Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 13 Oct 1932, p. 4

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"quested to be present. A. R. Johns, Page Four JNO. W.CROZIER : Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Accountant, etc. Real Estate Money to Loan Office first door east of Canadian Bank of Commerce, over the Observer Office Office Phone 98 Residence 19) Port Perry, Ontario T ------- p = Local Items Miss Frances Christy, of Toronto, spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Christy. Mr. Clifford Vickery was calling on friends in town, on Friday. Mr. Hugh Nind, of Peterboro, and Mr. Philip Nind, of Thorold, were with their parents, Rev. T. A. and Mrs. Nind, for the week end. Miss Marjorie Real, of Toronto, was with her mother, Mrs. W. Real, on Sunday. Mr. Forbes Nasmith and friend, Mr, Geo. McMullen, of Toronto University, spent the holiday in town. Mr. and Mrs, W. Reesor and family, Mr. Dudley, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reesor and Mr, and Mrs. Percy Reesor, of Markham, were in town on Sunday. Miss Grace McMillan and Mr. Baker of Toronto, were Thanksgiving guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. McMillan. Mr. M. M. Statton, St. Catharines, was in town on Sunday. Miss Dorothea Nasmith, of Toronto, was in town for the week end. Miss Bessie Crozier, of 'Toronto, was with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jno. W. Crozier, for the week end. Miss Jean Cawker, Toronto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Cawker. Mr. and Mrs, F. G. Reesor, of Mark- ham, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Bush, of Torgnto, were visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mfr. and 'Mrs. F, E. Reesor. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the.chicken supper and con- cert at Greenbank, on Thanksgiving. From reports the supper was a huge success and the play, which was staged by their local talent, was well rendered and enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey, Mrs. Gauld, and Mi Hazel Jeffrey and Edna Gauld, Messrs. Robt. Jeffrey and Frank Slemon, motored to Montreal, and spent the Thanksgiving week end with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. W, Chapman were in Uxbridge during the Thanksgiving holidays visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doubt, of Osh- awa, are visiting friends in town. NEIL YELLOWLEES, PIANO TUNER, will be in Port Perry, next week. Orders left at Lawrence's Drug Store. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 3 p.m. Sunday School. SPECIAL MISSIONARY RALLY A special missionary rally for the Northern part of Oshawa Presby- tery, wil be held on Thursday even- ing at 8 o'clock, in the United Church, Port Perry. Speakers -- Rev. W. H. Day, of Northern Alberta; Rev. A. E. Arm- strong, D.D., of Toronto; Rev. J. O. Totten, of Myrtle, will act as chair- man of the meeting. Everybody urged to attend this meeting. CARD OF THANKS Rev, and Mrs. R. T. Richards, of Port Perry, wish to thank their friends and neighbours for the kind- ness and sympathy extended to them at the time of their bereavement by the death of Mr. Richard's mother, and also for the beautiful floral offerings received. C 5 a WARRINER LODGE NO. 75, L.O.0O.F. FR Meets Second and Fourth Mondays of every month. On Monday, October 17th, the District Deputy Grand Master and his staff will visit Brooklin Lodge for the purpose of installing their officers for the ensuing year. The next regular meeting of War- riner Lodge will be held on Monday, October 24th. All members are re- " W. M. Letcher, Noble Grand. = Rec. Sec. terian, Jas. McKee and A. McFar- Webster; United Church, J. H. Doubt and F. E. Reesor. collectors out next week and we hope the people of Port Perry will receive them in their usual kind manner. Induction Services at St. John's Pres- at St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry, Rev. D. A. Ferguson was gation. Rev. Duncan Munro, of Bob- terian Church, Oshawa, opened the The Moderator of Lindsay Presbytery, Rev. P, W. McInnes, then formerly in- charge. ducted minister was given by Rev. A. G. Scott, of Eldon, after which Rev. J. C. Grier, of Lindsay, addressed the congregation. served in the basement. Prices reasonable, Rev. W. P. Brown, | Port Perry. 1 2.30--Sabbath School. 