JNO. Ww. CROZIER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary™ "Mes... James Waddell Mrs. Jas. Waddell, who died Tues- - Shirley, Reach Tp. on October 9th,' Public, syancery. 1848, the idaugther of Mr. and Mrs. Acco etc. a : salt Stonehouse. Real Estate * = Money to Loan "Six years 'previous to her marriage Office first door. east of Canadian Bank of' 'Commerce, over the Observer, B. wenvomie" Offic "F'hiene' 98" "= Residence 194 #34 Port" Perry, 'Ontarig- + IL. Ss Slr. Hh Misg 42an Cawker of Annesley Hall, Toronto, is at home with her parents: Mrward Mrd: Cherrie and daughters of Oshasva, Ngee Visiting in town one day last week. ¥ Miss Annie Farmer and Miss L. Stoner of Toronto, spent Sunday with] Mr. and Mes. Farmer. = A rr la PEACHERS * ENGAGED At o' 1acert "Special Méeting of the Board ¢** Education:™ Mr, Cornish, "of Orons" was eflgigéd th feach the Third Book in the Public School, his] duties to commgnee with.the re-open- ing of School in September, salary $1,000. ""Mr.*Corrish comes highly re- comniefiéd, he has had five years ex: periente and is continuing his studies tor honour standing. ' At" the same meeting Mr. W. B. MacDonald, of "1 hornhill; was engaged to tewthi* 'Mathematics in -the Port Perry High 'Behool," duties' td" com- eng in ptember, "sarlary $2,000. MatDonald wwhs 'hid 'of {wo stu- NE 'gpeciifly" rééofhmended to the Torormtd Sthool "Board by the College of Education'. ~ rt LN Al AP eee ANNUAL CHURCH SERVICE Old England Lodge, S.0.E., held their 'annual Church Service on Sun- day last, at the Church of the Ascen- sion, 'where the Rev. Mr. Nind gave a spléndid address. They were accom- panied to church by visiting brethern from Whitby, Uxbridge and Black-, stock. ; Wee | GLADIOLUS BULBS FOR SALE Good v arieties--unnamed, 15c. and 25¢. per dozen, according to size, Apply : at Star Office A YOUNG MEN'S BIBLE CLASS? SERVICE Last Sunday ._Sveming. at the United Church a "was held under he auspices of the Y Vos Mers Bible Class.. Rev. C. D. Daniel, of Sunderland, was the speaker. His address was much enjoyed, being a practical. lexposition of the need of purity, trith, courage and humiluty, in the life of a yong man. Emphasis was: placed on the need to "Follow Jesus" who exemplified all these virtues. # A men's choir led the singing, and the Sundgy School Orchéytra assisted iw the arasical service, 'and give an number of seléctions. There was a large audience at the service and many expressions of appreciation of the address and music.. Ee ator CONCERT IN AID OF THE BLIND Mr. Trene ser, Blind Organist of King Street United Church, Oshawa, is to putfon a concert in the United Church, Port Perry. Thé net proceeds | of which iire to be given to "the Ti-| stitute for the Blind. This entertain- ment, which will be given on the 27th of May, will be of first class charactér, It is beigg sponsored by the" United; and the EO. D. E. Keep the. date if and Anglican Churches, open. in oo GLADI S BULBS FOR SALE Phi v tieties--unnameqy 16g, and, ber zen, according. to Size, Be t iStar Office i threé of thé Stonehouse sisters were 'ma'rried. : of the twelve persons--, best men-=all were living after forty years. Now there are only four of this group living. : Mr. and Mrs.. Waddell continued farming. twenty-four years during qa that time three children were born to them Owing to an" out break of | typhoid fever both:the boys died when in their 21st year. The daughter Olive(.«Mrs. Hall) together with her father; survive Mrs, Waddell. Tweuty-nine.years ago Mr. and Mrs. Waddell came to Port Perry and Mr. Ww addell | took up cement work. Mrs. Waddell was a quiet kindly woman, keenly. interested in all that was --_ friends and neigh- bours, Her chief interests were .in the home and church. In temperance and missionary work, she was ever ready to lend a helping hand. Her death. has brought sorrow to many persons who remember her. kindness and good fellowship with pleasure. The tuneral was very largely at- tended and gave evidence of the wide- spread iriendships which a life of use- fulpess and kindness had gathered. . Six nephews