Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 9 Oct 1930, p. 5

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SUTCLIFFE & SONS THE mm WHERE PEOPLE LIKE TO SHOP LADIES' COATS 'We have on display, Ladies Coats made from good quality Broadcloth, and lined with Rayon Crepe, and Satin, well interlined, trimmed with such furs as Muskrat, Opossum, French Beaver, Kolinski Coney, | a beautiful coat--and reasonably priced from $25.00 to $33.95 ON SALE Six Coats only, made of good quality suedene fur trimmed. Sizes 16, 18, 38, and 40. PORT PERRY STAR gp -~- interestin tween value and price. mind at all tim your house. as the shingles themselves. VALUE far above PRICE In reviewing the advantages of Wood Shingles, it is particularly to note the relation be- The low first cost of "EDGWOOD"' Red Cedar Phingles | is a point to keep in use it means a considerable hin to you, when roofing ually important, however, is the reason for this ice. and the manner in which it has Ds without sacrifice of quality. Thisis Bosh possible only through manufacturing meth- ods and production economics that are 'as unusual Every purchaser shares the benefit of ~ $169.50 Com to with Tubes : SWEETMAN' S GARAGE . Dealers, | Phone 6, Port Perry, Ont. CARTWRIGHT FAIR PRIZE LIST (continued from back page) Button Holes--Mrs. F. Raines, Mrs. Buffet - Set, white, 3--Mrs. Percy, Percy VanCamp, Mrs. Percy Mrs. R. E. Mountjoy { Centrepiece, emb., colored, 6--Mrs. Child's Play Dress, 4--Mrs. G. Jack- A. L. Byers, Mrs, Percy son, Mrs. R. Plain Sewing, 9--Mrs. Percy, Mrs. F. Raines. Plain Patching, 8--Mzs. R. Wall, Mrs. J, A. Johnston. Home Dyeing, 5--Mrs. R. Walls, Miss F, Parr. Ladies' Night Gown, 5--Mrs. Percy VanCamp, Mrs. W. C. Sonley. Ladies' Costume Slip, 3--Mrs. P. VanCamp, Mrs. T. Percy. Fancy Work by lady over 60, 3-- Mrs. Percy, Mrs. J. Jobb. Crossstitch, 5--Mrs. T. Percy, Miss M. Armstrong. Tr Vanity Set, 6--Mrs. Percy, Mrs. R. E. Mountjoy. Rug, home-made hooked, 4--Mis. F. Crozier, Mrs. R. R. Byers. Braided Floor Mat. 5b--Mrs. A. L. McDermott, Mrs. Wes. Campbell. Painting in oil, 2--Mrs. J.L. Cryder- man, Mrs, A. L. McDermott. Painting in water colors, 3--Mrs. A. L. McDermott, Miss F. Parr. Painting on china, 4--Miss F. Parr, Mrs. A. L. McDermott. ing Message." We took part in the| Study Book Competition and received Second Class Honours. $2 was given! as a Diocesan Thank Offering, $20 was sent away for pledges and $100 rectory. The regular monthly meeting of the Victorian Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Norman Mount- joy, on Wednesday afternoon of last week with an attendance of 40. The" meeting opened with devotional exer- cises conducted by a past president, Mrs. W. A. VanCamp. The business session followed and showed that the Institute had been résponsible for the purchase of 756 new chairs for the community hall, the churches and various organizations helping with i interesting to many: was given to the Sunday School, $28! (in. Brighton. for the past six years, given to the building fund for the hs hee Page Five CAWKER BROS. ¢ « . Owing to the lower prices on the Live Stock Market, we are able to buy better and are offering choice cuts of beef, veal and lamb at reduced prices. Phone in your orders--29w GLIMPSES OF NOVA SCOTIA «Continued from Front Page) have swept over that shore in the centuries since the arrival of Champlain and De Monts. Back of that rock bound coast are de- lightful pastoral scenes, and peace reigns. The following was taken from the y "Brighton Ensign" and will be very proved himself honest a splendid neighbour, ahd" true in all his dealings, industrious and with a cheerful dis- "Mr. A. L. Hooey, who has been] position which made his out door life ¢onnected with the Bank of Commerce | a pleasure to him, and his farming He and his wife and fam= loyal supporters of the Presbyterian Church attended regularly and During | faithfully until they went to Toronto 1 success. as received a. merited "promotion--«{ ily were . Hooey goes to Hawkestone, near | Blackstock ay to assume the management of | which they , the Commerce branch there. CHEAPER MEATS 2 | his stay in Brighton, Mr. Hooey has won