CrEE 9 JULY 16 S SATURDAY, -- See large bills for lists of bargains. Now is your, opportunity to save money. - : : JAS. McKEE & SON PECIAL A TUCK EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of . Sra ; fm Post Graduate College, London, Eng., ah : 5 Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. '-- STARTS -- j=iimeriora. The Norman Shoe Repair Port Perry. as Quick Service Bring your Repairs in the morning--take them away at night. "Price Reasonable All work guaranteed Rubber Heels put on while you wait. LOST Two Grey Persian Kittens. please notify Star Office. Finder LOST A grip containing shoes and rub- & PRICES nant Iaaival Eyes in Modern Life MEN'S SUITS glasses. Open Tuesda Saturda; por | P ing in muscle anomalies, eyesight and Thursday and W. T. Rodman ~~ 8 to 20 foot lengths. x8, 2x10, 2x12, B.C. Cedar in and Overcoats prices are greatly reduced-- the arrival of new goods there is a splendid choice. Get your order in early. All kinds of Dry Cleaning and Pressing done. Ladies' fine dresses thoroughly cleaned by our New Dry Cleaning Process at very moderate Disney Block Opposite P.O. OSHAWA, ONT. 1516 -- Phone -- 1516 V.P. STOUFFER RT Ei SRE EE W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGHON Office Hours--9 a.m. to § pm. Office over Nelson's Store. "LIST OF MATERIALS Carried in Stock at All Times 2" and 8" x 4" Hardwood for imple-| 1 x 12 Edge Grain Boat Cedar, D. & ment material. S., clear. 2x4, 2x6, 2x8 2x10, 2x12, 1 inch Maple, Ash, Chestnut, in rough, Rough Hemlock, and Spruce D. &| can be milled to suit your req ments, : Interior and Exterior Doors of various sizes, in clear Fir and clear White Sheeting Lumber-- Pine, also paint grade pine. Merchant Tailor OverTel. Office Port Perry v 1x8, 1x6 Hemlock British Columbia Clear Shingles. 1 x 10 B. C. Cedar No. 1--5 X, No. 1 8X, No. 2,5 X. White Pine 1 x 12 Toronto Asphalt Shingles. 1 x 8 Spruce Window Frames and Sash in stock. all 8 to 16 feet--assorted lengths it} = Tt LC design and a bas | size you require. ; White Pine PD ELS mae and oy giferent designs of Mouldings. Sizes to suit your requirements. % x 6 clear Cedar Bevel Siding s 1 x 6 Clear Spruce Cove Siding 1 x 6 Sprace Novelty Siding, double|* 1x 10 B.C. Cedar Shiplap We have an up-to-date planing mill | that enables us to ind ot per 11 quart basket. their own. gives you more than the usual quan- tity. A. A. Knight, Ashburn. Two miles west of Myrtle. bers, about two weeks ago; between Oshawa and Lindsay by way of Port Perry and Manilla. If finder will kindly return contents they may have the grip. Please communicate - with W. H. Ross, Sturgeon Point, Ont. 1 RED, WHITE, AND BLACK CURRANTS, GOOSEBERRIES and RASPBERRIES FOR SALE Mrs. Bickell, Prince Albert. FOR BALE Montmorency Cherries. Fiftey cents Customers pick Picked without stems DR. R. B. E. WILSON PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, OBSTETRICIAN, X-RAY Office and Residence, Brock St. E., Uxbridge, Phone 133 At Port Perry Office every Friday, 2 to 5 pm. Phone 200W. Krom Lamp Radiation. Cartwright The regular meeting of Cartwright Council was held on July 4th, mem- bers all present and Reeve N. Green presiding. Communications from Harris & Harris re Mr. Gibson threatening to] close roadway over his lot. On motion laid on table for further information. E. Dorrell and N. H. Marlow ap- plied for grant to Agricultural Soc- iety. Left over for discussion. H. Galbraith complained of con- dition of roadway in front of his residence. On motion he was granted top for culvert to protect the road. Thos. Pengally suggested to the ouncil in case of a retreat in Cae- sarea that he put in 20 ft wide in- tead of two 'widths. T. H. Gibson appeared before the council re owners of lots, in Harris and Harris subdivision' crossing his lot. On motion clerk to write Har- '| ris and Harris suggesting that they} communicate with . Mr. Gibson re settlement of road. Mrs. A. T. Bailey and Albert § el Eg § gf 7.42 » H ry ence ........ 13.76 ETT : 9.80 En ir f Adjourned to meet Aug. 2nd at 7.80 pm, . 