were pallbearers. Rév. R. T, Richards conducted the funejal service, assisted by Rev. Dr. Best, of Bowmanville. Interment was made at Sunderland. Not now, but in the coming years, It may be in the better land, We'll read the meaning of these tears, 'And there, sometime. we'll understand. We'll catch the broken thread again, And finish what we here begun, "Heaven will the mystery explain, And then, oh then, we'll understand. We'll know why clouds instead of sun, Were over many a cherished plan, F4WVhy: song has ceased when scarce begun, " "Tis there, sometime we'll understand. Why what we longed for most of all, Fludes so oft our eager hand, Why hopes are crushed and castles , fall, Up there, sometime we'll understand. God knows the way, He holds the key, He guides us with; unépring 'hand, Sometime with "ps we'll see, Yes there, up thet®; wi understand. Then trust in God'iwith. .allthy heart, Fear noi, for He doth hold thy hand, Though dark the way, still sing and praise Sometime, sometime, we'll understand. Dorothy Sebastian and Larry Kent in "The Devil's Apple Tree playing at the Port Perry Picture . House Friday and Saturday Evenings MAY 22 & 23 On Saturday. "Evening the JOHNSTON PLAYERS | will feature in the program Adults 25c. Children 15c. .*E. Merrick Al lly wilt 24 esate dat BLOW hada ful constitution, wg Temp gdp TT daa Ar ed Te and od. Xo | Theronoid gine Sie avelie {An electro-magnetic health diilacs a for the: eorrection-of-illnesses,-and . the building upof 4 vigorous] 'health- Appr oved: bye Medical Doctors, Be wor dorsed by thousands' of users. Ts A safe, effective method (with oe week's free RAT Jou tram E RY Bas aks nile wisi Lag Bite Woalbwn nid AN 2 Lv FRAES Ne ns ET Port -- ww} day, May 12th, 1931 was born at' | BREADA she kept house for her brother, James Stonehouse at Sunderland. At the' of this time Mr. Jas. Waddell bought '(lie tarm, On the same wedding day p the couples, the bridesmaids and the: * ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN ~ CHURCH - Rev. E. E. Annand, B. A., Minister 11 a.m.~Morning Service. 7 p.m -Evening , GBA A CHR 5 Tt i W.°C. 1.0. The Ladies of the W.C.T.U are pre- aring a special program for their next meeting, which will be at the t home of Mrs. S. Farmer, on Wednes- day afternoon, May 27th, at o'clock. After the program of music and an address by Mrs. Frank Stinson of Blackstock, tea will be served on the lawn, weather permitting, a charge of 26c¢. for tea, proceeds for Educational purposes. --------000--"-- ENTERPRISING UNDERTAKER An American mortician, who was possessed of the real value of psychol- ogy in business, announced in glaring headline, "Why go round half dead, when we'll bury you for $39.50." 2 5 y INTER-CHURCH LEAGUE Port 'Perry at Scugog--May 23rd and July 3rd. Raglan at Port Perry--May 30th and July 10th. Scugog at Raglan--June Gth and July 17th, Scugog at Port Perry--June 13th and July 24th. Port Perry at Raglan--June 20th July 31st. Raglan at Scugog--July 27th and August Tth. There are three groups in all. When each group has finished then the win- ner of each meet in the play-offs. ee @P------ ANNIVERSARY AT GREENBANK UNITED CHURCH Services on Sunday, May 24th, at 11 am. and 7.30 p.m conducted by Rev. Geo. Little, Toronto. Music hy children in morning. Thank Offering. ----@P-- The Anglican Church kept its festi- val on Thursday last, the Feast of the Ascension. There was a quiet service of the Holy Communion in the morning | followed by festival evensong at night. The Rev. H. F. Woodcock of Christ Church, Toronto "was the --special preacher for the occasion. He was accompanied by Mrs. Woodcock who at one time was organist of the church. Mrs. McDowell was also with : them, the party being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Parrish. i A good congregation was present and the service was a very happy one. -- POP COURT OF REVISION Municipality of the Township of SCUGOG Notice is hereby given that a court of Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Township of Scugog will be 99 | held at the Township Hall, Scugog, on Saturday, May 30th, 