many friends who will be sorry to hear of his departure, but pleased at his advancement in his chosen pro- fession. Steady, industrious, cheer- 'ful and courteous manners and kindly disposition in his dealings" with the public have endeared him to the citizens of our town who with the Ensign unite in extending 'to Mr, Hooey on the eve of his, departure a few years ago. The funeral service was held from the Blackstock United Church on Sat., Sept. 20th, conducted oy Rev. Mr. Newell, and the remains laid to rest in the union cemetery. The deceased leaves to mourn "his loss a sorrowing widow and three sons, Fred and Floyd, Toronto, and Robert on the homestead. The sym- pathy of the community goes out to . g There was no wind while we were at White Point Beach, so § On Sale at a Bargain - - $8.95 value far above the price. ; that we only saw the ocean in one mood. When the storms come, fi there would be a different story to tell, and when the grip of winter vi C H I L DREN'S CO TS 4 50 : 12 00 pierces the marrow the tourist swallows fly away. At White % A p---- . oO VU! Point Beach there is congenial company, and sport of all types HN $ . 5 ' orovided--golf, tennis, hur y, fis r, > ag 8 ded un Children's Coats in all sizes up to 14 years, made from good Blanket Cloth, and Tweeds, Fur J I he 1 : Sting, fishing, and other pleasures der : CE Dr il rae to the heart of those who are out for recreation. The accom- % [6s ) yp . - OU. Port Pe modation is delightfully cosy--simple comfort. . se == ort Pérry 186 J One word more about the ocean. At this point it did not 4 FLANNELETTE h L . differ in appearance from the picture presented by Lake Ontario. ¥ : 0s awa um er 0. But the air seemed to have'a smell all its own, probably caused by a Good quality white and pink Flannelette, 36 inches wide \ LIMITED the salt and the seaweed. The sound of the ocean in this calme 0 Heavier quality, 36 inches wide ......... per yard 30Qc. mood reminds one of a fresh wind blowing through the tops of the i Good quality Plain Grey Flannelette, 36 inches wide .per yard 22c. At Swan Brothers Pq y4 Perry pine trees. It never ceases; but at night it will lull you to sleep A Striped Grey Flannelette, good heavy quality per yard 19c. A ET with a sense of confidence that no civilization can inspire. i : i hat was our glimpse of the ocean, and we wished that we . . - could have stayed longer. This was another of those places that > NEW HOSIERY. Specially Priced at $1. 25 Pair convinced us that we should have been born millionaires, only the Ladies" Pure Silk, full fashioned, Hose, Holeproof, good heavy quality. Comes in all the million had been mislaid. This was our natural surrounding, and i pen thades---Lelute, Avec, Wing, Rose-Brune, Grain and Gun Metal. S th 0 ; . Pl : M h we whall Yase 2 look about and sop if we en remedy our lack. 4 ourteously we were motored over to Liverpool, where we 3 Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose, full fashioned, Ho leproof. Comes in shades of Grain, Rose-Brune, ou mario owing ate gained first hand information about the fishing industry. We and Gun Metal. A warm hose for per pair went through the plant of the Seven Seas Fish.Company. First } - on the farm of WM. D. DYER we saw the trawler unloading. Tons of fish had been brought in on 2 ' } : ' : that vessel, and were being elevated into the plant, 3 L7, st Whitby, ' ' e plant, preparatory i S Lot 17, Con. 7, East itby, half mile North of Brooklin it or whole process of making these fishy denizens of the deep H it for wuman consumption, and, stranger still, fit for a most pala- 2 SUTCLIFFE & SON on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 || for human consumy : . ' : : on this vessel were a number of trawlers tut. A trawling - : ( ¢ ¢ $ 2 ¢ g WHERE PEOPL E. _L 1 KE TO SHOP Splendid Prize List. « See Large Bills line i bez haps two or three hundred feet in length. Every few i = = Dinner Served by Ladies' Aid of Columbus in Township Hall, 6,30 p.m. ee 1e line has a hook, which is baited with a piece of herring ¥ -- Presentation of Prizes. Addresses. about two inches long. This line is coiled into the tub, and when N = ' - 