7, ! W. Beacock, Clerk. Manchester Mrs, James Mitchell visited friends in Toronto recently, Those who attended Church enjoyed the sermon given by Mr. Elford of Scugog, we are always pleased to have him with us, Mr, Joe Bowes is making great progress with his new house, Mr, Geo. Fowlie and Harold Dobson also Earl Mitchell and James Masters are kept busy keeping count of the cars on the Highway, this week. - I i 1 er and Mrs, E. Barrett ex- pres the appreciation to all who 5 assisted in making the union such a success. Hymn With You Till We Meet ", made a fitting close. ly sixty persons sat down to tiful supper, served by the ladies of the church. There 'a profusion of summer flowers. large birthday cake, decorated with thirty-one candles, was cut by Mrs. Fursey, the oldest member present. Mrs. R. M. Holtby, on behalf of the visitors, expressed their appreciation for a most enjoyable afternoon. The July meeting of the W. M. S. was held on Friday afternoon, July 15th, at Mrs. Murphy's home with the president, Mrs. Walker, in the chair. | After the devotional exercises, bear- ing on "Peace", there followed a busi- ness session, when Miss Margaret Armstrong, home on furlough for one month, told of her missionary work in Scotchtown Mission, New Water- ford, Cape Breton. Her address was most interesting and instructive. A pleasant social hour was enjoyed, the hostess serving a dainty lunch. eight apd Sten im i "Ni i 2 The Late Mrs. Thos. MoKee There p d away as the result of Mr. Rabije has made an imp ment to his lot by puting up two new cabins. He has an up-to-date booth and tea room. Mr. Wm. Holtby from California is visiting 'with Mr. Joe Bowes and friends. Mr. Holtby attended school when a boy at Manchester, he has been away for over twenty years and can see a great change in Manchester. Mrs, Biggs and Jerald of Fergus are visiting with her sister, Mrs. Grant Christie. Miss Viola Mitchell of Bufflo and friend spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Mitchell. Mr. Walter Fawlie spent Sunday in Toronto with friends, Mr. John Moore of Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. John Moore. Those who attended the Picnic on Thursday last report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lamb and sons of Lindsay spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Lamb. Miss A. Thompson has gone to Queensville to visit her sister, Mrs. White. Mrs. F. Crosier and Mr. and Mrs. Christie spent Sunday at Port Bolster. Master Alfred Pulsey has returned to his home at Caesarea after a week with Mr. and Mrs. F. Crosier. Mrs. James Johnson and son of Toronto visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson. Mrs. I. Vernon in Oshawa on Thurs- day with friends. The Toronto Milk Producers 'As- sociation will meet in Manchester Hall on Friday, July 22th at 8 o'clock. Miss Grace Norwich, of Toronto, spent the week end with her cousin, Marion Holtby. Mr. Robert James has returned to Detroit, after spending two week's vacation with his parents. Mr. Robt. Turner, of Carroll, Man., called on the Holtby brothers, re- cently. . h The Thompsons and Holtbys at- tended the Holbornepicnic at Jack-| son's Point, last Saturday. | MANCHESTER W. M. 8S. The June meeting of the Manchester W.M.S. took the form of a birthday party, to mark the thirty-first anni- versary, which was held on June 29th, in the Manchester hall, in h of the charter members, It was a happy re-union of all the members of the society, past and present, and the ladies of the congregation. The program was prepared by Mrs. Murphy and Miss Spoffard. The Pastor, Rev. J. O. Totten, kindly pre- sided. Hymn "There is Work to do for Jesus" was sung, followed by the twenty-third Psalm in unison. The president, Mrs. W. F. Walker, wel- comed the ladies in a few well chosen remarks. The chairman's address was also well received: Mrs, Ivason Moore, of Oshawa, gave a piano solo, Mrs. Rev. M. E. Wilson, of Havelock, who had organized the society in 1901 and was its first president, out-lined a a car accident, on Saturday afternoon, July 9th, Mrs. Thomas McKee, of Manchester. Mrs! McKee, who lived about a quater of a mile south of the village of Manchester, was going to the village when the acident occurred which caused her death. She had just crossed the road in front of her home when she was struck down by a car being driven by Mr. Eakins, of To- ronto. The ambulance and doctor were summoned but she passed away a few minutes later while being rush- ed to the Oshawa Hospital. Although Mrs. McKee was in her seventy-third year she was unusually smart and active and will be greatly missed in the neighbourhood, being of a cheerful disposition and always ready to give a helping hand to any one in need. She was a member of the Manchester Unitéd Church. The funeral was held from her late residence on Monday afternoon, her pastor Rev. Mr. Totten having charge of the service. The very large crowd of relatives and friends spoke