Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 5 Nov 1931, p. 4

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ur - g first door east of Canadian Bank Commerce, over 'the Observer Office Phone 98 Residence 19) ~ Port Perry, Ontario of Miss Inez Savage, who has been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Savage, for the summer, has returned to Los Angeles, 'California. Monchale r On Sunday next Mr, Totten will take the anniversary services at Greenwood. Mr. Smart of Greenwood will take the services here at the usual hour, 10.30 a.m. On Thursday evening, Mr. Stevens, a returned missionary, will speak in the church at 8 o'clock. The Bethesda Quartette will provide special music, Mrs. Smith, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Lockett and Mrs. Thompson of Sandford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Cooper on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gerrow and Maun- sell, visited at Victoria Corners on Sunday. o _ Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk entertained a number of their friends at the town hall on Thursday evening. All report a good time. Mrs. J. W. Crozier has returned home after spending a week at Lake- field. Miss Viola: Mitchell, of Buffalo, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mitchell. BLACKSTOC Mrs. Stanford Swain has returned home after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. (Rev) Milton Sanderson, To- ronto. Miss Florence McLaughlin, of To- ronto, spent the week end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. J. R. McLaugh- iin, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, Oliver, and Robert, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Malcolm, Nestleton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Werry and son visited with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Power of Lindsay, recently. Mr. Gilmour McLaren, of the West- ern Airways, Limited, who is taking a special course in aviation at Camp Borden, spent the week end with his 74 cousins, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mountjoy. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Claud Hilman, of To- U ronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Venning, over the week end. Mrs. Venning returned with them to the city for a few days. The regular monthly meeting of the Victorian Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Percy VanCamp on Friday afternoon of this week. Messrs. Wm. and John Tordiff, of Barrie, and their mother Mrs. William Tordiff, of Brooklin, Mrs. Oakley Car- ley, of Toronto, Misses Margaret Swain, Susie and Olive VanCamp and Mr. Harold Swain, were Sunday visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mountjoy. The November meeting of the Ang- lican Young People's Association, will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willan, on Monday evening of next week, Nov, 9th. The programme will be Lantern slides. The October meeting of the W. A of St. John's Church, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parr, with a fine attendance. The meeting opened with devotional exercises by the rector. The business session fol- lowed at the close of which the follow- i rogram was given: a reading iss F. Fair, "Aunt Nancy's Quilting Bee"; a reading by Mrs. L. am; a reading, "Piganini'; a eading by Mrs. W. Crawford, "As ttle Children," and Community inging. A chapter of the Study Book was taken by Mrs. T. Smith, and a - reading from the "Living Message" by Miss Kate McLaughlin. Lunch was served. The October meeting of the W. M. of the United Church was held at home of the Misses Annie and right. The meeting opened ith devotional exercises led by the gident, Mrs. A. Johnston, Bible ding by Mrs. R. Ferguson and by Mrs. F. Stinson. After the session the program which charge of Mrs, Carl Wright's 'consisted of a duet by Mrs. F. "Newell and Miss Gladys Newell, splendid address by Mrs. Frank right of St. Catharines, on the History of Mission Work in Quebec, readings by Mrs. C. Marlow and Mrs. Roy Ferguson, and a report of: the 'morning session of the stern Sec- 'tion of Oshawa Presbytery. Refresh- ts were served at the close. We are sorry to report.that Miss S. met with a serious accident on sday last when she fell, breakin, in her right limb, Miss Smi of Cartwright's oldest citizens, celebrated