Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 13 Nov 1930, p. 5

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PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1980 ~~ Stanfield's Heavy All Wool Unshrinkable Shirts and Drawers, sizes broken Each $1.98 Penman's No. 95 Shirts and Drawers, each $179 Men's Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers ........ 9c. Men's. Union Penman's 71 shirts and drawers 79c. MEN'S SOX Heavy all wool hand knit work sox .......... 69c. All Wool Work. Sox, factory knit ............ 33c. Work Sox, wool and cotton mixture .......... 29c. Heavy All Wool Dress Sox ..98e. Fancy All Wool Dress Sox® so NBO, Fancy Silk and Woel Dress Sox ...... 49c. nd 63c. MEN'S MITTS AND GLOVES Men's lined, fine Capeskin Gloves, a natty and dressy love... .... 0 anh vk, per pair $1.98 "SUTCLIFFE & SONS WHERE PEOPLE LIKE TO SHOP REAL VALUES for Friday and Saturday Men's Underwear, Ete. SUTCLIFFE & SONS WHERE PEOPLE LIKE TO SHOP Men's genuine Horsehide Work Gauntlets, values UP AO SEBO. aun ions ii rs Per pair 95¢. Genuine Horsehide Gloves ..69¢c. Double Mitts, all wool, hand knit ... MACKINAW COATS 3 only, size 40 and 42, to clear at 2 only, size 34 and 86, only.......... Sry $3.95 4 only, boys' heavy mackinaws; to clear at .($3.25 Men's Work Shirts, of heavy plaid flannel, $1.69 Men's Overalls, Smocks and Pants, large sizes, values up to $2.50 ......... ich .is for $1.69 Men's and Boys' Sweaters and Windbreakers. Lines which must be cleared out. Here they go at half price. These are qui reach 'Ask any for full information, booklets winter resorts y and comfortably : ed via Tad National and connections. Choice of interesting routes. Costs are reasonable. fAdy rm the fornia trip go or returning the Canadian route via Vancouver and Victoria. FLORIDA Agent of Canadian National Railways and reservations. comfortable Ontario housewi & gain of. 49 Jook, ag! Mrs. Robe & woman with a fami town where there was and weaker from 0 erty, finally obliged KY leave ind ones to friends and neighbors and an pesienced medical % tention, oberts one day saw the scales re ister 149 -- a happ rom | 99% pounds she oblaSng In Baok at hom: joyously taking u ation to health edly, from friends tuberculosis so College, Btreet, 'oron! greatly' appreciated. to, PRESENT HE COULD GIVE HER ~ .per pair Tbe. . ] Mother Restored to Family If you asked {Tia ave average ha) SpPY. and e wha pounds would mea to her, she would FropabIy at the very sugges Suppos a 4 ~. oa however, she wore in the position ot were in Cres oe of young EE in & small Ontario © "I: ttle to earn and many to keep," oning w 2a poy: fide take herself to the Toronto Hospital | and Mrs. Geo. Samells, for Thanks- for Consumptives. iui Then pe Hid 4 lone. lon lon Aght to giving. ut bac! e prec arding i otting qui 0 Mrs. Roberts and so Taany ke her, Mr. Harding iy getting quite a lot mean -milestones on e road to | of buckwheat from the farmers on the health, Thanks to ten mn, of gosd care, rest, nourishing food and- Island. Mrs, the care of her amily, and grateful for her restor- A great work assur- which needs much assistance because poverty and ten go hand in of! hand. Will you help, please? A syb- Scription sent to po XB mag i ~ Sunday.' THE PORT PERRY STAR ra -- FEED GRAINS for Sale $1.75 per 100 lbs. I will deliver in Port Perry a mix- ture of the following choice home- buckwheat, in any proportion you de- sire, at $1,756 per 100 Ibs. Phone Jas. Owen, 189 ring b. SCUGOG usual hours--10.30 a.m. at Foot, 11.45 a.m. at Indian Church, 2.30 p.m. at Head, and 7.30 p.m. at the Centre. Everybody is welcome at any or all of these services, Sundays--Foot 11.30 a.m. Centre| at 2.30 p.m. "We are glad to see so many attend- ing these services. Hark! Wedding bells ringing. - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E. 'Heayn on the birth of a daughter, on November 6th. Mr. H. Demara attended the funeral of his brother William, at Bracebridge on Monday. Mrs. Fred Clark's friends are sorry to hear of her misfortune in getting her foot scalded quite badly. We wish her a quick recovery. Mr. Wm. Jeffrey is sporting a new Pontiac car. Mr. and Mrs. J. Demara and family motored to Lindsay one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells motored to Toronto one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham and family and Mrs. J. Sweetman, were in Osh- awa, one day last week. Miss Marguerite Sweetman is spend- ing a few weeks in Toronto. Mr. J. Milner has put up a new driving shed which is quite an im- provement. [© Mr. Robert Prentice, Mr. Arthur Prentice and their mother Mrs. Robt. Prentice, motored to Kitchener one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Martyn, Lavern, Harold, Inez, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hope, swell, on Sunday, the guest of their aunt Mrs. J. Johnston: Mr. and Mrs. H. Samells and Violet, of Oshawa, Miss Luella Ploughman, of Port Perry, guests of Mr. were Mr. Glen Elford, and sisters Elva tle and Florence; Misses Reta and Hilda Milner, Miss Inez Fralick, Miss Helen ® | Carter, all of Toronto, were at their homes here during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. N. Aldred, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williams. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mawson, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving with his sister Mrs. Geo. Jackson, and assisted the young men 'with their practice in the evening, at the home of Mr. George Sweetman. Mr. Lloyd Harrison, of Port Perry, |. spent a few holidays with his grand parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark. Mr. and Mrs, W. Jeffrey, Myrtle and Luella, attended the wedding of Mr. Ralph Reynolds, at Seagrave, on Tuesday. Mr. H. Sintzel, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sintzel, of London, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sintzel, of Toronto, spent the holiday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Sint- zel and their gies Mrs. Aldred. When Mr. Sintzel left London there were two feet of snow as it had been snow- ing for three days. ° Mrs. Geo. Sweetman has started with her class of young men again. A number of new pupils have started. 'heir parents are very much pleased vith the work being done by. Mrs. Geo. Sweetman in teaching singing. Mrs. Wanamaker had a freak tomato it being the shape of a clover leaf. Mr. Edward Fines did a good job in paintirg the fénce posts on the Jack- son bridge on the County Road. The top half is white and the lower half black. Mr. and Mrs. P. Williams, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Con. Williams, Niagara, spent a pleasant day with their sister and aunt, Mrs. J. A. Sweetman, at 'their former home, before moving away. Miss E. Capstick, Mr. L. Hagan, Mr. E. Jennings, of Toronto, Miss Edith Wells, of Homey's Corners, had a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. Raymes and daughter Stella, recently. ' Sorry to hear that Mr, E. Lee lost a horse recently. A very interesting shooting match was held at Oliver Williams, on Mon- day. Myrtle Station cuit, will preach here next Sunday, 'ness. a" I grown grains--wheat, barley, oats, funeral of his cousin in Toronto, last | R. Dobson, of Oshawa, motored to 'Next Sunday services will be at the Wednesday afternoon, November 19. | ering, with Mr. to Pontypool, where he has been load- Rev. Mr. Smart, of Greenwood cir- evening. We are glad to learn that Mr. Me-, Gee and Mr. .D. G. Ross, are able to. be out again. After their recent ill- It is one thin Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Price spent Sun- day with Whitby friends. Mr. Tommy Ross attended the A to do it. Tuesday, Mr. Campbell, who was in- stantly killed in a motor accident last Saturday, near Cornwall. to satisfied Mrs, L. Tordiff with Mr. and Mrs. promised to do. Tilsonburg, for Thanksgiving. The Willing Workers Class of the Sunday School are holding a bazaar in the basement of the church on| . ' render it. In the evening Audley Dramatic Club will present their drama "Wild Ginger". Come and bring your friends. Among the holiday visitors were Mrs. Annam and Mrs. Duruo, of Pick- and Mrs, Percy; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott, Seagrave, at Mrs. R. S. Long's; Mr, and Mrs. George Huston, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, Roy Spencer, of Indian River, at J. E. Beacoek's; Mr. Ray of Lindsay, at A. J. Carmichael's; Mr. and= Mrs. B. Flewell, Uxbridge, Mrs. J. Flewell, of Rort Perry 183 LIMITED At Swan Brothers welll do a thing-- It is quite another thing For two and a half years, now, we have been delivering satisfactory goods customers just as There is such as service, and we truly Oshawa Lumber Co. Port Perry to say we Manchester, at D. G. Ross'; Mr. and IRR Mrs. Christie, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A.-Crosier, of Manchester, Mr. and Mrs. Art. Thompson, of Oshawa, at Mr. Roy Thompson's; Mrs, W, Ross at Mr. das. Dickson's. 2 0p TX SEAGRAVE The regular monthly meeting of the Quadrata Girls' Club met at the home of Miss Iva Reynolds on evening, November 6th, with twelve members two visitors The president was in the chair. The Mrs. Silas Reynolds, greater part of the evening was spent ne : } : 8 Spen I'he ceremony was conducted by in making plans for their bazaar to 26 es . Rev. B. F. Green, under an arch of be held on Friday\afternoon, Nov. 2] i The brid : Wergreens e bride in the Sunday School room, when they Seergroens 3 t £ ay a ; , tos: 2 wer r a picturesque gown of r > join the Women's Association in their] | XENg a pie re que gor s . ; tin and carrying a bouquet of car- annual