Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 10 Mar 1932, p. 7

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maked"; a dentist, "Teeth Carpentry." _ struct its policemen how to converse card reads: "At the rise of the hand of the police- or otherwise disrespect him. When a and the Rue Archereau. are to be created in the Chapelle quar- od to lure foreigners into them. A laundry, unconscious of its humor, had this sign, "We most cleanly and care- [Tully wash our customers with cheap prices as under: Ladies, $2 per hun- dred; gentlemen, $1.75 per hundred." A barber announces, "Head cutter"; an egg shop, "Extract of fowl"; a cam- era shop, "Photographers executed"; a ladies' tallor, "Women outfatted""; a tombstone dealer, "Monuments Tokyo publishes a treatise to in- with foreigners who might happen to get in trouble. The policemen have a| _ meat little card which they hand to foreigners who own automobiles, The man stop rapidly, Do not pass him by passenger of the foot hove in sight eootle the horn, trumpet to him mel -odiously at first. If he still obstacles your passage tootle him with vigor and express by word of mouth the warn- ing, 'Hi! Hil' "Beware of the wandering horse that he shall not take fright as you pass him. Do not explode the exhaust box at him, go soothingly by. Give big space to the festive dog that share sport in the roadway. Avoid entangle- ment of dogs with your wheel spokes. Go soothingly on the grease mud, as there lurk the speed demon. Press the break of the foot as you roll around the corners to save the collapse of tle- " Japan, to advance its world com- merce, is eager that its people shall Jearn English. On certain nights each week the Tokyo radio broadcaster gives English lessons. He believes practice with foreigners an effective method. But how can « Japanese be- ginner start a conversation with a foreigner? The broadcaster knows how. "When you are in a crowded street car," says he, "observe an agree- able-look! foreigner and draw close to him. Gently step on his toes and say, 'Excuse me. The foreigner will reply, 'Don't mention it' Then you can begin an instructive conversation, using all the English words you know." In China you encounter pidgin Eng- 14h, a kind of baby talk. You enter a barber shop and this is the conversa- tion: "Mornin', barber man." "Mornin', Master. Wanchee cuttee heh?" "Yes; no. wanchee cuttee too muchee., Can cuttee littee." "Ol ligh.. My savvy. Wanchee shabe? Plentee man catchee my shabe ebbily mornin'. One day our cook came in to decide whether to roast ordinary duck or wild duck. It happened to be the season for wild duck. Master," sald the cook, 'my tinkee more better hab fly- away duck to-day. Can catchee walkee- walkee duck any time." Pidgin English was started on its inglorious career by European traders several centuries ' ago. The traders were too lazy or too incapable to learn Chinese; so they invented this infan- tile gibberish, which the Chinese tradespeople learn, thinking it good English. i Old Thoroughfares In Paris Undergoing Improvements Paris.--The narrow, twisting streets of picturesque old Paris are doomed to disappean. They are being widen- ed in accordance with the program for public improvements, for whica $20, 000,000 has been appropriated by the French Parliament. Fourteen thororghfares are either to be widened or extended during the next two years. Enlarging the Rue de Belleville will cost $80,000, and ex- tension of the Rue Damremont to the Boulevard Ney will eost $120,000. Widening of the Rue Saint-Jacques from the Val-de-Grace will cost $400,- 000; extension of the Rue d'Anjou to the Rue du Rocher will cost $1,280,000, . Then comes the completion of the Open spaces Brevities Gt. Britain now uses about 17 1b. of soap per head of the population every year. Wickford, an Essex market town with a population of 3,000, has only one policeman. Business is so brisk in British film studios that in several instances dif- féent companies are making pictures by day and night. Milk which is supplied in British schools to 800,000 children at the rate of one-third of a pint each is sold to the schools at 50 cents a gallon. Telegraph forms, which are supplied free in the post offices, are wasted to the number of 2,000,000 every year in Gt. Britain. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales is a pro- ficient speaker in French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Danish; he can also speak in Welsh. Germany's population is decreasing so fast that the authorities are alarm- ed. Of all the couples married in Ger- many during the past seven years 43 per cent. are childless. London is growing so rapidly that some experts estimate that its popu- lation will grow to 20,000,000 in a radius of fifteen miles of Charing Cross within the next ten years. There are only about 150 workers in the British silk hat industry, many of them being about seventy years old. Young men show no Inclination to learn the work. 