her 92nd birthday 22nd. i nb crowded opt on account of 1 of manuscript.) _vomsag ubilee Pump Works, John St., y, Blectric Parlor fixture | these on display by Saturday. See them and feel them. SPECIAL Assortment of China. Nothing over 25¢. now for some Christmas Gifts. Always on hand to look after your repairs oco I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist Bible Society On Sunday next November 8th, the Rev. F. B. Allnutt, B.D., will address a Bible Society meeting at Prince Al- bert at 3 p.m. and at Port Perry at 8.10 p.m. The meeting at Port Perry will be In the Presbyterian Church. Mr. All- nutt is a splendid speaker, so let all come out to hear him tell of the work of the Bible Society. The annual canvass of the town for the Bible Society funds will be con- ducted shortly. Kindly meet the col- lectors with a smile and a generous donation. -- ie tN Pt NOTES FROM ST. JOHN'S Y. P. S. St. John's Y. P. S. had for their topic at the Monday night meeting-- "World Peace and the Disarmament Conference." Mrs. Grant Christie read an excellent paper on Disarmament and the Love of God, after which Mrs. Annand gave a talk on "Our respons- ibility to the Geneva Conference", in- cluding at the close a brief memorial service to our soldier dead. A poem composed at the front-- "The Little Wooden Crosses" was read by the president, Mrs. McFarlane, and a duet by Mrs. Owens and Mrs. Wil- liams, concluded the program. At the close of meeting, all present signed the Polyglot petition for World Peace. The week before a most successful Hallowe'en Social was held, 60 being present and a good time enjoyed. iy ! 'VALDE HORTOP - OH GIRLS! « HI Teacher of PIANO and THEORY You ought to see our Classes start first week in Sept. beautiful "Cuddle Phone 54 Port Perry Dolls"' we will have - . Hallowe'en Bazaar| The officers and members of the Women's Guild of the Church of the Ascension, wish to thank all those friends who, by their kind presence, | on October 29, so largely contributed to the success of the evening. Pe FOR SALE A number of Registered Shropshire rams, Government graded. Apply to Grant Christie, Manchester, Phone 118 r 2-1 Port Perry. 5 et PPP = CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION BAZAAR Every year one of the most pleasant of the Season's entertainments has been the Hallowe'en Bazaar at the Church of the Ascension. The ladies in connection with that church give whole-hearted service for this event, and the result is that the Parish Hall is prettily decorated; there is an abundance of beautiful and useful articles offered for sale; and the sup- per provided is delicious. This year the public showed their appreciation of the good: quality. of entertainment and attended "in: large numbers. In the lucky number contests, Mr. Tiffin, won the fishing rod donated by Mr. J. C. Cockburn; Miss McGregor, the set of dishes; Mrs. Foster, the bunch of wool; Mrs. Ruddy, the box of chocolates; and Mr. McIntosh, the box of face powder. ------ PI ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. E. Annand, B.A., Minister. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA Service at 2.30 p.m. rel A PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November 8th-- 11 a.m.--Special Armistice Service, under auspices of the I.0.D.E. and The Canadian Legion. 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Jesus and World Peace. Prince Albert 1.46 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Rev. F. B. Allnut will speak on the work of the Bible Society. ---- PPP CHURCH: OF THE ASCENSION 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong. Friday, 7.46 p.m.--Weeknight service. Sacred Concert to be given in the United Church, Port Perry at 8 p.m. on the evening of FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 by the Markham United Church Choir (a choir of 54 members) PROGRAMME Anthem--*"0O Holy Father" ............ , .. . Marchetti-Parks Ladies' Chorus--'"The Hour of Prayer" ............... Scott Duett--*"When Jesus Comes into My Heart.& _ Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Law Anthem--*"Crossing the Bar" .................... Fletcher Vocal Solo--Mr. A. Empringham Anthem--*"0 For a Closer Walk With God" .......... Marks (Obligato Solo by Mrs. L. Brown) Organ Solo--Mrs. A. J. Woods Vocal Solo--Mrs. P. Morden Chorus--*"'Comrades in Arms". ............o0vvveinn, Adam Chorus--*Hail to the Dawn" (set to Poet & Peasant Overture) Male Chorus--Selected. Te He Vocal Solo--Miss R. Robinson. 