Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 13 Aug 1931, p. 8

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Station-to-station ("any- one") calls between 7.00 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. local ime are on the low evening rate. Between 8.30 p.m. and 4.30 a.m. they are on the "night and rate" basis still lower. Lost is Found lost her bracelet--in the hotel or "I can't think what I could have done with it," telling her mother. "Why not telephonc. to the hotel, after cight-thirty now and a call will valy cost a few cents.' Imagine Nita's joy when the hotel clerk told her that the bracelet had been found in her room and would be mailed to her right away. Thanks to her mother's suggestion, Nita's anxiety was re- lieved at once . . . and the cost of less than her taxi fare from the station. 'Nita was worried . .". she could not imagine where she had on the journey home. she kept : "* mother suggested. "It's the call was considerably BLACKSTOCK Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Carter were: Mr. and Mrs, Harry Rice and Miss Helen Rice, Miss Maxine Wood and Messrs Leon- ard Coates and Alvin Wonland, all of Toronto. Master George Carter is holidaying with relatives in Toronto. Master Orville Greer has returned home after a week spent with rela- tives in Toronto. Misses Mabel and Bertha Virtue of Toronto, are guests of their cousin Mrs. Lewis Swain. Mr. Henry Mountjoy left on Men- day for Windsor where he has the honour of being the Cartwright dele- gate to the Supreme Lodge of the Sons of England. : Mr. Harry Graham, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henty Mountjoy. 1 Rev. and Mrs=Newell and son Ross are off on a well deserved holiday. Master Donald and Willie Milner, of Toronto, are visitors at the home of their cousin Master Orville Greer. Mr. Campbell, the new principal of the Continuation School, and his wife, were in the village on Monday of last week. On Sunday evening last members of the Black Preceptory attended by the Bowmanville Band, marched to St. John's Anglican Church, where the service 'was conducted by Rev. R. C. Spencer of Bowmanville, and special music furnished by St. John's choir. Repesentatives of the Order were present from Port Perry, Bowman- ville, Janetville, and other centres. Mrs." S. Jeffrey is spending some time with her sister Miss Florence Proutt, of Toronto. Miss Elizabeth Hooey is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. Willan. On Thursday evening last, the Rag- lan Girls' Softball team visited our local team, and a very interesting game was enjoyed by un good crowd of spectators. The score was 16-14 in favor of the loeals. Messrs. Jack Smith and Anson Taylor had the honor of, winning first prize in the Horseshoe Pitching at Cannington on Monday of last week. Messrs. Jack Lamb, Russell Ken. nedy, and Wallace Betts, of Lindsay, pent Civic Holiday with Smith Bros. The picnic -to Port Dalhousie and| +} points to meet once again and re-new Mr. 8. Jeffrey spent the week énd with relatives in Toronto. Miss Dorothy McBrien, of Torontn, is spending her holidays with her aunt.Mrs. Robert Hamilton. On Saturday afternoon, July 26th, ninety" members of the Mountjoy families asseggbled at Hampton Park to 'celebrate Meir eighth annual re- union. The weather remained fine and not too hot, so that the members of 'the family, arrived from various old acquaintances. A goodly number of these arrived in time for dinner so that they might have a longer time to visit with their friends. Thé' afternoon was pleasantly spent in social intercourse among the older people, the younger ones enjoyed the swings, slides, étc. A game of base- ball was played by the men with the assistance of a few of the ladies. After all the company were treated to ice cream, a program of sports was carried out and suitable prizes award- ed ithe winners. At six o'clock all gathered around the tables where an appetizing meal was served to which all did ample justice. ~The company were then called to order and Mr. Wm. Mount- joy, of Kedron, in a few appropriate remarks asked the company to elect their officers for the coming year. The following were electéd: President--Mr. Norman