JNO. Ww. CROZIER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, . Office first door east of Canadian Bank of Commerce, over the Observer Office Office Phone 98 Residence 19] Port Perry, Ontario Local Items Mr. H. Collacutt was in Peterboro last week judging horses at the Fair. COMING--F. E. Luke, Eyesight Specialist at Lawrence's drug store, Thursday, Nov. 3rd. We are pleased to report that Mr. Ralph Wallace, was called to the Bar on September 15th. Mr. Wallace has been with Harris & Harris for some time. We extend congratulations. Mrs. C. L. Vickery is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. Norman Ewers, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Gibb have returned home after spending the summer months in Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beverley and daughters, of Claremont, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Carruthers, of Glen Major, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Peters. Miss Dorothy Davey, of Toronto, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. Hugh Nind, left recently for Peterboro, where he will attend Nor- mal School. His many friends wish him. success in the new undertaking. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Baird and fam- ily, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leask. Mr, and Mrs. McTaggart and Mr. Barton McTaggart, of Bowmanville, were in town on Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John McClintock: Miss Cobbledick, of Toronto and Dr. John Broek, of Oshawa, spent the week-end" with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brock. ee eel PP SOME BUILDING AND REPAIRS ARE BEING DONE IN PORT PERRY My. Merril Goode is building a new brick dwelling on the lot just south of his bottling works. This will be a fine addition to that part of Perry St. Mr. Ed. Brookes, who purchased the Williams' property on the North end of Lilla st, has made many alterations in the property and it now is modern in appearance, and will make a beauti- ful home. Mr. John Tinsley, next door, has improved his property with a coat of paint, a much improved ap- pearance. making Cawker Bros, Butchers, are an- other of our merchants to put a new front in their store. This is now among the modern store fronts. eee et A tenis PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, September 25th-- 11 a.m.--Special Rally Day Service. All members of the Sunday School and congregation are specially invited to this service. Orchestra in attendance. "A Tale that is Told"- Prince Albert 3 p.m.--Rally Day Service. invited to this service. UTICA The Ladies Aid of the United Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Herman Walker, on Friday afternoon of this week. A full attendance is urgently requested. Mrs. Keith Lee and daughter of Utica, New York, visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ward and Jean, visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, W. Thompson on Sunday. 7 pm.-- All are Sorry to report Mrs. Russell Har- per is very ill with asthma again. Keep in mind the Thanksgiving an- niversary services and Roast Chicken Supper at the United Church on Sun- day and Monday October 9th and 10th On Sunday at 11 a.m., Rev. Mr, Totten of the Myrtle circuit, will be the speaker, with special music by the choir and others. At 7.30 p.m. the Bus- iness Men's Bible Class will have charge of the service. On Monday night a roast chicken supper will be served by the ladies of the congreg- ation from 5.30 until all are served, followed by a program in Memory Hall presented by Miss. Sada Dafoe and her Concert BUY NOW DO NOT MISS OUR EXTRA SPECIAL CUP & SAUCER DEAL Other pieces of China at greatly reduced prices, good for Christmas presents. Buy Now See Our New RIMLESS SPECTACLES Spheric Lenses Special Price $5.00 White Chronium Frames at $2.75 I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist Port Perry @ a I pe MR. JOHN DOUBT RETIRES FROM BUSINESS At the age of 82, after a business career of over half a century, Mr. John Doubt has retired from the business of shoe maker and shoe re- pairing. How many thousand pairs of feet have been kept dry and warm through the work of Mr. Doubt it would be difficult to estimate, He was a good workman, and his re- liability was greatly appreciated. We hope that' he may live many years to enjoy his well earned rest. The business has been sold to Mr. Geo. Stephens who has béen engaged with Mr. Doubt for many years. His work has been good, and he has the confidence of the community, ee ee el Pee. St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry, will celebrate its 76th anniversary, on October 16th, and a chicken pie supper will be served on October 17th. Further particulars next week. et PP rem BORN To Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm Emmer- son, of Nestleton, on September 14th, a baby girl. - I ZION The Zion Women's Association held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Western on Thursday afternoon. The meeting was well attended and a number of busi- ness items were discussed. It was de- cided to hold the annual fowl supper on Armistice Day, Nov. 11th. