; ; Excellent Bargains are ox Being Offered | Come Early. Wonderful Selection See large bills for lists of bargains. Now is your opportunity to save money.' ° mmm---- MENS SUITS and Overcoats ~ JAS. McKEE & SON EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of Eyes in Modern Life Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalies, lusively and 8 Open Tuesday, Thursda, d Saturday ev yan Disney Block Opposite P.O. OSHAWA, ONT. 1516 -- Phone -- 1516 V. P. STOUFFER PIANO TUNING Overhauling -- p! actions repaired, lost motion taken up, sticking and keys rb el i a Br Bi A Ko S Shecialty, All work guaranteed. Phone 30, W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to § pm. Office over Nelson's Store. 2" and 8" x 4" Hardwood for imple- ment material. 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12 : and Spruce D. & 2x8, 2x10, 2x12 B.C. Cedar in 8 to 20 foot lengths. LIST OF MATERIALS Carried In Stock at All Times Shingles. | Window Frames and Sash in stock. 1 x 12 Edge Grain Boat Cedar, D. & 8S,, clear. . 1 inch Maple, Ash, Chestnut, in rough, can be milled to suit your require- ments. : a Interior and Exterior Doors of various sizes, in clear Fir and clear White Pine, also paint grade pine. British Columbia Clear Shingles, No. 1--5 X, No.18X, No.2,5X. Toronto Asphalt also we can make any design and size you require. 24 different designs of Mouldings. Sizes to suit your requirements. % x 6 clear Cedar Bevel Siding 1 x 6 Clear Spruce Cove Siding 1 x 6 Spruce Novelty Siding, double 1 x 5 or 6 White Pine Bevel Siding 1 x 8 Spruce Shiplap. 1x 10 B.C. Cedar Shiplap '| gathered at the Lodge Room corner The Norman Shoe Repair Port Perry. ] Quick Servioe Bring your Repairs in the morning--take them away at night. Price Reasonable All work guaranteed Rubber Heels put on while you wait. RED, WHITE, AND BLACK CURRANTS, GOOSEBERRIES and RASPBERRIES FOR SALE Mrs. Bickell, Prince Albert. Il §afabi fg 3 g & i This was one of the best days spent by Warriner Lodge for some time, and the committee, especially the chairman, Mr. Murray Williams, are] to be congratulated on the manner in which the arrangements were all made. STOVIN PICNIC Among the many pleasant events planned for Civic Holiday was a re- union of the Stovin family at Mr. Alex. Ewen's field and woods, two miles south of Uxbridge. The weather being perfect, this was an ideal spot for merry-making, and nearly sixty people, big and little, the children, grandchildren and five great grandchildren of the late William Stovin participated in the happy oc- casion, xX Those present were: Mr. and Mrs, J. 8. Stovin and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. R. Nugent and family, Sun- derland; Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Ewen and family, Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Lambert and family, Cannington; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stovin and family, Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Suddard and family, Oshawa; Misses Lillian and Gertrude Stovin, Port Perry; Mrs. Suddard, Sr., and Mrs. C. Frise, To- ronto, Baseball was the chief amusement for the older hoys and girls, quoit pitching for the men and swings for the kiddies, This delightful event promises to be the forerunner of many similar oc- casions for the family. Many thanks have been expressed to the host and hostess for their hospitality. FOR SALE Montmorency Cherries. Fiftey cents per 11 quart basket. Customers pick their own. Picked without stems gives you more than the usual quan- tity. A. A. Knight, Ashburn. Two miles west of Myrile. DR. R. B. E. WILSON PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, OBSTETRICIAN, X-RAY Office and Residence, Brock St. E., Uxbridge, Phone 133 At Port Perry Office every Friday, 2 to 5 pm. Phone 200W. Krom Lamp Radiation. Miss Margaret Kitson has returned to her home at Salem after spending the past month with Mr. and Mrs. F. the twenty-fifth