Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 17 Nov 1932, p. 8

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to foot troubles and resultant ail- ments. Consultation and examination free. Hours 9 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING L. A. KOCH Res. 2nd house east side Bigelow St. Port Perry. - ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS Estimates given. Over 20 years experience F. E LUKE & SON, » Optometrists © 163-167 Yonge St., Toronto. | (Up-stairs, opposite Simpsons ' ) For Counter Check Books of all Kinds -- SEE THE -- Port Perry Star Nov. 10 The Peoples' Meat Marke t We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phone 73 W BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest. PHONE 50 fuel this seaBon. Solvay Coke and Body Hardwood We have a supply of Solvay Coke on hand, and a car of choice 1009, Maple Body Hardwood. Let us supply your need in ------ Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 Dey or Night Port Perry . "Give my love to Rover, Gran' pa" Young Herb's happy summers on Grandpa's farm are renewed each week throughout the winter; an in- expensive luxury that all the family shares in. Herb's Dad thought of it; he knew Armand's Foundation Regular price 75c. of Kleenex for 79c. left. { "Port Perry Some Specials TWO FOR ONE--A bax of Symphonic Bouquet Powder and powder and refines and softens the skin, for 650c. COMBINATION DEAL--Two packages of Kotex and one Regular value $1.15. ABBEY'S SALT--Just a few of the $1.00 and 86c. bottles vi Both for 89c. while they last. DR. WEST'S TOOTH PASTE--Two packages of Tooth ; Paste and one Dr. West Tooth Brush for 78c. Morrison's Drug Store Phone 16 Creme which retains the Ontario siraying tiop Calls begin at 7.00 pm. Still tower night rates at 8.30 p.m. how lonely the old folks felt and how young Herb's thoughts kept So now, on Friday evenings a 30 _ cent Long Distance call makes every- : body happy. Long Distance is always quick, clear and' dependable. . and the cost is trifling. . . farmwards» It is easy to use (continued from front page) (2) Immediate action by the Fed- eral Government to effect: (a) Parity with pourid sterling. (b) A reduction in interest rates. (c) A scaling down of debts. : (d) A more liberal extension of credit; all of which will help stem the tide of liquidation, enable in- dustry to function, and raise the price level. (8) Immediate increase of the In- come Tax on large incomes to meet all unemployment relief needs. (4) Rapid and drastic reduction of all customs and excise duties and sales taxes on the necessaries of life. (6) . Immediate and drastic action to prevent over capitalization and anti-social financial jugglery. Finally we do not believe that the Canadian farmer can materially im- prove his lot by anything he can do A FULL LINE OF FUEL ALWAYS ON HAND When you are in need of Fuel of any. kind, give us a call, requirements. -- We have everything on hand to meet your + Famous Reading Anthracite that better Pennsylvania Hard Coal--Stove, Nut, Pea. *. Hamilton By-Product Coke or Welsh Coal, ' Nut and Range Sizes. Scotch Coal, Steam Coal, Cannel Coal, Hardwood, Hardwood Slabs, Cement Lime Softwood Slabs. Paristone Tile ; Prompt and careful attention to your orders at all times PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT Phones--Office 94W Residence 947. . on his own farm, unless, indeed, the return to the self-sufficing agricul ture of pioneer days may be called an improvement. Every step cal- culated to improve the farmer's lot involves collective action of some sort, co-operative effort by farmers as farmers, or, collective action by farmers as citizens. Without this there is no hope. Organization of some sort is imperative. The farmer cannot defend himself against ex- 4 ploitation without organization; he cannot take part in any worthwhile constructive effort without organ- ization; he cannot even develop a sane point of view without organi- zation. Without organization he re- mains a warring atom, a weak, ignor- ant, isolated, ineffective serf,.a vic- tim of ~his own ignorance and} 'drawer of water. Orgpiisation is prejudice, » hewer of wood apd 8 lized without organization. Nor can ameliorative or palliative measures be adopted without organization. Nothing can be done either by or for farmers without organization. Organ- ization is the prerequisite, the first step, the beginning of all else. Or- ganization is imperative. Programme of Economic and Social Reconstruction (1) The recognition of the solid- arity of mankind and the growing economic interdependence of all peoples, involving, @mong- other things: : ! & (a) The abandonment of war. (b) The removal of all trade bar- riers. (¢) International action for mon- etary stability. (2) The reorganization of industry|--- and commerce along co-operative lines, involving, among other things: (a) The development of consum- ers' co-operation, including the retail and wholesale distribution, and event ually the manufacture, of the neces- saries of life. = (b) The development of labor co- partnership associations, and of "Producers Co-operation" including the assembling, grading, processing, and bulk sale of primary products. (c) Effective co-ordination of con- sumer's and producer's co-operative, 80 as to eliminate all waste, and se- cure and maintain equity/as between producer and consumer. (d) The development of co-opera- tive banking and credit institutions. 