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Stanley Hall, in October. Mr. Frank Broad, of Oshawa, is spending a short time with friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Annie Downer, of Lindsay, spent a few days with Mrs. W. J. Hall recently. Mrs. David Beacroft of Toronte, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Smith. The annual decoration service of the Zion Cemetery was held on Sun- day afternoon. The service was held in the church, which was well filled. The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Partridge, of Greenbank, who de- livered a very suitable and inspiring sermon. The choir also rendered special music. Misses Irene Sparks and Elva Hall, decorated the graves of the late Donald Cameron and the late Mrs. Jas. Varcoe, who were buried in the cemetery during the past year. Mr. Stuart Hall returned on Sat- urday from Peterboro Fair where he was successful in winning many prizes with his sheep. Friends of Mrs. McTaggart, Sr., will be sorry to hear of her misfortune in falling down stairs quite recently. Al- though no bones were broken, she re- ceived a severe shaking up, and will be confined to her bed for a short time. At present she is at the home of her son, Mr, Wm. McTaggart, A number of pupils and ex-pupils of the Little Britain Continuation School attended the annual corn roast held on the school grounds on Monday evening. A few from here attended the Port) Perry Fair on Saturday. BF Rev. J. J. David, minister of Balti- more United Church, formerly of died at his home, Baltimore, very duly on Friday night last. Mi vid was a man of geod Queen St. United Church, Lindsay,| ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Lindsay, Minister. 11 a.m.--Morning Service 7 p.m.--Evening Service. Br LL I. SAA GP OBITUARY Mrs. Dickson, who died in Port Perry, on September 11th, was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Mor- rison, Q.C., of Toronto, at one time Mayor of the city, While as a young girl on a visit to Ottawa, she had the privilege of dancing at a ball with the Duke of Connaught, at that time a young officer serving in Canada with his regiment the Rifle Brigade. In 1877 she married Capt. Robert Dickson of the 7th Dragoon Guards, and went with him to England. Here she lived for a few years, both at Canterbury and Aldershot where the regiment was stationed. She used to delight to tell how on several occa- sions she has sat in the regimental drag watching the late Queen Victoria reviewing the troops and seeing her husband's regiment, a favorite one of the great Queen, march by. In 1880 she and her little family returned to Canada. Soon after Capt. Dickson resigned his commission and they settled down for some years at Niagara-on-the-Lake and Galt. In 1916 Capt. and Mrs. Dickson moved to Port Perry. Here they al- ways took an interest in the life of the community, especially helping in the work of the Anglican Church, where for some years Capt. Dickson was choir leader. In January, 1924, he died, and since his death, Mrs. Dickson has lived with her married daughters, here, in To- ronto, and Montreal--the greater part of the summer and fall being spent here at the home of Mrs. Woods. For some weeks past her health had been failing, and the end at last came on Sunday, Sept. 11th, when she passed away. at the ripe age of 86 years, tended to the last with the'most loving care and surfounded by her eildren, all six 'of whom survive her. The funeral service took place on the following Tuesday, at the Church of the Ascension, where for years she had been a regular worshipper, and from there to Pine Grove Cemetery, where her body was laid to rest along- side that of her husband's. So closed the earthly career of a very beautiful character, much loved by those who knew her. eel Nee NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Elizabeth McKee, All persons having claims against the Estate of Elizabeth McKee, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, deceased, 'wife of the late Thomas McKee, of the same place, Farmer deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of July, 1932, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned solicitor for the Admini- strator on or before the 29th day of October, 1932, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 29th day of October, 1932, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which He Administrator shall then have notice, Dated at Port Perry this 12th day of September, 1932. 