0. H. DOWNEY, / W. S. CROXALL, the fishing grounds are reached, it is let out as we let out a trolling President. Ur Secretary- Treas. line. So far as we could understand, however, the line remains stationary, supported by floats. One small boat will operate a number of lines, which are lifted about twice a day. Bach trawl- A : ing vessel is equipped with a number of small boats from which Curtains, hand-made, 6--Mrs. Stin- field, Mrs. R. C. Brown. the actual fishing i ains, R J e e g is done. The fishermen are paid according to son, Miss Mary Pars Hit M PLANTS AND FLOWERS | their catch, which is weighed in when it is taken on board weg Apron, 3 Mrs. Stinson, Mrs. | BouquenAsters; $--Mrs. Perey Van-| "ony ie" i" of fhe fish plat in He cd doraee . CG. Sonley ys Camp, Mrs. A. L. Byers. | 2. f arto 1e fish plant is its cold storage. e were Smock, 3--Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. F.| Bouquet Dahlias, 7--Mrs. R. C.! taken into refrigerators where thousands upon thousands of fish Rajnes. HAkE, ders. F. Stinson B row, Mey G Ter Neshist Mie 31 | were piled up like cord wood. The fish are all sorted ace ording to yr 8. LI i ' ouque wee eas, 6 rs. J. L. \ QQ Mrs. Percy. . ; CP Miss I. re B quality, the smaller and less desivable fish being kept for bait, and Hemstitching on linen, 3--Mrs. T.| Bouquet Gladioli, 6--Mrs. Stinson,| the athers frozen fresh for carly. consumption. The cleaning of Percy, Mrs. W. C. Sonley Mrs. R. Hamilton "{ fish and the preparation of fish steaks is an interestin a E Mrs, . & N «© dlc « « Ss g process. C LEA rR AS A 8 £ [5 yr chen Apron} 7--Mrs. R. Wall, | Coll. Cut Flowers, 4--Miss Mary, This food is handled no more than is necessary, everything he ing i nitted Sox, 4--Mrs. Wm. Forder, Be Ti frun on the endless belt'system. The demand for properly frozen Mrs. J. A. Johnston. | Following are the winners in the| fish is on the increase, and salt fish are but a small item as com : Wig Mit, wens S=Mrs F.| Field Crop C ompetition in Potatoes: | pared with the immense trade in fresh fish. If liquid air free zing 2 Stinson, Mrs. Wm. order. 1 H. Hooe, R. R. Byers, 3 N. H./ ¢ » a ¢ Cis asis y Knitted Mitts, women's, 3--Mrs. A. Marlow, ' 5 See gf Nouns, could be put on a commercial basis, the fish industry would he L. McDermott, Mrs. F. S.tinson. | ¢ W. Heaslip, 7 M. C. Sr | revolutionized. These changes tome in time. Luncheon Cloth and serviettes, 5--| oR) SHOE PITC ia CONTEST After we had seen the freezing and salting-processes, we were Mis, W. <% Soujey, Maz, Fugen. "Doubles--1 Walwin and Richardson, | shown the grinding room, where all the scraps are ground into a . illow Cases, emb., 1a--Mus. Percy, 3 McKay and McKay. meal that looked like a fine chop. This s | Mes Sem, Noshin, Gimed, 10 Singles--1 Walwin, 2 McLaughlin, | What surprised us he was nap: le: anh is oe oh wake fend. iow ases ace 4 -- 4 ¢ € @ an and 10 + Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. Les. Graham. 0 absence of unpleasant smells. A Masterpiece Day Slips, 3--Mrs. Percy VanCamp, BLACKSTOCK ee =~ Mrs. T. Percy. PY \ . given and lunch Serve d: Re: nh Mr. Hooey was a former Blacksto You Can J Patchwork, wool, rs. W.'Canp The following is the annual report by Miss Frances Mount j joy, Mrs. Nor- boy and his parent go en oh ; Pieced Quilt, Soizon, 4--Mrs. Stin-|of the W omen's Auxiliary, St. John's yan Mountjoy, Mrs. Russell Mountjoy, live here. 3 Afford to Own Oy whol irs: F. Stinson. Sry Tae hy Reurstary gta solo by Mies Fimence Fair, A number of the ladies of St Bedspread, emb., 7--Mrs. W. C. Son-| "0 Je + EVE [music by the Armitage sisters and & Johu's Church W. A. met in this town ley, Miss Mary Parr. uring the year. Lhe : A. OL BL very inspiring and enjoyable paper on pair on 1 huisday of last week Quilt, aroshet, 2--Mrs. P. Yantamp, John's Church, Blackstock, held H--¢gmmunity Life by Mr. L. Wannan. quilted four Ri i It ne bi i' pw s 2 Quilt, knitted, 2--Mrs. Jas. Byers, | meetings with an average attendance The October meetin ¢ r i Hee gui 0 be: Sold i » » eting of the A. Y. e bazaar o , We invite your Mrs. J. L. Cryderman of 23. The meetings were held on the p A of 's Church was held at the bazaar on the 