Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 16 Oct 1930, p. 8

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Page Eight 4 PERRY "STAR 7x = ] ---- A ---,en a UTICA competitors, the jointer and the boys! A good crowd attended the Presby- terian Church Anniversary on Sunday and Mohday. This means real en- classes being the outstanding sections of the Match. The day was fine and warm and it was estimated by several couragement for those tat have kept that 2500 people saw the match. the doors swinging for so many years. - In the evening a banquet was held | Mr. and Mrs. H. Wagg in Prince in the Music Hall at which 100 pléw- Albert on Monday. 5 men and their helpers and friends sat ' Sorry to repotr Mr. Edwin Sker- down to a wonderful meal prepared ratt is seriously ill with jaundice. by the ladies of the LO.D.E. The; Mr. Spragg, of Toronto, with his Uxbridge Orchestra provided music mother Mrs. Gibner, one day last throughout the evening and our week. ' genial Jack Low led in group singing. Mrs. C. W. Lakey has been under After the toast to the King which the doctor's care with an abscess in was proposed by President William her ear. |G. Cassie, an excellent programme of. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howsam with io . i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerry on Sun-| music and speeches was provided. day. Don't forget to attend the Bazaar and concert in Memory Hall, on Oct. 28th, under the auspices of the United al catchy numbers and were liberal ¢ with their encores. %®he speakers in- cluded several prominent local men as well as Dr. Peter McGibbon, M.P., and The Misses Brownscombe sang sevei-) Ladies' Aid. James Read, Warden of Ontario 000 County. 1) BLACKSTOCK . Mr. Cassie and the other officers Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Rumnley of Midland spent the week end with relatives in the village. Mrs. Jas. Hall, of Toronto, is visit- ing with elatives in Blackstock. and vicinity. Mr. T. Smith made a business trip to Hamilton on Tuesday. We are glad to welcome back Mr. John Edwards from his motor trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McLaughlin were in Peterboro last week. Mrs. M. Smith and Mrs. John Rey- nolds spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McLaughlin. Congratulations are extended to Miss Reta Swain, Draniatic Soprano, who was reecntly appointed soloist at the Simpson Avenue United Church, Toronto. - Miss Mabel Argue and Miss Olive VanCamp of the Peterboro and To- ronto Normal Schools respectively spent the week end under parental roofs. ----0 00 ---- > EPSOM Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Prentice, of Scugog Island, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ashton, of Ashburn, visited on Sunday with friends here. Mrs. J. Collins, of Scugog Island, visited on Sunday with her daughter Mrs. S. Pogue. ss Bessie Ward, of Uxbridge, visited with Mrs. Asling. Mr. and Mrs. Prizeman and her daughter Geraldine, of Toronto, were guests on Stunday at the homé of Mr. Fred Ashton. Mr. Jos. Ashton and Mr. Clifford Gibson, in Port Hope on Saturday. Quite a number from here attended the Gleason and Wilson inquest held in Port Perry, last week. Miss Verna Bailey and friend, of Toronto, visited over the week end at her home here. Miss Philp attended the Teachers' Convention at Whitby last week. Mr. Nathan Peck, of Seaforth, was a visitor here last week. Mrs. Denny visiting with Toronto friends this week. en QO Qe PLOWING MATCH STAGED AT UXBRIDGE The North Ontario Plowing Match held on the J. St. John farm at Ux- bridge, on Friday, October 10th, was declared by some who have followed these yearly events to be the most were particularly gratified at the fine response by the farmers of the dis- trict who supplied extra teams; some 25 teams being loaned for the oc- casion. The thanks of the Association is also due Mr. St. John for the use of his farm for the match. Dr. J. T. Elliott t6 whose untiring efforts the success of the match was to a large extent due, got considerable applause when in the course of his remarks he stressed the fact that the Plowing Match was worthy of the support of every Township Council in| the County. * It was suggested that the next an- nual Plowing Match be held in Rama Township and it is likely that the suggestion will be followed out in 1931. The prize winners are as follows: Class en in sod--High Cut-- open--1 Timbers, Stouffville; 2 D. Tran, ville; 4 E. Timbers, Stouffville. ffville; 3 G. Tran, --_ finish--W. Specials--Crown = and Timbers, Stouffville, Class 1-----Men in Pointer plows, in sod--1 