oo AES Zi 5 va pr a LR Eas Eyed an ae TELS ' greatly appreciated. PERSONAL NEWS Our correspondents have been faith- ful, and much of their work has been A suggestion has been made, however, that more in- formation be given about "imporant matters, and fewer unimportant per- sonal items be given. Some people really like to see their names in the paper, and they are the majority of folk. Others do not like constant publicity. Anyone, is pleased when proper notice is taken of an event that they would like to tell their friends, and if the note is long enough to ex- plain the circumstances of the event, and give some appreciative words about what happened, it is far better than making the bald statement that John Smith, visited James Jones last Sunday. The Port Perry Star welcomes all legitimate news, and the editor will be very pleased if townspeople and others will write or phone regarding news items which our readers would like to see in the paper. We cannot know all that is going on, nor can we know the wishes of our readers as to publicity. The Star is at your ser- vice, if you will let us know how we can serve you most happily. -- ay Myrtle Station Miss McComb and Mrs. Murphy, of Toronto, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Price. Murs. Beadle was in Cannington for Sunday. A number from here attended the Thank Offering services at Raglan last Sunday evening. Myrtle choir being present and had charge of the singing. Congratulations to Mr. T. R. Price, for winning the first prize for flower garden on the Trenton Division of the GC. PR The - Ladies Aid will hold a social afternoon at the home of Mrs. A, Ross on Wednesday afternoon, November 12th. * Special Thanksgiving service here next Sunday afternoon with special music at 3 p.m. OOD IFHANK OFFERING _SEAGRAVE AT The Seagrave United Church will hold: their annual Thank Offering on Sunday, November 16th, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Mr. Nicholson, of Cannington, will speak at both ser- vices. Special music by the choir. A -- GREENBANK Don't forget the Hot Supper and concert at Greenbank, on Monday, November 10th. On Sunday, Nov. 9, special services will be conducted at 11 am. and 7.30 p.m. by Rev. C. E. Cragg, of Oshawa. See bills for particulars. I ..S,p i>y ZION Mrs. S. Metherall is spending a few weeks with her daughter Mrs. Howard Henderson. Sunday being such a beautiful day, quite a number from Toronto spent the day at Port Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rodman of Little Britain were recent guests at Mr. and Mrs. T. Fishers. Quite a number from here attended the hot fowl supper at Sonya on Tuesday night. Wedding bells are ringing in the section. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sweetman spent Tuesday at Little Britain, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Doble of Toronto, called on friends here in the past week. Miss Florence Robertson spent the week end at her home near Lindsay. Mr. R. Smith called on friends here on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Austin spent Monday in Lindsay. A number from here attended the show in Lindsay on Wednesday night. A number of the ladies enjoyed themselves at a quilting bee at the home of Mrs. Owen Sweetman, on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stokes spent Sunday with Udora friends. Miss Ellen Stokes spent Wednesday with Mrs. Norman Jacobs. Mortimeer Mr. Love, who spent the summer with Mr. Stanley Sweetman, has re- turned to his home in England. Miss Gertrude McFarland has pur- chased a new radio. "Miss Muriel Hall spent the week end with Miss Kathleen Thornton. ; Mr. Herman Osborne spent Sunday with his cousin Mr. Grant Wooldridge. 'Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hall and fam- motored to Bowmanville on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Kitson and fam- have returned to their home in va after spending a short time his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. orn Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gorrell and family, of Little Britain, spent sunday , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith spent Sunday at Fenelon Falls. Miss Helen Thornton visited with Mrs. Stuart Hall over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Western spent Saturday evening in Lindsay! Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Mosure and daughter Betty spent the week end in this vicinity. Mr. W. G. DeShane, the Watkins dealer, of Little Britain, called on a number of homes in this vicinity on 1 hursday. r Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wright, of home of Mr. and Mrs, H. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Gilson, Sonya, spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs. Fred Western, Mrs. Richard Hall spent Sunday with Mrs. Annie Downer, Port Perry. Miss Doris Netherton, of the Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Netherton, recently. Mr. Sam Hall motored to Toronto on Wednesday. Messrs, William and Bertrum Me- Taggart motored to Lindsay on Tues- day. Mrs. Geo. Walls, of Toronto, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Jonn Hall, Sr. Messrs. Stuart Hall and George Varcoe motored 'to Toronto on Wed- nesday and attended the stock sale of Mr. Clarence Shannon, of Oalwood. The stock is reported to have sold well. Mrs. Fred Western, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Moses Gilson, of Sonya, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Dr. Bateson, at Salem, on Wednesday. Mr. Frank Broad spent Wednesday and Thursday in this vicinity. Mrs, Will Stevens and Mrs. Horace Ripley, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, Mr. George Varcoe is visiting with friends in this vicinity. A number from here attended the auction sale of the Clark Bros., on Scugog Island, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Hall attended the funeral of the late Annie Varcoe, wife of Dr. Bateson, of London, which was held on Wednesday, Oct. 29, from the home of her mother Mrs. William Varcoe. Mr. Grant Wooldridge spent Thurs- day in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson and Dorothy visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Mark, of Valentia, on Sunday. A' number of the pupils and ex- pupils, of Little Britain Continuation School attended the annual Hallowe'en Party held at Little Britain School on Thursday evening, Oct. 30, under the auspices of the Literary Society. Al- though the erowd was not as large as usual, all report an excellent time. Miss Ruth Walls, of Toronto, who is spending a short time with her grandmother, Mrs. John Hall, Sr, visited with her cousin Miss Velma Hall, on Friday. Miss Eva Kitson spent Friday and Saturday with Miss Muriel Hall. Hallowe'en was observed in this vicinity in a very quiet but interest- ing. A number of children dressed in costume visited different homes and were treated to home-made candy and popcorn, while the older ones were busy moving a few implements. After all the necessary things had changed places, a number found their way to Mr. Stanley Hall's where they were given warning that there were others on the premises by the sound of fire crackers. After being treated to home-made candy, every one went in well filled cars for a joy ride, all fpel- ing none the worse for the excitement during the evening. SCUGOG Next Sunday services will be at the usual hours. 10.30 a.m. "at Foot Church, 11.45 at Indian Church, 2.830 p.m. at Head Church, 7.30 at Foot Church, Sunday Schools--Foot at 11.30 a.m., Centre at 2.30 p.m. Group 3 of the Women's Associa- tion are Mrs. Alfred Prentice, Mrs. Robert' Prentice, Mrs. Art. Sweetman, Mrs. L. Pearce, Miss Mary Pearce, and Mrs. R. Jackson, and they will entertain their friends in the Town- ship Hall at next Tuesday afternoon, November 11th, at 3 o'clock. There is a very interesting program being prepared. Everybody invited. A special invitation for the young folk to attend the tea and evening social time, Clark Bros. had a very successful stock and implement sale on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Martyn, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. W. J J. Martyn, of Prince Albert. 4 Peniel, were Sunday visitors at the highly commercialized ecution. managed. prosperous community. ( THE sTANDA | f ) ? ! f f |] f 3 ) ! ] ! ] ] f ? The Business of Agriculture Farming is more than an occupation; is a business which re- quires careful planning and thoughtful ex- Bountiful production is necessary but much effort is wasted unless the business of disposing of the year's output is pi y In conducting the business tarm the Canadian Bank of Commerce can play a prominent and useful part. the manager and learn how true 'co-operation between bank and the farmer builds a more the THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE h which Ls amalgamated ARD BANK OF CANADA evening was well attended. The pro- gram was very much enjoyed. It con- sisted of a Hallowe'en Drill and song, singing