'JOSEPH DENNY, Soliettor, for Administrator, R.R.4 Uxbridge, Ont. rr ee ele ee ee. NOTICE T0 CREDITORS In the Estate of Thomas McKee, All Des ecessed. 1; persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas McKee, Tate of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of September, 1932, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executors, on or before the 29th day of October, 1932, full par- ticulars of their claims, Immediately after the said 29th day of October 1932, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having To ard only to claims of which _ xecutors shall the have notice a at Port Perry this 19th of September, 1932. id day JOSEPH DENNY, Solicitor for Executors, R.R.4, Uxbridge, Ont. PARLOR SUITE FOR SALE - 4 pieces, silk upholstered. Apply at Star Office, ---------------- STRAYED to the premises of Albert Jeffrey, Prince Albert, a Holstein heifer. wner. may have same by proving property and pa§ing expenses. A FOR SALE Double Brass Bed, Wicker Table, Morris Chair, 2 Laundry Tubs and Stand, Electric Toaster, , Enamelled Dresser, Le ater Stove, 'open Apply to Mrs. Jno. Nesmith 169, Port Perr. te. Lists Act and that I my office at Manchest sons entitled 2 vote in the said Municipality at 'municipal elections and that sich list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for ap- peal being the 1st day of October, 1932. Dated at Manchester, Ont., this 12th day of September, 1932. W. F. DOBSON, Clerk of said Municipality. EPSOM Mr. Thomas Ward and Miss Mary MacGregor, of Uxbridge, visited on Sunday with their sister Mrs. Asling. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Pascoe Luke visited last week with friends at Oshawa. Miss Verna Millman of Toronto, visited with her parents here on Sun- day. aster Tommy Thomas has re- turned to his home in Toronto, after visiting for some time with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Strachan. Miss Beatrice Brown, of Toronto, vigited on Sunday with friends here. |-#%Mrs. Wm. Armstrong visited with friends in Uxbridge recently: Mr. John Lamb of Uxbridge visited with Mr. Jos. Ashton, recently. : Rev. Mr. Denuny preached a very in- spiring sermon on Sunday evening from Exodus 17:12, An Enjoyable Social E Epsom On Friday evening last, September 16th, Mrs. Alex. Brown, of Epsop# entertained the Ladies' Aid of Epsom United Church and cordial invitation to the wh ing at Friends came from appointments and at 1 came to enjoy the bo made for their enteftainment. A program of 1 entertainers regaled the audience with songs and readings and <the Epsom orchestra assisted greatly in the musical ar- rangements. At the conclusion of the program the visitors werd treated to ice cream and cake and all were well satisfied that the gathering had been a great success. A hearty vote of thanks was moved by Mr. Norman Prentice, which Mr. Drew McCullough seconded, and en- thusiastically carfied, that the kind- ness of Mrs. Brown was very much appreciated. Rally Day Services on the Epsom' Circuit On Sunday, the 35th of September, Rally Day Services« will be. held at Bethesda at 11 am. We are for- tunate to be able to announce that Mr. Farmer, the Editor of the Port Perry Star, and a man deeply inter- ested in the Sunday Schools of the Community, will be the special speak- er. If each one will endeavour to bring a friend it will add considerably to the success of the Rally. There will be no church service at Bethesda. At Epsom the Rally Service will be conducted by Mrs. J. Denny at 10.30 a.m. At Utica the Rally Service will be held at 2.30 p.m. and Mrs. J. Denny will also be in charge. There will be no church service at Utica. Your friends' presence, as well as your own, will greatly inspire the splendid men who are our superin- tendents and inspire them in their noble work. tiful provision DR, W. 5. HARPER day of Sept., 1932, the list of all per-| THURSDAY, FRIDAY, picture. too. Places, Z / the Port Perry Fair LUCKY STRAND THEATRE, Uxbridge House of Talking Hits of 1932 fa ------ SATURDAY, Come on and get happy--you and yours--and see SUNSHINE SUSIE Remember this special picture played at the Uptown, Toronto, for 7 weeks. We are only playing it 3 nights, so come early to avoid the crowd. 