2 - pointment to everyone concerned with the Fair, The ~ there was a smdrt shower. _ H. T. James, 8 Jos, Forder. The heavy rain not last, Setiiins was a great disap- downpour came at | the wrong moment. Just when the people were getting ready to go to the Fair In spite of this fact, the attendance was very little below that of last year. In the building the ladies had wonderful displays of fancy work, cooking, canned goods, etc. Evidently apples were a good crop this year, for there was a great showing of this fruit. Flowers made a won- derful display. Special mention must be made of the gladiolus exhibited by Mr. Will Dyer, of - Columbus, and of the dahlias exhibited by Mr. S. Jeffrey. They were glorious blooms. There was a good exhibit of vegetables, but, owing to the lack of space this exhibit was poorly displayed. The exhibit by the Scugog Girls attracted favoroble attention. Owing to the fact that hail destroyed the produce of a number of those who intended to show, the number of exhibits was smaller than was expect- ed. Better luck next time. i Port Perry High School had two nice exhiibits--one by the Household Science Department, and the other of the work done by the boys who take manual train- ing. Both these exhibits had many admirers, partic- ularly that remarkable fretsaw work by Fred Bown. The automatic electric advertising device made by John Farmer, caused much comment. It was a bit \ uncanny to see that carriage travel backward and forward along that aerial line, without any visible means of propulsion. The Port Perry Star exhibit was attractive, and in a graphic way showed We kind of work {the Star Office can do. Mr. McDermott had a nice ¢ display of furniture. There were other exhibits by merchants in the building and elsewhere on the grounds, notes regard- ing which appear in another part of this account' There was a good showing of stock and poultry, but the number of entries was slightly lower than that of last year. The glass blowers put on a good show, and the rain drove some of the crowd into their tent, where a very skilled demonstration of glass blowing was given. This demonstration had good educational value. - Of course the rain spoiled the track events, the ball 'games, horse shoe pitching. Even the Band sounded "a little damp. Stoek judging was done under diffi- culties. Secretary Ewers was kept very busy. THE PRIZE WINNERS HORSES Heifer, two years and under three-- Class 1--Heavydraft 1F. E. Pugh, 2 Arthur Percy, 3 J. Brood Mare--1 R.. McLaughl E. Leask. * Jos. Forder. One year old filly or gelding--1 Leask, 2 W. S. Bragg, 3 L. Richardson T, James, 2 R. McLaughlin. | Herd, 5 animals--1. J E. Leask, 2 Foal of 1932-1 R. McLaughlin, W. S. Bragg. ~ | Milking Grade Shorthorn--1 Holli- Pair in harness--1 W. Cook. | day, 2 Worrall. Class 2--Agricultural 'Best Shorthorn Female (Geo. Jack- Brood Mare--1 R. Baird, 2 H. 1 son Memorial Prize)--1 Pugh. Class 6A--Special Boys' and Girls' Calf Competition-- E. Leask, 2 Richardson, 3 Forder. One year old ily of geding--1 G. | pell. 