Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 20 Oct 1932, p. 4

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Public, joke = Real Estate Money to Loan Ofiice first door east of Canadian Bank of Commerce, over the Observer Office Office Phone 98 Residence 19) Port Perry, Ontario Local ltems MR. EDWARD DUNK, ILL The friends of Mr. Ed. Dunk will regret to hear that he is seriously ill. Mrs. W. H. Harris, his sister, expects to go to Edmonton next week to visit him. Mr. Harley Balfour of the Mansion House, Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tripp and son Ralph, of Toronto, and Mrs. M. Stephenson and daughter Marion, of Scugog, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Balfour. COMING--F. E. Luke, Specialist at Lawrence's drug store, 'Lhursday, November 3rd. Mrs. Howard Johnston, of Detroit, is home visiting her father, Mr. John Bowerman. Mrs, Walter Cook has returned home from a trip to England, where she visited her sister. Mrs, Egan, Parry Sound, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wesley Elliott. Mr. and Mrs, Pyatt and family are moving to their former home on the corner of Queen and Crandell streets; and Mr. and Mrs, Gemmell will occupy the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Pyatt, on the corner of Queen and Lilla streets. Mr. Glen Owen has bought the R. G. Vansickler property on Water St., and we understand will remodel the building and make a modern dairy and dwelling, combined. JOIN HOGG & LYTLE STAFF Mr. Charlie Reesor has taken a position in the office of, the local branch of the Hogg & Lytle business. Charlie's many friends wish him success. PLANNING TO FORM A CHECKER CLUB. A meeting has been arranged for the purpose of forming a Checker Club for the winter months. This meeting will be held at 8 o'clock on Thursday evening, Oct. 20th, at the C.N.R. Station waiting room. Those interested come and bring your friends. t WILLIAM B. CRANDELL, DEAD Word has been received of the death of William B. Crandell, of 210 Port- land Ave., Rochester, N.Y. on Sept. 2nd, 1932. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, Emma, and two sons; also two daughters--Mrs. C. Christie, of Rochester, and Mrs. R. McKennie, of Brampton, Ont. He is also survived by four brothers--Charles, Rochester; Richard, of Glenna, Man.; and Edward and Frank of Calgary. His sister, Sarah, of Detroit, also survives him. A SUCCESSFUL DANCE Local Military men are pleased with the success of the dance staged by them at the Assembly Hall of the High School last Friday night. The dance was held under the auspices of the 14th Platoon, D. Company, On- tario Regiment, and arrangements were made by C.Q.M.S. Jenkins and members of the Platoon. About one hundred and fifty persons were pre- sent from Whitby, Oshawa, and Port Perry, and spent a thoroughly en- joyable evening. One cause of regret was the illness of Mrs. R .B. Smith, (wife of Col. R. B. Smith, 0.C.), which prevented her from being present. DIED BROCK--At Port Perry, on Wed- nesday, October 12th, 1932, Harry E. Brock, in his 60th year. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Alix. Gilboord and family wish to thank their many friends for their great kindness and words of sym: pathy at the time of their recent be- reayement in the death of Mrs, Gil- boord. . WARRINER LODGE NO. 75, L.O.O.F. Es =s Meets Second and Fourth Mondays of every month. The District Deputy and his In- stallation Team will visit Corinthian , Oshawa, on Thursday night, 20th, and Eastern Star Lodge, irter. on October 26th, for the pur- pose of installing their respective officers for the ensuing term. Any brother wishing to attend the above meetings will be made welcome. Eyesight | Glassware Wé€ expect to have for this week end an assert- ment of pink and topaz Glassware at exception- ally low prices. See our window display. Have you seen our guar- anteed, Ladies' and and Gents' fifteen jewel Wrist Watches at the popular price of $7.76 with metal bracelet. Always on hand to look after your optical needs. Repairs done while you wait . I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist PORT PERRY, ONT. Provincial Executive of 1.0.D.E. Meets Here. L O. D. E. CONVENTION On Thursday and Friday of this week, October 20th and 21st, the Pro- vincial Convention of the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire is being held at Lindsay. The John Peel Chapter of Uxbridge and Scugog Chapter, Port Perry, assisting the Kawartha Chapter of Lindsay. Our