po ment, on Wednesday evening, Decem- er 23rd, in the Church, at 8 o'clock. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Cecil Beare ig ill. We trust she may _ soon recover her usual health, - Mr. Geo. A. Rose, who has been|} confined to his bed for some time, is improving in health. . CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION '11: a.m.~--Holy Communion, 3 p.m.--Sunday School. . Friday, 7.46 p.m.--Weeknight service --l MRS. GEORGE A. BLACKSTOCK The death took place at her home, McPherson Ave., Toronto, on Novem. ber 21st, of Mrs. George A. Black- _ stock, mother of Mrs. J. B. Lundy, of Port Perry. Mrs. Blackstock, who was in her eighty-first year, had been in failing health since the death of her husband, three years ago. She en- joyed her frequent visits to Port h having spent some time here in August last. In September, she was taken ill, and her death was not un- expected. The funeral, conducted by Rev. Dr. Young, of St. Paul's United Church, took place, Monday, November 28rd, interment being in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. SCUGOG Rev. W.B. Albertson of West China, friends in the Township Hall on Tues- day, December 8th, at 8 o'clock. Election of Officers. There was no League meeting last # week on account of the Sunday School ~medtings at Port Perry, which were well attended and of much interest. Mr. John Beymour Rodman died suddenly at his home at Jacskonville, § ire i E 5 FE our stoek. We have a much better assortment thisyear than ever before, Thanking you to call in and see our stock. Always on hand to look after repairs. I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist Hello! old Santa will be at the Head Church on December 21st, the Centre Church on December 22nd, and the Foot Church on December 28rd, and will visit the homes on the even- ing of December 24th. What a busy time he will have. + UTICA Mr, and Mrs. Russell Butson and Helen visiting with Mr. and> Mrs. H. 'Wagg on Sunday. Mrs. G. D. Bentley visiting in To- ronto for a few days. A number from here attended the play at Chalk Lake School last Friday night, . The Bluebird Club will present their play "Headstrong Joan" at Quaker Hill Church on December 14th. Married at Pickering on Wednes- day, November 25th, Elva Love of Greenbank to Mr. Gordon Taylor, second son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Taylor of Utica. ' / Mrs. Harry Harper spent last week with her sister in Oshawa, Mr. Earl Thompson left on Wed- nesday for Cochrane. Miss Jean Miller home over the week end. : Married at Myrtle - Parsonage by Rev. J. O. Totten, on Saturday, Nov. 28th, 1031, Mima Corbman, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Richard Corbman to Russell Corner of Shirley. Miss Hosie and Miss Rose Reynolds are busy training the children for the United Sunday School Christmas En- tertainment, CL POPPY DAY FUND The local Branch of the Canadian Legion wish to express thanks to the citizens of Port Perry and district for the generous response to the Poppy Day appeal. Following is the amount and Mrs, F. No and children, of Raglan, Mrs. H. and Stella, Messrs. Norman and Gordon Shunk, met them and extended, their hest wishes and spent a social time to- gether. On the return trip they visited in Toronts, Hamilton and Niagara Falls, then to Oakville where they will reside. Roy is a Seugog boy and we all extend our hest wishes, : © Mr, and Mrs, C. Johnston snd son Ross, of Pinedale, - guests of their cousins Mr. and D. Hope, on Sunday, . ¢ Mrs. Norman Whitney of Raglan enjoyed a visit with her cousin Mrs. © Art. Sweetman, a fow days last week. Mn, Joe Grantham of ve, visited some of his Beugog last week before he left for England to him a safe voyage and hope he . i HOCKEY MEETING been entered in the O. H. A. If you have anything for the good of hockey come along and let it be known. John Tinsley, President. et A A MPA BEAUTIFUL PANSIES PICKED DECEMBER 1st. On Tuesday, December 1st, Mr, Geo. Bond, of Prince Albert, picked a large bunch of beautiful pansies, and brought them to the Star Office. They were fine large specimens of lovely colour. This is another proof of the fine weather we have been getting for this time of the year. As a rule we expect to be picking snow balls, not pansies, Lf de L O. D. E. The December meeting of Scugog Chapter is taking the form of a "Friendly Tea" at the I. O. D. E. rooms from 8 p.m. to 6 p.m., Nov. 7th. collection or gift suitable for the Christmas Basket will be received. Proceeds for Christmas welfare work. rr lA re BORN On Sunday, November 29th, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Smith, of | Prince Albert, a daughter. Both do- ing well. el I A PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11 am.