'McLaughlin, 2 Mark & Sons. Héiter, 1 your and under 2-1 J. B: H D A VERY GOOD FAIR AS TO ITS D PROGRAM, BUT RAIN SPOILED IT. $1.50 per year in advance pleased with what they saw, and said that our Exhibits compared Cow, and two of her progeny--1 Walker, 2 Ormiston. Heifer Calf-- 10rminston SHEEP Class 9--Leicesters W. R. Robbins, won 1st on Aged ram, Shearling ram, ram lamb, ewe two shears and over, shearling ewe, ewe lamb, Class 10--Shropshires Aged Ram--1 Skinner, 2 Purvis. Shearling Ram--1 Kelsey, 2 Skin- ner, Ram Lamb--1 Skinner, 2 Purvis. Ewe, 2 shears and over--1 Kelsey, 2 Skinner, Shearling Ewe--1 and 2 Kelsey. Ewe Lamb--1 Kelsey, 2 Skinner. Class 11---Cotswold Aged Ram--1 Glaspell & Sons, 2 J. Murray. Shearling Ram--1 Murray, 2 Glas- pell. Ram Lamb--1 Glaspell Ewe, 2 shears or over--1 Murray, 2 Glaspell. ' «Shearling Ewe--1 Murray, 2 Glas- Ewe Lamb--1 Glaspell, 2 Murray. Class 12--Suffolk Aged Ram--T. R. Hall. Shearling Ram--1 T. R. Hall. Ram Lamb--Leith Byers, 2 Hall Ewe, 2 shears or over--1 Byers, 2 Hall, Shearling Ewe--1 Byers, 2 Hall SWINE Class 13--Berkshire Boar, under 8 months--1 Geo. Mark & Sons. Boar, over 8 months--1 Mark * Breeding Sow, under 8 months--1 Magk., Breeding Sow, over eight months-- 1 Mark, Class 14--Tamworth Boar, under eight months--1 New- ton Taylor, 2 Jos. Forder. Boar, over eight months--1 Forder. Breeding Sow, under 8 months-- 1 Taylor, 2 Forder. Breeding Sow, over 8 months--1 Taylor, 2 Forder, Class 15--Yorkshire Boar, under 8 months--1 Ray Mec- Laughlin Boar, over 8 months--1 McLaughlin Breeding Sow, under 8 months--1 Class 16--Bacon Hogs Pair Hogs, 180 to 230 bs--1 Mark & Sons, 2 Jos. Forder. POULTRY Class 17--Poultry Ancona Cock--1 Wm. Bowkey. Ancona Hen--1 Bowkey, 2 Kellet Ancona Cockerel--1 Bowkey Ancona Pullet--1 Bowkey, 2 Kellett Brahma Cock--1 Roy Crosby Brahma Hen--1 Crosby, 2 Bowkey. Cochin Cock--1 Crosby, 2 Bowkey. Cochin Hen--1 and 2 Crosby. Cochin Cockerel--1 and 2 Crosby. Cochin Pullet--1 Mark, 2 Crosby. Dorking Cock--1 Bowkey, 2 Crosby Dorking Hen--1 Mark Dorking Cockerel--1 Mark. Dorking Pullet--1 Bowkey Hamburg Cock--1 and 2 Bowkey. Hamburg Hen--I1 Langstaff Hamburg Cockerel---1 Langstaff Cosh. White Leghorn Cock--1 0. Cosh White Leghorn Hen--1 Crosby, 2 0. Cosh. White Leghorn Cockerel--1 Cosh, 2 Crosby. White Leghorn Pullet--1 Bowkey, 2 2 Langa Brown Leghorn Cock--1 Bowkey, 2 Hen--1 Bowkey, 2 '2 Langstaff. Hamburg Pulley~{error) 1 and 2| Minorca Cock--1 Crosby, 2 Bowkey. . Minorca Hen--1 and 2 