Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 7 Jan 1932, p. 8

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ERROW'S BAKERY | © and d Confsotioners, Port Perry. : - KEPLER'S COD LIVER OIL - With Malt' Extract is sold the world over and is one of the most palatable and easily digested forms of administering Cod Liver Oil. : WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER Is a splendid tonic the whole year round. MOIRS CHOCOLATES ~ EASTMAN KODAKS and FILMS Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry Ontario Phone 16 WOOD AND COKE We are cleaning our umber Yard, and are offering mixed wood cut in foot lengths for $3.00 single cord, de- livered in town. Our Coke is the 'best quality, and we are having wonderful success with it. 'Let us have your orders now, and get ready for the cold weather. Less ash--more heat less. cost--$11.00, delivered. $10.50 at the bin. We pay the weigh bill. . --------, Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. \... $1,706.91 Water rates, domestic. Water rates, fire &protestion. : 1,000.00 W. & L. Dept. sales ........ 1,817.87 Received on Accounts Receivable from 1930 ....... Cece 930.20 Petty Cash balance retuned 15.00 Electric Inspection fees recovered .:i....... vas i 58.98 $5,027:96 ! ASSETS, pity Balance of 1981 Roll unpaid as _ at this date (estimated) . .$6,708.08 Balances, General account .. 2,371.88 Balances, W. & L. Dept. ..... , 41242 Merchandise on hand wR W,.&L Dept: .....cnses 904.51 Accounts receivable, W. & L. 1,187.29 Subject to allowance for ! bad debts, and non-payment of taxes, 11,684.18 ASSETS, FIXED, (at Jedger values) $9,000.00 Town Hall Property, | Fair Grounds . Weigh Scales . ' Fire Protéetion Equipment :2,000.00 | Pumping Station équiprient 6,000.00 Water' "Tank Watermains .. Printing .. Royal Bank. for tax collection Power for ampli Power House expenses ..... 160.32 Power House wages . 840.06 : i lectric I 1 60.00] McMillan, Almer Clemen SEL Electric Inspection on paid 857.53 | Netley. The pallbearers were. C.| Loan repaid to Gen. vet Hydrant renewals Balance .. County rate, 1981 made up of General Purposes, $4059.06 High & Continuation School ......vsh. 1720.87 Pubic Schools... 88 bry ME Woase, Miss E: Moase, GROCERIES County Roads .... 1478.95 Mr. W. 0, Rodman, Mr. & 'Suburban roads .. 92.40. Baxi, Womens Assceiatioh. us| ORANGES, 23c. and 35¢. dozen. LEMONS, per dos. 256. IC -- held on' Tuesday -evening' as wl "BANANAS SPANISH ONIONS GRAPEFRUIT 'Pavement Debenture,. due Rev; Mr. Green acted as President and : CRANB Dec BY: 1. 0iu iii add 240108 0 Te meeting with devotional : ERRIES . (County sonteihution § incladed "| ° \ises. Miss Ruth Stone was con- BROOMS, 29¢.; 45c., and 75¢. © PURE LARD, » bs. $200 in receipts): Interest on Debentures + Accounts Payable Roads and gidewalks ........ Office Expenses Legal Expenses .. FHT HRT Pl STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AT DECEMBER 15th, 1931 "LIABILITIES, Current Sleep, M. Sleep, M. Sleep, nephews, W. Moase, R. Rodman and C. Moase. Interement at Pine Grove Cemetery ; Prince 'Albert, i The following were among thos gending floral tributes: Mr." Cophias Sleep, Mr. Harold Gilroy, 'Mrs. D. M. Farewell, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sleep, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sleep, Mr, and Mrs. O. Boe, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Couch, Mr}. and. Mrs. Wilson, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moase, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ewen, Miss Ila 500.00 80.07 412.42 $6,027.90 MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS, 6 eyelet Saag MEN'S PULLOVER "RUBBERS, good quality ¢inisarases TB0NY STANFIELD'S COMBINATIONS ...........7..:.$2.50 and up MEN'S AND WOMENS OVERSHOES, in severe tye. $ 7,356.08 am BT verior of the program and: conducted |' "7, | an interesting contest. 'Mr, Gordon | Mark gave a'talk.' 'Misses Jean Hard« Ang and Alexa Stone sang 8 dpet, Mr. 'Gordon . Tripp gave a guitar instru: 'mental, These were all enjoyed and appreciated. A well attended Sunday School EASIFIRST SHORTENING, 20 pounds . WRAPPED BREAD, per loat. Sa KISSIME PASTRY FLOUR. .... it WONDER PASTRY FLOUR sews Office P. rt; d i nt 450.00 : Ph 240 Port P Tr apm YOU, pots Stlstanding ; 19100] on Sunday mevuing, WH the svenina : is ay or Night ; Sidewalks ...0u.eiertounin 000.00 i [32] service in charge of the pastor. Pa one Day or dig ort Parry o Lem i 3150000 ya ee 4825 | Sacrament of the Lords Supper pF. W. Brosk & Sen. hia Port P erry School property .......... 105,000.00 : aiminigiated to.8 Jolt ARenda a oe "Phone 48 : e ann of Yi Total current liabilities :...11,242.68| School will be held in the Sunday = "QUALITY ALWAYS WIGNER THAN ro TOWN FINANCES LIABILITIES, OTHER ° Sn a toon hpi Then For the benefit of those who were not present at the Nomination Meet- Debenture decount , .