W. Ferguson, Stouffville; 2 Stewart Ball, Uxbridge; 3 W. B. Max- well, Markham; 4 Jas. Lee, Uxbridge. | Specials--Crown--Jas. Lee. Best dressed team on field--James | Lee. Class II--Men, in jointer plows in sod--1 A. Jarvis, Milliken; 2 Ralpa| Smith, Uxbridge; 3 C. Ball, Uxbridge; 4 Oscar Welsh, Uxbridge. | Special --Finish--A. Jarvis. [ Class IV--Men, in jointer plows, stubble--1 E. McCuaig, Gamebridge; 2 Frank Brown, Uxbridge; 3 Ed. Mor- ris, Brechin. ! Special--Finish McCuaig. Class V--Boys and crown--Earl i 18 and under, mm stubble--jointer plows--1 Norman Smith, Uxbridge; 2 Leonard Short, Woodville; 8 Douglas Ferguson, Stouffville; 4 Ross Marquis, Uxbridge, 5 R. Lee, Uxbridge; 6 Geo. Cookson, Uxbridge; 7 Jack Flewell, Uxbridge; 8 A Featherstone, Milliken; 9 Frank Real, Greenbank. Special--Youngest plowman on the field--Ross Marquis, Uxbridge, 13 years old. Class IV--Tractor in sod--1 Fred Timbers, Stouffville, 2 Melville Hoar, Woodville;; 3 H. Pugh, Uxbridge Specials for crown--Fred Timbers. Class VII--Tractor in stubble--1 N. Welsh, Uxbridge; 2 W.. Palmer, successful yet held. There were 37 Uxbridge. Special--best finish--N. Welsh. ! Quickly ere pensive, structurally strong, 'Gyproc Wallboard gives per- manent fire protection. Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask him today for full information or write for interestin, "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc." ALABASTINE Paris - Keep FIRE at Bay with GYPROC IRE seldom visits houses having Gyproc Wallboard ceilings, partitions, walls and sheathing. On the contrary Gyproc has saved many homes. This pioneer Canadian fire-safe gypsum board has a new Ivory coloured finish this year that makes decora- tion/unnecessary (when pan- elled). It is just the thigg to use for making extra rooms in the cellar or attic. GYPSUM, LIME AND , CANADA, LIMITED TheNEW IVORY i cted, inex- free book, © Ontario Fireproof wallboard cs -- i | x x SA SOLD IN PORT PERRY BY CARNEGIE HARDWARE CO. _ i YPROCH PLOWING DEMONSTRATION The Business of Agriculture Farming is more than an occupation; it is a highly commercialized business which re- quires careful planning and thoughtful ex- ecution. Bountiful production is necessary but much effort is wasted unless the business of disposing of the year's output is properly managed. In conducting the business of the farm the Canadian Bank ofs Commerce can play a prominent and useful part. Consult the manager and learn how true co-operation between bank and the farmer builds a more prosperous community. THE CANADJAN BANK OF COMMERCE with which is amalgamated ( ThE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA - grave, by the Massey Harris Co, on -. Tuesday, October 21, in the forenoon. i eee (J Pree HUES | Myrtle Station | Mr. and Mr. Austin, of Toronto, were at D. Luery's for Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott, of Seagrave, 'were visitors with Mrs. R. 8. Long, for the week end. : 2 Mr. Gordon Pilkey, of Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, spent the week end at his home here. . Mis Mary Ross, of Newcastle, was , with Mrs. A, J. Carmichael, for the week-end. oh | Mr, and Mrs, R. Thompson spent a "day ir Toronto this week. <|" Mg. pnd Mrs. C. Chisholm and Mr. "I and Mrs, Maughn, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Chisholm. The Ladies' Aid had a good attend- ance at their gathering last Tuesday afternoon, held at the home of Mrs. T. R. Price. Readings were given by Mrs. R. Chisholm and Mrs. R. Thomp- son, on the life of the late Pauline Johnston, and, one of her poems was' G921 1161 Dandi by Mail The Royal Bank of Canada Port Perry Branch '- Even though you live at a dis- tance from us, you can quite con- veniently do your banking at our nearest office. Just write for our folder-- "Banking by Mail Made Easy." It will explain how you can de- posit and withdraw money by mail. YOU WILL LIKE BANKING AT THE ROYAL B. D. Henry, Manager given by Miss Merriam. Miss Mar- jory Ross, of Whitby, was Present and rendered two fine solos which were much appreciated, her mother accompanying her on the piano. Re- freshments were served at the close of the gathering. Arrangements wére made.to hold a Hallowe'en Tea in the 'basement of the chirch on Thursday evening, October 30th. The annual Thank Offering of the United Church will be held next Sun- day afternoon, at 2.30 and 7 p.m. Rev. Capt. Best, of Whitby, will have charge of both services. Special 3.4 Toning domentiien v3 50 F. W. Br ock & Son Chain RED & WHITE Stores _. FREE --L0c. bottle Red & White Vanilla with Lb. "tin Red & White Baking Powder --290. SERV-US SOCKEYE SALMON, % Th .........c.cecno... 