7th of Novembe: Comforter, home-made, 6--Mrs. J. ; : P. A. of St. John's Church was held a Mr T. Smith Inspection of this L. Cryderman, Mrs. F. Crozier. third Thursday evening of each month {ha home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ham- | ain mith is visiting' at ~e y Table Mats, crochet, 6--Mrs. Stin-| at the home of the members. Last jjton. on Wednesday evening last with] oC ¢ of her parents Mr. and Mrs, I. W Splendid Radio son, Miss Mary Parr. Mrs. P fall a bale containing two quilts, a, splendid atfendance of members Lamb. . Table Mats, emb., 2--Mrs. Percy. quantity of good second hand clothing ,,4 visitors The seting ned We are very sorry to learn that Sideboard searf, 'white,8 --Mrs. A. ) and visitors. he meeting openc. ; 3 1a L. Byers, Mrs. P. VanCamp. '| and some new, which vost $15.80 was ith devotional exercises conducted | M+ Wm. Venning is suffering from If you wish it, we will dem- Sideboard Cearf, colored, 9--NMrs. F.| sent to the W. A. House, Toronto. In by the president Mrs. Fred Hamilton. mental illness and is at present con i onstrate this machine in Simm ink GEN ary Per, November a bazaar was held, the pro- 1, the business session which followed | fined to the Whithy Hospital. your own home. Mrs. R. Wall ceeds of Yoien Be $209.36, Belts jt was decided to hold another picture The members of the . Woman's 3 i Cushion, A.0.V., 8--Mrs. W.C. Son-| were maec which held 36 coppers and ghow in the town hall on Friday even- | Missionary = Society of the Unite 1 The receiver will be found ley, Mrs. Percy were distributed among the members. jo 10th inst. After the business | Church, are invited to visit the W 1 quite sensitive an very Swedish Emb., 2--Mrs. Percy. From these were realized $11.81. was o aba ' Ang Grog: M. S. of. P yore ; ; , \ . Sofa Pillow 8 Miss F. Parr, Mrs. 5 was completed the following program . of Port Perry, at thefr Rally selective. R. R. Byers. ' Christmas cheer boxes were sent to was given: readings by Mrs. Fred] Service in the Sunday Schéol room The speaker i is of the most Sweater Coat, 2--Mrs. F. Stinson, | the sick and "shut¥ns". Flowers were' familton and Miss Marion Oster, | of the church on Wednosd 1y, October X advanced and improved type re: Perey. Pullover, 1---Mrs. F. Stin- sent to the funeral of two of our de- elocutionist of Oshawa; guitar and{Sth, at 3 pm. and to provile the pro £ The cabinet' is unusually on a! ' aay ceased inkmhers, We take ten copies 4 mouth organ music by Messrs. Percy | gram which will be followed by a 3 tt ti Ladies' Scarf, 5--Mrs. W. C. Sonley, of the "Living Message." One dele- | | and W. Hamilton; two very lively | -ocial half hour. W allracuve. Mrs. Percy. Mr. T, gate was sent to the Annual Conven-: nq interesting contests' won by On Thursday, Seif. 18th, thefe a Re ing, 4--Mrs. F. Stinson, Mrs. Hon and He brought Pack a very ml Marion Oster and Lavern Devitt, and | passed away in Toronto one of Cart : iby and interesting repor Agnes Whittaker and Oriole Edger-] wright's oldest and most highl® re A The price for such a fine 4 Best, Labor Saving Device, Lm, | 30 Fg pe witudy Houk" ume Wii Oriole Fig ight's oldest and most highl® re 3 y pectively. Lunch was served | spected citizens in the person of Mr. % instrument is startlingly low: Tray Cloth, 0M. P. VanCamp, | was taken at each meeting by one of | and the meeting closed with the A.| Jas. Hall. With.the exception of a We Mrs. Wes. Camp the members also messages from the | P.A Sire} 1 . : vi Nightingale, 4--Mrs. Percy, Mrs. A. n Y. . motto and singing Auld Lang] few years his life was "spent on his te Li Me Dariatt, revs bulletin and a reading from the "Liv- Syne. farm 'south of Blahkstock where he id b- Cent spices, knitted, d, 3--Mrs. James Pencil Drawing, 1--Mrs. Sonley. El, Stare 7 Whit: the financial end. A splendid program "God. Speed." Cut Emb. Work, 5--Mrs. W. C. Son- Byers, consisting of the following was then Ci iece, chet, 7--M: Wi them in their loss. entrep croc! --Mrs. Wes. LF oi ~| ley, Miss Ma) Parr. : : Gh Page Work. TMs Ale Usfley fy Mise ) Hil emb, white ,10---Mrs.. Campbell, Mrs. R. R. Byers ; :

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