Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 5 May 1932, p. 5

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£ ou bave not already visited our and taken advantage of our 4 astic cuts in prices, you are missing a rare opportunity to SAVE MONEY Here are a few Sample Bargains -- there are many oth MEN'S BLACK BLUCHER OXFORDS, all sizes. $2.98 BOYS' HEAVY EVERYDAY BOOTS, black and brown. ier s108 S-- CE ie NUMBER WRITING 1m of Granting Certificates With- out Examinations to Qualified Sta- The Oshawa Municipal Board of Education recently protested, in com- mon with several other similarly constituted bodies, against the change in the regulations of the Ontario De- partment of Education which in- creases examination fees. The Department, however, appears to have no intention of altering its decision, and in replying to such pro- tests the Deputy Minister writes as follows: -- ; "I am directed by the Minister of Education to acknowledge your letter of the 16th instant, and in reply to state that the number of candidates writing departmental examinations .has so increased that last year the cost to the Department of Education, after deducting the amount received | M | in fees, exceeded $250,000. Many who do not require certificates choose to write. It does not seem to be fully understood that only students who are MEN'S BLACK BLUCHER BOOTS, good, comfortable last. All sizes. Special 2.98 EN'S - GOOD WEIGHT OVERALLS. Some with red back. Special $1.25 MEN'S FULL GRAIN LEATHER WORK BOOTS, outside counters, leather soles, all sizes. $2. 49 BOYS' SCHOOL OXFORDS, Black and Brown Blucher style. Special $2.59 pr ding to the universities or in- stitution of higeh education need de- partmental certificates. Students who m | desire a general High School education only may be promoted from form to form throughout their entire school career without writing a single de- partmental examination. "For students who require certifi- cates the department has already sought to ease the examination burden. Provision has been made for local high school entrance boards to accept teachers' r dations in lieu of JAS. a SOL SPECIAL PRICES ON - MEN'S SUITS and Overcoats Our prices are greatly reduced-- With the arrival of new goods there is a splendid choice. Get your order : in early. All kinds of Dry Cleaning and done. Ladies' fine dresses thoroughly cleaned by our New Dry Cleaning Process at very moderate] W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor OverTel. Office Port Perry McKEE & SON CE T0000 omeflriy EYESIGHT SPECIALIST v Author of Eyes in Modern Life Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings Disney Block posite P.O. OSHAWA, ONT. 1616 -- Phone -- 1516 eB ------ the high school entrance examination H lower school pupils attending high or | continuation schools are granted certi- ficates when they have done good work throughout the year and are re- ded by their teachers. This _vear the minister has further extend- ed this privilege of securing certifi- cates without examinations so that next summer middle school students of regularly inspected schools who have completed the years work in a subject and are rated at 66 percent by their teachers will be granted certificates on their year's work with- out examination. The remaining candidates are pupils of the upper school and pupils of the lower and 'middle schools, who, for most part, are not thought fit to pass the examina- tions, or who have not taken.a high standing on .their year's work. It would seem reasonable that these stu- = | dents should pay a larger share of the actual examination costs. "You are doubtless aware that 40 percent of the fees collected from candidates at each. centre is handed J. A. HETHERINGTON over directly to the local school Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist board." 84 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto. Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 9 to 10.30 a.m. PHONE 258 The amended regulations have the effect of increasing the fee charged candidates in middle and upper school examinations from $1.00 to $1.50 per paper, the increase being very ap-' preciable when a number of papers .are taken. --Oshawa Times of some of our public men are prompt- ed by patriotism and desire to serve, or for social and mercenary reasons? I wonder if this depression will prove a blessing in disguise and will bring the workingman into his own at the finish? I wonder how many of our Provin- Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter Rogers and family visited with friends at Gorm-| cial and Federal Governments would ley, on Sunday. be re-elected if thew went before the Mrs. Munroe, who has spent the| people tomorrow? 1 Wonder. winter with her daughter, Mrs. Pren- ; tice on Scugog Island, is now visiting SEED OATS AND BARLEY ith hor other Naughter, Mrs. Alex. Apply to E. Holtby, Manchester, may5 eres sai We are sorry to say, at the time of writing, Mr, Cook is seriously ill in Oshawa Hospital. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacGregcr, and family, of Uxbridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Searle, of Columbus, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, James Ashton. Rev. Mr. Edmunds and Mr. Silas Page, of Uxbridge, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ashton. We are pleased to see Rev. Mr. Denny and Mr. Joseph Ashton out again, after their serious illness. We trust the warm weather will bring health back to both of them. Mi. Fred Ashton visited. with his analysed, more than 756 per cent. of those classed as minor ills, such as cousin Mr. Joseph Ashton recently. eye-strain_ and' head aches, if given attention in their early stages, will re- spond to correction. Nervousness and irritability are often found to be due to eye-strain, and under continued strain where de- PART'11 Yet when we consider how simple-- so simple, in fact--to be classed as mere excuses, because, if properly ee eel PPP ee PURELY