'Weather warnings can now be sup- plied by wireless to aeroplanes flying 3,000 feet above London, They are sent out by a low-power station at Heston Aerodrome, Middlesex. | When a specimen has been accepted for exhibition in the British Museum by the trustees, it cannot afterwards be taken out of the building without an Act of Parliament. Only thirty whiskey distilleries were working in Scotland last season, come pared with ninety-four twelve months previously. This is due to decreased wales, owing to the trade depression. Repairing the famous tapestries in Hampton Court Palace has been going on for nearly twenty years. It may take four or five skilled workers two or three years, at a cost of about $10, 000 in wages, to mend one plece twenty-five feet by sixteen feet. 2 ramped Nerves Kept Her Awak MS. Scheer Says She Sleeps Like Log Since Taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. "I can recommend Dr. liams' Pink Pills for all those suffering from a rundown state of nerves," writes Mrs, Randolph's pets all look happy an What New York Is Wearing BY ANNEBELLE WORTHINGTON Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur- nished With Every Pattern ) ° ° ) ° ) ) Light navy blue canton-faille crepe silk fashions this lovely day dress, topped by s light upper art in Per- sian red. : The buttoned side closing skirt is effective. The becoming neckline adopts a one-sided rever collar, While picturesque, it is smartly wearable. And you'll enjoy so much making it. Style No. 2541 comes in sizes 18, 18 years, 86, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 86 requires 2% yards 89-inch, with 1% yards 89-inch contrasting. Black canton crepe with white can- ton crepe is exceedingly attractive. Brown and Persian red wool crepe is another fascinating scheme you'll hike. Made of one material as eggplant shade wool crepe is distinctive. HOW TQ ORDER PATTERNS, Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such | patterns as you want, Enclose 20¢ in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West, Adelaide St., Toronto. def meets. 'There is nothing more pitable in the world than an irresolute man, osclliat- ing between two feelings, who would ' | all rundown | At wn willingly unite the two, and who d¢ not perceive that nothing can ° them. --Goethe. i Something like 2,000 officers and 40,000 men of the British mercantile An international understanding in the animal world. Geneva d amiable under her guidance. On a Train By Margaret Lathrop Law in Stratford Magazine (N.Y.). 'Who could be lonely given a train With sun against the window-pane? As poppies flaunt their crimson heads In gay, apportioned garden beds, Until thé suburb pavement yields To swallow-guarded, russet fields, Then silvered green of cabbage patch, And tapered poplar trees that match; Peninsulas with opened lips, Beyond them crested waves and ships, Then tunnelled heights upon a peak Which only clouds and engine seek, | tractive by the judicious use of trees, 'shrubs, vines, flowers and well-kept : ' -- ib Every unimproved or unplanfed home in Canada can be made more at- grass. The old saying that a home Is not @ home until it is planted very well emphasizes the necessity and wis- dom of plantlpg. Some places have lagged behind in the matter of bewuti- fication. This Is perhaps more notice- able in rural districts. However, there is 'abundant evidence to show that where intelligent attention is given.to this matter the results may be very satisfactory indeed. Nature has endowed this country with the most beautiful and the great- est variety of natural scenic gr derive their revenue. Learn how to Increase your Inco Is yours for the asking. this source. SKELTON & COMPANY, 67 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont, Please send me booklet: Que Producing Oil Royalties. Name Address Producing Oil Are you eliminating Deeded Producing Royaltles from your ments because you do not understand what a royalty Is, or how they We have enlightened many Investors In the past few years who are recelvi assesr inva rasnniinanan seine ae Royalties me: Send for this Booklet. It ng regular monthly incomes from stions and Answers re Deeded to be found anywhere in the universe. Mountains, lakes, streams, forests, plains, waterfalls, are to be found In great abundance. The progressive: ness and thrift of a Members of Domin 67 YONGE STREET SKELTON & COMPANY ion Stock Exchange TORONTO, ONT. or municipality are often reflected in its appearance and the best advertising that any community can do is to pre- sent a pleasing appearance to the world--an appearance of progressive- ness, thrift and industry, reflected by well-planted and well-kept public and private grounds. We are influenced to a greater ex- tent than we realize by our surround- ings. Children are particularly sensi- tive in this regard. Surely a home in and around which flowers are grown is a better place to bring up children than a home where no attention what- ever is paid to these friends of the plant kingdom. As the twig is bent the tree is Inclined is an old saying and very applicable in connection with the training of children. If children art taught to love flowers and to be- come familiar with them, their hearts will be filled with love for these things which will