2 shows each night and a special Matinee on Saturday, September 24th. Rengate Muller in Musical and Singing "Sunshine Susie", the screen's happiest All the world sings her praises. you will see this lovely, unspoiled, charming girl in the year's happiest and most original romance--And Jack Hulbert will delight you with his fooling, Leave your cares behind--Get happy. YOUR OPPORTUNITY to see "Sunshine Susie" Thursday and Friday nights September 22 and 23, with your free theatre tickets. Beare Bros., Norman's Shoe Repair, Venture Tea Room, Carnegie Hardware, Gilboord's Store, W. A. Beatty, Hygienic Bakery, Hooey's Barber Shop, Bert. MacGregor Butcher, I. R. Bentley Jeweller, in Port Perry. Just purchase from 26¢. to $1.00 in goods and ask for your Tree ticket. Tickets can be had also in Uxbridge, Stouffville, Claremont, Sunderland, Saintfield, and other SEPTEMBER 22-23-24, At the crest of her popularity, You couldn't see a better picture All you do is shop at a am Wak mma THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SEPT. 29-30, OCT 1 Wal ter Huston and Dorothy Gordon in "THE WET PARADE" A great cast; a great picture, in all talking. Don't miss it. = Free Theatre Tickets good until April, 1933 wi nm wn Hard and Softball Games of Association will be played on the Fair Grounds on Thursday, Sept. 29, 1 p.m. sharp Also Amateur Horseshoe Pitching be- tween Prince Albert, Myrtle, Epsom, Seagrave, and Blackstock. ADMISSION Adults 25¢., Children 10c. DANCE in the Main Building at Night. FIRST CLASS MUSIC. ADMISSION 2c. NUMBER DRAW Myrtle Station the Sunday School. It is also our it was thought best to unite the two services to take place at 8 pm. We hope to see a good attendance. Rev. B.'J. and Mrs. Merriam, of Bridgenorth, were calling at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Chisholm, last | Thursday. The Ladies' Aid had a grand "bee" on Tuesday and house-cleaned. the church. Mrs. Levi Tordiff was called to To- aunt who is seriously ill. Mrs. David Leury has been spend- Next Sunday is Rally Sunday for| regular afternoon church service, so ronto on Saturday last to see her| UTICA Mr. Henry Gibner, of Oshawa, with his father here for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Mitchell, and family visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Pilkey, Claremont, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wagg, of Kinsale, visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Wigg recent- ly. Mr. and Mrs, Milbert Howsam, of Ottawa, and Mrs. Geo. Howsam, of Port Perry spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, A. Reynolds. . Mrs. E. Kendall spent last week in Brooklin with her sister Mrs. McDon- ald. : Mr. and Mrs. H. Wagg, and Mr. and | Mrs. C. W. Lakey spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, M. Urquhart, Zep- lw. Mr. Sold in le In Perr by P. G. MORRISON'S DRUG- STORE : PP FARM FOR SALE OR'RENT Lot 21, Con. 13, Tp. Reach, half mile west of Seagrave Station; com- prising 150 acres, 80 acres tillable, balance pasture land. Two good wells and running stream of water. For particulars write to John Brown, 96 Glenlake Ave, Toronto,.Phone JU. 6931, tf. le A APA DR. R. B. E. WILSON PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, OBSTETRICIAN, X-RAY Office and Residence, Brock St. E., Uxbridge, Phone 133 At Port Perry Office every Friday, 2 to 5. pm. Phone 200W. Krom Lamp Radiation. amet es i HELEN W. WILLARD Teacher of Piano and Theory Pupils prepared for examina- tions if desired. Phone 46 r 4 Port Perry. | Mrs Homes Storratt is] WANTED ; 4 Man to take over dealership Perry and vicinity, of highly success- ful Canadian made product that can be sold direct or through the Retail Trade: 60% to 80% profit to dealer. Highly lucrative. Complete training and Sales Help furnished. No invest- ment except for small amount of Merchandise. Box 9, Port Perry Star. The Creamery IS PAYING 21e¢., 20c., and 17¢c. FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor and make more money by sending your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors. ete tl PP EPP. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Margaret Prescott, Deceased. ~ All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret Prescott, late of the Township of Bast Whitby in the County of Ontario, Widow, de- ceased, who died on or about the 26th day of June, 1932, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Solicitor for the Administrator on or before the 15th of October, 1932, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 15th day of October, 1982, the assets of the said deceased w be distributed among the parties d= titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administrator shall then have notice. Dated a Post Ferry thls 6th day of September, 1982, JNO. W. CROZIER, Administrator's Solicitor. SPIRELLA 'Mrs, Blatter is pleased to announce her re-appointment Town of \