Mountjoy, of Blackstock. growing the corn. The: type of hog developed: is' 'entirely satisfactory; siderable labour in feeding; and it supplies considerable grain for grow- are most scarce. An ample supply of fresh water must be available on the hogging lot, and tankage supplied by a self-feeder is desirable. SEAGRAVE The Garden Party held on August bth at Seagrave United Church under the auspices of the Women's Associa- tions of Zion, Pleasant Point and Sea- grave, was a decided success in every way. Great credit is due all who worked and helped to make it a suc- cess. The concert giveniby members of Port Perry United Church was well received. Proceeds in aid of Church work. Rev. Mr. Green has resumed his services on the circuit, after a very pleasant holiday, and the attendance at all services is very good. Miss Kathleen Clarke entertained a number of girl friends at a birthday party on Tuesday afternoon. A very pleasant time was spent by all. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sutherland and son Buddy, of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. W. Martz and son Donald, and Mrs. Adolphe Simmers and son Bobby, of Secretary--Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Bow- manville. Committee of Management--Messrs, Harold, Sam, Cephas Mountjoy. ! Members were present from To- ronto, Waterloo, Blackstock, Nestle- ton, Haydon, Bowmanville, Burketon, Enniskillen, Kedron and Oshawa. .. The picnic next year will be held at Hampton Park on the last Saturday in July. ~Time to depart arrived all too soon. Just as the shades of evening were falling the friends dispersed one by one, sorry to part, but looking for- ward to all meeting trgether next year. Mr. George McLaughlin, Coboute, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McLaughin. A Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edgerton and family of Manchester, Mrs, W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Cowan, of Toronto, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. 'Nesbitt. * Dr. F. W. and Mrs. Marlow, Dr. 'F.C. and Mrs. Marlow and family, of Toronto, visited at the home of Dr. F, C. Marlow's mother, Mrs. James G. Marlow, epently. . x Preston, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. Harding recently. Mr. Eric Mills spent a holiday in Toronto one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harding and family accompanied by Miss Ruth Brochel and Mr. McMillan, attended a family re-union at Hartley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.' Adam Wallace and family, of Toronto, spent last week with relatives here. Mrs. Henry Topping "and three children of. Montreal, visiting with friends in the vicinity. Mr. and Mfs. W. McKnight, of New Liskeard, visiting the former's sister] Mrs. L. Scott and family this week. They also attended Madoc old boys re- union, and will spend a few days in} Toronto before returning home. = Mr. Angus Wilkingon; of Oshawa, i 'and Miss Graham, of Scugog, were 'reeent vistors with relatives, 3 Many from th community attended the Legion Picnic at Cannington, and report a good time.- Mrs. Pridham and son Kenneth of Toronto, visiting at the homie of Me, John Mark: © the practice of "hogging" saves ¢on-|| ing hogs at a time when farm grains : == The Peoples' Will de E. H. GERROW & SONS We sell everything you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. E If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W = BERT MacGREGOR ; ex JEWEL SH ORTENING ....................2p : AVLMER TOMATO SOUP DA | LIBBY'S PO AND BEANS, large ho ae (FALCON CoP TRE ey Mer OR i i Horseshoe Salmon, 1 Ib. tall tin Meat Market Riga 3le. 'RED and WHITE SALAD DRESSING, 1202. ..............25¢e. GOLDEN SPRAY CHUESH (Spreads like butter) 1b pkg. 7c. SUGAR. PURE CANE ........ .. carro e010 Ths, for 53c. QUAKER CORN FLAKES "Our rin ese es sore 8 SOF 250, the rest. : Sees LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eto. MONEY TO LOAN Office--McCaw Block, Port Perry. Quaker Puffed Wheat un 2-fop 25c. FRAY 'BENTOS CORNED BEEF (for that cold lunch) . .tin 21c.' RED and WHITE TOILET PAPER ...... OA NET rolls for 23c. WESTON'S PINEAPPLE SANDWICH ; ....1h 25e. QUAKER CATSUP.. ... a . 