Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 30 Jun 1932, p. 4

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JNO. W. CROZIER | n i Public, Conve) Barrister, Solicif , Notary: yancer, Accountant, etc. Real Estate Money to Loan Office first door east of Canadian Bank of Commerce, over the Observer ' Office Office Phone 98 Residence 19) Port Perry, Ontario Local Items COMING--F. E. Luke, .Eyesight specialist, at Lawrence's Drugstore, Port Perry, on Thursday, July 28th. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Crozier were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells, Miss Josie Nott, was a recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Prentice, Scugog Island. Miss Dorothy Ney of Toronto has been visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Ney . Mrs. Gunn, and daughter, Miss Betty Gunn, and Miss Annie Farmer, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Farmer, on Sunday. Mr. Forbes Nasmith and friend, Mr. Parker McMillin, of Allandale, left on Wednesday morning for a ten day canoe trip to Algonquin Park, by way of the Kawartha Lakes. Mrs. R. Willan is visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Steele, of Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. S. Robertson and son Grant, attended the shower given in honour of Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Strong, Cartwright, last week. There are forty-five pupils writing on the Entrance Examinations at Port Perry centre from the surrounding district. Some forty pupils were given Entrance standing on their year's work in the different schools. Hold This Date-- July 20th BUSINESS MEN OF PORT PERRY TO HAVE A DAY OF FUN 1t has been decided by the business men of Port Perry to put on a day of fun for the people of the locality. The date set is July 20th. There are to be sports on the water and the green, and a street dance at night. This is not a money making affair. All you have to pay is 26c. for the dance and all sports events and this gives also a lucky number draw on a radio. Further particulars next week. rr eet ere COMPLAINTS RE SCHOOL OR TEACHERS The following motion was passed at a recent meeting of the Port Perry Board of Education: That all complaints of any kind pertaining to the 'school or to the teachers, must be made in writing and signed by the party or parties making the complaint, or the com- plainant may appear before the Board and present his or her case. ret Pere MR STATTON RE-ENGAGED AS PRINCIPAL OF PORT PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL At a special meeting of the Board of Education, Mr. Statton was re- engaged as Principal of the Port Perry Public School at a salary of $1200.00 a year for the school year 1932-33. A contract to this effect has been signed by the teacher and the Board of Education. The staffs of the High and Public Schools - are now complete, and no further changes are expected. el OP Pee FIDELITY LODGE OFFICERS INSTALLED On Monday evening, R. W. Bro. E: 14 Wormington, Port Hope, installed the, newly elected officers of Fidelity PAPER PLATES - CUPS TABLE SETS SERVETTES See Ours--Prices Right CHILDREN'S PLAY BALLS Gas and Sponge Rubber FLOWER POTS, BULB - BOWLS, FERN POTS VASES, ETC. in fancy decorations FOR REPAIRS of Watch, Clock, Jewellery, Spectacles, .see .us--work guaranteed 1. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist Port kerry ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Lindsay, Minister. 11 a.m.--Morning Service 7 p.m.--Evening Service. -- t>o---------------- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Holy Communion +. Provisionally--Form 1 to Form 1. Form I to Form II (Technical Course) Martyn, R. Oke, P. Palmer, E. Reesor, D. Roper, M. Ryan, D. Steer, A. Turner, M. Vickery. M. Gerrow, R. Prentice 1. Coates, J. Cooney, M. Hubbard, 0. Martin, K. Midgley, K. Murphy, G. Vickery. FORM 1I TO FORM III A. Anderson, A. Balfour, M. Beare, A. Dowson, M. Eagleson, M. Harper, W. Heayn, L. Kight, R. McLean, R. Milner, G. Moase, V. Nasmith, J. Orde, C. Osadguk, R. Pickard, H. Platten, E. Robinson, R. Willard, D. Williams, E. Williamson, I. Young. Provisionally, Form H to Form IIl W. Cawker, R. McCrea, D. Suddard, V. Wells. FORM III to FORM IV French--A. Hood, A. Kight, M. Mc- Kercher, N, McMillan, P. Orde, M. Prentice, H. Partridge, D. Reesor, IL Reynolds, S. Smallman, E. Symes, T. Woods. Latin--I. Harper, A. Hood, H. Kight, M. McKercher, N. McMillan, P. Orde, M. Prentice, H. Partridge, W. Phoenix, D. Reesor, E. Symes, 8. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Worship Service 7 p.m.--Worship Service Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sunday School 3.00 p.m.Worship Service. eel MAI AP REPORT OF. S. 8. NO. 1, SCUGOG Sr, IV--Orval Heayn, Aleta Reader, * Jr. IV--Alan Carter, Leona Pren- tice, Irene Redman, Helen Colleran. Sr. - IlI---Gladys Collins, Harold Martyn, Alvin Heayn, Florence Carter Jr. III--Edna Samells, Olive Brown, Percy Collins, Nelson Reader, Lor- raine Collins, Violet Fowler. Sr. I--Joyce Reader, Ruby Brown, Everton Collins, Jr. I--Gerald Colleran Sr. Pr.--Mildred Heayn, Wallace Collins, Rena.Fowler, Elsie Reader, Aleta Collins. Jr. Pr.--Dorothy Graham, Merlin Collins, Walter Colleran, Lois Reader W. Niddery, Teacher. eet PP PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Promotions The following is a list of promo- tions for the forms of the Lower and Middle Schools. Pupils whose work has not been entirely satisfactory and are there fore not entitled to unqualified pro- motion, have been given "Provisional Promotion". These pupils will be given a trial in the next forms for a Lddge, A. F. & A.M. He was assists ed by a number of brethren from Port H The officers are as follows: Wi M.--W. Bro. R. Somerville. 1.P.M:~W. Bro. D. W. McIntosh ANNOUNCEMENT Arthur Huyck, of Oshawa and Whitby, will be at the Patricia Beauty Parlor on Mon- day, July 4th, 1932, and every Monday during July, to give Permanent Waves. Permanent Specials Oil of Tulip ..... ...$10.00 up. Pierre Nusheen .......... $9.00 Pierri French Curl ......$7.50 $15.00 Cuel Oil Treated ..$6.00 $10.00 Antionette Curl ..$5.00 Special ......iiioine $8.95 Phone 143w for appointment Patricia Beauty .| they would think it was too" cold to Smallman, T. Woods. Myrtle Station Don't forget, on July 7th, there will be a great field day of sports, cele- brated at Myrtle. Because of the chilly weather, the Ladies' 'Aid Ice Cream Lawn Social was held in' the Community Hall last Thursday evening. A fair crowd at- tended and enjoyed a first class pro- gram which consisted of vocal selec- tions by Mrs. Robt. Sadler, accompanied by Mrs. R. Jones, and Miss Wolfe, accompanied by her sister. Readings given by Mr. Goddard of Balsam and delightful instrumental selections by three young gentlemen of Raglan; also a piano trio by Mrs. Tordiff and Misses Bernice Price, and Lois Tordiff; Mr. Webber of Brooklin gave a few selections of his popular songs, also Miss Doris Davies played a few nice selections on the guitar. No doubt, if outsiders had known the program was indoors, more of them would have attended, but naturally sit out on the lawn and eat ice cream to keep warm. Myrtle Baseball boys will play Blackstock on Friday, July 1, at 6.30, in Blackstock. Mr. Thos. Montgomery and Reeve Wm. West of Sterling were Saturday visitors at T. R. Price's. D.| nto, were visitors at the puri of Mr.| L and Mrs. Jas. Beacock on. Saturday, .| neighborhood of Myrtle last Tuesday Mrs. Carmichael's : Pipi Brin ic 'at Musselman's Lake, Thucsligy 'of this week. = Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hi last, Mayor G. W. and Mrs. Tice, also Mr. and Mrs. Hannah, all of Belleville, were callers at Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Price's on Wednesday last. of Toronto spent a few days of last week with Mrs. R, Chisholm, Mrs. Long spent a few days of last week with friends in Brooklin. "A redl old time band roused the evening, when they celebrated the occasion by a chivaree for the newly 'weds, and received a good treat for their efforts. Congratulations to our Entrance pupils: Doris Simpkins, Lois Tordiff, George Cooper and Tommy Price, who passed on the standing of their year's work. We wish all success for the remaining two, Lester Beadle and Melvin Painter who are writing their exams this week. We extend our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Heron ((nee Miss Rose Reynolds) who were married last Wednesday, at the home of the bride. Mr. Ross Broom spent the week end with friends in Oshawa. Mrs. Vice of Chapleau, Miss Lam- miman of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, at Mrs. O. Lane's last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Birkett of Port Perry spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R Percy. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Chisolm left on Monday for an extended motor trip. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Price and family motored to Toronto on Sun- | day. Congratulations. to Mr. and Mrs, Ted Butterworth (nee Miss Cora Todd) who were quietly married in Uxbridge a week ago last Saturday. Next Sunday's Church Service will instead of the eyening and will con- tinue so, on alternate Sundays through July. The Myrtle Elevator: will be closed on the afternoon of July 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Simpkins of Toronto spent Tuesday at the for- mer's home here. ; reel MPI INP RELIGIOUS SERVICE AT LAKESIDE BEACH Next Sunday afternoon there will be an open air. service held under the auspices of the Prince Albert Bible Society, at Mr. A. E. Rogerson's Camp, Lakeside Beach. The service will commence at 2 p.m. Standard Time. Speakers and singers will be pre- sent from Oshawa and Port Perry Band will be present to give a musical program. Everybody welcome. Silver col- home in Atherley on Sunday. 2" and 3" x 4" Hardwood for imple- ment material. 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2 x12, Rough Henilock, and Spruce D.& 8S. in 8 to 20 foot lengths. 2x8, 2x10, 2x12 B.C. Cedarin 8 to 20 foot lengths. Sheeting Lumber-- 1x8, 1x6 Hemlock 1 x 10 B. C. Cedar White Pine 1 x 12 » 1 x 8 Spruce all 8 to'16 feet--assorted lengths if required. White Pine D. & S. for inside and Parlor Port Perry, Ontario (over Venture Tea Room) 1 x 4 White Pine V Joint Miss Dorothy Hall returned to ery LIST OF MATERIALS Carried in Stock at All Times wulaide ity 1 fudls by 330 12 Socio ; a ouie Mare, aa Sis a le DB Geter Shier i Cote Bric, any dig oe Ven 3 lection taken for the Bible Society. John Jeffrey, Pres. Thos. Sager, Sec. Mrs. B. Greaves, Treas. 1 x 12 Edge Grain Boat Cedar, D. & S., clear. . 1 inch Maple, Ash, Chestnut, in rough, can be milled to suit your require- ments. : Interior and Exterior Doors of various sizes, in clear Fir and clear White Pine, also paint grade pine. British Columbia Clear Shingles. No. 1--b X, No. 1 8X, No. 2,5 X. Toronto Asphalt Shingles. . Window Frames and Sash in stock. . also we can make any design and size you require. 24 different designs of Mouldings. Sizes to suit your requirements. 14 x 6 clear Cedar Bevel Siding 1 x 6 Clear Spruce Cove Siding 1 x 6 Spruce Novelty Siding, double "surface. . Novelty Siding. Mrs. Mills of Whity and Miss Given |' be held at 3 b'clock in the afternoon | FI pa i gh horse escaped uninjured. We from his shaking up and that he will be able to enjoy driving for a good while yet. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. place on Saturday, June 18th.- Mrs. Butterworth was formerly Miss Cora Todd. 'Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron June are now settled with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Heron. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hooke and son are holidaying at their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCann and infant of Dearborn, Mich, visited Mr. Ivan Rodd last week. "The Street Dance The street dance held under the, auspices of the Hockey Club proved to be a successful affair. The night was fine, but slightly cool--splendid for dancing. There was a good crowd, and Geo. Wade's Orchestra gave good service. The winners of the prizes were: The Chesterfield Suite, Sid Lodge, Lindsay; Cedar Chest, Mike Summerfelt; Marshall Mattress, C. V. Purdy. of Myrtle Elevator wi - 4 | "Full stock of Binder Twine now available, Also fresh carload of Corn. Feeds of all kinds. Terms strictly cash. C. GOODE & SONS, LIMITED ; Chas. Pilkey, Local Agent. July 14 Blackstock (Continued from front page) ° The special services in St. John's Church on Sunday were very much enjoyed. Two fine addresses were given by Rev. Mr. Simpson of Mill- brook. Two beautiful solos were rendered