contest, dialogues, guessing proverbs. Mr, Joblin acted as chair- man. Mr. J. Aldred made short work of selling the boxes. Plates were served to those without boxes. Quite a number of the young folk attended the masquerade at Port Perry, on Thursday evening. Miss M. Stephenson won the third prize. Mrs. W. Hope helped Mr. Hatchig Ajimian entertain a number of his school friends on Friday evening. The time was spent in all kinds of indoor games. Then they were served with everything one could wish for, It was_a jolly time for all. Miss Sweet gave the school children a very enjoyable time on Friday afternoon in the Centre School. The masquerade social at the Head was a grand success. Miss Marion Stephenson won 1st prize for the best costume, Mrs. A. Prentice, 1st prize for comic costume, Olive and Ruby Brown, 1st and 2nd for children. The evening was spent in all kinds of games, after which lunch served. was Our choir had a very warm welcome at Nestleton on Sunday evening. After service they were invited to the basement and served with lunch. Mr. and Mrs, A, E. Milner of Union- ville, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milner, motored to Orillia on Sunday and visited their friends. Mrs. Wannamaker had an enjoyable trip last week in company with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gerrow, and visited with relatives at Corbetton, River- view and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dawson and fam- ily were in Sunderland on Sunday. Mr. Edward Fines has given his house a coat of paint, which has made a big improvemént. Mrs. N. Whitney, of Oshawa, Miss Ethel McDermott, of Port Perry, Miss Zella Hope and Miss Grace Mark, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sweet- man, on Sunday. 5 Mr. and Mrs. B. Osborne and fam- ily, of Pleasant Point, visited her neice Mrs. C. Hardy, on Sunday. Mi, and Mrs. Harold Williams and daughter, Mr. Oliver Williams, Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham, and Miss Fern Randall, visited with Mr. 'and Mrs. J. A. Sweetman, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark, of Mariposa were the guest of their son last week. Miss McKee, of Port Perry, is visit- ing with her neice Mrs. E. Plough- man, for a few weeks. Mrs. Wanamaker is visiting her brother, Mr. W. C. Platten, at Black- water, for a couple of weeks. Mr. W. Jackson, Mrs. R. Jackson, Mrs. A. McKenzie, and Mrs. Chas. Wells, were in Lindsay on Friday. Mr. Robt. Reader is making some improvements in his house. fine, Bob! = Mr. Shier, of Sunderland, visited his sister Mrs. W. Dawson, recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. Demera spent one evening last week in Prince Albert. Mr. Arthur Sweetman has gone to Northern Ontario to hunt deer. We hope he brings one home. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman were in Toronto on Sunday. Miss Reta Quantz, of Toronto, was the week end guest of Mrs. Redman. Mrs. J. L. Sweetman visited with her sister Mrs. Alf, Dowson, in Port Perry, last week. Mrs. Oliver Reader was in Nestie- ton, on Sundar, the guest; of Mas, Ty Noon. The Box Social last Wednesday It looks | November 1st, at the parsonage, by Rev. Jas. Elford, Miss Ila Reader, sister of the bride, acted as brides- maid and Mr. John Reader, sister of the bride, acted as best man. Im- mediately after the ceremony they motored to the home of the bride's parents for the wedding supper, after which the happy couple motored to Toronto, where they will spend a week. Their 'Seugog friends wish them every joy and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark visited thei) daughter Mrs. Brunt, at Enniskillen, on Sunday. Arrangements are being made for a League Social some time in the near future. MANCHESTER Miss Blanche Reesor, of Fraserville, was a week end visitor with friends in Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith, of Black- stock, were visitors on Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Durward Lamb, of Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Chas. Lamb. Pleased to see Mrs. F. Crosier home again from thé Port Perry Hospital, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Rev. Mr. Smart, of Greenwood, will be our pastor for the Sunday service of November 16th. On the Sunday following, November 22rd, Rev. A. M. Irwin, of Oshawa, will be in charge of our anniversary services. Hours of commencement, 2.30 and 7.30 afternoon and evening. We expect the Scugog choir in attend- ance at the evening service. The