leave less room in their hearts and minds for the things that hurt and destroy. We frequently meet with the objec- tion that gardens and flowers cost too much or that they take too much time. The truth is that it is not so much a matter of money or time as it is of de- sire and disposition, If we are dis- posed to have gardens and flowers and really desire to have attractive home surroundings, we will 'have them no matter how busy we may be. Your nearest Experimental Farm or Agri- cultural College will gladly give you information regarding suitable varie- ties for your district. The cost in any event need be only trifling and the amount spent on the nursery stock necessary to improve the average size With hemlock forests whirling by, Toward snow that dents our very sky, Who could be dreary given a train Traversing village, highland, plain? Untrammelled, a roving forest beast, An arrow shot from west to east, There are no boundaries built hy man { While friendly earth spreads like a i fan, a Peace Peace is no pallid thing of weakness born, But from thé womb of war she has her birth. | i | 1 wrongs of earth, She lifts her hand to heal the hearts long torn; Waiting with pure white soul and patient smile, 3 To bless a world made dark by war longwhile. --May Austin Law. Chambly. fp Zeal is thought set on fire by the heart. | FRETFUL, RESTLESS? Look to this cause When your baby fusses, tosses and seems unable to sleep restful 1y, look for one common cause, doc- tors say. Constipation. To get rid quickly of the accumulated wastes 'which cause restlessness and dis- comfort, give a cleansing dose of Castoria. Castorla, you know, is made specially for children's dell cate needs. It is a pure vegetable preparation; contains no. harsh drugs, no narcotics. It is so mild and gentlé you can give it to a young infant to relieve colic. Yet it is as effective for older children. Castoria's regulative help will bring relaxed comfort and restful sleep * _to your baby Keep a bottle on hand. Genuine Castoria always has 'the name:' j : home will be one of the finest invest. ments that possibly can be made. It will pay great dividends in satisfac- tion and will increase the value of the {home. Your individual efforts in mak- ing your home more attractive will im- prove your street. If your street is improved your city or town will be im- | proved, and if your city or town or township is made more beautiful you have helped to make a more beautiful | Canada. | Yangtze River Known |" As World's Busiest River] Sprung from red carnage and the | The Yangtze, world's busiest river and' China's chief trade artery, while neither the longest nor largest in the world, is a Chinese combination of Mississippi, Colorado, Hudson and Potomae, according to the National Geographic Society. Like the Missis- sippl, the Yangtze is the largest stream in the country; like the Colo- rado, it flows through the deepest gorges; like the Potomac, it had, un- til very recently, the capital, Nanking, a city of historic associations, Compared with the other great riv- ers of the world, the 3,000-mile length of the Yangtze is exceeded by the Mis- sissippl-Missouri, the Amazon and the Nile. In volume it ranks third, after the Amazon and the Congo. But in one respect it leads all others: with its tributary rivers, lakes and canals it constitutes the inland water system most used by man as a carrier of com- merce. The Yangtze drains, in all, some 770,000 square miles, an area equal to one quarter that of the United States. In its basin live 175,000,000 people, one tenth of the population of the entire: world. A broad, deep, natural water- way for ships serves a teeming, civil ized population, living on fertile, culti- vated soil in a temperate climate. These people produce and exchange goods with. the outside world. Little wonder, the geographical soclety says, that the Yangtze is considered of strategic as well as economic import- ance, Ea U.S. Leads As Oil Producer Soviet Russia Next on List 'Washington.--Soviet Russia, during 1931, stepped into second place as a world producer of crude petroleum, with 151,900,000 barrels, although the world output decreased approximate- ly 40,000,000 barrels. The United States continued to lead with 850,275,000 barrels or 62.1 per cent of the entire world produc- tion, Venezuela, which was second as a world producer in 1929 and 1930, dropped into third place with 118, 770,000 barrels. Roumania was fourth with 47,600,000 barrels and CASTORIA | EEE ™ Pérsia fifth with 44,300,000 in 1981. Other countries ranged from 35. 