A RADICALLY NEW RADIO O-DAY, after months of -test- . ing and months, of proving, 'Westinghouse invites you to inspect Radio's newest, per- fected creation -- Columaire "8" --the most significant radioannouncement in four years. Leave behind you all preconcejved ideas of radio design. Columaire "8" does not look like any radio you have ever seen be- fore. At first glance you will not see any speaker, tuning controls or selector dial. These important features are all there of course, but obviously placed for the great- est efficiency and convenience. The Columaire*8" presents the first and only radio cabinet scientifically designed to serve the purpose of radio. repro- duction. To embody the fun- damental principle which dis tinguishes Columaire "8" from all other radio receivers, it had to be different. The "column of air" principle though entirely new to radio, is old as the hills. The great mas ters of music have used it for hundteds of years. It is the secret of sweetness and purity in' the violin, of mellowness in the cello, of tesonance in the pipe-organ. The "column of air", vibrating within every musical instrument, energizes and developes the full range of musical hae monics. "the old-style receivers it supersedes. It is equipped with either an electric or . eight-day clock as you require--affording a double utility in the home. Now in a Radio Receiver for the "It is a superheterodyne of amas- first time Westinghouse adapts this ing power--quiet yet sensitive to principle for radio reproduction, the weakest signals. It has extra 'thereby producing tonal qualities ordinary volume yet cross talk and unique in beauty, magnificent in . interference between wave bands resonance and amazing in fidelity. is eliminated. ~~ With this radical innovation : It sstablishus 3 Sew megning for come other improves curetly radio value" --fes e Tess si HRCTOR Ts oa: 'inching appeal. Coldmatre lb aptptiomino:- sltroudsmmimiain, Be one of the first to enjoy this modern 'as the ninety story sky- EEE narvelous new creation. scraper. Columaire brings re- a nod toss Hear for yourself its magnificent freshing beauty--richness of range of tone. See for yourself its substance as well as sound--that new, dynamic beauty. Secure for yourself harmonizes with any setting. its amazing performance, its unmatched Although a full-size receiver, it takes up only one square foot utllity and its outstanding value. of floor space--a unique advantage Columaire "8" --the regeiver that is ARLEN, in any home and especially in small making radio history. ¢ apartments. Visit us to-day. 7 wh i sa conveniently placed easier to i ** handle; more satisfactory {to operate then , ; R gd » Li Fi TT °F i fd F228 pie HEN A8 TH Hl fli] "J tion had a booth and sold cake, pie| SU and sandwiches. The ice cream was Indian manager, Mr. N. Crozier did his best to mike the day a success, Our boys are going to Whitevale on Saturday' evening 'to play soft- ball, 'Seugog Council will meet at the 'Y' Township' Hall, on Saturday after-|S | noon; Miss Sweet is decorating her school. this week and getting ready for the opening next Tuesday. We hope to see' a full attendance at all the schools. The School Fair is to be held on Sept 28th. Miss Clara Hardy is having a few holidays in Port Perry with her cousin Miss Edna Jackson. Miss Zella Hope visited with Miss Gladys Dodsley at Greenbank for a few days last week. Ploughman, of Port iss Edna Samells, are W. holidays with their Bamells, and Joy Hood are having sothé holidays with their 8. Ferguson in : PURE LARD '2 for Zle. 'New Pack. No. 2 Can. : Red and White. ils os en As a eae 20 ™ vail [rs TE BARS. Regularsize ............-..i or FANCY TAM IAMS ...... 0... 5. 00 2 Be for pra CAMPBELL'S SOUPS, allflavers ................ 0.0% .tin 10c. ~ Post's Bran F lakes, & per pkg., 10¢c. re SHORTENING, Ihpkes. oT... 0. ou 00 on Tor 200 PAROWAX ........ oie vo in charge of Mr. R. Hood. Our|OX TEA ........ 0 ae er alt 2 pkg. 25¢. ARCTIC ICE BISCUITS. Special PIRATE ™ 2%. NUGGET SHOE POLISH .............c0vvvisinininn, tin 12e. | Orange Marmalode 40 oz. jar, Z3c GOLD MEDAL YELLOW LABEL COFFEE,...... vs BD tn Be. Bias at snes ain wis fn gis a Wien Shinn inta is Vai elkt ih ew aaa 8. RED & WHITE JELLY POWDERS ate aaa 4 pkgs. for 25¢. a nah vi a ty 4 Daa Lk ete tives scent INES DUE BIE, , MOTHER'S BABY SOAP ......... 00 8000 3 bars 17¢. CARNATION MILK. ...... Baby size 4 tins 25¢. 1 1b tin 49¢c. Pearl White Naptha Soap: 5 bars 17c. r INCESS FLAKES JPER SUDS ......; BIGSCLEANBR ........ :iii.iiiiii PER PARK'S CATSUP FLAVOR. .............c..ouuuuii VELVEETA CHEESE. Plain or Pimento issn tay ii . pkg. 15¢. NEW PACK STRAWBERRY or RASPBERRY JAM 40 oz. 37c. COMPORT SOAP... coins is 4 cakes for 21e. RICE KRISPIES or PEP 3 van rere 4 Mr A a 2 for 25¢. F. W. Broek & Sen Port Perry : Phone 48 "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" DON'T WORRY ABOUT FIRE! 1 Have your property properly insured at once : HAROLD W. EMMERSON * MERCHANT TAILOR | FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the latest styles. : 1 Excellent cloths and trimmings. : 3 Workmanship Guaranteed. . FRENCH DRY CLEANING Agent for Regent Clothes HUGH CAMPBELL mil COKE C OA Le : : in Nut, Stove and Pea Sizes in Nut and Range sizes