SPECULATIVE To the Editor of The Globe: I won- der if our Municipal, Provincial, and Federal Governments are sincere in their efforts to soften the hardships of fects exist, the condition becomes the unemployed? more aggravated and increases rather I wonder if unemployment hasn't than diminishes, causing discomfort started some of us thinking about as well as impaired vision, and im- things we did not bother.about before, paired vision in some of these cases because we were too busy to think? | 8 &.serious matter. : I wonder if we are finding out that Only a little thought will unfold to maybe we have been choosing the us the advantages that are ours wrong calibre of men to represent us through better vision. General satis- in parliament? faction, improved health and vitality, I wonder if laying off men from less waste of time and energy and a Civil Service and public utilities and feeling of enjoyment in work or re- having to look after them through creation that does not exist when we some other channel is helping to bet-| 2 being dragged down, frayed in ter conditions? temper and nerves. I wonder if it doesn't set an ex- (To be continued.) ample to private concerns to f0lloW | um-------------------------- suit? 1 wonder if it doesn't seem like put- ting money in one pocket and hand- ing out from another, or rolling a ball around in a circle and getting lA Pe TO THE ONTARIO PUBLIC In order to give information as to the legitimate business of drug stores on Sunday, this letter is rel d to I wonder if the aspirations to office] F. W. Brock & Son Chain RED & WHITE Stores GROCERIES, Etc. CUBAN PINEAPPLES--good size, ............ 2 for 29c. HEAD LETTUCE--sound, fresh ........... per head 10c. SPANISH ONIONS, ..1b 10c. BANANAS, . GRAPEFRUIT... .2 for 15c. COOKING ONIONS PICNIC HAMS, cello. wrapped COTTAGE ROLLS, 2 Ibs. 25¢. 5to6lbs....... per Ib 14c. BREAKFAST BACON, JAM, 4 tin .......... 47c. 12%c. Ib NUT FUDGE........ 1h 19¢. CHASE & SANDBORN'S ORANGES ....27c. and 49c. TEA and DATED COFFEE DRYGOODS BOOTS, SHOES, ETC. CLASSIC SHOES FOR LADIES Combination lasts, Men's Canvas Oxfords. . 98c. Men's Canvas Boots, ..$1.19 Girls' Leather Outing Shoes, built-in- . arch. Popular prices, $3.35, Heed to 7, rubber heels, $1.25 $3.95, $4.75. Ladies' .............. $1.75 Ladies' Patent Strap.. $2.98 Men's Work Boots-- Ladies' Dong. Strap ...$2.75 Men's Oxfords Black with clicker heels, $2.98 Black Calf, extra value, $4.50 $1.98, $2.48, $2.95, $3.35 See our Linoleum Rugs this week. See our House Dresses this ' Qs Week Boys' Cowboy Pants, 26 to 32 bas $1.00 Child's Canvas Shoes, sizes 6 to 10, 65c. CAWKER BROS. Give service and quality in every thing required from a meat market. --FOR PROMPT DELIVERY-- Phone your orders to 29w nowhere ? I wonder why they lay off one group of men without a cent of income and keep the others on a full income? I wonder if it seems right to give one man a full loaf of bread and the other none, or would it seem better to give them half a loaf each? ! 1 wonder if some of the five-to-fifty- thousand-dollar heads of our public utilities who suffer from high blood pressure and indigéstion, caused by too many banquets, could be given a year's rest without pay? I wonder if that wouldn't provide money for a lot of fifty-cent-an-hour men ? I wonder if some of our good Christ- ian charitable people are not doing a . great deal more than their share, other merchandise on Sunday. while 'our Governments, with the| (Signed) the Ontario press by the Ontario Re- tail Druggists' Association and the Lord's Day Alliance of Canada to advise the public that the Lord's Day Act of Canada, under the head of "Works of Necessity and Mercy, ex- cepted" (Sec. 11), expressly permits "works for the relief of sickness and suffering, including the sale of drugs, medicines and surgical appliances by retail". The sale or purchase of other merchandise on Sunday is forbidden by the Act. The druggists of Ontario, acting through the Council of the Ontario Retail Druggists' Association, are desirous that the public should assist them in the observance of the law by refraining from asking for machinery for collecting money and | Ontario Retail Druggists' Association creating work, are too busy with social F. A. Jacobs, Secretary events and scandal-producing inquiries } to do the work they are chosen to do,| (Signed) ' namely, look after the interests of all| The Lord's Day Alliance of Canada the people? Chas. H. Huestis, General Secretary \ ~ THE PRINTING BUSINESS OF THE PERRY STAR OWN - Because we give prompt, intelligent : service, at reasonable prices. in n preparation of copy, if desired. Port Perry REMEMBER MOTHERS' DAY IS SUNDAY, MAY 8th The day of tribute to the best friend you have. Re- member her on Mothers' Day. CANDY Large two- pound box of the finest Artstyle Chocolates put up in an appropriate Mothers' Day package, $1.50. Hunt's Special Mothers' Day Package .............. T5¢. Other Packages .....::. .. cr vnssvnvavsass 650c. and up. OTHER GIFTS We have many other appropriate gifts for Mother's Day: such as Stationery, Toiletries, Dutch Silver, Books, etc. MOTHERS' DAY CARDS We have a very attractive line of Mothers' Day Greeting Cards. Priced at 10c. to 25c. A. M. LAWRENCE exalll store Phone 49 PORT PERRY, ONT. Don't worry about Baking -- CALL UP GERROW'S-- Their Business is BAKING ®SETT3X GERROW'S BAKERY Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. REDUCED PRICES ON COAL AND COKE Coal is now selling at Summer Prices, the lowest it has been for several years. To insure you will get the maxi- mum amount of heat comfort for the money you have to spend in fuel, have your bins filled with BLUE COAL. NEW LOW PRICES ON LUMBER We have just received a carload of good spruce and pine lumber, and we expect to arrive soon a car of Western Cedar and Fir, all which will be sold at reduced prices from former years. CONTRACTS TAKEN FRED E. REESOR Phone 78

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