Anniversary of the or- ganization, at the church, which was beautifully decorated in mauve and yellow. About 8.30 p.m. the crowd, which numbered about 100, assembled in the church for a short programme, which was conducted in the same 'manner as a regular business meet- ing. The program was opened by all singing "O God Our Help in Ages Past," after which Mr. Green led in prayer. The Bible reading was taken by Mrs. Wm. Stokes, followed by the roll call of all the old members, as well as the present roll. A synopsis of the first Ladies' Aid meeting was read, which was very interesting. Mr, Green was then asked to come for- ward and take charge of the remaind- er of the program. A complimentary address to the former members was given by Mr, Green, and was respond- ed to by an address to the present members by Miss Ida Downer. The President, Mrs. Norman Jacobs, spoke a few words to the present Women's Association. The first president of Ladies' Aid, Mrs. Henry James was pr ted with a b t of flowers by Miss Lulu Osborne. Owing to the absence of Mrs. James, Miss Nellie James, on behalf of her mother, thanked the ladies for the beautiful bouquet. Mrs. Norman Jacobs then read a few letters of greetings from some of the former pastors who were unable to be present. The hymn, "Blest be the Tie that Binds," was sung, followed by a mis- cellaneous programme consisting of readings, duets, choruses and piano duets, Mrs, Wm. Stokes and Mrs. Philp Ripley were then asked to come for- ward to light the twenty-five candles which had been placed on the birth- day cake. Mrs. Chas. Wickett and Miss Nellie James were then asked to blow out the candles. The birthday cake was cut by Mrs. W. J. Hall Everyone joined in singing "Auld Lang Syne." The afternoon program closed by inging "God Be With You Till We FOR EXCHANGE I have a six roomed East Toronto home to exchange for a village or country home. WESLEY BOYNTON, Port Perry. TENDERS WANTED FOR PAINT- ING OF SCHOOL--(Two Coats.) Tenders will be received up to 8 p.m. on Saturday, August 6th, for painting all wood and metal work on outside of Port Perry High and Public Schools. Work only to be considered. Paint supplied. Lowest or any tender ODDFELLOWS HOLD PICNIC Over Two Hundred Go to Orillia. The members and their families, of Warriner Lodge No. 75, 1.0.0.F: journeyed to Orillia Park, Lake Couchiching, on Civic Holiday. This was their first annual picnic and from the heard ng the two hundred persons present, it was a de- cided success. The day was ideal and the cars all at ten a.m. and before noon were in the beautiful Orillia Park. The Com- mittee had made arrangements with the Supt. of Parks, at Orillia, for the use of the large pavilion for the day, so it was not long before all the tables were covered with plenty to eat. After this enjoyment came the races, etc., which were arranged by A. L. Mc tt and M. A. Gerrow, also the tug-of-war contests and soft. ball games. The following are the prize winners: Girls' Race--(4 years and under) 1 Audrey Kerry. Boys' Race (9 years and under) 1 Grant McDermott, 2 Ivan Dusty, Boys' Race (18 years and under) 1 George Emmerson, 2 Harry Carnegle. Girls' Race (9 years and under) 1 not ily pted. Send tend- ers to A. B. Cawker, Port Perry, Ont. WUPTURE EXPERT HERE Do you suffer from rupture? If so, your big opportunity has now ar- rived. Mr. Reavely, the noted rupture expert, will be at the Sebert House, Port Perry, for one day only, Tues- day, August 9th, and will be pleased to give free examination to any sufferer and to demonstrate his fam- ous appliance. This appliance will contract the opening in 10 to 15 days and has been known to cure cases in from three to six months. This ap- pliance is positively demonstrated to you right on your own person without anycharge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right appliance for you. A consultation with Mr. Reavely will cost you nothing, Don't let thid op- portunity