Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 29 Jan 1931, p. 8

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a ON a a EA RII er aN, ie SA PN ' ing. SRE in es: Y "THE PORT PERRY STAR ~~ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1781 i On Saturday morning one of our most loved and respected citizens was 'called to his home beyond, in the per- "son of Mr. Isaac Rodman. Mr. Rod- 'man was born on the farm his father homtesteaded when he first came to "ine Island, before there was any 'suridge across to Port Perry. He lived ' were nearly all his 73 years, where "his son Stewart now lives. Mr. Rod- _ man bought the farm known as the ""Ilhampson place and moved there a ew years ago. He has been in very - poor health for quite a while. But _ since the last of October he has not _ been able to be up. He was a very ~, patient sufferer and had a smile, a wand shake and a joke for his host or rriends. Mr. Rodman was a great iriend to the children. In his death a 'y great pillar of the church is gone. 'abe 1uneral service was held in the . Head Church, where he and his family _ and his parents, always attended. The Rev. H. Stainton, of Pickering, Rev. J. Elford and Mr. J. Joblin, conducted the service and paid their last tribute to the departed and gave to those . present a great message of hopeful- ness by the faith. Two of his favorite Lymns were sang (Nearer My God to shee) and (In the Sweet Bye ana Bye.) He leaves to mourn his vacant LR 'his wife, two sons, Orr of Buffalo, *and Stewart at home; one daughter, Mes. J. Dusty, of Greenbank; one sister Mrs. W. T. Reader, Port Perry; one brother, J. 8. Rodman, of Florida; and Miss Flora Miller, who has been as a daughter to them for several years. 'The pallbearers were his life-long triends, Messrs. Harvey Plum, of rrince Albert, George Hodgson, Jas. Uavey, Chas. 'Whimsett, Port Perry, John Pearce and R. Carter, Scugog. lucerment was made at Pine Grove Uemetery. 'The community joins in sympathy with the bereaved family. "Vr here a star quenched on high, For ages would its light : Still travelling downward from the sky, Shine on our mortal sight, So when a great man dies, For years beyond our ken, 'he light he leaves behind him lies Upon the paths of men." The Women's Association met in the Township Hall last Tuesday after- noon January 20th. The meeting was well attended and very interest- Our new President, Mrs. Geo. Sweetman, took charge. The first on the program was a Bible reading re- sponsively. Then Mrs. E. Ploughman gave a reading of something for every day of the week. Mrs. George Samells and Miss H. Sweet sang with Miss M. Sweetman at the organ. Mr. Joblin gave a splendid address. Two new committees were added to our us. of workers--a prayer circle in cnarge of Mrs. Joblin and Mrs. Geo. Jsuckson; and a visiting committee in charge or Mrs. R. Hood, Mrs. Elmer riougnman, Mrs D. Hope and Mrs. G. Samells. 'The roll call was re- sponaed to by a Bible verse beginning with the letter C. I'wo new members have been added this year." After the close of the meeting we were invited to. the dining part of the hall where a table was set with all the good things. Group No. 4 had this meet- ing in charge. They were Mrs. E. rettitt, Mrs. W. Mark, Mrs. Stephen- son, Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs, Wana- maker. They gave to the young folk a special invitation for tea and the evening part of the program which was spent in games and contests. A very enjoyable meeting and evening closed by singing God Save the King. rroteeds $11.30. Mr. J. Burnham spent the week ena with triends in Toronto. Mrs. Bushin and children have re- turned to Buffalo after a visit with ner parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Black. Mr. and Mrs. Byers have returnea to their home in Whitby, after a visit with her brother Mr. Geo. Bratley. The County snow plow came down as tar as the store on Saturday morn- ing and made the roads passable for cars. Mr. Thos. Graham attended ' the funeral of the late Hon. Wm. Smith. Sorry to hear Mrs. Morley Goard, of Little Britain, had the misfortune of falling and spraining her ankle. We hope she will soon be around again soon. Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Toronto, will preach next Sunday at the Foot Church at 10.30 a.m.; Head Church at 2.30, Centre at 7.30 p.m. Mr. J. Milner and Mr. G. Sweetman have given a number of trees for wood for the Centre Church, so the men are busy getting it in shape for the stoves. Mr. Geo. Hood gave some dry maple to help out. Our reeve, Mr. J, Aldred, is in Whitby this week attending county council. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jackson enter- tained a number of friends in honour of the birthday of their daughter Aileen. Mr, and Mrs. John deffrey, of To- ronto, attended the funeral of the late Isaac Rodman. Mr. and Mrs. H. Colleran and child- ren are staying with Mr. G. Bratley for a few weeks. Miss Hazel Sweet visited her par- ents in Oshawa over the week end. On Wednesday evening last the Y. P. A. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells. The meeting was in charge of Mr. Ray Milner. Mr. D. Faulkner and Mr. Sydney Chandler gave readings. The roll call was re- sponded to by a Bible verse. After the meeting closed, rest of the even- ing was spent in contests and games in charge of Mrs. Samells, . Miss Heleh O'Brien, of Port Perry, has been visiting her sister Mrs. H. Williams. Miss Myrtle Jeffrey is spending = few weeks in Port Perry. . Miss Inez Fralick was home from Toronto for the week end. Congratulations to Mr. R. Milner on standing second in the Port Perry 'High School exams, Form I. aa ret CELEBRATE THEIR GOLD! he WEDDING . oy (Uxbridge Times-Journal) ed to their home in Manilla, Ont., vacation in Toronto and Hamilton, celebrating their golden wedding an- niversary here. They were married in Uxbridge in 1880, Mr. Steele at that time living in Prince Albert. Mrs. Steele before her marriage was Ida Graham, of Port Perry. Later in life Mr. Steele settled in Manilla ana still continues his business there They have one son, Clarence Beverley, of Brandon, Man., and four daughters, Mrs. W. M. Hanes, Miss Ivie Edwina, Mrs. J. P. Macdonald, all of Toronto, and Mrs. J. H., Keller, of Hamilton. There are five grandchildren. The anniversary was celebrated at the Hanes' residence, 287 Glenholm Ave., Toronto, when the table was elabor- ately trimmed with rose and gola ribbons, while a miniature bride and groom of 50 years ago held gold rib- bon streamers from the huge wedding cake with fifty candles, which decked the centre of the' table. Mr. Hanes presented Mr. and Mrs. Steele with a purse of gold, a gift from the fam- ily. Master Mansel Macdonald pre- sented Mrs. Steele with a ring, the gift of Mr. Steele, At the close of the evening Mr. and Mrs. Steele presentea a large photo of themselves to each member of the family. Jee 'CEDAR CREEK PUBLIC SCHOOL Report of Christmas Examinations. Sr. [IV--Marjorie Martyn 72%, Jas. Blain 65%. Jr. IV--Joe Fectishchen 85, honors; Annie Labanovich 66, Bruce Gilroy 65, Wilmot Carnochan 50. Sr. 1II--Marion Fectishchen 81, honours; Ellwood Martyn 67, Sammie Starr 66, Helen Mosienko 63, Ellroy Martyn 59, Maurice Edgerton 54. Jr. [III--Walter Labanovich 65, Philip Martyn 61, Annie Marynuik 52. Mr, and Mrs. George Steele return- | |i after spending a very happy month's | What Port Perry Merchants They Invite you to Inspect their Goods and Compare Prices. You get Excellent Value for your Money. A gold plated Ever.Road azor with two blades, and a pkg. of shaving cream, all for 50c. E. HL. GERROW & SONS - in = -- Offer _ arm |F- W. Brock & Son ~ Chain RED & WHITE Stores Specials for THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY J pc Kepler's Cod Liver Oil, with extract ot of Malt. A splendid winter tonic. [{|SERV-US No. 4 Seive Peas. Choice Quality Per tin 11c. 2. In two sizes. Ba | FINEST ONTARIO ONIONS ................... 4 Tbs for 13c. VINCLIA CASTILE SOAP, Se per cake or 8 cakes for 25c. [I] yles' Syrup, 2 1b. tin 23c. STANDARDIZED COD LIVER OIL of definite Vitamin ff {ems Aand D potency................... per bottle $1.25 HI} LEMON OIL, 12 0z. bottle ...............c.ccoovueiinnnenns 23c. CLARK'S SPAGHETTI, I'S... ..........c......... 2 for 2c. ' ' LFEBUOY SOAP ....... 3 cakes for 22c. Morrison's Drug Store [f[---- : Port Perry = «= Ontario [{lSunlight Soap, 5 bars ~ 25¢. MOLASSESSNAPE ........................ 0% 2 hs for 25c. LESe8 Estee LLL StI StILEItestEnTsses: BIMABEANS .................vveeivina. dasaper 1 17. ROLLED WHEAT .............. oven sites 2 31bs for 25e. iil ANNOUNCEMENT Tiger Catsup, large bottle 19c. The Price of Bread is Reduced to | ooree oro mem oe... 2 bs for 23c. | DIAMOND BAR APRICOT: "0 per in 1c. sanyo ee or 25¢. 16¢. for Standard Loa Red and White Flour, 7 Ib. bag 18c. SERV-US SOCKEYE SALMON E_AOX_X SEL /% 1 tin 23e. BERT MacGREGOR BRUNSWICK SARDINES ...................00. 4 for 25c. Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. NUGGET SHOE.POLISH, any color ................ 2 for 25¢c. Tomatoes, large size, 3 tins 27c. ' RED & WHITE COFFEE ............... "Vp 1b 27e. 1 1b 53c. The P eoples Meat Market RED & WHITE JELLY POWDER, any flavor ........ 3 for 19¢. : : FALCON BRAND WORCESTER SAUCE ........ per bottle 13¢. We sell everything you want in choice, clean, 20 lbs Pure Lard palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. ; i . $3.25 If you want it good, ring up Phone 72 W RED & WHITE CORN, 2's choice quality .......... per tin 12¢. RED & WHITE TOMATOES, choice quality ........ per tin 12c. Will do the rest. Sr. I1--Josie Labanovich 85, hon. | Jr. II--Emily Blain 73. | Sr. I--Stella Labanovich 81, hon.; Nellie Mosienko 80, hon.; Billie Mary- | nuik 79, hon. Jr. I--Willa Edgerton 74. Primer--Jean Blain 89, Teddy Blain 45. Mary E. Smith, Teacher. honours; We Invite You to Drive This Bigger, Finer Car ¢ A E invite you to see, and drive, the and steadiness under all conditions. new Chevrolet Six because we be- The new Chevrolet Six costs no more lieve it offers beauty, comfort, smooth- for operation or upkeep than any other ness and power important to every car of comparable quality . . . and buyer in the low price field. with all its new improvements, this Your first impression will be one of bigger and finer car is lower priced an ever. smartness, grace and beauty . . . ; accounted for by the longer, 109-inch The Sundsd The Sandan Core ji avheelbase and de luxe wire wheels. The Roadster 640° The gga Conte m, You will be pleased by the added The Coach - Supt Spa (With Rumble Seat) roominess of the new Bodies : Standard Sedan - - - - 820 by Fisher. And we are sure Toe i hei endr pits and sand ich : eos esas RE: Fon met | ng ease... speed an . prices ory, ! 5 , bi 4 itsquicmess | GENERAL | Conti LCE ond Tru Feria _o% New CHEVROLET SIX BEARE BROS, Dealers, After we sell, we serve" Port Perry . _|||F. W. Brock & Sen Port Perry Phone 43 L A : 0 F F I C E "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" GREER & HUMPHREYS [Il DONT WORRY ABOUT || gt BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eto. ' : Z MONEY TO LOAN FIRE! Have your property properly Office-- McCaw Block, Port Perry. Phone 264 insured at once HAROLD W. EMMERSON Port Perry Dominion Store Have you seen the beautiful dishes WINTER CLEARING SALE AT LESS THAN COST oo Men's Rubbers, 15 inch leather top, reg. $5.25 ....for $3.95 we are giving away absolutely Men's Lumber Rubbers, reg. $2.95 .............. for $2.25 FREE. If not, call and see them. Men's Wool Work Sweaters,........... To clear at $1.35 SS Men's Heavy Wool Underwear, ribbed ............ only 99c¢. Everybody may participate, and Men's Good Caps, regular $1.45 .................. for 99c¢. you can have your share. Men's Good Blue Overcoats, regular $20.00 . ..... for $18.95 Lo : . 1 Men's All Wool Suits, lity, ni ; , You willsveys find u toll ine ot GROCERIES, Fl evs Alt cond oni, os vr, ony 145 > an » > . Boys' Fleece-lined Underwear ............ b: in at 55c. Store. Try a bag of our REINDEER FLOUR. It Men's, Women's, Pik Girls' Rubbers and lene 2 makes beautiful bread. Boys' Hew Lumber Rubbers, the kind that wear, ....$1.15 : at giving-a*way prices. Men's Horsehide Mitts, . .................. To cl t J. F . McCLINT OCK Men's Wool Work Socks ..........ccovunnn. 3 35s 3 PORT PERRY, ONT. ALIX. GILBOORD, Proprietor q] 9 ; Sybilla Spahr's Remedy il SATURDAY SPECIALS | This Preparation has proved its worth in the treatment of various: throat diseases. "HA twenty-six year's tested and proven remedy of Gl t M al & Sh t quick actif. Power yet harmless, even for the aged or i en e or S for small children. dhe oil . : « It is sold on a money-back guarantee. ive it a an put it to the test. ol FLOUR. : $ 0.7. Price $1.50 per e. On Saturdays you can buy our Choice Pastry Flour at [& Special This Week 0c. for 24's, and Bread Flour at $3.25 per 100 Ibs., at 4 se Lod ¢ Kionzo Antiseptic. Mouth Wash; any of the following places: Hie e o en: , given : . FREE with every 50c. tube of Renea Tooth Paste. Superior Sine Bolt ores Na 4 Shula Perry . : $1.00 value for S0c. | 3 F. McClintock, Port Perey C. W. Lakey, Utica : me T. J. Widden, Port Perry Peter Raymer, Prince Albert a ; Bhi 4 Ed. Williams, Prince Albert A. M. LAWRENCE, Phm. B. : > } : JL ANSE, fu I PORT PERRY MILL - i Rexall Druggh®" ont. - Ill JNO. BIRKETT - . . PROPRIETOR gest Phone 49 - - PORT PERRY, ONT. ~ [if "™" : :

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