$109, 332.19 he offesrs sud teielios oF Mie on ing, the following outline of the towir finances is printed herewith: Less Pavement Debenture due The annual school 'meeting was held _' TREASURER'S STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND De os | infu school recently with 3 fair. at EXPENDITURES FROM DECEMBER 15th, Lal of Counhys : as 1 4 TO DECEMBER 31st, 1930 contribution to pavement Short and G. Fishley. Mr, Fishley g (N.B.--This statement has been compiled from the statement presented at debentures: . yy... $2678.14 taking the place of Mr. R. Scott. % Docentber AS, 1080, and She Audivore Repost at December 81st, 1930, the ir ---- The Nonquon Ice 'Palace was official- - Hifference mi : ang the receipts and expenditures for the period between these 5140.79 y opened a Saturlay; evening last RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES tae tola a good turnout of boys and girls, : 104,191.40 | dads and thé little fellows." We are Bal.onhand .........ceun $ 366.48 Salaries .................. $ 2067 Total Liabilities = 'indebted to Mr. Sornberger and Ms Taxes "..... 1,218.68 Printing 5... ...... caves 96.76 Total Liabilities ......... $115,484.08| Mark for a comfortable new dressing Rents .... 56.00 INSUTANCE .....ovveeinnens 162.50 Surplus of Assets ........187,760.05| room and the electric lights make' it Licenses .. 5.00 Law Costs .......svvnvres 20.00] ---- *----------1 real pleasant. Skating on Tuesday, Bank Loans 10,000.00 Streets and Sidewalks .... 2.10| Total assets ............ $203,184.13 $208,184.13 | Thursday, Saturday evenings. Come Fines . Avi isanvvaingnne 120.00 Charity ....sssossiiavssas 81.50| - and bring your friends. A small fee Seales coos iii diie 12.80 Debentures ........o....us 1,126.98 i charged to defray expenses, Miscellaneous ...... ...... 21.06 Debenture interest ........ 2,979.66 HIGH SCHOOL ACCOUNT ies Quite a number. enjoyed ee holiday on Sa 2 For Year, January 1st to December Bist, 1931 Piolo Riou Scheels Lorre ui peps 500.40 RECEIPTS : . EXPENDITURES - he unine ab Gir' cla re meet- ightwateh. ........0000as g at ome rs, Green on Treasurer's Office ......... 2.79 | Balance from 1980 ........ $ 119.86 Teachers' salaries, including | Thursday ing, and the annual > Seales. ....... ic ona. 8.00 | Prov. Grants-- | Superaimmation Foe fnun10,550.00 meeting of the Women's Association Miscellaneous ............ 26.61| Science and Agriculture.. 8,008.88 Other salaries .. 762.50] will be held at the home of Mrs. C. W. $11,798.49 County Rate ............. 7,627.48] Prov. Grant, Regular .... 1,434.22 Examinations + «viv: 876.11] Moon. A full attendance is expected. Overdraft: ......viineianea 1,170.08 Market .............. 5 16.756] Ont. County, maintenance 5,778.80. Equipment ..i aah 070.00 ; --------| Northumberland and Fuel .:..... 1 48780 ----i---- $12,068.54 $12,968.54 Durham ....3. ain ii.o 208.51 Supplies ....avssesssnsse = ro BOL UTICA . Haliburton County ....... 80.33 Postage, Fk adv... A A ' (continued: from page five STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Victoria. County (1930) .. 18.10 Household edd 7520) Mr. H. Wagg and Mr. Thos. he JANUARY 1st to DECEMBER 15th, 1931 Ont. County equiv. to Agriculture . Ji. 4 842.67 'were in 'charge of 'the election polls RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES Legislative grant ...... 1,705.47 Tnsurates" a * 8850| on Monday. | - 5 ] Ontario Co., 'agriculture , 500.00" Sundries . 168.85 Mrs; J Sutcliffe visiting in Man. License Fees ..........ov0 $ 189.00 Overdraft from 1980 ...,.. 1170.04 | Municipal rate ...:. coves 1,875.00 Prizes ....: 28,50 on Tuesday. H Town Hall Rentals ........ 191.00 Health Dept .............. 45.00| Hall rent ....ivieveiass 2,802.08 I 2 Sales, road material ...... 76.58 Office salaries ............. 787.92 ; Pleased to report Ms. J. Swan a] FAREs inva svnins saranasy 5.00 Office Expenses .....,.+:.+ ¥ Weigh Scale fees ...,..... 812.07 Weigh Scales expenses .... 480.99 | Debenture No. 5. 1 Nightwatch exp. recovered 47.00 Insurance Premiums paid . 561.81 | Interest, deferred | Dog. Tax ......, Trea 280.50 Street Lighting ............ 1052.86 | Teachers Superatmuation. Poll Tax .......... 24.00 W COB . .. issn vent 4210.78]. Tax Arrears 2981.41 Roads and Sidewalks ...... 2214.88 * Current Tax Roll receipts 32,026.87 Board of Education ....... 7875.00 ounty ' . re Pavement °° Deben schools ,....... 1856.02} . names Tages Debentrues, Consolidated Debt 792.26 Debenture Antersat, Debenture Tnterest, schools 3407.02 ano]

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