Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 29 Oct 1931, p. 3

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r * 'and Sons of England, in the Lawrence ' brethren and enjoy the work. They ~ Conductor--Bro. FE. Dowson Mis. MacMillan, 'missionary on fur- "Formosa, will address the We are pleased to report that Mrs. W. T. Reader is much improved after her recent attack of pneumonia. The Lodge rooms of the Oddfellows Block, have been redecorated and the furniture refinished. This is now one of the finest lodge rooms in the dis- trict. We must congratulate these progressive societies. WARRINER LODGE NO. 75, 1.O.O.F. On Monday evening, District De- puty Grand Master Bro. Evans and|' his installation team, of Phoenix Lodge, Oshawa, made an official visit to Warriner Lodge, for the purpose of installing new officers of Warriner Lodge for the year 1931-32. The District Deputy and his staff were well supported by many other notable * Oddfellows. which brought thelr numbers up to forty. Warriner Lodge" members turned out In good strength, numbering be- tween forty and fifty to greet these were not disappointed as the Third Degree Team from Phoenix Lodge ex- emplified the Third Degree in a very capable manner on members of War- riner Lodge. Following this degree, the following brethren were installed in their re- spective offices: Past Grand--Bro. M. Gerrow Noble Grand-- Bro. A. Johns Vice Grand--Bro. H. Peel Rec. Bec.--Bro. M. Letcher. Fin, Sec.--Bro. N. Ewers, Treasurer--Bro. A. L. McDermott Chaplain--Bro. J. Doubt. R. B. N. G.--Bro. P. Cline L. 8. N. G--Bro. F. Reesor R. L. V. G--Bro. M. Williams L. 8. V. G--Bro. J. Gibson 'Warden--Bro. M. Hodgson R. 8. B--Bro. H. Kerry L. 8. B--Bro. G. Flewell I. G--Bro, B. Wallace 0. @--Bro, R. O'Neill Following the installation, the Fourth Degree was enjoyed by all, which consisted of the usual eats and gpeeches by prominent Oddfellows of Ontario District, also several musical pombers, IL 0. D. E. « The regular monthly meeting of the Bcugog Chatper, I. 0. D., E,, will be held at their rooms on Monday, Nov. 2nd, at 8 pm. Mrs, Farmer will give a report of the general meeting held in Niagara Falls, el POP The Port Perry Band has just ar- ranged to have the Rushton Rennie Company appear in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, November 3rd. This Company of entertainers present a variety programme of dancing, sing- ing and lots of fun, © « ---- OW CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION All Baints Day-- 11 a.m.~Holy Communion. --Sunday School. rid 7.45 p.m--Weeknight service OReving of the i. 30 S. of {20 Jrovided an indispensible J ing's activiti es. SPECIAL Assortment of China. rover 25¢. now some Christmas' Gifts. : 7h Always on hand to * look after your repairs I R. BENTLEY - Jeweller & Optometrist ; 5.30. te to held in the Town Hall, on' Monday, ANNUAL HOCKEY MEETING © The annual hockey meeting will be Cen November 2nd, at 8 pm. for the election of officers for the coming year, All persons interested in the objects of the Club are asked to make an effort to be present. R.A LEVIA, Acting Sec'y reel PP Pees ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. E. Annand, B.A., Minister. 11 a.m.~--Morning Service. 7 p.m.--Evening service. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA Service at 2.30 p.m. VALDE HORTOP 'Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Classes start first week in Sept. Phone 54 Port Perry PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November 1st-- 11 a.m.--Special Laymen's Service. This service will be of special inter- est. Music will be furnished by a Men's Choir. Brief addresses will be given on "The Spirit of the Missionary Congress." 