1931, at 1 o'clock p.m., to hear and determine the sev- eral complaints of errors or omissions in the Assessment Roll for the said Township of Scugog for the year 1931. All parties' interested are requested to take noticé and govern themselves accordingly. The last day for making complaints is 14th day of May. THOMAS GRAHAM, Clerk. ---- EP SUMMER CLOSING Stores will close 'Wednesday after- noon at 12.30, commening June 3rd. tl PA Pre DIED SMITH--at Whitby, on Tuesday, May 19th, 1931, George Smith, in his 47th year. re Aes PORT PERRY . UNITED CHURCH I. a.m--Rey. P. L. Jull, BA. of Brooklin. J "2.30 p.m. Sabbath School. 7 p.h.--Thé Destiny of Our Empire. Prince Albert 1 145 p.m.--Sabbath School. 8 p.m.--Worship Service. : . CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION : . Whit Sunday, May 24th 11 a.m.--Holy Communion + 8 'p.m. ~--Sunday School. i ¥ oy CENSUS ENUMERATORS Messrs S. F. Ferguson and Byron Hyland have been appointed census enumerators for south and north divi- sions of Cartwright Township, re- spectively. § | aud Interior Decoratir SIGNS, ENE and PAIN' a 3 Seni > OF 'ALL DE Lawn © Mowers machine ground Clerk properly certified at least three and 'repairs. Called for and delivered. | days before the ng of the Council S. oe. Phone 228 Junegy, Dated at Whitby, ths 19th day of May, A.D. 1981. Cou. COUCIL--COUNTY oF 2 ONTARIO ARTHUR E. CHRISTIAN A m of the County Council of g | the Corporation: of 1s Coupia. ol One Sara 3 Oranges 20c. dozen, a and up. New Carrots, Strawberries, Apples, Crape Fruit 3 for 26¢., New Cabbage 100 up » TR COURSE: Toga If you have the lot I will build you DEMOCRAT WAGON WANTED ' Must 'be in good conditions. Apply Box 50, Port Perry Star, Notice is hereby 'give that a Court ERE ho" Assessment. Roll Port. Perry will be flice, on Thursday the 11th day of June, 1931, at.8 o'clock p.m. to hear and determine the sev- : eral complaints of errors or omissions in the Assessment Roll for the said Village of Port Perry for the year 1931. All kinds of fresh fruit in season GOODS DELIVERED IN TOWN STRAND THEATRE, "UXBRIDGE Norther, fd Jectrie SOUND kaall SYSTEM THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 22, 23 Double Bill Attraction, FANNY BRICE, in "BE YOURSELF" and ALICE WHITE and JACK EGAN in 'BROADWAY HOOFER' Two pictures for the price of one. Singing, Music and Talking. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 26, 27 Special Holiday Attraction, EDDIE CANTOR in "WHOOPEE" played in leading Toronto Theatres for several weeks. Tell your friends, sweethearts and Grannies its "WHOOPEE". On May 25 only there will be a continuous show from morning till 1 am, midnight. Also Mickey Mouse Comedy. R : NOTICE--Confectionery and soft drinks sold in the theatre. 8 Twa shows every night at 8 o'clock sharp. Coming attrac- tions--Trader Horn, East Lynde, Ten Cents a Dance, Charlie Chaplin in City Lights, Hell's Angels' Abraham Lincoln, at the regular prices, 35c. and 20c, QILIWIT SI A1ddNS FHL SHHOMIN y |i % I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller & Optometrist All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. is the 22nd day of May, 1931. E. H. PURDY, Clerk Housekeeper Wanted Reliable woman for house- work wanted. Apply to Mr, Ar- bourne, R. R. 8 Uxbridge--1 miile south of Greenbank, on highway east side of road, Phone 51 r b. en GB re J. A. Chiropractor 'and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0990 { IN PORT PERRY Tuesday and Saturday 10 to 12 a.m. Phone 258 A MP HORSESHOE CLUBS Brooklin, May 15--A meeting of representatives of horsshoe clubs from Brooklin, Oshawa, Columbus and Ashburn, was held at Brooklin on Thursday evening. A league was elected as follows:- ADMISSION ADULTS 83c. 2c. tax; CHILDREN 20c. § Tuesdays and Fridays ADULTS 25c.; CHILDREN 16c. There's a 23 Luxurious dil ) "all with Syuero Mesh Cransmission .. $1290 to $2900, at Oshawa, Ont. HEN your family gathers to decide mpon a motor car, vemember that whatever your income, MeLaughlin-Buick builds a car for you. And remember, also, that every eme of McLaughlin Buick's twenty-two models