Cosh. Minorca Cockerel--1 and 2 Cosh. Minorca Pullet--1 Langstaff White Orpington Hen--1 Langstaff. White Orpington Cockerel--1 Lang- staff, White Orpington Pullet--1 Crosby. «Buff Orpington Cock--1 Crosby. Buff Orpington Cockerel-- Crosby Buff Orpington Pullet--1 Bowkey, 2 Kellett. Barred Rock Cock--1 Bowkey, 2 Kellet White Rock Hen--1 Sonley. White Rock Cockerel--1 Bowkey, 2 Langstaff, White Rock Pullet--1 Bowkey, 2 Crosby. Rhode Island Red Gock--1 Bowkey, 2 Langstaff, Rhode I. R. Hen--1 Bowkey, 2 Langstaff, Rhode I. R. Cockerel--1 Bowkey, 2 Langstaff. Rhode I. R. Pullet--1 "Bowkey, 2 Langstaff White Wyandotte Cock--1 and 2 Cosh. White Wyandotte Hen--1 and 2 Cosh. White Wyandotte Cockerel--1 Cosh, 2 Langstaff. White Wyandotte Pullet--1 Cosh, Silver Wyandotte Hen--1 Bowkey, 2 Langstaff, Cochin Bantam Cock--1 Bowkey, 2 Crosby. Cochin Bantam Hen--1 Crosby, 2 Bowkey. Cochin Bantam Cockeral--1 Bowkey Cochin Bantam Pullet--1 Bowkey. Bantam, A.0.V. Clean Leg Cock--1 and 2 Bowkey, Bantam, A.0.V, Clean Leg Hen--1 and 2 Bowkey, Bantam, A.V.0. Feather Leg Cock --1 Crosby Bantam A.V.0. Clean Leg Pullet-- 1 Bowkey Bantam, A.O.V. Feather Leg Hen-- Crosby. Pekin Duck--1 N. Taylor, 2 Mark. Pekin Drake--1 Taylor, 2 Kellett. Rouen Duck--1 Bowkey, 2 Cosh Rouen Drake--1 Bowkey, 2 Cosh. Indian Runner Duck--1 Crosby Indian Runner Drake--1 Bowkey, 2 Crosby. Toulouse Goose--1 Chas. Howsam, 2 N. Whitfield. Toulouse Gander--1 Whitfield, 2 Howsam. Bronze Turkey Hen--1 Whitfield, 2 Cosh. Bronze Turkey Male--1 Whitfield, 2 Cosh. Rabbits--1 Whitfield. Pigeons--1 and 2 Whitfield. GRAIN Class 18--Grain and Seeds Fall Wheat--H. Hayes, 2 Miss Shunk. Six Rowed Barley--1 W. A. Parish, - White Beans--1 W. J. Ruttle, 2 Jno. F. Gerrow. : Rye--1 W. A. Parish, 2 T. Sellers. Field Peas--1 Sellers, 2 Parish. Oats--1 Parish, 2 N. Taylor Timothy Seed--1 Parish, 2 Taylor. Red Clover Seed--1.Sellers. Alsike Seed--1 Sellers. Collection of Grain and Seeds--1 Newton Taylor, 2 Sellers. VEGETABLES Class 19--Vegetables and Roots Six Turnip Beets--1 Parish, 2 Geo. Raines. - Six Half Long Beets--1 G. Raines, 2 Mrs. F. Crozier. Winter Cabbage--1 N. Willian, 2 Mrs. F. Crozier. Red Cabbage-- Mrs. F. Crozier, 2 Thos. Philps. Long Orange Carrots--1 Parish, z 1 Table Carrots--1 Sellers, 2 Ruddy. Cauliflower--1 D. Corbman, 2 Geo. ' Celery--1 Parish, 2 Corbman. Citrons--1 Sellers, 2 Parish! Musk Melons--1-Sellers, 2 F, Stin- oi Watermelons--1 Sellers, 2 Raines. Rod Ooms Sellers, 2 Phils; favorably with those of much larger Fairs. Yellow Onions--1 Jos. Forder, 2 Philps. Irish Cobbler Potatoes--1 Sellers, 2 Parish, Largest Sqaash--1 Raines, 2 Mrs. Jas. Davey. Collection Tomatoes--1 Raines, 2 Philps. Six Tomatoes--1 Raines, 2 8. Farmer. Hubbard Squash--1 Philps, 2 G. Christie. Swede Turnips--1 