Regent, Mrs. W. H, Harris, is a member of the Provincial Executive and the Executive meeting took place in Port Perry on Wednesday after- noon, October 19, in the rooms of the Order. At 12.16 p.m., Oct. 19th, the Scugog members gave a luncheon at the Sebert House. After the meeting, Mrs. Ormiston, of Uxbridge, (also a member of the the Provincial Executive) served tea to the visiting ladies in the Chapter rooms at Port Perry. The ladies then proceed to Lindsay for their two day convention. The following are the names of the Provincial Executive who attended the luncheon and meeting in Port Perry: Mrs, H. S. Griffin, Hamilton; Mrs, W. Morrison, Hamilton; Mrs. W. R. Dunn, Hamilton; Mrs. W. G. Sumbers, To- ronto; Mrs. M. B. Morden, Hamilton; Mrs. Gordon Henderson, Hamilton; Mrs. J. C. Pennington, Windsor; Mrs. W. Fred Walker, Hamilton; Mrs. O. Main, Hamilton; Mrs. J. D. Detwiler, London; Mrs. O. C. Teal, Fort Erie; Mrs, W. S. Ormiston, Uxbridge; Mrs. Lionel Millen, Port Nelson; Mrs. W. B. Hill, Toronto; Mrs. Ross Beckett, Brantford; Mrs. A. L. McCulloch, Hamilton; Miss Joan Arnoldi, Toron- to; Mrs. W. H. Harris, Port Perry; Mrs. L. L. Long, Galt; Mrs. eGo. Me- Carthy, Toronto; Mis E. Raymond, Brantford; Mrs. J. E. Ruby, Smith's Falls; Mrs. D. H. Andress, Sudbury; Mrs. S. B. Clements, North Bay; Mrs. F. Hooper, Peterboro; Miss A. B. Dwyer, St. Catharines. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Robert G. Vansickler, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Robert G. Vansickler, late of the village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Liveryman, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of September A.D. 1931, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed Solicitor for the Executor, on or before the 26th day of November, A.D. 1932, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 26th day of November,. 1932, the assets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have notice. Dated at 'Port Perry this 19th day of October, 1932. JNO. W. CROZIER, Barrister, etc. Solicitor for the Executor. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister. 7 p.m.~--Evening Service. County Valuation Some curiosity has been aroused by the presence of valuators in town, who have been engaged By the local Council at the order of the Court which is hearing the bef of the Township of Reach against the equal- ized assessment of the County. When the previous equalized scale was passed by the County Council in 1926 the valuators appointed by the County made a special valuation of about 30 properties in this Munici- pality. It is now ordered that a new" valuation of these properties be made as at this date and a report of this valuation together with the 1981 Assessment of same properties be pre- pared for the use of the Court. The examination of these valua- tions and the hearing of the Court has been ordered for the following dates: Oct. 26--Reach, Mara and Thorah. Oct. 27--Brock, Scott and Rama. Oct. 28--Uxbridge Twp, Uxbridge Town, Beaverton. Oct. 29--Scugeg, Port Perry, and Cannington. Oct. 31--Pickering, Whitby Town, and Whitby Township. Nov. 1--East Whitby. * * » ORDER OF PROCEDURE IN THE MATTER OF THE ASSESSMENT ACT. And in the Matter of the Appeal of the Township of Reach from the Decision of the County Council of the County of Ontario in Regard to the Equalization of Assessment. Rules of Procedure for Hearing of the Appeal. 1. The County of Ontario shall forthwith furnish to each of the local municipalities a copy of the schedule of the Report of the valuators ap- pointed by the Council of the County of Ontario and made to the said coun- cil in June, 1926, and there shall be included in the said schedule spaces for the particulars of the assessment in 1931 and in addition thereto spaces for the value of each of the properties in said schedule in 1931. 2. Each local Municipality shall, on or before the 19th day of October, 1932, file with the Clerk of this Board, at the Registry Office, Whitby, a copy of the part of said schedule effecting such municipality completed with the assessment of the various parcels or properties shown thereon for the year 1931, and with the value of each parcel in 1931 as alleged by such municipality. 