8. The abolition of all forms of shifting of the incidénce of taxation from Industry to Privilege, so as to secure-- 3% (a) The natural relief of unemploy- imperative; and at no time in the applying to Mr. E. Philp, Prince Al- bert. { or. and Mus. Clark, last Tuesday, 'was prepared by ofr Committee of special privilege: and to that end the| 'ment through the stimulation of in-| 8 utes smalls, by teliovite: of] Mr. McKay's home to Mr, store, where there 'is a pay phone. The marriage of Miss Eva A. Craig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy of Seattle, Washington State, to Mr. William Daupe, Ilebaco, Nashinighan, takes place November 24th, 1082, in Daupe resided in Prince Albert, living at the home of Mr. W. J. Martyn, for five years. During that time he made many friends and they all join in wishing Mr. Daupe much joy and hap- piness. On Sunday Evening after the | Thanksgiving Services, the caretaker | found an automobile key in the church. The owner can have same by SCUGOG The Women's Association held their November meeting: at the home. of the 8th, with a good attendance 56. The meeting opened in the us way by our President, Mrs. G. Sweet- man. A very interesting program Mrs, Geo. Hood, and Mrs. G. Samells. A duet was sung by Mrs. Tetlow and Mrs, O. Jeffrey, "A Tender Invitation" with Mrs. Geo. Samells at the organ. The life of David Livingstone was read by Mrs. Geo. Hood, with a few others reading some of his impressive thoughts. ~~ Then Mrs. J. Joblin ex- plained his thoughts more fully. Dr. Livingstone 'was one of our great men, Mrs. R. Reader gave a reading about a child's faith, Mrs, J. Demera read- ing the Scripture lesson and the bene- diction. Then came the call for sup- per of all the good things and a social time was spent by all. The supper was in charge of Mrs, N. Crozier, Mrs. "H. Williams, Mrs, E. Ploughman, Mrs. 'Beacock and Mrs. F. Clark. The child- ren enjoyed our gathering as well as the older ones. Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham, Dorothy. and Vernon, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Sweetman. The November meeting of the Lake| yey Scugog Girls' Institute, was held last 'an attendance of twenty-six. . The meeting opened with the Ode followed by the roll call which was responded tions. The motto:"I shall pass through this world but once, any good thing therefore I can do, or any kindness I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer it, or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again", was given by Miss Helen Carter, Miss Eadie then gave an in- Seattle. Until a few years ago Mr.| sary of Mr. and Mrs, P. Eyden, at the). who did a great work for mankind.|' Saturday at the Township Hall with|® to by reading, singing and demonstra- : spiring address on "Health Habits." home of their niece Mrs, E. Fines. They. were presented with a lovely dinner set of dishes, a box of silver- spent by all. Their Scugog 'friends take this opportunity in: wishing them many Happy returns of the day. The fall wheat is looking good and is getting a good root. _ Mr. Orville Ashtoh and lady friend Miss M. Dalton, of Enniskillen, were Sunday guests of their friends Mr. and Mrs. O. Jeffrey. The dates have been -set for the Christmas ' Tree Entertainmdnts on Scugog. The first one is at the on December 21st, the Head will hol one on fl win be on December 28rd. keep these dates in. mind. i Mr. Ray Milner and Mr.. Anson Ger- row spent an enjoyable day on Wed- nesday at the Royal Winter Fair, as guests of the Department of Agri- culture. : Quite a number attended the ser- vices at Prince Albert on Sunday evening and enjoyed the Young Men's Bible Class from Uxbridge. Myrtle Station pm. Sunday School at 1.46.p.m. Prospect last Sunday. Ronald and Olive, of Peterboro, also ronto, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beacock. 25nd, and the Centre] Please Church service next Sunday at 8 A good number of our citizens at- tended the anniversary services at Mrs. Roy Spencer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Houston, of To- Mrs. David on 'and Mrs. Ally visting with fends J Mrs. Ernest Wright, of ed her. sister Mrs. Howard Hall, re- cently. 0: i Mr. and Mrs, Richard Moass; of To- 'ronto, attended the fowl supper here on Friday night. : Miss Kathléen Duwaoii of Soars, visited her cousin Miss Ida McTaggart during the past week. © The hot fowl supper, which was x held on Friday night was a decided i) success, in spite of the weather. 'Sup per commenced about 5.30 'and was served until the comriiencement of the play. The Sonya Dramatie Club pre-. ~ sented their play "The Liar" to a full church. Singing was pro- present from Toronto, Oakwood, Dunsford, Little Britain, Valentia, Seagrave, and other neighbouring 'points. © 5 mye Zibn people are very soy lose Mr. Sud Mes. Wo. Colwell and. for their new. fe: Coles near Sonya. Miss Cora King, Millersmith, spent ¢ the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Duke King. IN THE MATTER OF THE EST. OF THOMAS BARRETT ~ All persons having claims or ae- counts against Thomas Barrett, of the Village of Manchester, are hereby notified to file the same with the un- "dersigned on or before the 15th day of December, 1982. Any person giving credit or dealing with the said Thomas Barrett or per- sons purporting to act for him, should first communicate with the under: signed. Debts incurred in his name without the authority of the commit : also] tee will not be recognized. Dated at Port Pury hin 1600 dy of November, 1982. HARRIS & HARRIS, Solicitors for Aletha 'Barrett, Gladys Archer, Winnie McGill, committee o the Estate of Thomas Barrett. vided between acts. Visitors were'

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