H. Hayes. Red Mangels--1 Philps, 2 Raines. Yellow Mangels--1 J. Ruddy. Parsnips--1 Parish, 2 Sellers. ° White Carrots--1 Parish, 2 Mrs. J. E. Johnson, . Golden Bantam Corn--1 L. Honey, 2 C. H. Kellett. Collection Vegetables--1 Philps, 2 N. Taylor. Guy, 2 H. FRUIT Class 20--Fruits Collection Winter Apples -- (Pro- tested) 1 H. Hayes, 2 W. Dyer. Collection Fall Apples--1 Crozier (protested) Alexander Apples--1 Mrs. R. Jack- son, 2 H. Hayes. Ben Davis Apples--1 Jas, McMillan, 2 T. Sellers, Mrs. t Layer Cake, light--1 Mrs. H. Son- ley, 2 Mrs. F. Stinson. Green Mountain Potatoes--1 Ruddy, 2 Sellers. Largest Pumpkin--1 Raines, 2 Mrs. Jas. Davey. Layer Cake, Chocolate--1 Mrs. R. Jackson, 2 Mrs. J. S. Johnson. Layer Cake, Spice--1 Mrs, N. Ewers, 2 Mrs. W. A. Parish. | Apple Pie--1 Mrs. J. Boe, 2 Mrs. R. Collacutt. Lemon Pie--1 Mrs. J. Boe, 2 Mrs. J. S. Johnson, Raisin Pie--1 Mrs. J. Boe, 2 Mrs. W. A. Parish. : Pumpkin Pie--1 Mrs. N. Williams, 2 Mrs. R. Jackson. Bran Muffins--1 Mrs. J. L. Sweet- man, 2 Mrs. L. Honey. Doughnuts--1 Miss L. Carnegie, 2 Mrs. N. Ewers. Cocoanut Macaroons--1 Mrs. F. Crozier, 2 Mrs. F. Raines. Brown Bread--1 Mrs. F. Crozier, 2 Mrs. F. Raines. White Bread--1 Mrs. C. Howsam, 2 Mrs. F. Raines. Date Bread--1 Miss L. Carnegie, 2 Mrs. J, Boe. Scotch Short Bread--1 Mrs. H. Son- ley, 2 Mrs. N. Ewers. Sponge Cake--1 Mrs. J. S. Johnson, 2 Mrs. L. Honey. Baldwin Apples--1 Sellers, 2 Hayes Northern Spie Apples--1 McMillan, 2 Dyer, Greening Apples--1 McMillan, Hayes, Bellflower Apples--1 Hayes, 2 Mrs, Caesar, » King Apples--1 W, S. Bragg, 2 Mec- Millan. Golden Russet Apples--- Bragg, 2 Sellers, Snow Apples--1 Hayes, 2 Mrs. R. Jackson, McIntosh Red Apples--1 McMillan, 2 Sellers. Talman Sweet Apples--1 Parish, 2 Dyer. Pewauke Apples--1 Dyer, 2 Mrs. F. Crozier. St. Lawrence Apples--1 Bragg, Hayes, Wealthy Apples--1 Bragg, 2 Sellers "Duchess Apples--1 Mrs. H. Guy, 2 Hayes. Stark Apples--1 McMillan, 2 Bragg 2 2 Ontario Apples--1 Mrs, J. S. John- son, 2 Dyer. | Blenheim Pippin Apples--1 Bragg, 2 Hayes. \ A.0.V. Apples--1 Bragg, 2 Dyer. Hyslop Crab Apples--1 G. Raines, 2 Mrs. R. Jackson. Bartlett Pears--1 W. A. Parish. A.0.V. Pears--1 C. H. Kellett, 2 Dyer. F. Gerrow. Reine Claude Plums--1 G. Christie, 2 Sellers. : Burbank Plums--1 Mrs. Caesar. F. Raines, 2 Class 21--Butter, Eggs, Honey Butter, 5 Ibs in crock--1 Mrs. N. Taylor, 2 Mrs. Wm. Medd. Butter, 5 Ibs in prints--1 Mrs. J. L. + Sweetman, 2 Mrs. R. Jackson, 3 Mrs. W. A. Parish. Fresh Eggs--1 Mrs. N. Ewers, 2 Mrs. W. Mead. Honey in comb--1 J. F. Gerrow, 2 Stanley Gerrow. Extracted Honey--1 J. F. Gerrow, 2 Stanley Gerrow. DOMESTIC SCIENCE . Class 22--Domestic Science Collection Home-made Cooking--1 Mrs. J. Boe, 2 Mrs. J. L Sweetman. Baking Powder Biscuits--1 Miss M. White, 2 