7 pm--Rev. J: R. R. Cooper, PhD. Mok Pri ince 2 : i } 1.45 p. Glassware : | ~ We expect to have for this week end an assert- ment of pink and to Glassware at exceptio ally low priees. our window display. " Have Ci seen our guar- anteed, Ladies' and and Gents' fifteen jewel Wrist Watches at the popular price of $7.76 with metal bracelet. Always on hand to look after your optical needs. Repairs done while you wait . I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist PORT PERRY, ONT. Nelson-Walker A very quiet wedding took place at College Street United Church, To- ronto, when Florence, daughter of Mrs. and the late Edward A. Walker, of Port Perry was united in marriage to William A. Nelson, of Brampton, son of the late Mr, and Mrs, William Nelson. The ceremony was conducted by the bride's cousin, Rev. E. A. Earchman. The bride (who was given in marriage by her brother, Professor A. R., Walker, of London,) wore a mulberry transparent velvet dress with «small turban to match and car- ried a bouquet of orchids and lily of the. valley. After a dinner at the Hearthstone for the immediate relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson left for a motor trip to Quebec and othér Eastern points the bride travelling in a hunter's green costume with kolinsky squirrel trim- Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister. 7 p.m--Evening Service. /. SO py Giant) Those having accounts against the Port Perry Fair Board kindly place with N. Ewers, Sec. at once. : Accounts payable or prize money will not be paid until Nov. 1982. 3 St. John's Presbyterian Port Perry, will celebrate ir 76th anniversary, on Sunday, October 28rd. Rev. Mr, Melnnis, of Leaskdale, will have charge of the services. On Tuesday, Oct. 25th, a chicken pie supper will be served in the basement of the church, followed by a lecture in the church. Admission, Adults 40c., Children, 26c. The Annual Chicken Supper and Bazaar under the auspices of the Women's Guild, Church of the Ascen- sion will be held on Thursday, Nov. 3rd. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear husband and father; Thomas H. Brent, who passed to the beyond on October 10th, 1929. We miss thee from our home. dear father; : We miss thee from thy place, A shadow o'er our life is cast, We miss the sunshine of thy face. We miss thy kind and willing hand, Thy fond and earnest care, Our home is dark without thee-- We miss thee everywhere. Wife and daughter. PEACHES GROWN IN PORT PERRY Evidently our climate is favorable to the growing of tender fruits. A few days ago we received some hes grown by Mrs. D. Ferguson mings and matching ies, Upon their return they will reside' in Brampton. BIBLE SOCIETY The Port Perry Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society held its annual meeting in the Anglican Parish Hall, on Tuesday evening last, the President; Dr. Lundy, acting as chairman. . The report of the Secretary and Treasurer, were read and adopted. Mr. T. J. Widden, Treasurer, re- ported the sum of $108 R5 was col- lected last year and sent to the Up- per Canada Bible Society. Rev. F. B. Allnutt, B.A., Toronto, gave a very inspiring address on the subject, "The Bible Society a World Power for Good", which was well re- ceived. . The devotional part of the service was conducted by Revs. Richards, Fer- guson and Nind. Officers elected for the ensuing year are as follows: President, Dr. J. B. Lundy; Secretary, W. E. Webster; Treasurer, T. J. Widden. Church representatives on executive, Presby- lane; Anglican, W. Wilson, Ganton The committee expect to have the byterian Church. On Thursday evening, October 6th, nducted as Minister of that congre- 'aygeon, formerly of Knox Presby- ervice, and gave an inspiring address. ducted Rev. Mr. Ferguson to the The sermon to the newly in- Following the service, lunch was -_- . WINTER AND FALL APPLES FOR SALE - PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH] Sunday, October 16th-- : 11 am.--Rev. J. R. R. Cooper, Ph.D, of Columbus. at her home in Port Perry. They were delicious, This is the second time we have seen-this fruit grown in town. : -------- UTICA Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ballard and baby, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Christie, of Oshawa, in the village on Sunday. A splendid crowd attended the an- niversary services and supper at the United Church last Sunday and Mon- day. The service at 11 a.m. was in charge of Rev. Mr. Totten and at 7.30 pm. by the Business Men's Bible Class, of Uxbridge, both services were very inspiring. The supper and con- cert on Monday night were. enjoyed by all. Mrs. L. Cassidy, of Brooklin, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Kendall. Mrs. W. Philp visiting in Toronto. Miss Vivien McKercher at home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall were visiting in Napanee over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Swan and Miss Swan, of Port Perry, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Swan, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Henderson and family, Miss Cork.and Mr. Murray, of Toronto, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lakey. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mrs. Robert Clark in the loss of her father, Mr. Wm. Cook, of Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and fam- ily, of Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs, H. Wagg on Sunday. Miss Ruth Ianson visiting at her home for a few weeks. Mr. Geo. Ward is quite ill with an attack of shingles. ; Miss E. Anderson is improving nice- ly after being hit by a car a week ago on Sunday. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST- ING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, 1982, Municipality of Port Perry, County of Ontario. - Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Vot- ers' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Port Perry on the 20th day of September, 1932 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal elec- tions and that such list remains there for inspeetion, Lod Bp N. Ewers, See. {9 , off "| no one knew what the other one was Mr. and Mrs. Harry "Lane and Mr. Oliver Lane. : Mr. and Mrs. Roy Percy and Mr. Will Timmins enjoyed a motor trip to Detroit, Mich, over the week end and holiday. . Miss Sibil Wilson, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Armstrong, Whitby, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Ross. Mr. Mark Hamilton and Miss Sarah Defoe, comedians from Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell, who last week moved from the village into their beautiful new home which they Have just finished erecting on their property half mile north of the village. ; A very enjoyable time: was spent by all who attended the "Pot Luck" supper given by the W.M.S. ladies last Friday. In spite of the fact that bringing to eat, the table was well laden with a good variety of food and looked like Thanksgiving time, grapes and all. After tea a lively program was given consisting of chorus, O Canada, piano duet by Mrs. Totten and Miss B. Price, recitation by Miss B. Cooper, solo by Mr. Totten, piano duet by Mrs. Tordiff and Lois, reci- tation, "Caleb's Courtship" by Mr. Totten, which all enjoyed. We hope to have another gathering of this kind again before the end of the year. Proceeds $5.45. Mr. and Mrs, Stone of Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. T. R. TiC, 4: ' iy iF Miss E! Masse: of Oshawa, spent Saturday at' Mr. Chas. Pilkey's. Mrs. McComb has returned home after a pleasant visit with friends in Eastern parts. Mrs. J. Rancier, of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Stacey, of Osh- awa, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spencer, of Peter- boro, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Houston and family, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beacock for Thanksgiving. ASSESSMENT ROLL RETURNS The Assessment Roll of the Corp- oration of the village of Port Perry, for 1932, upon which the taxes for 1938 shall be levied, has been returned to me; and any appeals against assess- ments therein must be made to me in writing on or before October 15th next. A Court of Revision to hear ap- peals will be held at the Clerk's Office on October 26th, 1932, at 7.30 p.m. H. C. Nasmith, Clerk AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Roots, and Furniture, of the estate of the late F. L. Brown, of Myrtle, on Thursday, October 27th, at 11 a.m. sharp. See bills, WM. MAW, Auctioneer HOUSE TO LET Modern brick house with all con- veniences, corner of North and Lilla Sts. Apply to Wellington Somerville, Ashburn, or Dr. McMaster, Port Perry. oct27 SEAGRAVE Thanksgiving and the 25th anniver- sary services will be held in Seagrave United Church, on Sunday and Tues- day, Oct. 16th and 18th. Rev. H. C. Cobb, B.A, B.D, of Wolseley, Sask., (a former resident of Seagrave), will be the speaker at both morning and evening services on Sunday. = Mr. Cobb has been attending the General Couneil of the United Church, at 'Hamilton. The Seagrave choir will provide special music in the morning, 'will sing at the evening service. On Tuesday 18th; the ladies of the dari hk and the Scugog Young Men's Choir] cert, adults 40 cents, children 25e. 'A very interesting meeting was held day School room, along the line of Valentia, Mr. Lane had slides show- ing various kinds of flowers, but especially gladiolus which were beautiful. He also explained very ably the cultivation of ground and growing of gladiolus, giving « the names and types as shown on the slides. on Monday, October 38rd, in the Sun- horticulture, given by Mr. Lane, of| Doing Business. at. 