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Evening service withdrawn on account of Prince Albert Anni- versary service. PRINCE ALBERT ANNIVERSARY SERVICES * Special services will be held in the Prince Albert United Church on Sun- day, November 1st. Services at 2.30 and 7 p.m. Rev. Isaac Snell, of Cam- bray, a much loved former minister of Prince Albert will conduct the ser- vices. Special music will be provided in the afternoon by a men's choir from Port Perry. In the evening by the Almonds Church choir. , All former members and friends are specially invited to these services. All will be made welcome. elf AP DANCE AT SCUGOG HALL A dance will be held at the Scugog Township Hall, on Monday evening, November 9th. Lucky number prize. Everybody welcome. Ladies provide. Hallowe'en Party Tuesday evening about ninety young peaple; members of the United Church Y. P. 8. and their friends, enjoyed a social evening. The fun took the form of a Hal- lowe'en party. The basement of the church, decorated with Hallowe'en motifs--black and orange--made a very appropriate background for witches and ghosts. A fashion parade, displaying the latest whims of Dame Fashion under the spell of the spooks] eld the interest of all. Much time and talent must have gone into the making of the costumes. Misses M. and E. Harris very Holy, acted as judges, awarding e prizes as follows,-- ay H. Mellow, best Hallow- e'en costume, Misses Hudson and Kitching, best comic costume, Miss Virginia Nasmith, best girl's costume, Mr. J. Farmer best boy's costume. A game of musical chairs caused much amusement and laughter. The Sunday School Orchestra both fashion parade and Ba chairs. A Chamber of Horrors [which A so horrible, but it must be too soon to expect the spirts to be roaming], caused many shrieks of feigned terror. The room was darkened and Svary ofle fathere around a camp' fire to n to tales of the ghosts told by Bob Harris--stories that 'made the shivers run down the spines of many folks. The evening closed with an aracter. Miss Franees Christy and Miss Alma Hight direc directed the even- THE COLOR CRAZE iol A buyer for a large drapery ent went into a cafe, sat & table; and along came the appetizing J lunch of Hallowe'en i ) Bree Ee Be eat agres in the Town Hall, Port Perry, on| | Thursday and Friday, November 26| VENTURE TEA ROOM Port Perry wish to thank their many patrons for their support during the sum- mer, and wish to state that the Tea Room will be closed during the winter to re-open again May '1 BLACKSTOCK (continued from page one) killen, Murray Byers, Burketon, El- wood Strong, Bethany, Robert Daw- son, South Monaghan, and John Con- nelly, Port Hope. The high coach was Mr. Percy Philp, Nestleton. Through an invitation extended by Mrs. (Dr.) F. W. Marlow, of Toronto, the following four ladies Mrs. Wallace Marlow, Mrs. Fred Philp, Mrs. Harold Porteous and Mrs. Wilber Malcolm, had the honour of attending the Bridge Party and Fashion Show held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, under the auspices of the Medical Army Corps. Mrs. Wilbur Marlow won the prize at her table and all re- ported a most enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stinson have returned home from a motor trip to Owen Sound. Miss Laura Bailey, Miss Margaret Arnell, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Deacon of Grand Valley, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradburn spent, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright. Mr. and Mrs. N. 8S. McNally motored to Bancroft for the week end. Mr. Lawrence Mountjoy of the Essex Bank staff has returned to his work after spending a week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mount- joy. Mr, Douglas McComb of the Bank staff at Oshawa, was the guest of Mr. Ralph VanCamp over the week end. Miss M. Polley, of Toronto, has re- turned home after spending a few days with the Misses Frances and Grace Mountjoy. We are glad to see Mr. Herbert Hooey out again after his accident some weeks ago, He was just ready to take home a load of hay from Mr. Robt. Hall's when the front of the rack broke, letting him down at the horses' feet. The team became frightened and ran away and it was then that Mr. Hooey received his in- juries which fortunately proved to be no broken bones, but a very bad shaking up which confined him to bed and the doctor's care for some time. Mrs. John Smith of Blackstock and Mrs. John Barton and Douglas, of Enniskillen, visited recently at the home of Smith Bros. Don't forget the annual Bazaar and Fowl Supper to be held in the town hall on Wednesday evening, Nov. 4th, 'St. John's Church. : teste FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Pure bred registered Saanef and Nubianf Milking Goats. Will ex- change for chickens. Walter Bown, Phone 168, . Port Perry. SE : "Corporal Eagan" is the big play under the auspices