'bottle 10c. Red & White Tea, 1 Ib. 53c., U's 27c. Phone 264 Phone No. after houre=Osiawa S514 GOLD MEDAL LOBSTER. V's'.....................tin 38¢ 'RINSO, © Large package ...........oocouiiis oo iin ti age LUNCH ROLLS... exam aw3 en niit oss nese oB for 10a Bi ath al Regular $7.50 for $3.75. PERMANENT WAVING ME, A. HUYCK, will be at PATRICIA COONEY'S . "BEAUTY PARLOR, PORT PERRY," 5 Am 'on MONDAY OF EACH WEEK, ' ie ah ad and will do Permanent Waving at, the following prices: : Regular $15.00'for $6.00. Other waves $7.50 and $10:00 - Clientele must come with "théir' hair Shampooed. ; Eo * i One door west of Prentice's Barber Shop. tux yakes, large 17c. Small b for 15c. BT Small, per doz. $1.03. Medium, do; $1.13 'PINS, yD doses for I8e, CARNATION: BYAPORATED MILK. Hall ting vuvu. 2 for 25e. 'Regular $10.00 for $5.00 Phone 143w . SCUGOG (Continued from Page Four Mr. and Mrs. W. Gerrow, of Reach, visited his mother and sisters Mrs. VanNess and Mrs, A, Prentice, on Monday. Mrs. O. Reader, John and Ila, left on Saturday for 'a motor trip to Montreal, to visit her sister Miss Fanny Clark. Mr. and Mrs, W.- Wright and sons, of Toronto, were guests of their friends Mr. and Mrs. R. Reader, a few days last week. Mrs. R. Wilson and children, of Peterborough, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fralick, recently. Mr. Wesley and Miss Montgomery, of Toronto, are spending a pleasant holiday with their cousin Mr. Owen Reader. Mr. Murray McLaren was a recent vigitor to Oshawa. . Mr. and Mrs. C.: Gerrow, of Man- chester, Mr. and Mgrs. J. Mackie, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mackie, Mr, and Mis. O. Gerrow and Ora, all of Oshawa, were | Sunday guests of Mrs. J. Gerrow. Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Pearce and Mrs. ville. Mr. and Mrs. S.- Rodman, Mrs. 1. Rodman, Miss R. Reader, visited in Oshawa, recently. Mrs. A. Bolton and Mrs. Midgley, J. Pearce, spent Sunday in Bowman- P of Port Perry, were Sunday guests | A good assortment of Fruit and Mrs. A. 'VanNess visited Mrs. J. Vegetables Wanamaker in Seagrave, on Monday. 4 or Mr. and Mrs. J. Grills, of Valentin, yo Mr. and Mrs. Brunt and baby Mona, F. Ww. Brock & Sen of Enniskillen, were Sunday guests "Phone 43 of Mr. and Mrs, W, Mark. Mrs. Brunt /| and Mou, are staying over for a few ZL "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" DON'T WORRY ABOUT FIRE! Cavin last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Milner visited their daughter Mrs. C. Heayn at Port Perry Have your property properly insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON - Port Perry fo ve on Sunday. A. number' dttended the Chevrolet Caravan demonstration that visited Port Perry on Saturday last. Mrs. Payne and son Joe, of Toronto, are visiting her friend Mrs. Samells. Miss Burnice Sweetman of Toronto, is spending hér holidays with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hope, Jack and Mae, of Prince Albert, Mr, and Mrs. R. Hood, Jean and Joy, and Mr. P Hood, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Demara. Miss Edna Samells is having a holi- day with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson, of Port Perry. Miss Della Lee, of Brooklin, Miss Nellie Lee, of Port Perry, Mr. Howard Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Beacock and Bobby, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. E. Lee, on Sunday. Ri Miss Betty Robertson, of Toronto, 'HUGH 'CAMPBELL MERCHANT TAILOR FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the latest styles, Excellent cloths and trimmings. Workmanship Guaranteed. FRENCH DRY CLEANING is having a 'pleasant holiday at the 3 i " . home of her uncle, Mr. €. Fralick. : \ i Agent for Regent Clothes cE ' - Mr, O. Williams. § & * The Creamery IS PAYING 2lc., Be, and 17¢., FOR BUTER FAT. Yau and make more . 2X your cream to the "PORT PERRY.CREAMERY can save labor| ney, by sending HUGH CAMPBELL Nursery Stock 'E. D. SMITH & SONS, LIMITED | A. GOODE & SQN, Proprietors. their long Sova ard ste abo md for Fl ati COKE. 1s Lo 201 ine Nut and Range 5 sizes. : wo OD i fi on Hardwood and Softwood Sus, Bay Wood. i "i 3 a |

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