson; mouth organ selec- Likewise on a Stairway the safest place is close to the | tions by Mr. Collins; readings by Miss h and nose will help breathing, | Gertrude McFarland, as well as sever- if there is time to obtain one. But remember that the first rule] al interesting readings by the pupils of Fingerboard school. Miss Meta Hall spent a few days Seconds count more in a| with Mrs. Byron Osborne of Salem he place for the householder is| during the past week. out on the street--and the sooner he gets there the better for Prince Albert ZION the home of Mrs. Stanley Hall, on tendance. The meeting opened with was served by the hostesses. the singing of a hymn, followed by| prayer by Mrs. Wm. Stokes. The roll the young people of Zion and Pleasant call was given and the minutes of last, Point to a dance on Wednesday even- meeting read and adopted. As this ing which was very much enjoyed by is pi closing of the contgst, all on all. «We welcome Mr, and Mrs. Mason valopes ware dn A el and family into our community. They ive 10 the aided 3 Toine ws moved from Oshawa a short time ago money, which was won by Mrs. Wm.| ginn0n Bros, Stokes, who received a beautiful linen tablecloth. The money from each side by a small margin, with Mrs, Stanley John §loan's group third. The amount times. The three captains are to be| Thursday evening. ted on thejr excellent work. ~ Embary & Spencer SPECIALIZE IN Mrs. Francis Thomas, half-sister to | social by the two losing sides. Miss| the Misses Tewkesbury, passed away . Gertrude McFarland and Miss Ruby| at her home in Denver, Colorado, on November 11th. Mrs. Thomas visited Th » Kerr were appointed to audit the 8 visi e Women's Association ws: 4) books before the next meeting. The| here eleven years ago making her y meeting closed by the use of a hymn | sisters an extended visit. Thursday afternoon with a large at- and the benediction. A dainty lunch Born; at Toronto, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell, (nee Flossie Hill), a Mr. and Mrs. Mason entertained| baby daughter. CHRISTMAS CARDS Our new Greeting Cards are now on display. They are all of Canadian and British manufacture and are excellent value. Choose yours early while the assortment is complete Special Prices in dozen lots. be. cards, per dozen 50c. 10c. cards, per dozen $1.00 15¢. Cards, per dozen $1.45 ROLLS RAZORS and WILKINSON RAZORS We carry in stock both of these celebrated English Safety Razors, and are pleased to announce that our prices are as low as anywhere in Canada. WILKINSON RAZOR, (with two blades) ..$3. %0 ROLLS RAZOR, complete REA $6.95 DON'T FORGET YOUR VOTES IN THE DOLL CONTEST. Watch for the announcement of the arrival of Santa Claus in town. A. M. LAWRENCE ne Rexall sure Phone 49 PORT PERRY CAWKER BROS. Give service and quality in every thing required from a meat market. --FOR PROMPT DELIVERY-- Phone your orders to 29w Watch for the date of Santa Claus' visit to Port Perry. Mr. Wm. Pollard, who has made his | sopsessssssssssrssssessssassstassssssssssasesss home with Mr. and Mrs. Philp for the | § last few months, returned to Toronto | # on Saturday. H Mr. Bill Davey left some tens days H Don't worry about Baking -- The Zion young people enjoyed their ] was in excellent condition for so early in the season. Hall' ing -second, and Mrs. RS . A few from here attended the earned by the three sides amounted to | Training School held in Little Britain| ji ovaly, about $54.00; which was considered an | during the past two weeks, also the * exceptional amount. for 'such hard| banquet 'in connection with it, on ES , on . wal : cCrae PlowPolnis i on the farm formerly owned by Mc~{ ago for a visit with friends in Eng- |§ land. congratulal The Pleasant Point ladies held their the funeral of Mrs. Roach, made their The winning slg 1s 1 Do given 3 annual bazaar in Fingerboard school| home while here, with Mr. and Mrs, T. Dobson. Their many friends en- "| joyed meeting them again. New Lease of Life for Gordon forts Opel one a and 1 Gordon was he Muskoka Hos We wish to extend our sympathy to was then counted and ft was found| first skate on Friday evening on the| y/o 014 Roach, in the loss of his|§ tJ il . that Mrs. Wm. Stoke's group had won pond in Mr. Goodhand's fleld. The ice mother, and to the Prospect School on | § the loss of an excellent teacher. Mrs. |H Roach had many Prince Albert friends | § who. mourn her untimely death most |# Rev. J. and Mrs. Ireland, of Caister- | § ville, who attended and assisted at|§ CALL UP GERROW'S-- Their Business is BAKING - EX GERROW'S BAKERY Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. COAL, COKE, & WOOD WELSH AND SCOTCH COAL. We can supply you with either of these coals which in consideration of the lasting qualities, and the very low ash content, go to make this class of fuel very de- sirable and profitable to buy. BLUE COAL. The finest of all American Anthracite, which is equal in carbon to the Welsh or Scotch coal, and burns up to a very fine 'and comparatively small amoung of ash. HAMILTON STELCO BY-PRODUCT COKE is made in Hamilton, Ont., from the very best coking coals to be had; is carefully selected, properly blended and thoroughly washed and cleansed of all impurities. ALBERTA COAL is being recognized as a superior coal for open "fireplaces. We have it in large lumps. WOOD. Hard and Soft woods, Lumber and shingles. FRED E. REESOR PHONES: Office 78 W; Residence 78 J. . 3 3 ;

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