--The Dedicated Life, 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School, 7 p.m.--Jesus and Modern Pleasures Prince Albert 1.46 p.m.--Sabbath School 8 p.m.--Worship Service. A AM A COUNCIL NEWS Will all persons having accounts lagainst the Corporation of Port Perry, kindly mail them to the Clerk hefore December 5th, 1931. All persons owing the Corporation for water or wiring accounts, are re- quested to pay same before Dec, 15, 1081, This will assist your council in clos- ing up the business for the year. TO HYDRO USERS For information of Hydro users-- the Hydro Commission reserve the right to work on any line on any Sun- day, between the hours of 7 am. and 8 am, and 2 and 4 p.m, Consumers should govern them- selves accordingly. H. C. NASMITH, Clerk. EPSOM The United Church Sunday School intend holding their Christmas Tree on_ December 28rd. The Ladies' Aid are invited to the home of Mrs. Fred Lyle of Manchester this Friday evening. The young people have started at their play and intend giving it some time in the near future. , Miss Philp visited over the week end at her home in Sunderland. Mr. and Mrs. George Prentice of Port Perry, visited on Sunday with their son Mr. Norman Prentice. Mr. Fred Ashton visited on Sunday with his cougin Mr. Jos. Ashton. Mrs. Day, of Port Perry, visited recently with Mrs.Wm. Ackney. Sorry to hear that Mr. Joseph - ton and Mr. Wm. Cook, are under doctor's care. We hope for a speedy recovery. steep Port. Perry to. Mother Forced to Leave 4 " Fatherless Children = a t_she Sapert Se See ge 2 opine at Hd it ud So io ' : Ome" -- ring AD Kinde of tracking done. || SN aeSSTOR OT the ES Gravel can be supplied in any hw died of 'quantity for cement, ete. Call Saving Ter' 6 SheR" 0 He Phone 96w for quick and re A liable service. rR a (eae p- be "Co umptiv gg en Clarence Cook | sii ff it si bust work can only be continued ER RE CHRISTMAS. GIFTS TOILET GOODS--Our line of sets is very complete and features such popular makes as Yardley's, Jasmine of Southern France, Evening in Paris, Duska and Jergeus. STATIONERY--We have a very complete line of gift Stationery this year at popular prices. FOUNTAIN PENS--Before purchasing anything in this WINTER CARE OF LIVE STOCK With the approach of winter, farm- ers should make sure that the barns' in which their stock are to pass the cold months are clean and free from possible infectious diseases or para- sites. Most progressive stockmen whitewash their stables at least once a year, but frequently dustings with an old broom are needed to keep the cobwebs and dust down. Before the cattle leave the pastures for the sea- son, it is good practice to inspect the whole herd for possible skin disease or parasites. Such diseases as ring- to clear at BUCHANAN"S Coat Clearance Sale reg.s26.50 $12.95 EVENING DRESSES, reg. $16.95 to $24.95 worm, seab or mange, lice or are dangerous and each needs treatment. Ring-worm is dangerous because humans may tract it through handling or curry-combs and brushes. Ti of iodine applied daily following ing with soap and water will ring-worm, but scabies or mange to be dipped in or sprayed with special solutions such as crude petroleum or equal parts of kerosene and cotton- seed oil, which mixture is also recom- mended for lice. No animal can give its best milk production or put on flesh when feeding such parasites. $8.95 and $10.50 Every friend bring a friend. Silver] Desk Sets. Phone 49 line you should see our Sheaffer Lifetime Pens, Pencils and BOOKS--Are always an appropriate gift... We shall be glad to assist you in your selection. BE SURE TO CAST YOUR BALLOTS IN THE DOLL CONTEST ---- A. M. LAWRENCE, Phm. B.' 72e Rexall sure PORT PERRY, ONT. ili Port Perry DECEMBER 3rd, 1931, WITH Men's Pure Wool Combinations, Men's Silk Scarfs, only 75c. waiting for your inspection. Men's Good Fleece-lined, heavy weight Underwear, .... Men's Heavy Weight Fleece-lined Combinations, Men's All Wool, Heavy Weight, Work Socks, ....3 pairs for 79c. Men's Good Working Boots, regular $3.50............ Only $1.99 CAWKER BROS. CHEAPER MEATS Owing to the lower prices on the Live $took Market, we are able to buy better and are offering choloe outs of beef, veal and lamb at reduced prices. Phone in your orders--298w "tiffin » . So 3 : ominion Store . GIVING UP BUSINESS SALE STARTS ON THURSDAY, THE GREATEST BARGAINS, EXTRA SPECIAL For December 3rd, 4th, and 5th, only Men's Pure Wool, heavy weight, Penman's Underwear, only 95c. Penman's, Sve only $1.25 Men's Dress Socks, only 25c. We have this year, a great selection of all kinds of Christmas Gifts, for Men, Women, and Children, at remarkably low prices, Call in and see for yourself. PORT PERRY DOMINION STORE A. GILBOORD, Prop. Mr. V. Crozier of Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents Mr, and Mrs, W. Crosier, The Manghester Christmas Tree will be held on December 18th. Mr. and Mrs. Sutcliffffe of Sutton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. McKee visited with Mr. F. Dring of Raglan on Sunday. Mrs. Thos. McKee visited with Mr. Josh. Evans, of Raglan, recently. ~ Mr. Percy Chase and Mrs. Thos. Archer of Lindsay,.visited at W. F. Walker's on Sunday, Messrs. Grant Christie and Jos. Strong, had some valuable sheep killed by dogs one night last week. A re- ward is offered to those who can find the dogs. Mrs. Day and Mrs. Stone of Port Perry, were in the village one day last week. Rev. C. C. Miller, of Wilfred, will occupy the pulpit next Sunday morn- ing. He will speak in the interests of the "Kingdom of God Movement." At the evening service a Men's Choir will have charge of the service. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stone were in To- ronto on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. C. Gordon, Prince Al- bert, at Mr. T. Sharp's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Somerville at Mr, W. Bagshaw's on Sunday. PRINCE ALBERT Mr. C. Ross of Ottawa, president of the Real Estate Association of Ontario, called on his sister Mrs. H. R. Murphy, last week. There was a large attendance of Sunday School adherents from this village to the meetings held at Port Perry last week. . Rev. Mr. Jones, of Trenton, took the afternoon preaching service here last Sunday. Mrs. Foster and Leonard have re- turned to Toronto for the winter after making many improvements to their summer Home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Warren visited with friefids in Uxbridge and Epsom last week. . Miss Etta Smith attended the Roya! Winter Fair last week. "* The Prince Albert Women's Asso- ciation met at the parsonage, Port Perry, on Wednesday November 25th. Some eighteen members and visitors attended. Following the business meeting an interestinf program of solos, vocal and instrmuental music, also readings was put on by the visit- ors, after which the hostess, Mrs. Richards served a dainty lunch. A hearty vote of appreciation was given Mrs. Richards for her hospitality in entertaining the Prince Albert ladies. A combination meeting was held at the home of Mr. W. Martyn, on Wed- nesday evening. The Sunday School workers met to arrange for the). § AFTERNOON DRESSES, and Saturday only Be Bure to see These Wonderful Bargains from $1.95 to $9.95 These prices are for Thursday, Friday Shredded Cocoanut C. & B. Mince Meat, McLaren's Jelly Powders 15 King St. East, OSHAWA Now you can positively <identify your favorite D.L. & W. Scranton Anthracite (hard coal) before you burn it. It's trade-marked (tinted blue) for your protection. Order from your Dealer NOW-- and know what 'blue coal' comfort means IIE eelle] GUARANTEES THE QUALITY WILLARD'S Prepare right now for the best Christmas meals you ever served. Here are good things to eat at prices that represent a real saving, and our contribution to the success of your Christmas dinner. FRUITS, Seedless Grapefruit, California Grapes, Naval Oranges, Bananas, Ripe Tomatoes RAISINS, What a variety! Australian Seedless and Valentias, each ........ 2 Ibs. for 25¢. Muscetal Seedless, in bulk.. .................. per Ib 17c. Bleached Sultanas ........................0 a5 5 1b 20c. California Seedless .......................... 2 bs for 25¢. Dessert Cluster Table Raisins, fancy pkg. .............. 3 GRECIAN CURBANTS ...............ccoivviiaaviis hb 17. GLAZED CHERRIES ..................... 0004 2 1b 23c. MACONOCHIES' CUT MIXED PEEL ................. i 25¢c. ....1b 20c.| Good Dairy Butter 4 pkgs. for 25c.| Layer Figs, pkg. ....... ..10¢. Fresh Eggs = Icing Sugar ...... 3 hs for 25¢. FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS ................. 2 bs for 25¢. MACARONI ready cut ..............oviiinninn 2 Ibs for 15¢. McLAREN'S PEANUT BUTTER .................... ..1b 19¢. COOKING MOLASSES RE 19¢.| Hallowi Dates . ...2 Ibs for 25¢. DEBENTURES FOR SALE S. S. No. 9, TOWNSHIP OF REACH $4200.00 at 5%. Maturing inTwenty ¥ For further particulars, apply to -- ALONZO WILLIAMS, Sec'y, R.R. 1, Port P