by Mrs. Anderson of Bow- manville, and an anthem by the local choir. .. Congratulations are extended to one of our butchers Mr. Ernest Laird on his recent marriage. The June meeting of the W.M.S. of 'the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Taylor with an at- tendance of 29 members and visitors. The meeting opened with devotional exercises after which a business session followed. The program in charge of Mrs. N. Mountjoy's group was then given consisting of a piano solo by Mrs. Anson Taylor, 23rd Psalm repeated by Miss Audrey Mountjoy, a missionary reading by Mrs. Jos. Forder, a vocal solo by Mrs. Wells, "Thanks Be To God", a tem- perance talk by Mrs. N. Mountjoy, and the chapter of the Study Book by Mrs. (Rev.) Newell. On Monday evening the 20th, a miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Strong in honour of their daughter Esther and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. Chap- man. Mr, Grant Robertson acted as chairman and presented a wonderful shower of beautiful and useful gifts for which the bride and groom both expressed grateful thanks. A few short speeches and some singing brought this part to a close. The re- 4 of lunch, trust that Mr. Ross may soon recover | E. Butterworth whose marriage took | who were married on the 22nd of| Coal. d full oF heat. WELSH ® this high grade coal. CANNEL COAL, WOOD, Phones: 94 and 233. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE. mn i. ANTHRACITE COAL. We have. pointed Sole Agents in Port Perry for W We will have another car reach us within the ' days. Let us have your order to a up Jour PHONE YOUR ORDERS 0 Reliable T% ce a FT or ra Truck Delivery. Specials For chase a large bottle. bottles for 89 cents. COLEO SOAP--We have still Port Perry ABBEY'S SALT--pleasant refreshing and. healthful. A thirty-five cent bottle given free when you pur- Dollar. While they last you get the above two ' Three cakes and a tumbler for 25 cents. BLUE GILLETTE BLADES--These are said to be the best. blades on the market--in packets of five and ten, BLACK FLAG, WHIZ, FLY TOX, CYANOGAS and: CARBON BISULPH--for the destruction of mosquitoes,' moths, woodchucks and other pests. SL Morrison's Drug Store Phone 16 This Week Price of large bottle One a few tumblers on band-- Ontario mainder of the evening was spent in |§ a happy social time and. the. serving | : E. NORMAN sn some Blong Block, Port Perry. First Class Shoe DR. W. 5. HARPER Physi¢ian and Surgeon Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Trinity University, Toronto. Post Graduate in Surgery of Medical Graduates' College and ' Polyelinie, London, Eng. North East London Post Graduate College, London, Eng., Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Coroner for County of Ontario. Office and Surgery--former residence of Dr. J. A. Mathers, Queen St., Port : Perry, Phone 17 Repairing Quick Service Price Reasonable ° All work guaranteed Rubber Heels put on while you wait. LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Losn ; , Office: McCaw BIk, Port Perry. Phone 264 Phone after hours: 8514 ° Oshawa. FOR SALE Corrugated Metal Building, 6 x 6. very reasonable. 'Apply to L. Mac- Gregor, Port Perry. 1 CL REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE Toronto property--Would exchange two well rented Toronto houses" or small apartment on local property, business or good farm. Write G. Fairfield, 102 Westminster Avenue, Toronto. 1 i BERRY 18 The berry season will be the following prices: ~ would be pleased to serve you. * (Cash and : require boxes or crates we can supply you. BERRY BOXES, quart size, $1.75 per bundle of 250 CRATES 10 hold 21 DOXeS «++ ssrssss35e ech, 'We have a good supply of Running Shoes in stock at; 7 GRANULATED 'SUGAR, this week, soma tor a dollar. and Carry) : The Creamery IS PAYING 17c., 16c. and 13¢. FOR BUTTER FAT. You can save labor and make more money by sending 2 your cream to the 4 PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOCDE & SON, Proprietors. BOXES here in a few days. If you Men's sizes $1.10. Boys' sizes $1.00." Youth sizes. 90c. These are excellent value Our Groceries: are always fresh and clean, and. we ee Hy 4 Ch ST sda

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