Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 7 Apr 1932, p. 4

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JNO. W. CROZIER _ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary iP Public, Conveyaneer, - Real Estate © Money to Loan Office first door east of Canadian Bank of Commerce, over the Observer d Office Office Phone 98 Residence 19) Port Perry, Ontario Local Items East Lynne, that fine old play, Town Hall, Friday, April 15th. 24 artists under an experienced actor. Staged by Whitby Dramatic Club. Auspices of Church of the Ascension, We regret to hear of the continued illness of Mr. T. J. Widden, Mr. Byers, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Purdy, over the week end. Mr. Clinton Short, of Toronto, was home for the week end. Mr. Wallace Platten, of Blackwater, was a visitor in. town, one day last week. Mr. Hugh Lucas, of Whitby, wus in town on husiness, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Boe and daughter, in Toronto one day last week. Do not miss the season's attraction, East Lynne, in the Town Hall, Friday, April 15th. This fine old play will be revived for the pleasure of Port Perry lovers of good plays by the Whitby Dramatic Club, under the direction of an experienced actor.. .24 people in the company. Between the acts at- tractive features will entertain while the scene is shifted. This attraction is under the auspices of the Church of the Ascension. Mrs. R. Heroncourt, of Oshawa, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.'W. Bradley, over Sunday. Mr, Wm. Nesbitt, of Toronto, visit- ing his father, Mr. Wm. Nesbitt, last week. Miss Annie Farmer returned to To- ronto, last week. Communion will be observed next Sunday morning in St. John's Presby- terian Church. The Anglican clergy of this district are holding their meetings at the Church of the Ascension on Wednes- day next, April 18th. There will be a public service in the Church at 7.45 p.m. wha! the preacher will be the Rev. 8. C. Jarrett, of Oshawa. Mrs. George S. Jeffrey will receive on Friday, April 16th, from 3.30 to 6. Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey will receive in the evening from 8 to 10. el PA erie PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, April 10th-- 11 a.m.--Special Memorial service in honour of the members of this congregation who have passed away during the past year. Friends and relatives will please note the service. 2.30: p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 pm.--"Jesus makes a Church Survey." Prince Albert 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Worship Service. ~ AP OLD FASHIONED FARMERS' MEETING AT GREENBANK on Thursday, April 7th, at 2 p.m. and 7.30. p.m. Miss Florence P. Eadie of Toronto, will address the ladies meeting in the afternoon. - In the evening there will be a joint meeting and an illustrated lecture on Home Beautification. The programme is as follows: Men's Afternoon Meeting 2.00 p.m.--"Field and Crop Manage- ment"--Discussion led by W. J. Ry- nard, Zephyr. 2.30 p.m.--"Orchard Management" ---by W. M. Croskery. 3.00 pm~--"Dairy Herd Manage- ment"--Discussion led by W.D. Thom- son, Jersey Breeder, Brooklin. 3.30 p.m.--"Beef Herd Manage-| ment"--Discussion led by Bertwin Blackburn, Angus Breeder, Uxbridge. | 4.00 p.m.-- "Swine Management"-- Discussion led by Duncan Wallace, Gamebridgé. Ladies' Afternoon Meeting 2.00 p.m.--"Women's Institute Ac- tivities"--Miss F. P. Eadie, Toronto. © 3.00 pm --"Poultry Management" + --Diseussion led by Peel Bros, Port Perry. Evening i + 7.30 p.m.--"The Contribution of Science' to Agriculture"--by John Buchanan, Director of Extension, 0. GIFTS For Birthdays, Wed- ding Showers, efe. See our stock always be- fore selecting =0y gift. No obligation to - chase. pu 'Razor Blades Velvet edge for Gillette, and Auto Strop. Pal blades for Gillette and Auto Strop. Get an ALARM CLOCK-- now isthe time you need one. I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist Port Perry SEAGRAVE Deepest sympathy is extended by friends and relatives to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds, who are mourning the loss of their infant son, on Thurs- day, March 31st, at their home. There passed away at Lindsay Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, April 1st, Miss Mina Balfour, of Omemee, a former and highly respected school teacher of