'the Old Stand When you need shoes repaired, or. new shoes made to order, we want you to always think of the old stand. We guarantee the best of 'workmanship. Ceorge W. Stephens ore to John ple; | The children of Seagrave School were then awarded prizes for condi- tion of school garden plots, which hould ge children to even do better another year. It was decided, just before the close of the meeting to form a Hprticultural Society, and several signed their names as a start for the same. Meeting closed by the singing of God Save the King. The weekly meeting of the Young People's Society of Seagrave United Church, was held last Tuesday even- ing after having been closed for the ths. The ti was carried on with the usual order of service followed by an election of officers. Rev. Mr. Green took charge of this part of the service. Officers were elected as follows: President--Joe Grantham [Vice-President--Ruth Stone Secretary--Norma Moon .. Treasurer--Grant Orchard. Missionary convenor---Muriel Clarke. Devotional Convenor--Glen Wanna- maker, Citizenship convenor--Mrs. Elmer CI ts. Social C nor Ruth Clements. Pianiste--Mrs. Roy Scott. Meeting closed with League Benediction. The Quadrata Girls' Club was held at the home of Mrs. B. Dowson, on Wed., Oct. bth, with the President, Miss A. Clements, in charge. Usual business transacted followed by vocal duet by Miss Ila Moon and Miss Iva Reynolds, and contests. A dainty lunch was then served by the hostess. (balance crowded out) NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, p t to The Ontari Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court, of the County of Ontario, at the Township Hall, Man- chester, on Friday the 21st day of October, 1932, at two o'clock in the afternoon, to hear and defermine complaints of errors or omissions in the first and second parts of the Voters' List of the Municipality of Reach for 1982, Dated at Manchester, this 10th day of October, 1982. W. F. DOBSON, Clerk, of the Township of Reach. WASHING AND 'IRONING DONE Terms reasonable: Apply to Mrs. Ed.; Nott, Port Perry oct14 FOR SALE Cosy Home Cook' Stove (made by the Happy Thought Co.) square fire- box, oven and reservoir, nearly new. Also a Quebec Heater, medium size, new, with grates. Apply at Star 'Office. 1 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Seven roomed frame house on Bigelow St., in first class condition, electric light, good well, ete. Priced for sacrifice sale as owner is leaving town. Apply to Harris & 'Christy, Port Perry, 0¢t20 ----_ ] iods of Canadian history. Laura Secord Monument This picture of Laura Secord's monument and the econ) panyin story recall one of the most dramatic er- It is well to remember these stories of loyalty and sacrifice. We owe much to these brave pioneers, our country through most troublous times. who piloted A * The Creamery IS PAYING 21c., 20c., and 17c. FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor and make more money by sending your cream to the i: PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOCDE & SON, Proprietors. : DR. W. 8. HARPER = Physician and Surgeon Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Graduates' College and Polyelinie, London, Eng., North East London Post' Graduate College, London, Eng., Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Coroner for County of Ontario. Office and Surgety--former residence of Dr. J. A! Mathers, Queen St., Port Perry, Phone 17 <> ---- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Thomas M All persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas, McKee, lute of the Township of , in the County of Ontario, Farmer, d who died on or about the 12th day' of September, 1932, are hereby ed to send to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executors, on or before the ; 20th day of October, 1982, full par-_. # ow ticulars of their claims. Immedial 4 after the said 29th day of 1982, the assets of the said di will be distributed among the ies entitled thereto having re; only to claims of which the Executors at Do tatise. this 19th da at Po of September, 1982, y Solictor for. Pocito - Solicitor for TS, R.R.4, Uxbridge, Ont. re PP ------ NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Elizabeth McKee, All persons haying claims t the Estate of Elizabeth Mek oss oe Zownshi of Reach, in the unty o; 0, deceased, wife of the late Thomas McKee of the same place, Fasmer deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of July, 1982, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned solicitor for the A: - strator on or before the 29th day of full of their among the parties entitled thereto, re, only to claims of which ef gard only shall then ytd Dated 'at Port Perry this 12th of September, 1932, © Say JOSEPH DENNY, Solicitor for Administrator, R.R.4 Uxbridge, Ont. ayo SEL " iid Surtle, Deceased. eo) Cr rs of Mary Currie, widow, late of the Township of Brock in the County of 'Ontario, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of 1932, are required on or before the thirty-first day of October, 1932, to send post prepaid or deliver to the

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