of the W. A, of| 1}: I Shir Ties, ona are «syed to to meet the eye. Popular fabrics at popular prie Good pa atterns and colours in Broadeloth Shirts. Jriegs. Sond riced $1.49 Neat patterns and smart color effects in Ties - 4dc. Light Veight Wi Winter Underwear, Penman brand $1.49 * Pare all wool & ner a for these chilly days. Boys' all wool pullover style, in Black, size 26 to 32, $1.50 MEN'S SUITS Men' High Grade Clothing, made to - Saile'Syle Tailors. " ining ea ehy the 1s that. Models are expertly designed. Many samles to choose from at our store. Priced at $23.00. J. McKEE & SON A REAL BARGAIN WILLIAMS' 8 SHAVING CREAM and a package of Gillette razor blades, both for 69c. 'DR. WEST'S TOOTH BRUSH and MIRROR for 50c. The mirror is such as is used by dentists and enables you to see the back or inner side of your teeth, and thus you can early detect signs of tartar or decay, visit your dentist and save your teeth. MOIR'S XXX CHOCOLATES in a new assortment of chocolates, cream caramels, assorted bonbons and crystal jellies. Per 1b box 60c. Morrison's Drug Store Port Perry Ontario Phone 16 somite i RR, One Cent Sale NOVEMBER 4; 5, 6 and 7 Tihs is the original Rexall ONE CENT SALE featuring the quality products of the United Drug Co. REXALL REMEDIES, PUREST HOUSEHOLD DRUGS, STATIONERY, TOILET GOODS, CANDY, SUNDRIES, ETC. Four days--Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, of next week. Come early while the stock is complete. my I Coat Jl BARGAINS For shot ime we a oftrng he : ollowing goods at real 3 sets only of English Semi Porcelain Dishes, taining 97 pieces, and all different designs, Ee a 15 pairs Men's Rubber Boots, Ames-Holden & : MoCoordy make Nothing better made, and it will soon be wet muddy. Keep your feet dry with a pair of vet and ] Regular $4.75. 20 pairs Ladies' Classic Shoes, all sizes. B fine quality kid. Feature Arch, combination fitting # Cuban heel. Regular $4.50. FO 4 packages of Star. Ammonia ... 3 packages of Classic Cleanser ...... J. F. McCLINTC PORT PERRY, ONT. Have you heard about PYRO-TEST .The FIREPROOF INSULATOR Cool in Summer - Warm in Winter Fireproof all the time Port Perry 183 Oshawa Lumber Co. LIMITED At Swan Brethers Port Perry The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W . BERT MacGREGOR A. M. LAWRENCE, Phm. B. The Roald Store Phone 49 PORT PERRY, ONT. mst fm FAMOUS READING ms" ANTHRACITE That better Pennsylvania Hard Coal--Black and shiny, as only 'the best hard coal can be. There's a great deal that's at- tractive about a load of our very black and shiny Reading Anthracite." It looks like just what we all think good coal ought to look, and burns just like good coal ought to burn. Each load properly sized. Order what you need to-day and enjoy better heat from better coal. ALBERTA COAL CANNEL COAL STEAM COAL WOOD CEMENT -- TILE LIME. Phone your requirements to 94 or 233 Reliable Service and Famous Reading Anthracite PORT PERRY COAL YARD Truck Delivery. W. G. W. PYATT Phones Office 94, Res. 288 The Reward of Years of Toil If you contemplate an auction sale, the closing out of your years of effort in building up a complete farm equipment, the Canadian' Bank of Commerce is splendidly equipped to cater to your financial needs. Our local manager and his staff will gladly make all arrangements for the collection and discount- ing of all sale notes and for furnishing an extension of credit where necessary. A suc- cessful sale is entirely dependent upon sound » financial arrangements. THE CANADIAN BANK OF GOMVERCE Siz © with which is amalgamated ) DDD DD ED DD ERED DDR RD DD ?) BANK OF ( Fre is packed full of heat--each load is all coal carefully cleaned and |§ Will do the rest. [RT TR Lumber and Builders' Supplies We are grateful to our many patrons for their choice of a good place to buy stock at the right price. Let us show you our fine display of many lines which you need when building. --_-- Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 Day or Night Port Perry "The value of your telephone is just what you make it." J Pp ] y YOR telephone is as valuable as you make it, for it is always ready and always dependable. It offers you speech with more and more people. It is always increasing in efficiency and simplicity.

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