Seagrave. The late Miss Balfour made a host of friends through her kindly personality. She was active in church work, of which she capably filled. The funeral was held on Sunday at Omemee. The late Miss Balfour, was an only child and her parents have the deepest sym- pathy in their sad bereavement. After another enjoyable holiday spent. by pupils' and teacher, school opened again for another term. Miss Graham of Fenelon Falls will resume the work of our former teacher Miss V. Wilson. We wish her success. Services on Sunday with the aver- age attendance. Mrs. A. Tanner attended the funeral at Omemee on Sunday of the late Miss Mina Balfour. Miss Merle Shunk, of Port Perry, visiting her. grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shunk, on Friday. Master Harold and Master Beverley Scott spent the holidays with their gran !pa Scott at Pontypool. Mr. Howard Gibson of Toronto, visiting with his friend Mr. Gordon Mark, last week. Mr. Jos. Grantham arrived from England on Wednesday last and looks the better for his lengthy holiday. Miss Alma Frise has returned to her dutick at Gamebridge and Miss Una Sleep to her duties at Pleasant Point, after a pleasant holiday. Miss Bessie Bushby of Greenbank, was a vigitor on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Short attended the funeral of the late Miss Mina Bal- four on Sunday. Sorry to report Mr. R. Martin on the sick list. Others on the sick list are improving. Mr, Jas. Shunk is spending a few days in Prince Albert. Young Men Beware Dear Editor: Am forwarding you a copy of a letter which an eligible young man in a certain town received. Just what his reply was, I have not as yet learned. This should prepare all young men to be on the alert. You may at any time receive just such a letter. Lovers' Cottage Spooning Row, Leap Year, 1982, To the one I love: My dear and most respected sir I sent you this your love to stir; You I love and choose first of all On whom to make my leap year eall, To give you this my foremost chance Your heart I ask and not in jest; I hope you will grant my first request And send me back without delay My answer, is it yes or nay? But if your heart is not inclined {In wooned hand to join with mine; Then you must leap year laws obey And to me ten dollars pay. Besides kind sir, a handsome dress I'll take no more, I'll take no less. Now you make this rather funny, But I must have the man or money, Please send nfe-back-& prompt reply And I'll be your wife until 1 die. Or if you think I am a dandy Please send me'back a box of candy. Now if the writer's name you guess Send me. the 'answer back to my - dress 'But if for me" there is 80 hope parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dobson. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Dob- son is quite ill with the flu. We bus Tors a spesdy recovery. 5 rs. Stanton, of Brooklin, is visie. a oviny eh Miss Helen Robertson, of Utica, spent the Easter holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and 'Mrs. G. K. Robertson, and her aunt, Mrs, Arthur Jeffrey. " | Mrs. Walter Webb, of Norwood, spent a few days"with her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. A. E. Hunter. ¢ We regret to report the serious ill- ness of Mr. J. Strong. ; 3 Mr. Albert Harper, who has worked for Mr. F. Vickery, for four years, has gone to work for Mr. Wilson On Sunday next, April 10th, a Christian Sadhu from South India, John Nelson Christananda, will be in preach at the evening service in the Anglican Church, After: the service he will address a public meeting to be held in the Sunday School room of the United Church, the address to be illustrated with lantern slides. A cordial invitation to be present is ex- tended to all. At the special Easter service on Easter Sunday, Marion Viola Louise Smith, the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Smith, was baptized. Two young men joined the church and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was commemorated. Miss Marjorie Jeffrey spent a couple of days with her cousin Miss Norma Ewers, of Port Perry, during the holi- days. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved wife and familv of Mr. Edgar Lyle, who passed away on Sunday afternoon, April 8rd. East Lynne, Friday, April 165th, The dramatic event of the season. Between the acts -- Vernard Brock, Guitar, Banjo, and Monologue artist. AM oe SEED OATS FOR SALE Apply to J. E. Holtby, Manch BRED-TO-LAY BARRED ROCK EGGS FOR HATCHING Apply to Mrs. F. Franklin, Phone 175) Port Perry. aprl4 Ap CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m~--Evening Service. Friday, 8 p.m.