6. The assessment and values of the respective municipalities shall be considered by the Board on the days and dates set out in rule 6, subject to adjournment if necessary. All local municipalities in the County of On- tario shall have the right to be re- presented and to appear and take part in all proceedings before the court. On the day appointed for the con- sidering the assessment and valuation of a municipality, that municipality shall by its representatives appear be- fore the Court with such documentary or other evidence as it sees fit to offer to establish the values set up by it as being the value in 1931 of each parcel appearing on the valuator's schedule. Each Municipality shall be entitled to have admitted the evidence of two experts or opinion witnesses, including the evidence of the person deposing as to the correctness of the values of the various parcels on the valuator's schedule referred to in rule 2, but each municipality may present such witnesses and evidence as it sees fit as to admissible facts. When the assessments and valuations of each municipality are under consideration the representatives of the County of ; Ontario or any of the local munici- palities shall have the right to cross- examine the witnesses called by such icipality and to produce evidence PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, October 23rd, 1932, 11 a.m.--Worship Service. Subject, "Repentance." 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Evening Service withdrawn in favour of anniversary services in St. John's Presbyterian Church Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Worship Service. msemre-- NEP --t------ TAXES FOR 1932--VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY The Second Instalment of 1982 taxes is due on November 1st, and ratepayers are reminded "that 'a penalty of 1% is payable on amounts paid after that date until December Taxes may be paid at the Royal Bank] or after banking hours at the Muni- 1st, after which the penalty is 5%.| D. to rebut the evidence adduced by such municipality but shall not call more than two opinion or expert witnesses. SL a INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS AT OSHAWA BY PORT PERRY DEGREE STAFF The following Degree Staff from Warriner Lodge No. 75, LO.OF., in- cipal Office. B. 6. Nase, Re = Ha Prince Albert Miss Mary Noble of Victoria, B.C., is making her brother, Mr. George Johnston and Mrs. Johnston, a pro- longed visit. Mr. and Mrs. John Warren visited with Oshawa friends last week and Miss Spragge spent last week-end with her mother in Aurora. ' Rev. J. R. R. Cooper, Ph.D., of Col- umbus, took the service in this church last Sunday and preached a most practical and helpful sermon. A meeting is being held in the church on Wednesday evening to form a Young People's organization. Week-end and Sunday visitors were: Mrs. Roach of Manchester, with Mr. and Mrs. Warren, Mrs. W. Philp of Utica, with her father, Mr. George Bond; Miss Thompson, of Toronto, with Mrs, Greaves; Mr. and Mrs. D, McCullough and son, of Claremont, with Mr. and Mrs. Murphy; and Mr. Hector Gordon, Toronto, with his brother Mr. Chas. Gordon, also Mrs. Hector Gordon and their daughter Miss Grace Gordon and son Mr. Alec Gordon and his wife. Mrs. Bates, Miss Julia McBrien and Miss Isabel Young, motored to Ba- tavia, N.Y., a week ago Friday to visit with friends in Mrs, Bates' former home. They returned last week. tl APA VETERAN MERCHANT OF BOW- MANVILLE, CHAS. M. CAWKER, HONORED IN DEATH. (Bowmanville Statesman) Impressive services marked the last rites on Wednesday, October 6th, when the mortal remains of Charles M. Cawker, veteran butcher and busi- ness man, were laid to rest in the Bowmanville Cemetery. The funeral service was held in Trinity United Church which was very largely attended by old friends, acquaintances, and members of Jer- usalen Lodge. A special section of the church reserved for the relatives was also filled, The service was con- ducted by his pastor, Rev. E. F. Arm- strong, who was assistdd by Rev. J. U. Robins, of Listowel, a former pastor of Trinity Church. Mr. Arm- strong spoke of his long business career and paid tribute to the de- ceased as a man of sterling character, a man whose integrity was never questioned. In recognition of the fine qualities so large a congregation had gathered to pay their last respects. The funeral oration was preached by Rev, Mr. Robins who took for his text a verse from Rev. 21. Mr. Robins' message was full of comfort for the bereaved ones. He spoke, too, of the great interest Mr. Cawker had al- ways displayed in church work and which he himself had come to ap- preciate so much during the seven years he spent as pastor of Trinity Church. He felt sure that the in- fluence