embodies all the advantages which cause people to buy more McLaughlin-Buicks than the 13 other eights in this price field combined. You can buy any one of these fine cars and obtain the sparkling performance of McLaughlin-Buick's powerful Valve-in-Head "Straight Eight Engine. Added luxury and safety of the Silent 'Syncro - Mesh Transmission. The increased steadiness at all speeds due to Torque Tube Drive. And the greater comfort of spacious bodies by Fisher, snugly insulated against heat, cold and noise ¢ Moreover, you obtain that great satisfaction and pride of ownes ship which explains why 88% of McLaughlin-Buick owners-- almost 9 out of 10--buy McLaughlin-Buicks again and agaim. Come in--take the wheel of any new Mel.aughlin-Buick Straight Eight! You will find all you have wanted in a motor car--at the price you have planned te pay. Ask sbout the GMA C deferred payment plan -- and learn bow the General Motors Owner Service Policy safeguards your imwestmont, The present line of 1931 McLaughlin - Buick Straight Eights will be continued throughoat the coming summer - fall, Che Straight Eight by MCLAUGHLIN-BUICK MOTORS VALUE - A CGENERAL|G --| 5% 23-20 Harold R. Aroher Motor Sales 'LAWN MOWERS GROUND | Coungil. should be forwarded to the Gladiolus <..: GOOD VARIETIES-- UNNAMED 16c. & 25¢."dozen, according to size. Apply at STAR OFFICE Honourable presidents, W. E. N. Sinclair, Dr. Kaiser, W. H. Moore, and Dr. James Moore; president, F. McBrien; vice president, Reeve C. L. Mackey; secretary-treasurer, F. Wil- Ted Brown, and N. Whitney. Arrangements will be soon made for dates and places for tournaments. The league is expecting an increased interest in the game this year. Your Eyes once gone, can never be replaced. Eyesight is the most precious of our 'senses. If you suspect any nt GR pee Myrtle Elevator trouble, consult us. F. E. LUKE & SON, Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St. Toronto (Up-stairs, Spposite Simpson's) Get your seed requirements at the Myrtle Elevator. A full line in stock. Enquire for prices. We also carry all kinds of chop. Chopping done every day. C. GOODE & SONS LIMITED Chas. Pilkey, Local Agent Phones: Bell 120 r 5. Ind. 3317 (Ir eS [0 on HARDWOOD Truck Delivery. That better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. Famous Reading | ANTHRACITE For heat, The last day for making complaint HETHERINGTON formed for the year 1931 and officers coxin; directors, D. Parrott, W. Heron, health, cleanliness, without smoke, soot, or worry, Phone us for a load of FAMOUS READING COAL It is economical, efficient, safe. _ to-day. ALBERTA 'COAL HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE. agency for this high grade Canadian Coke--Nut and Range sizes STEAM COAL -- HARDWOOD SLABS TILE -- CEMENT We have the exclusive CANNEL COAL SOFT SLABS LIME CAR OF CEMENT JUST ARRIVED PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT Phones Office 94, Res. 233 Willard's Store News CHOICE GROCERIES The Pineapple Season is at hand and we are advised by the fruit dealers, now is the most suitable time, regarding quality and price, to get your Pines for canning. We have good Pines, the flavor and quality of Cuban Pineapple is the equal of any- thing of a similar nature the world over. CHEF READY COOKED MEALS--per tin 18c. * These 'are prepared and cooked by skilled chefs, ready to heat and serve, in a variety of flavors. Choice Meat and fresh vegetables in rich gravy 18c. Prime Lamb and fresh vegetables in rich gravy 18c. TI Tomatoes, Osbbage, Caulifloy " Nomca he Martie Elevates mite Teed ob Satubduy adigsmocn frost due 30}, wali) further gotiss, i 1981, at oe Jour oo. two o'clock in) the afternoon, Daylight Saving Time. All accounts to be laid before the Irish Stew with fresh 'Pork Sausage with fre: Chef Sweet Mixed Pickles, 8 Easifirst Shortening, 5 Folks Pure Maple Sugar, 1 1b blocks . Fresh Head Lettuce ... Ripe Tomatoes 1 1h..... de tables in rich gravy, 18c. h vegetables in rich gravy 18c. oz. large Janet jar.. vv Ble aay che a i T8e. ¥ and offer plants, per Box aoe - PHONE. 46 r2 Soi Sock 3 Port Perry|