for itself the high esteem in which the deceased lady was held. She leaves to mourn her loss, be- sides her husband, four daughters, Mrs. J. T. Evans, Raglan; Mrs. Jos. McGaphey, Lindsay; Mrs. Clarence Cook, Prospect; and Miss Edna Mc- Kee at home; one son Lloyd, of Man- chester, and five grandchildren, Prince Albert Mr. and Mrs, Argue and sons of Midland, also Mr. and Mrs. George Barker, of Oakville, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Warren. Miss Norma Woodley, Toronto, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Woodley. Misses Viona and Doreen Till, of Greenbank, spent a short holiday with their grandfather Mr, Geo. Bond. grandmother, Mrs. Worden, Beach. holidays. sons Charles and Will and Mrs. M. Bates, arrived from Cal- the summer at the old home. Orange Walk at Oshawa last week. Mrs. John Foley who went to Pal- merson to visit her daughter Mrs. Craig has been ill and is unable to re- turn home at present. Mrs. Murphy entertained the Man- chester Woman's Missionary Society last week. Miss Bertha Holiday of Prospect brought Miss Armstrong, a missionary who is home at present, and who gave the meeting a most en- tertaining talk on her last year's work in Cape Breton, : ft Inclosed among the evergreens on Mr. and Mrs. King and daughter i Barbara, were recent guests of their : before | # continuing their holiday at Wasaga |§ Miss Holman and friend of Toronto, i are at their home here during the |§ Mrs. Patterson has gone to Toronto : for a time before the: arrival of her |H Mrs. McBrien, Miss Julia McBrien, | ifornia some ten days ago to spend : A number from here attended the : F. W. Brock & Son Chain RED & WHITE Stores Rayon Dresses-- Clearing Sale A clearance of this season's Rayon, short $ 24 0 5 ® sleeve and sleeveless Dresses. Newest styles Pure Thread Silk Hosiery and patterns. Full assortment of sizes and shades. Good SLO VAGHOr.. ivi. ssa rrvesronnnes 75c. pair BATHING SUITS Men's All Wool elastic ribbed ................ 0. viva $1.49 Ladies' All Wool, colored and black .........ccooivvrinnns $1.49 Chidren's All Wool Suits... .........¢c.o0i. ci divin $1.25 BATHING SHOES---Ladies' 50c.. .Children's 45c. ; Ladies' Shoes -- Bargain Table Specials Broken lines of two or three pairs of a kind, all sizes in the lot. Regular $3.25 to $4.00. Clearing at $2.75 MEN'S RAYON SOCKS in a good quality hose, attractive patterns, per pair 29c. GROCERIES REDPATH GRANULATED HAMS, 100 pounds ........... $5.00 BACON COOKED HAMS WONDERFUL BRAND PASTRY FLOUR 49c. LAUNDRY SOAP, 10 for 35¢| BREAD FLOUR PURE LARD. 1b 10c.! CHRISTIE'S FINE CAKES COTTAGE ROLLS SHORTENING 1h lc. | 5¢., 10¢c., 15¢., and 25c. FANCY PINK SALMON, ¥, Ib ting ...... 0c. iain Se. WATERMELONS, CHERRIES, ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, CARROTS, CABBAGES FOR SUMMER SUPPLIES Whether you are planning an extended holiday trip, a picnic or a quiet rest at the cottage, your Rexall Drug Store has many things for your comfort and enjoyment, AGFA FILM--A superior film at the regular price. Eight exposures for the price of six BATHING CAPS--We have a complete range of styles and colors. Priced 15¢. to 50c. FIRST AID SUPPLIES--We shall be glad to advise you regarding First Aid Supplies or to fill your First Aid Kit to your own specifications. We use the hest quality products and our prices are reasonable. JONCOLIA CREAM--An ideal preparation for sunburn.. Tube 35c. GYPSY CREAM --For Poison Ivy and Heat Rash...6 oz. bottle 50c. SUMMER DRINKS--Fruit Punch, bottle 40c. Montserrat Lime Juice, 13 oz. bottle. 49¢. Niagara Maid Grape Juice, 16 oz. 3bc. - A. M. LAWRENCE ae Rexall sure Phone 49 PORT PERRY, ONT. CAWKER BROS. Give service and quality in every thing required from a meat market. --FOR PROMPT DELIVERY-- Phone your orders to 29w Seeese Seessvareessesranss Se unstviresaianeseseevessessrents Sieeserieessssarass Don't worry about Baking -- CALL UP GERROW'S-- Their Business is BAKING Ee GERROW'S BAKERY Port Perry. Bakers and Confectioners, REDUCED PRICES ON COAL AND COKE Coal is now selling: at Summer Prices, the lowest it has been for several years. To insure you will get the maxi- mum amount of heat comfort for the money you have to spend in fuel, have your bins filled with BLUE COAL. NEW LOW PRICES ON LUMBER We have just received a carload of good spruce and pine lumber, and we expect to arrive soon a car of Western Cedar and Fir, all which will be sold at reduced prices from former years. CONTRACTS TAKEN FRED E. REESOR Port Perry B Phote 7