of his exemplary life would long be felt in his home, by his family, and in the community." The choir, un- der the direction of Mr. Francis Sut- ton, renderéd two favorite hymns of the deceased, "What a Friend we have in Jesus" and "Abide with Me." Scores of beautiful floral tributes were banked in front of the pulpit dais and the pulpit itself was draped in black for the service, Despite the fact that the weather was unfavor- able and that a cold rain fell during most of the afternoon, over one hun- dred cars followed the hearse to the cemetery for the committal service. Following the ministerial service at the graveside, the Masonic Order, of which Mr. Cawker was a faithful 'member, conducted the burial service| of the order as the body was lowered into the grave. Rt. Sp oeinial Bro. he anal Ph Poreeptor's night {| of Devitt's R.B.P. No. 398 was held on October 11th in the Orange Hall at Blackstock, with the First Perceptor Rt. Wor. Sir Kt. John H. Devitt in the chair, Wor. Sir. Kt. Jas. Byers in the Dept. Chair, Wor. Sir Kt. Stanford Swain in the Chaplain's chair, Wor. Sir Kt. Henry Thompson and Dr. John | McArthur, acting lecturers, Wor. Sir Kts. W. A. VanCamp and Herbert _Hooey, Censors. After the Perceptory was opened by these venerable Sir Kts., Rt. Wor. Sir Kt. Creighton P. Devitt, was asked to take the chair for the initiation of three candidates, Sir Kt. Williams, Sir Kt. McCulloch and Sir Kt. Northcott, into the mys- teries of the Royal Black Institution. After the initiation the Grand Master called on Most Wor. Sir Kt. H. A. Graham, of Kingston, Past Grand Master of British America and Rt. Wor. Sir Kt. J. A. Lysick of Perth, Grand Treasurer of Ontario East, to address the meeting. Both spoke at length and their addresses were great- ly appreciated by all present, after which Lodge closed and all went to the Town Hall, where a splendid ban- quet was prepared by the wives of the members of R.B.P. No. 398. After all had partaken of the good things pro- vided, the Grand Master called the gathering to order. Speeches were then made by Most Wor. Sir Kt. H. A. 1, Graham, Rt. Wor. Sir Kt. J. A, Lysick, Rt. Wor. Sir Kt. J. H. Devitt, Wor. Sir Kts. Jas. Byers, Stanford Swain, W. A. VanCamp, ' Norman Green, Henry Thompson, Dr. John A. Me- Arthur, Herbert Hooey and Frank Malliard, Wor. Per. of R.B.P. No, 261, Peterboro and a recitation by Wor. Sir Kt. Geo. Alldred, Wor. Per. of R. B.P. No. 262, Lindsay, on the Pioneers of the Township of Cartwright. Sir Kt. Gardiner, of Peterboro and Sir Kt. W. F. Ward ,of Bowmanville also spoke, after which a vote of thanks was tendered the ladies by the visitors from Peterboro and Lindsay for the splendid supper. Wor. Sir Kt. M. V. Malcolm, Wor. Per. of R.B.P. No. 398, thanked all for coming such a distance and for the part each had taken in making the evening such a success. Sir Kt. Northcott replied for the can- didates. The National Anthem then brought to a close one of the best nights in the history of R.B.P. No. 398, + Miss Mabel Whittaker has returned to Chapleau after spending her vaca- tion with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Whittaker, at the rectory. Among the Thanksgiving visitors were Mrs, Monette, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vincent, of Windsor, with Mrs. R. Mahood; Mr. and Mrs. 8. Dawson, of Windsor, with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bailey; Mr, and Mrs. Harold Werry and family, of Toronto, with Mr. Werry's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Phone 93. ou aver wi will call: ~ CHAMBERS & SON Bakers an Confectioners . ng the Old Stand 'When you need shoes repaired, or new shoes made to order, we want you to always think of the old stand. We guarantee the best of workmanship. George W. Stephens Successor to John Doubt The Creamery IS PAYING 2lc., 20c., and 17c. FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor and make more money by sending your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOCDE & SON, Proprietors. Werry; Mr, Dougal McDougal, of To- ronto, with old friends; Mr, and Mrs, Power, Lindsay, with Mr. and Mrs, C. Marlow; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Power, and Miss Smith, of Lindsay, with Mr, and Mrs. S. Swain; Mrs, John Marlow and Doris with Mr, and Mrs. Hector Forbes, Toronto; Miss Kemp of To- ronto, with Mrs. Robt. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow are en- joying a motor trip to Montreal. Mr. J. H. Devitt has returned home after a very enjoyable visit with his sister, Mrs, S, W, Ferguson, of Gory. Mrs, Dempsey, of Stratford, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs, Dr. Mec- Arthur, ; Mrs, F, Stinson and Mrs. Herbert Galbraith, attended the Rally of Osh- awa Presbyterial held in Oshawa. Mrs. J. H. Freeborn, Enniskillen, and Mrs, Lorne Griffith and Jean, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. F. Stinson. Mrs. Jas. Marlow has returned home after a visit with friends in Bowmanville. Mr, Jas, Wilson, Miss G. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Samells, Mr. H. Clark, Mr, and Mrs. H. Holmes, and Mr. and Ms. J. Holmes, were re- cent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Werry., The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of St. John's church was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Parr, on Thursday evening of last week with an attend- ance of 80 members and visitors. The meeting opened with devotional ex- ercises led by the president and as- sisted by the rector. The business session was taken up with final ar- rangements for the annual bazaar, fowl supper and concert to be held on Friday evening, Nov. 4th. The program was in charge of Miss Flor- rie Parr and consisted of a reading by Mrs. Leslie Graham, "The Cause of Depression", a reading by Mrs. H. Bailey "The Romance of Sir Isaac Brock, a reading by Mrs. W. Craw- ford, "The Gas Man's Call", and a reading from the "Living Message" by Mrs. S. McLaughlin. After a vote of thanks was tendered, Mrs. Parr and Florrie for their hospitality, the meeting closed and lunch was served by the group in charge, viz. Mrs. E. Darcy, Mrs. J. R. McLaughlin, Mrs. (Continued on Page Five) Shooting Match 1200 Ducks, Chickens and Geese Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday--Oct. 26, 27 and all 7, and 29 at one o'clock day on November 11 at the aEnnonson FARM, Brooklin, Con. 7 hitby Tp., on Highway No. 12 12 and we Guage Shotgun Ammunition--Free 22 and 25 Guage Rifle Ammunition--Free Target and Trap Shooting RE RESHMENTS ------ DR. W. 8. aa Physician and Surgeon Z Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronte. Post Graduate in Surgery of Medieal Graduates' College and Polyelinie, London, Eng. North East Londen Post Graduate College, London, Eng., Royal Infirmary, Glasgow: Coroner for County of Ontario. Office and Surgery--former residence of Dr. J. A. Mathers, Queen St, Port Perry, Phone 17 ee Meee ASSESSMENT ROLL RETURNS The Assessment Roll of the Corp- oration of 'the village of Port Perry, for 1932, upon which the taxes for 1933 shall be levied, has been returned - to me; and any appeals against assess- ments therein must be made to me in writing on or before October 15th next. A Court of Revision to hear ap- peals will be held at the Clerk's Office on October 26th, 1932; at 7.30 p.m. H. C. Nasmith, Clerk HOUSE AND Lor FOR SALE Seven roomed frame house on Bigelow St., in first class condi electric light, good well,. ete. for sacrifice sale as owner is leaving town. Apply to Harris & Christy, Port Perry. oct20 HOUSE TO LET Modern brick house with all con- veniences, corner of North and Lilla Sts. Apply to Wellington Somerville, Ashburn, or Dr. McMaster, Port Perry. x oct27 AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Roots, and Furniture, of the estate of the late F. L. Brown, of Myrtle, on Thursday, October 27th, at 11 a.m. sharp. See bills. 'WM. MAW, Auctioneer FOR SALE A number of good 12 x 12 Colony Houses, reasonable or will exchange for Barred Rock Cockerels or Pullets. R. G. Heayn, Prince Albert, Ont. rr PP Pre NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PASS A BY-LAW UNDER SECTION NO. 483 (1), THE MUNICIPAL ACT R. 8.0. 1927, CHAPTER 233. Take notice that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog, will take into consideration the passing, and, if ap- proved, will pass, at their meeting to be held on the 26th day of Novem A.D. 1982, at the hour of one in the afternoon, at the Town y the Township of Scugog, a by-law for 'stopping up and disposing of the 20 foot lane laid out on Plan No. 339, running north from Lakeside Avenue to the north limit of the plan. And also for stopping up and dis- posing of that part of Platten Avenue Tying tn dhe west of ¢ new ave tp bu Wegtod iis Sikilion Bid Counsel, . -Solichor. ur Jenks ay Dar son who claims that his lands prejudicially affected by the By-law '| and who applies to be heard. : i 3 b f

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