500,000 barrels for the Netherland East Indies and 33,039,000 for Mexico Report World in Estimated Num- ber of Calls Per Capita in 1930 A recent report just issued shows that 20,000 were added to Canada's already large number of teleph users, although unsatistactory busi- ness conditions did affect the telephone industry. This increase was the smallest annual growth in a period of 16 years. Nevertheless, there was a decided advance recorded. The East- ern Provinces all showed increases, und though there were declines in the Prairie Provinces, the number of in- struments in use rose during the year by 20,039. The number of teleph in use at the end of the year was 1,402,861. The average number of telephones per thousand of population was in 1930 the largest of any country in 'he world except the United States. ihe average in Canada was 141.1 per thou- sand, while in the United States it was 164. The total number of tele. phones was exceeded only by the Un-| ited States, Germany, and Gt. Britain and Northern Ireland. The number of telephones in the United States was 20,068,028, in Germa:.y 8,182,305, and in Britain and Northern Ireland 1,- 886,726, the figures all being for 1929. The only other countries approaching Canada's density were New Zealand with 103 and Denmark with 96 per thousand. In estimated number of telephone calls per capita Canada led the world. Completed calls or conversations in the Dominion in 1930, according to an estimate by the official statisticians, averaged 250.6 per capita and 1,872 per telephone. The United States with 231 conversations per capita, and New Zealand with 212, were the only other countries with averages of over 150 in 129. The estimated number of complet. | ed calls in Canada during 1930 was 2,626,752,602, including 87,496,867 long distance calls. The long distance calls were actual counts and the local calls were estimates based on counts raade periodically by systems operat- ing almost 90 per cent. of all tele- phones in Canada. o> Bankers Finance Air Patrol La Plata, Argentina.--Aerial police to guard the frontiers against smug- glers and to check cattle rustlers and bandits soon may be introduced into Argentina, Prominent bankers met here recently and voted to fi the Users of Telephone | | Classified Advertising . Increase By 20,000 Shows Canada. Led | -------------------------------------------- N OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wanted inventions and full nformation sent free. Th say - pany. World Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada. OPPORTUNITIES. 1 CAN ARRANGE A FRIENDLY correspondence for you. Men and women, all ages. Particulars free. Write Canadian Correspondence ub, 2071 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, BABY CHICKS -1 BABY CHICKS ARE CAN- ADIAN Approved chicks, All ocks are culled by Government Inspac- tor. We hatch six breeds, Write for free catalogue. A. H. Switzer, Granton, Ontario, FEMALE HELP WANTED ADIES WANTED TO DO LIGHT sewing at home, good pay. Work sent, charges paid. Stamp for particu- lars, National Manufacturing Co., Mone real, Self-Interest Man would contend that two and two did not make four if his interest were affected by this position. --Hab- bes. WANTED A local representative to demonstrage "THREE MUSKETEERS HOSIERY." "the pair with a spare," on commis sion basis. "THREE MUSKETEERS" are the latest creation ia hosiery. Write for particulars. DE MOREY HOSIERY COMPANY, 67 Yonge Street, Toronto 4 FITC A, Health LE Rr LTR AT ae SCOTT'S EMULSION » of Norwegian i (1. NET Ne | ICY: EP TN CRIT TY! Quick Relief! For rashes and all formas of itching, burning, disfiguring skin irritations. Cuticura Ointment Price 25¢. and 50e. purchase of six airplanes for the Buenos Ayres provincial police. Will You Pay 3c To Be Rid of Your Indigestion ? Here is 'a positive guarantee no suf- ferer from indigestion, sour, acld stom- ach can afford to ignore. Within two minutes by the watch, at a cost of not more than 3¢ you may be rid of acid stamach, indigestion, bloating, gas, 'belching and stomach pain. Do you doubt it? Then go to your nearest drug store and get a package of Blsurated Magnesia and use as di- rected. If after the first dose you do not feel it is worth its weight in sold, f the belching, gas and pain are not relieved completely, you may have your money back. Bisurated Magnesia is sold on this positive guarantee because we know of its valua in stomach distress. It is used by thousands of stomach sufferers the . The cost is about 3c per dose. You just simply can't afford to suffer longer with stomach distress, acid stomach and indigestion when real relief is so Inexpensive. ust once after a heavy meal or yourself how magically it Twenty-five regular doses In e. Try it and see works. every pac FOOD SOURS ABOUT two 'hours after cating many people suffer from sour stomachs. They call it indigestion. It means that the stomach nerves have been over-stimulated, There is excess acid. The way to correct it is with an alkali, which neutralizes many times its volume in acid, The right way is Phillips' Milk of AA 4 ETABLE They stimulate your liver, get rid | of poisons and Improve your i APPETITE | Sd ewrmhacin { RS IEEEPILLS | | to 25,000 barrels for Bolivia. Magnesia--just a tasteless dose in water. It is pleasant, efficient and harmless. Results come almost in- stantly, It is the approved method. You never use another when you know. = Be sure to get the genuine Phillips" Milk of Magnesia prescribed Dy ghysielans for correcting excess acids. a bottle--any store. TL re] i Pale eeth an ' Deal Sangness 1 is against acid- pas! a mouth. nde 1 Conde) iSSUENe. 10--3%

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