Mrs. H. Hayes. Sweetman, 2 Mrs. F. Crozier. Fruit Cake, Dark--1 Mrs, L. Honey, 2 Mrs. R. Jackson. a Fruit Cake, light--1 Mrs. R. Jack- son, 2 Miss M. White. y Ginger Snaps--1 Mrs. F. Raines, 2 Mrs. C. Howsam., -Cookies--1 Mrs. R. Jackson, 2 Mrs. F. Raines. © Date Cookies--1 Mrs. H. Sonley, 2 Mrs. R. Collacutt. | Mrs. R. Jackson, 2 Mrs. R. Collacutt. Lombard Plums--1 Mrs. Guy, 2 J.! Home-made Buns=1 Mrs. J. L. Butter Tarts--1 Miss L. Carnegie, 2 Mrs. E. Ploughman. Class 23--Domestic Science (canning) Collection Fruit--1 Mrs. R. Jackson, Variety Jelly--1 Mrs. F. Raines, 2 Mrs, F. Stinson, Canned Peaches--1 Mrs. J. Boe, 2 Mrs. F. Raines. Canned Pears--1 Mrs. R. Collacutt, 2 Mrs. J. Boe. Canned Cherries--1 Mrs. F. Raines, 2 Miss E. Jackson. Canned Raspberries--1 Mrs. J. L. Sweetman, 2 Mrs. F. Raines. Canned Plums--1 Mrs. J. Boe, 2 Mrs. J. Ruddy. Canned Pineapple--1 Mrs. R. Jack- son, 2 Mrs. W. A. Parish Canned Citron--1 Mrs. J. Boe, 2 Mrs. C. Howsam. Canned Thimbleberries--1 Mrs, N. Ewers, 2 Mrs. R. Jackson. Canned Black Currants--1 Miss V. Wells, 2 Mrs. N. Ewers. Currant Jelly--1 Miss E. Jackson, 2 Mrs. R. Jackson. Crab Apple Jelly--1 Miss L. Car- negie, 2 Mrs. F. Stinson. Grape Jelly--1 Mrs. N. Ewers, 2 Miss L. Carnegie. Mustard Pickles--1 Mrs. J. Boe Tomato Catsup--1 Mrs. R. Colla- cutt, 2 Mrs. N. Ewers. Onion and Cucumber Pickles--1 Collection Pickles--1 Mrs. R. Colla- cutt, 2 Mrs. R. Jackson. FLOWERS Class 24--Flowers Gladiolus--1 Wm, Dyer, 2 D. Corb- man. Snapdragon--1 Miss E. Jackson, 2 Dr. Lundy. Coll. Dahlias--1 8. Jeffrey, 2 Mrs. H. Sonley. Basket Flowers--- Miss E. Jackson, 2 Mrs. J. Boe. Asters, pink--1 Thos. Philp, 2 Mrs. R. Jackson. Asters, purple--1 Mrs. R. Jackson, 2 T. Philps. Asters, white--1 Mrs. McKittrick, 2 Mrs. J. Boe. Aster Assortment--1 D. Corbman, 2 Miss E. Jackson. Rose Collection--1 Mrs. H. Sonley, 2 Dr. Lundy. Petunias--1 Mrs. McKittrick, 2 Mrs. J. Boe. Pansies--1 Dr. Lundy, 2 Mrs. G. Raines. Fern--1 H. Hayes, 2 Mrs. G. Raines Geranium--1 D. Corbman Begonia--1 Miss ValDe Hortop, 2 Mrs. N. Ewers. Sweet Peas--1 Mrs. R. Jackson, 2} G. Raines. LADIES' WORK Class 25--Ladies' Work. Child's Carnegie, 2 Miss L. Carnegie. i Guilds Drs, guy eizle-i Mi 1. Dress, emb--1 Mrs. John) - Carnegie, 2 Miss L. Butson. Towel, emb.--1 Mrs. F. W. Brock, 2 Miss L. Carnegie. Linen Towel, tatting--1 Mrs. W, J. Ruttle, 2 Mrs, F. Stinson. Bath Towel--1 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle, 2 Mrs. W. E. Sonley. Child's Knit Bootees--1 Mrs. Williams, 2 Miss L. Butson. Pair Knit Socks--1 Mrs. J. Davey, 2 Mrs, John Carnegie Pair Knit Mitts, men's--1 Mrs, F, Stinson, 2 Miss V. Butson. Pair Knit Mitts, ladies'--1 Mrs, F. Stinson, 2 Mrs. McKittrick. Kitchen fpron--1 Mrs. F. Raines, 2 Mrs. R. Jackson. Specimen Cut Work--1 Mrs. F. W. Brock, 2 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle, Ladies' Bed Jacket--1 Mrs. F. Stin- son, 2 Miss L. Lundy. Specimen Tatting--1 Mrs, F,. Stin- son, 2 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle. Button Holes--1 Mrs. F. Raines, Mrs. McKittrick. Table Runner, emb.