2 Anthem--"The Sun Shall be No More"........... Woodward Vocal Solo--Mrs. L. Brown: Sh ct Anthem--*The King of Love" ............ccouiunn . Shelley Evening Anthem-- "Holy Father (Solo by Miss Vocal Solo--A. J. Woods Unaccompanied Number--"Gently Lord, O Gently Load 2 53 Hallelujah Chorus--From Handel's Messiah re : God Save the King ee Choir Leader--A. J. Woods Organist--Mrs. A. J. Woods 'Cheer Our Way" ....Couper - E. Reesor) - fy . : That is the feeling that we have as westart this advertisement, and when we read the daily papers, we cannot but see that there is a wonderful feeling of confidence all over the world, that better times are just around the corner--and it will only be a very small corner if we all do our part, and go to meet them with outstretched hands and a smile on our faces. : Talking about corners, of course you know we are THE CORNER STORE, and we want to gain the confidence of everyone, not by advertising only, but by SERVICE. We are here to serve and please you with merehandise of highest quality, at the lowest possible price. To gain more smiles of satisfaction, we are re- peating most of the wonderful values shown last week. Come in and SAVE. MEN'S $5.00 Boys' & Girls' SWEATERS RAINCOATS $2.98 $3.50 - 70 x 90 Flannelette BLANKETS Regular $3.25 ~ For $239 ¥ & : Ladies' Dresses, INCOATS |] Coats and Hats || [eather R Ra BELOW COST Leather Boots $ 5.9 5 : DONT W AIT $2.79 & $2.98 These are just a few samples. Come in and look around. You are welcome. MEN'S $10. Men's Solid COW FOR SALE Apply to Mrs. Bickell, Prince Albert, Ontario. 1 . . >t NEIL YELLOWLEES, Piano Tuner, . will be in Port) Perry next week. : : Orders left at Mr. Lawrence's Drug " ! » : ----eo---------------- | : on GARAGE FOR RENT | : south of Queen st. Apply at Star | : Office. 1 3 : ; WANTED I oe Old horses wanted for their hides. Ww dnesd T sd F i d: S : d e ay, Teursday, Friday, Saturday of This Week Store. nov 12 on Crandell street, Port Perry, just a LE -- Apply to Box 19, Port Perry Star. Toilet Good LADIES' GOLD WATCH LOST At the recent entertainment at the Sonya Church. Finder please notify Medicines SUNDRIES Star Office. Hy ; $1.75 Hot Water Bottles ..2 for $1.76 : 50c. Syrup MHTH HT HT HTTTHAH | 50c. Jonteel Face Powder ..2 for 5lec. 78¢. I Absorbent Cotton ..2 for 76c. ---- OP ; < : Se. hsorbent ..2 for 76c. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Mac-|50c. Rexall Bronchial Syrup, 2 for 5lc. | 50c. Jonteel Face Creams ..2 for 51c.| 15¢- Wash Cloths .......... 2 for 16c. 4 TE CS ANI ae Gregor, on Thursday, October 29th, . 35¢. Combs ....... ........ 2 for 36e¢.. 1981, a son--William Neil. Both do- | 50c. Milk of Magnesia .... 2 for 5lc.| 75c. Duska Face Creams ..2 for 76¢.| - ing well. ~ 4 : 25¢. Sterile Gauze ........ 2 for 26c. 2 $1.00 Cod Liver Oil ...... 2 for $1.01) $1.00 Duska Face Powder .2 for $1.01| i a a a SCHOOL NEWS Our school activities have started 25¢. Hydrogen Peroxide +. .2 for 26¢.| 75c. Cherisette Face Powder 2 for 76c. STATIONERY. 50c. Riker's French Balm, .2 for 5lc. 3 gs > ini earnest now. We have a very fina] 2° Syrup of Cod Liver 0 ad Tay 15¢c. Writing Pads ..,..... 2 for 16c. Literary Society executive Which hal |2e Tiny Tot Talcum ....2 for 26c.|25¢. Writing Pads ..... 2 for 26c, already shown evidence of Ms CaP) gg poet, Tron and. Wine, 2 for $1.01 to es ogg - ability in the excellent Hallowe'en |" *"" : ; 35¢c. Lavender Taleum ....2 for 36. toner §....... 2 for 5c. dance for which they were responsible,| : : i : = 10c. pkg. Envel ] Friday night. It was a great success. | 85¢. Mineral Oil ..... dru: a8 Tor 86e.l 35, Gentlemen's Talcum ..2 for 36s. Epes wyr7 3 far Me. ¥ Nearly all the students attended thus| ---- vr -- | ___ ot . 15¢c. pkg. Envelopes .......2 for 16c. : showing avery excellent school spirit. $1.00 Rexall 93 Hair Tonic 2 for $1.01 Jon : t : e decorated very effe y ctive- = ree -f 8 w{ly with blinking Jack-o-Lanterns, 35¢. Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 2 for 36c.| A ; wise old owls, and mysterious bia Mipon 2 . CANDY 2 35¢. 1b Humbugs ....2 Ms for 36. 0c. Havin ele, 35c. Rexall Shaving Cream, 2 for 3hc.

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