get away from you. Re- member the date. = TENNIS RACQUET LOST at tennis court, Port Perry. Columbia racquet--new. Finder please return to Star Office. Meet Again." During the next half-hour a social time was spent, followed by a ban- 'quet which was served in the base- ment of the church, which was also decorated in mauve and yellow. The caps and aprons of the waitresses were also of mauve and yellow. Members were present from Osh- awa, Seagrave, Sonya, Valentia and Lindsay, as well as from many other points. FERTILIZER TESTS ON WHEAT Definite results from the applica- tion of fertilizer to fall wheat have been obtained by 73 farmers in On- tario. Already there are 232 plots under test and under the supervision of the Chemistry Department of the Agricultural College. ~ Most of the leading fertilizer mixtures were used. After three years of this experi- mental work the Chemistry Depart- ment makes the statement that winter fertilizers, on well drained soil. than does unfertilized wheat. Fertilized wheat ripens more uni- formly than unfertilized wheat, and 8 catch of clover and grass is nearly al- when seeding grain. fertilizers when applied broadcast. ciding factor in using fertilizers 11 extra bushels per acre seems to leave 8 margin of profit. This was the average obtained in the past two years. There is an added benefit for one or two years in the stand of clover and grass following wheat. | : Pe g ? I gE NEW CORN DISEASES Corn crops of Western Ontario | dance at Oakwood on Friday night. | killing of wheat can be overcome to|§ a large extent by applying suitable |§ Also | 8 it was found that fertilized wheat |§ stools out much more abundantly |§ to 10 days earlier. Also a satisfactory | § 'ways obtained if fertilizers are used |} Fertilizers applied with the drill |§ give better results than the same|§ As the increase in yields is the de-|§ | Chain RED & WHITE Stores CLOVER LEAF JALMON 1 Ib. tin 29c. GOLD MEDAL COFFEE [Yellow Label] V5 1b. tin 23c. 1 Ib. tin 45c. SHREDDED WHEAT ....2 pkgs. 25c. RED & WHITE SALT, Plain or lodized 2 for 19¢c. KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN, ...pkg. 2lc. GOLD MEDAL CASTILE SOAP 3 for 10c. McCORMICK ASSORTED : SANDWICH BISCUITS, ....1b 23c. CLARK'S POTTED MEATS, 3 tins 25¢.' FLY TOX. 8 ounce size "NUT FUDGE CHLORIDE OF LIME ....2 pkgs. 25¢e: CANADA CORN STARCH . .pkg. 10e. WONDERFUL SOAP 5 bars for 17c. WE SELL AND RECOMMEND" MAGIC BAKING POWDER: | GILLETTS LYE, eats dirt ....tin 13¢ LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 for 23c, BIG FIVE CLEANSER KELLOGG'S BRAN FLAKES, 2 for 23¢ Wine base. 13 ounce dyspepsia, heartburn, Cramps, ete. ren of any age. children. A. M. Phone 49 We Recommend VIR VIN TONIC--To restore strength and energy. Contains extract of Malt, Alkaloids of Cinchona, and Nux Vomica, Hypophosphites of Iron, Manganese, Lime and Potash, Gaduol and finest Port BISMA REX--A most effective remedy for sour stomach, acidity, RED GUM AND BISMUTH COMPOUND--To counteract Dysentery,' No harmful effects. Price 50c. WAMPOLE'S MAG-SEN--As a carminitive for infants and young 3 ounce bottle 25¢c. ae Ranall se bottle, $1.00. flatulence and nausea. 4 oz. bottle Tbe. May be safely given to child- LAWRENCE PORT PERRY CAWK Give service Bakers and Confectioners, ER BROS. and quality in every thing required from a meat market. --FOR PROMPT DELIVERY-- Phone your orders to 29w Don't worry about Baking -- CALL UP GERROW'S-- Their Business is BAKING - ETN GERROW'S BAKERY Port Perry. it impossible to offer WELSH COAL For the past year we have been making a thorough investi- gation into the Welsh Coal situation, and have been success- ful in securing a brand of Welsh coal which we believe will give our customers entire satisfaction. Welsh Coal, and the D. L. & W. "BLUE COAL" we believe that would give better value for the money. Order your Welsh Coal NOW from US. RED E. REESOR | In offering this to the coal buying public anything