--1 Miss ValDe Hortop, 2 Mrs. John Carnegie. Plain Sewing--1 Miss L. Butson, 2 Mrs. W. C. Sonley. Costume Slip--1 Miss L. Carnegie, 2 Miss L. Butson. Tea Towel, emb.--1 Mrs. R. Jack- son, 2 Miss L. Carnegie. Plain Patching--1 Miss M. White, 2 Mrs, R. Jackson. Soft Cushion, any style--1 Miss V. Davey, 2 Miss Vera Wells. Sofa Custion, any style--1 Miss V. Hortop, 2 Mrs. J. Carnegie. Towel Collection--1 Mrs. W. C. Son- ley, 2 Mrs. F. Stinson. Handkerchief, initial trim--1 Miss V. Butson Handkerchief, tatting--1 Miss Lois Lundy, 2 Mrs. F. Raines. Handkerchief, any style--1 Mrs. B. Jones, 2 Mrs. N. Ewers. Pair Pillow Cases, emb.--1 Mrs. F. W. Brock, 2 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle. Pillow Cases, crochet--1 Mrs. J. Carnegie, 2 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle. Baby Rompers--1 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle Rug, braided--1 Mrs. J. Davey, 2 Mrs. W. C. Sonley. Rug, hooked--1 Miss L. Carnegie, 2 Mrs. F. Crozier. Rag Floor Runner--1 Davey Pieced Quilt, cotton--1 Mrs. Me. Kittrick, 2 Miss M. White. Applique Quilt--1 Mrs. J. Carnegie, 2 Mrs. F. Stinson. Hand Bag, fancy--1 Mrs. J. Car- negie, 2 Mrs. F. Crozier. Bedspread, emb.--1 Mrs. F. Stinson, 2 Miss M. White. Buffet Set--1 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle, Miss L. Carnegie. Boudoir Cushion--1 Mrs, negie, 2 Miss L. Carnegie. Sheets and Pillow Cases, crochet-- 1 Miss M. White, 2 Mrs. J. Carnegie. Ladies' Smock, home-made--1 Mrs. F. Stinsons2 Mrs. F. Raines. Ladies' Night Gown, emb,--1 Mrs. F. Stinson, 2 Mrs. F. W. Brock. Ladies' Night Gown, any style--1 Mrs. F. W. Brock, 2 Mrs. W. C. Son- ley. Bed Lamp--1 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle, 2 Mrs, F. W. Brock. Baby Bonnet, knit--1 Mrs. N. Wil- liams, 2 Mrs. J. Carnegie. Baby Bonnet, crochet--1 Mrs. Stinson, 2 Miss L. Butson. Lunch Cloth and Serviettes--1 Mrs. J. Carnegie, 2 Miss M. White. Baby Jacket, knit--1 Mrs. N. Wil- liams, 2 Miss M. White. Baby Jacket, crocheted--1 Mrs. F. Stinson, 2 Mrs. J. Carnegie. Child's Dress, smocked--1 Mrs. J. Carnegie, 2 Miss L. Butson. Centrepiece, emb., solid--1 Mrs. F. Raines, 2 Mrs. W. C. Sonley. Centrepiece, eyelet--1 Mrs. F. W. Brock, 2 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle. Vanity Set--1 Mrs. J. Carnegie, 2 Mrs. R. Jackson. Card Table Cover--I1 Mrs. J. Car- N. 2 Mrs. Jas. 2 J. Car- F. negie, 2 Mrs. P. W. Brock. y e, 2 Mrs. W. J. Ruttle, Hematitching--1 Mrs. F. W. Brock,