sale of cattle last Saturday at the home of Mr. Frank Johnson, was a decided success. The cattle sold pretty good. Mr. W. F. Walker has purchased a new Alice-Chalmers plow and is busy these fine days plowing his farm land. The first meeting of the Community Club for the 1930-31 season was held at the township hall last Friday even ing. The meeting was largely of a business nature consisting of the pre-|. sentation of reports and election of officers for the ensuing year. The treasurer reported a credit balance on hand and in bank, of $21.60, and the elections and acclaimations re- sulted as follows: President--John Moore Vice President--J. Mitchell Secretary--Miss A. Bagrett. Cor. Sec'y--Don Ferguson Treasurer--Miss I. Spoffard Pianiste--Miss I. Spoffard. The balance of the evening was spent in short impromptu speeches and a novelty Intelligence Contest. The spirit of progress was made evident to most of us, who for the first time viewed permanent electric lights in the hall. Some comment was made on the progress of the Club, from nothing to a position of which we might be proud. It is for us in the future to keep our eyes on the "vision splendid" of all a rural community can and ought to be. SEAGRAVE Special Thanksgiving Serviees wil be held in the United Church on Sun- day, November 16th, at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. when Rev. Mr. Nicholson, of Can-| nington, will Preach, , Special music ; "| by the choir. ; Sincere sym ay i send 1 after being under the for the past week. Mr. W. Keen left last week to take charge of construction of dams on the : 'Indian' Creek Fur Farms in Hastings : "County. Tes. W. Broce, of Port. Periy, is 'A. Bruce. Mr. and . W. Boe 'and family of 'Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sleep and family were recent visitors with re- latives here. The November meeting of the 'Women's Association will be held at 'the home of Mrs, W. Crosier, on Wed- nesday afternoon, November 12th. A full attendance is requested. Mem- 'bers husbands are invited for supper. Miss Alma Frise, of Gamebridge, 'spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. London, of Toronto, are staying with the latter's father, Mr. M. Mark, for a time. 'Mr. and Mrs, C. Ginn, of Cadmus, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I. Irwin, on Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Cherrié have moved to Sonya where they will re- | side. Mrs. W. Rogers visited with her daughter Mrs, Orr Shunk, of Port 'Perry, on Sunday. Miss M. Armstrong spent the week end with her parents in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. S. McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. Short, visited friends at Shirley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Butt spent Sunday at Oshawa with relatives. The friends of Mr. Sam Netley are glad to welcome him back to the | burg, after spending the summer in North Bay and other points on the, TN. O. . " A "spooky" but jolly time was spent by a large crowd at the Hallowe'en party given by Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Clarke, on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin and family and Mr. and Mrs. T, Couch, were re- cent visitors to Bowmanville. Mrs. A. McClintock, of Balcarres, Sask., visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Orchard, last week. Mrs. McDonald, who has spent the past two weeks with her daughter Mrs. J. McLean has returned to her home in Beaverton. Mr. W. Hooey, of Treherne, Man., was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shunk. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown, Mr. Wm. Brown, and Miss West, of Toronto, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rogers on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Byers, of Black- stock, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson, of Enniskillen, Mrs. Sanderson and Mr. Byers, of Burketon, visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wanamaker on Sunday. On Tuesday evening Nov. 4th, the friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. McMillan, the occasion being a miscellaneous shower in honor of one of our popular young ladies Miss Velma McMillan, whose mar- riage to Mr. Ralph Reynolds takes place on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 11. The earlier part of the evening was spent in games, after which the bride- to-be was asked to the seat of honor and proceed to unwrap the many beautiful and useful gifts that were brought in on 'a nicely decorated wagon for the occasion. Lunch was served and a jolly time spent by all. Mr. Miller, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Sinclair, Mr. Ellis and Mr. Armitage, of To- ronto, were the guests of their old 1 | Scout Pal, Roy Scott, on Tuesday. AUCTION SALE--Tuesday, Nov. 11, of 50 head of Cattle and 1 team of of grey mares, rising 4 years. The property of Howard Bartley, lot 20, con. 7 Reach, (North of Port Perry) Cattel includes new milch cows and springers, one and two year old steers and heifers, and one bull, 2 years. Sale at one o'clock. See bills for terms. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. eee) 0 (tees Myrtle Station The C. G, I. T. and some of the Young people of the neighborhood were entertained at the parsonage on Friday night when a very enjoyable time was spent. $5 The "boys of the - nelghborhod con- 'ducted themselves very commendably 'was spook night. One citizen took a vantage of having 'around and. entertained them some = spending a holiday with her son Mr. |Campbell's Tomato Soup, per tit 10c PURE PLUM JAM, 40 oz. jars Sieve ivi pmicunnsy vanity BIC, RED & WHITE PEANUT BUTTER, large FATE ©. vo miei 2360 ST. CHARLES MILK, tall tins ..... ..............2 for 25c. KEEN'S MUSTARD, % Ib tins .......... ves viva vo seach 28¢. P. & G., The white naptha soap . BER USER Jeien...6 for 25e Pickles, 39c. jar. v SOCKEYE SALMON, Ya. ov dna ana a JL per tin 23e. STANDARD QUALITY PEAS, No. 4 sieve... .......reg. size 9c. CORN or TOMATOES, regular size tins ..............2 for FALCON BRAND PEACHES. ........... +vuvv...per tin 23c. GOLD MEDAL BRAND MINCEMEAT ...........2 Ibs for 35c. SAGE, SAVORY, or POULTRY DRESSING, per pkg.........9c. 1 Ib. Tin Tiger Salmon, 2 tins 29c. an Hallowe'en. A few minor boyish || oy Fanks were all the gvidence that it | a bunch 'of boys | Red & White Naptha Soap, FRESH MILLED ROLLED OATS. ..... ...6 bs for 23c. FANCY BLUE ROSERICE ........... s ....3 Ibs for 25¢c. FANCY JAVA SAGO or TAPIOCA.............. 2 bs for 25c. TILSON'S NATURAL HEALTH BRAN va vais fOr 25¢. BON AMI CAKE or POWDER ............... ¢.....each l4c. TENDER JELL ORANGE SLICE ........... «v....per 1b 25¢. NEW PEEL~ORANGE or LEMON ...............per 1b 19c. RED & WHITE ORANGE PEKOE TEA, ....%" s 29c.. . ...1b 5c. F. W. Brock & Son Phone 43 "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" Port Perry HUGH CAMPBELL MERCHANT TAILOR FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the latest styles. Excellent ¢loths and trimmings. Workmanship Guaranteed. FRENCH DRY CLEANING Agent for Regent Clothes HUGH CAMPBELL What Ambition Did for Joe THANK OFFERING AT _ BEAGRAVE The Seagrave United Church will hold their annual Thank Offering on Sunday, November 16th, at 11 a.m. and 7 pm. Rev. Mr. Nicholson, of Canington, will speak at both sér- vices. Speical music by the choir. Joe had a job in a factory. Though it was hard, he worked cheorfully early and late, because he wanted 3 be a foreman with larger pay in ors der that he might give hig wife and children a better home. "Then he be- gan to feel extra tired, couldn't gleep, was weary all day long and his cliest pained him. One day he fainted at his Job. The doctor sald he liad only one chance of recovery from his trou- ble -- consumption -- and that was to be treated at the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives. So ill was Joe that it has taken almost two years to build him up to anything like normal, but he hops be able to return home soon and tlie up once more the duty of supporting hie family. For work such as this, your sub- scription is paked. unl You please sond as much as n to Mr. A. B Ames, 223 College Street, Bp, irae) () Qe Jack--What is your average income? Bill--About midnight. Tr oer SA J. A, HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY ° Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 to 12 am. Phone 268 omer SPECIAL na. | BE # P R I C E S 1516 PHONE 1516 ON . Disney Block. ; : OSHAWA, ONT. MEN'S SUITS (Opposite Post Office) a jand 3 Overcoats Large Family Jar Falcon Sweet Mixed 26c. AUNT DINAH MOLASSES, small tins ecg ferDle GOLD MEDAL FLOOR WAX........ WA Ph Te hin 29. COMFORT SOAP ........0.. dca nas, .5 for 25c. RED & WHITE BAKING POWDER Se ecairay "11d tin 29c. RED & WHITE EXTRACTS, any flavor . wikia svn ons nena fOr 156. MUFFETS--The Sunshine Cereal ................ «+2 for 23c. QUAKER CRACKELS, The New Breakfast Cereal ........14c. WESTON'S PEACH BLOSSOM BISCUITS. ....... .per Ib 25¢. * 10 b. 37¢