PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 25th, 1931 a -- aN 1t on with LED HED NAILS tion shows Preston PERMANENCE seals nail-hole making i Somplately weathor-proof, Jase Preston Led-Hed Nails are colored to match the roofing. I ke : ir rugated Preston Led- Hed Ne aston. Steel Garages and Btorage LIGHTNING PROTECTION Preston Galvanized Tanks Mojaetts Vorti-Foid Garage Doors useful roofing circular. -heRANTYeg Ena gry 5 109 Gusigh 5. | Bringing the family Home pa to various towns, each to make his or her own 'way in the world. It started when Dick left to work in a ing city. Dick was full of enthusiasm, but apt habit of calling him once a week just to keep him under the parental influence. -t "Then Helen was married and moved away, bw Betty has taken a position ia another COLORED RIB-ROLL Gives You FIRE PROTECTION CLEAN RAIN WATER {han the Ontario dod aout Rod Act.) LARGE SHEETS - made in and new roof or over old sb shingles. of Colored Small wn sheets it is ONTARIO COUNTY'S FOREST | A number of years ago, when On- tario County went into the business of growing trees to supply future gen- erations with timber, establishing a miniature forest in Uxbridge Town- | ship, there were those, not in the County Council, however, who viewed the experiment with considerable doubt as to its success. They felt that the county was investing money from which adequate returns would never be realized. Today, according to a report pre- sented to the County Council recently, there are 823 acres planted, and only ten per cent. of the trees planted have died. This year 75,000 more trees will be set out, and there now only remains 150 of the 973 acres purchased to be Analyze the allowance on your Used Car Ir A car dealer allows you more than the true worth of re-sell it to some one else at too planted. The trees are growing rapid- Pu Used Car, he must i ly on land unsuitable for farming. Thirty years hence men will be going in with axes to cut down timber pro- vided through the foresight of men who believe that they did not live for themselves alone but owed something to posterity. i harges i make up the difference by extra hig. Phe sells you. These extra c! arges Hat be excessive profit on the new car, or on financing and extra equipment. But you pay Fhe ml, for no way has yet been i i r nothing. I eo Used-Car allowance from I Ford dealer, yet you gain in the long run. You save ar more than the seeming difference because of the lower The forest, now successfully grow- ing, is one of the best investments the county ever made. And, remember, the county will gain financially from it when the forest reaches maturity, --Whitby Gazette ance on a Used Car. OSHAWA DRAWS FINEST ENTRY LIST OF YEAR FOR RACE MEET ON SATURDAY, JULY 18th. Handicap--2.15 to Free-for-all. Romona Gratton, Sid Hal, Willis Gratton, Russell Lockhart, Peter Patch, Daisy C., Vernon McKinney Jr,, Marion Harvester, Bud Grattan. Mayor Marks 2.18, Canadian Cham. pionship. June Patchen, Alayne, Peggy Harvester, Guy the Tramp, McDougall, Partisan, Alf. Abdell, Ester Mary G., Private| -- -- Direct, Great Heart, Marion Harvester ings, etc. nothing more. Bud Wenger, Baron Lulwater, 2.25 Class-- Eddie Grattan, Pinegrove Mac, Bucko, Grattan Peters, Janet D., Peter McGregor, June Time, Jennie Dodge, Beeton Gratton, St. Charles, Partisan, Lou Entricken, Todd Har- vester, Bert Abdell. A floral wreath will be presented the winning horse in the 2.18 class as champion half miler of year. Handicapper and starter--Al. Proctor, Toronto. i SCuGoaG Next Sunday, June 28th, is our an- niversary services in the Centre Fi low charges for financing and acces- im Sort of Sho Ford: low chars service, and Feplavement a Our profits are not increased to cover a high allow- ol, in' the 75 extra value is given to you in Ss Joan 3 shatterless io windshicld, Ruston teel-spoke wheels, four Houdaille hy Stock BTS Sodapeke number of ball and roller bear Used Whether you buy a new Ford or one of our , you on o he case. Obviously, with this sab blishied policy of fair dealing, we never need to sell a User) ar - more than it is worth. You pay for solid value, an CARNEGIE MOTOR SALES PORT PERPY, ONT. Topay, the lure of easy profits induces many to run the risk of financial disaster--to-morrow, the vision of wealth may be rudely shattered. What will the future hold for you?--a comfortable balance in the Bank or vain regrets for hasty action. Church, at 11 am. and 7.39 pm. . Rev. Mr. Whyte, of Enniskill have charge, with our young men's choir in the morning and Seagrave choir in the evening. All invited. The Young People of Bethel will play "Amy from Arizona" in the Centre Church, on Friday evening, June 26th. Adults 25¢. Children 10c, Come at 8 p.m. sharp. Our ball teams visited their Green- bank friends last Tuesday evening. They came home feeling very good for the scores were--girls, 23-17, boys, 24-8, in favor of Scugog. The boys look fine in their new sweaters with S. S. S. on them. Scugog was well represented at the Uxbridge Field Day. The boys' ball team came home after winning four games with a fine bat and ball. Mr, J. McQue won second in putting the shot. Miss Audrey Hood won first for high jump. Miss Elva Elford won ! second for swimming. Miss Ivah | Milner won second in 100 yard dash. | Miss Myrtle Sweetman won a trip to | en, will You will like banking at the Royal. The Port Perry Branch - 1161 : Royal Bank - of Canada B. D. Henry, Manager e al Winter Fair for judging. | : Bs for Scugog.) judging Scugog friends wish him a quick re- Our Young People gave their play | covery. : "Nancy --y Brown's Folk" at Bethel | Mr. Sleep of Brooklin, the Fallse last week and found a very warm |Brush Man, has been calling on welcome. After the program, they ' people of Scugog. : were served with a dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch McKnight of The entrance pupils go to Port ' Uxbridge, were recent Sumi of shele Perry to write their examinations on friends Mr. and Mrs. Geo 3 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. | We are very pleased to have Rev. We hope they are all successful. 4.4 Mrs. Elford with us for another Mr. T. J. Widden and Miss Ka Mrs. W. Jackson and Edna, of Port Perry, were guests of Mr. Mrs. Teel, of Toronto, is visiting her and Mrs. giver Mrs. O.Reader, for a few weeks. k. . 'g | and Mr. Ralph Milner in their high school work. Miss Hilda Milner had a very pleasant motor trip to Montreal to see a girl friend off on an ocean trip. Mr. and Mrs. O. Stone, Mrs. I Irwin, of Seagrave, and Mrs. J. Demers, lef$ on Friday morning for motor trip along Lake Ontario to Brockville, Prescott and Charleston, where they will visit Mr. Stone's sister, Mrs. W. Crosier, and on their return they will call at Cobourg and Enniskillen. eel I Nees Keep the date open for the 1st of EW Ere