28 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES ....................2 pkgs. 19¢ LEMON OIL. ......4 oz bottle 14¢c. .........12 oz bottle 23c. RED & WHITE PEANUT BUTTER ..............pint jar 23c. MAC'S COOKIES ..........o0cvsssssessassassss dozen 1de Catelli Eggweat Noodles, 2 pkgs. 15¢." GOLD MEDAL PUDDINGS--Chocolate, Tapioca, Raspberry, or Strawberry ..............0 0... RED & WHITE SODA WAFERS, reg. 15¢. .......... CLARK'S PORK "& BEANS .................family size 22c. PEELS--New pack, Lemon or Orange ............ Singapore Sliced Pineapple, 2 tins 21¢c. MARSHALL'S HERRINGS in Tomato Sauce, 1b tins. .......23¢c. STAR or HANDY AMMONIA, 10c size ..............2 for 13c. GOLD MEDAL STUFFED OLIVES, small size ..:.....bot. 14c. JELLY BEANS. The kiddies treat ......1............1b 19¢. RED & WHITE JELLY POWDERS, any flavors .....4 for 25ec. Quaker Puffed Rice, 2 pkgs. 31c. - TOMATOES. Large tins .......... EER ..2 for 25c, RED & WHITE MATCHES ...... Seng Pian vvvon. 3 for 25c. SERV-US TOILET PAPER ................. «7... 3 rolls 25c. FALCON BRAND NO. 4 PEAS, reg. size .!....... ...per tin 9c. BON AMI. 4c. Cake or Powder .............. ace P music will be given by the choir. re UTICA (Too late for last week) Mrs. Dafoe and her daughter Mrs. Best, former residents of here, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Kendall, re- cently. Mrs. Jas. Hortop spent last' week with her granddaughter Mrs. Winters of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bentley cele- brated their fifty-fifth wedding an- niversary a week ago last Saturday, with all members of their family pre- sent, but, the oldest son, of Grand Forks. The remains of the late Alonzo Tennyson, of Caledonia, was interred here last Thursday afternoon. Miss 'Edith Lakey visiting her mother here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Philps, of Brougham, Mr. and Mrs. Lane, of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lakey, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Walker. Miss Hosie attended the Teachers' Institute at Whitby last week. Mr. Whitfield Tennyson, of Toronto, - Evening rates om "Anyone" {or cdionigdtion, egin at 7 pam, begin at 8.30 pam. Just give "Long Distance" num- ber you want--it speeds u the service. know "Information" will look calls now rates up for you. something : HIS DADDY . eek : SE Bat Jor A tl] eight Money Saving Prices, High-Class Goods POST BRAN or RICE KRISPIES ..... La aya 2 for 25e FANCY PATNA RICE ....... IER SAGO or TAPIOCA. Fancy quality ....... cersannes2 Ibs 25¢. YELLOW SPLIT PEAS.. ..... nya aa asd Ibs for, 156. WESTON'S PEACH BLOSSOM BISCUITS ..... vvvenen ld 256 F. W. Brock & Son Port Perry Phone 43 "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" Fs ystsssssstataiasnsrasrsrasesistasrsitossssntasananasssiatasessy HUGH CAMPBELL MERCHANT TAILOR FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the" latest styles. Excellent cloths and trimmings. Workmanship Guaranteed. FRENCH DRY CLEANING Agent for Regent Clothes attended the funeral of his brother, here, on Thursday. Mrs. Wagg and Miss Alice Wage, of Prince Albert, visiting at the home of Mr. H. Wagg. Miss Cora Christie has returned to Uxbridge after her attack of jaun- dice. sy Keep in mind the Utica United An- niversary and Bazaar on Sunday and Tuesday, October 26 and 28. Rev. Mr. Jewell, of Columbus, will speak on Sunday with special music by the choir and others. On Tuesday a sale Mr. T. Meen, Mr. Gordon Brown and others of Toronto. . Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bunker, of Osh- awa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lakey, on Sunday. -- |J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Druglesd Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 to 12 a.m. Phone 258 SPECIAL PRICES ON : MEN'S SUITS of goods will commence "at three omelrist EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Cure and Eye Strain. en | All kinds of and W. A. Sangster |Get proces st vers meters ~ Merchant Tailer 1S PAYING 82, 8c, and 2c. for| Over Tel. Office Port Perry : Butter Fat. You can give labor . and make more money : FOR SALE ing your cream to the " | Five Yorkshire Sows. Apply to 8, PORT. PERRY CREAMERY |J. Wooldridge, Seagrave, phone 75J. A. GOODE & SON, Propristers | Oct. 16 Specials for THURSDAY, FR IDAY, SATURDAY we mone we lland Overcoats Disney Block. ; 3 : OSHAWA, ONT. Our prices are greatly redueed-- - : (Opposite Post Office) i a sie arrival of yr A 2o0ds there early. i Ww. T. Rodman 3

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