bazaar. Supper will be served : 1 ' : : nations and yellow mums, entered the in the basement of the church from 6 A > . : 4 i room with her father to the strains to 8. Local talent will give the con-| . . of the wedding march played by her cert. Come and bring your : . : cousin Miss Agnes Spence, of Hartley. to the event of the season. y : 4 i Mi Iva Reynolds, of the Sunday will be our Thank root. in Pansy crepe and: carevin : . i it groom, ansy crepe d carry Offering Services. Rev. Mr. Nichol- ¢ ! . : y 4 a bouquet of yellow mums, acted as son, of Cannington, will have charge + of both services. The choir will rend | bridesmaid, while the groom was 5 8. r y nd- . en supported by Mr. Mac McMillan, - . brother of the bride The family*of the late Mrs. Clark er u 50 have the sympathy of thelr mus { The groom's gift to the bride Was a £ & p 2 8 i y O 'nr ¢ ; ymi 3 * Wi white gold ame thyst necklace, to the a sapphire ring, to the pianist, an onyx necklace, and to the best man, gold cuff links. After the wedding supper the happy Married Reynolds-McMillan A very pretty wedding took place ! at the home of Mr. Thursday a : "1 1930, when their only daughter Agnes Velma became the bride of Silas i IK Ralph Reynolds, only son of Mr. and present. and roses. frignis] sister next er special music. friends in the community in the los of a loving mother, whose sudden death occurred on Thursday morning last, Mr. and bridesmaid, Mrs. Aubrey Mgon and , i couple left on a motor trip to To- family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billingham : 3 A : i ; ! ronto and points East. The bride and family, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wal- 'i : : . va | travelling in "sand georgette dress lace and family, of Toronto, were the : shoes to match, and iy s i with hat and week end visitors with relatives heré.! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Couch, of: Oshawa, spent the week end and holi- vy blue coat. On their return they will reside on their farm west of Seagrave: and Mrs. Malcolm McMillan, on Tuesday, November 11, ! | Seagrave Garage Manilla Rural Phone 2 All Makes of Cars Repaired Radio and Car Batteries Re-Charged Repaired, and for Sale Oxy-Acetylene Welding A SPECIALTY CAS and OIL TIRES and TUBES. All 'Makes of Plow Points for Sale. Clarence Chambers Prope THANK OFFERING AT SEAGRAVE The Seagrave United Church will hold their annual Thank Offering on Sunday, November 16th, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Mr. Nicholson, of Cannington, will speak at both ser- vices. ~ Special music by the choir. day with the latter's parents, Mr, id Mrs. W. Foster. Miss Dora Orchard, of Stouffville, spent the week end with her are nt Miss Vera spent Thanksgiving with her mother Mrs. A. Tanner. | Mr. and Mrs. L. Byers, of Black stock, and Miss Franklin, of Port Perry, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.- H. Wanamaker. Tanner, of Toronto, Jessie Owing to the lower Stock Market, Mr. and Mrs. John Mark accom- panied by Mrs. Mark, Sr., and Msgs W. Martyn, of Prince Albert, visiting relatives in Port Hope, last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Skerratt and sen CAWKER BROS. CHEAPER MEATS prices on the Live we are able to buy better and are offering choice cuts of beef, veal and lamb at reduced prices. Phone in your orders--29w and Mr. Robt. Watts, of Toronto, spent, Thanksgiving with Mr. and M C. W. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dance, of Col borne, spent the week end with Mu. and Mrs. J. Mark. Mr. and Mrs. RY Scott and family, in Myrtle over the week end. Mr. Orval Stone attended the fun- s eral of his uncle at Bracebridge, last week. Mr. and Mr§ N. Eagleson spent Sunday with thé former's parents, at Cambray, on Sunday. Miss Gladys Sharp, of spent the holiday with her sister Mrs, Geo. Clarke. a Miss M. Armstrong spent Thanks giving with her parents in Bowmah- ville. | Mrs. Geo. Foster and daughters, Mrs. J. Philps, of Bowmanville, were | callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | L. Scott, on Tuesday. ! Miss Alma Frise, of Gamehridge, spent the holiday with her parents. Mrs. J. Blight and family, of To-| ronto, spent the week end at their, home here. i r. and Mrs. Lepard and Doris, of | Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Couch. Mr. Richard Sysum, has returne +3 London, AND ing lumber. OO The Value of a Smile It costs nothing, but, creates much. It enriches those who receive, with- + | Owng to the illness. of Rew: R. J. {had charge of the church services on Merriam, Rev. P. L. Jull, of Brooklin,! out impoverishing those who give. It happens in a flash and the mem- ory of it sometimes lasts for ever. THIRTY COPIES OF "SCUGOG I'TS ENVIRONS" REV. F. G. WEIR PRICE 50c. Apply at Star Office

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