--Week-night service. Saturday, Apriy 9th--The W. A. of the Church of the Ascension will hold their annual Easter tea and sale of bi | home-made cooking in the Parish Hall from 4-6 p.m, - MIP ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. E. Annand, B.A., Minister. 11 a.m.--Morning Service 7 p.m.--Evening Service. tA An CONCERT POSTPONED Owing to the illnes of some mem- bers of the caste of "East Lynne"-- the drama which was to be presented here on April 1st, will be postponed until Friday, April 16th. SL PAI The Annual Easter Tea and Sale of Home Baking, will be held in the Anglican Parish Hall, on Saturday, April 9th, from 4 to 6. Afternoon tea and ice cream, 26c. ll MPM A Violin Recital, given by the pupils of V. P, Stouffer, will be held in the auditorium of the United Chureh, Port Perry, on the evening of April 13th, at 8.16 p.m. The Oshawa Ladies' Lyric Quartette under the leadership of Miss Leah Garrow, will be the assisting artists. Silver collection at the door. Pro- ceeds in aid of Choir Fund. 1000 REGAL LILIES : The Port Perry Horticultural So- ciety has made a purchase of 1000 | Bred Regal Lilies (Lillium Regalium) of bulbs for $1.00. A short time ago flowering size bulbs sold at one dollar each, and still retail at 40c each. in 1982 this is a wonderful bargain as one dollar invested in fifty bulbs will soon. give you twenty dollars' worth of flowering bulbs. DR W.S. HARPER Physician snd Sergio a bees spending & Tew dave with os : Port Perry on a short visit. He will || candidates, who received these degrees Ho Toe em So While these are too small to flower | Sp) Excellent bread, The HYGIENIC BAKERY and Pastry, Hovis Bread. [Phone 93 J. Prompt and Courteous Attention Asin: E. K. TUFFS, Proprietor Delicious cakes New Dresses, N New Hats New Shoes. at 1912 Prices by the Skill Craft Tailors East Lynne, Friday, April 15th. Be-, tween acts--Sid Erskine and his Leap Year Chorus. Auspices of the Church of the Ascension. DIED Thursday, March 31st, 1932, Frances N. Moase, beloved wife of Thomas H. Heard. The funeral was held at her late residence, Launceston, England. WARRINER LODGE NO. 75, LO.O.F. On Saturday; March 26th, the five HEARD--In London, England, on} $25.50 LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS Tailored to Measure Suits for Men, WITH EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS Money to Loan ! Office: McCaw Bik, Port Perry. Phone 264 NELSON'S STORE QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY L. w. Nelson, Proprietor. Phone after hours: 3514 Oshawa, Toronto districts of the Indep Order of Odd Fellows, arranged a big "Powley" rally in honor of Grand Sire Bro. Powley, of Toronto. This rally was held in the Royal York Hotel and during the afternoon, the different Degrees were conferred by special Toronto Degree teams. There were 'between forty and fifty and among this number were eight candidates from Warriner Lodge. A number of members from War- riner Lodge attended this gathering and all report an excellent time. After the degrees were over a large banquet was held, when the Grand Sire ad- dressed the members and their wives. This was followed by a dance which lasted until midnight. filled the two large dance rooms and A H. Couldery, Manager * CONDUCTED BY THE OLD ESTABLISHED Elliott Optical House, Ltd. TWO EXPERT SKILLED OPTOMETRISTS IN ATTENDANCE ON SATURDAY, APRIL 9th, FROM 9 am. to 1 pm. EACH PATRON. US WITH CONFIDENCE. A GENUINE OPTICAL SALE. OUR GUARANTEE OF SAT- ISFACTION GOES WITH CONSULT Our Work is Our Bond. $6.45 for over Ten en sold by us Cat this adv's out for the proper address. Our Extraordinary Special Value for One Day Only $8.45 1 Sold by many Our Goods are Reliable'and Stylish Sold by many for $10.00. Our Our Shell Frames and Gold Filled Trim- ram Pe Sefer you properly. mings are wit 5 stylish and durable. Com. [| CO™Plete With frames and on Solin ar eal Peris-copic lenses. §| lenses. Meniscus Quality and eal xa minal mination ai ded g al po Spherical Strength, siription B08 an at moderate p DON'T FORGET) SATURDAY APRIL 9th

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