Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 2 Oct 1930, p. 8

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I a ~~ ee | ik he 4 4 : A AN fs 2 Adc PB RAR CRE SS AS ae Poultry and General Feed We have purchased two carloads of the following feeds at the present low prices, and are prepared to sell part of the consignment. WHEAT WHEAT CHOP OATS ' OAT CHOP Will unload in a few days. ticulars at to prices, etc. PEEL BROS., Port Perry, Ont. -CORN CHOP We have laying mash in stock at our Poultry Plants at all times. BARLEY BARLEY CHOP CUT CORN \ Phone 35J at once for par- THE A large crowd attended the Rally Services at Pleasant Point on Sunday afternoon. The singing was much en- joyed by all. Misses Ella and Ruby Western spent Saturday in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. H. Henderson spent the week end with friends at Aurora. _ Ross Culbert returned home after {spending several weeks at Niagara-on- the-Lake and left on Thursday for To- ronto University. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Jacobs are visit- ing friends at Eden. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Jas. Wilson and Mr. Wallace Thornton in the loss of a kind and loving mother, Ladies' Fur Coats 3 different Shades of Muskrat Taken from Lake Scugog These Coats are to be sold at prices below manufacturers' Come and see them at THE RITE HAT SHOPPE PORT PERRY, ONT. cost. EPSOM | Mr. Findlay Munroe was thrown from a horse one day last week and received a nasty shaking up. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Wm. Asling is able to leave the Hos- pital and is with her sister Mrs. Arm- strong Miss Vera Prentice of New Toronto, is visiting with her father Mr. Wm. Prentice. Mrs. John Lamb, of Uxbridge, was the guest of friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ashton visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. James Ash- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers and family visited on Sunday with Ash- burn friends. We are sorry to hear that Miss Gladys Day is suffering from an at- tack of Infantile Paralyses. We hope GREENBANK Mr. Wright visiting his daughter Mrs. Peter Leask. Miss Ruby Lee who is attending Normal School at Peterboro was home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wells of Bufflo and Mr. Robt. Wells, Niagara Falls, N. Y. visiting at the home of Mr. Harry Hickman on Sunday. Rev. J. G. Miller, Fort Francis and son Ewart of Toronto visited relatives her on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Lee of Toronto visiting his father for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bagshaw and daughter, Vroomanton, visited rela- tives here on Sunday. Service in the United Church on Sunday evening, Oct. 65th, will be con- ducted by Mrs. McIntyre of Toronto, who will show lantern slides on the work of the W.M.S. A special Thank for a speedy recovery. Gyproc this year it PERMANENT PROTECTION MADE from Gypsum rock, Gyproc Wall- board does not burn. And smooth Ivory finish that needs no. decoration Offering will be taken for that organ- ization. Gives has a new . (when panelled) al-/ . partitions of listed below. complete details of this pioneer Canadian fire- safe Gypsum board or write for free interesting book, "Building and Re. modelling with Gyproc." - -- J Ae though you can tint, paper or plaster it if you f Wallboard gives perma- | nent fire protection to | the walls, ceilings and He HA Structurally strong, in- il Te expensive, easily and 3 I quickly put up, Gyproc 1 $ Your dealet's name is Proof AAA TAAL, your home. Ask him for Wallboai FOR SALE BY 3 Cuvee Hardware Co., Port Perry, Ont. ' beautifying their lands. who p d away on Monday, and the remains were laid to rest on Wednes- day afternoon in Riverside cemetery, Lindsay. Mrs. Norman Jacobs spent THurs- day afternoon with Mrs, L. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs, Loy Rogers, Mr. Car- man Rogers, and Miss Florence Rob- ertson, spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Gillsop. Quite a number are suffering from the flu. We hope them a speedy re- covery. Quite a number of men and ladies gathered at the church to clean up the outside, also to lay the rugs on plat- form for the re-opening on Sunday and Monday. Quite a number from Toronto spent the week end at Port Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Philp Ripley, Oshawa, called on friends here over the week- end. Miss Ida Downey, also Mrs. Nellie Downer, of Port Perry, called here recently. Mr. Ray Ripley, of Oshawa, spent the week end with Mr. Lorne Smith, and other friends. Mr. Stanley Hall is serving on the jury in Lindsay this week. The Barn Dance at Mr. Jack Sterns' new steel barn on Friday night was a great succes. There were people pre- sent from Sunderland, Manilla, Osh- awa, Valentia, and other places. A good time was enjoyed by all. Mr. Stuart Hall spent Thursday in Toronto. eee ()( (preeeeem. Myrtle Station ~ Mr. L. L. Ross, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his brother here. Mr. Gordon Pilkey left last week to attend Queen's University, Kingston. Mrs. Scott of Seagrave, is visiting with Mrs. C. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickson have re- turned from spending last week in To- ronto. Mrs. F. Beadle of Toronto, is visit- ing at W. J. Cook's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Tordiff were in Palmerston, last week, attending the «| wedding of a relative. The Ladies Aid will hold a social afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. R. Price, on Tuesday, October 7th. The Rally Day program prepared for Rally Day was carried out last Sunday afternoon, the Sunday School and Church Service being held to- gether. The pastor gave a fine address on "Worship" taking each letter as to illustrate the meaning of the work. Miss Pauline Price had a well trained choir from the primary department to lead the singing. The League has re-opened their meetings for the winter months. Miss Vance had charge last week. The meeting this week is to be a social night. ----) (eens A "BEE" AT UTICA CEMETERIES A few days ago the friends inter- ested in the Utica United Cemeteries gathered for the purpose of further Altogether 17 were present and they worked laboriously from 9 a.m. until the set- ting of the sun. Altogether these cemeteries are by no means spacious, yet the improve- ment on the public highway i8 very evident. An eyesore has been changed into a beauty spot and a dese¥t made to blossom as a rose. Even disinter- ested parties have seen a wonderful transformation in a short period. Unlike many of their sister ceme- teries the Utica United Cemeteries cannot boast of having any wealthy friends who have unlimited resources at their disposal +Who can spend lavishly and never 'miss their bounty. For the most part the friends largely interested in these grounds earn their bread by the sweat of their brow, to whom éven the loss of one day means something. It is a pleasure to see these splendid fellows at their arduous task. They do not continually gaze at the time to mark the hours as they slowly turn; these men are out to accomplish some- thing, nor is their labour in vain. These men are conscious that the PORT PERRY STAR ona Dull Market It does not always pay to sell grain as soon as the threshing is finished. If you have a geod crop and the market is ! Can- \ LG | er 2) . PORT PERRY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1930 |F. W. Brock & Son Chain RED & WHITE Stores reo for THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY FREE RUNNING SHAKER SALT . wa eaeieky ..2 pkgs. for 19¢c. | CLARK'S PORK & BEANS, medium Bite... ..2 for 2lc. AYLMER SOUPS, all kinds except chicken. .......per tin 10ec. GOLD SOAP .....ci.uviiivininnns oa vais ..4 for 19c. see the local manager of adian Bank of Commerce and ar- range a loan until a more favor- / Quaker Crackels, 2 ry 27c. fidence. EEE EE a a) ll Crue jor. able situation presents itself. Our manager is always glad to discuss such problems in con- THE CANADJAN BANK OF COMMERCE with which is amalgamated STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ) highways of Ontario are becoming more cosmopolitan every day. That though they may themselves be un- seen, that the fleeting traveller judges them by their homes, their churches, schools and cemeteries. They are sized up unconsciously a hundred times a day. These few lines are written as a tribute to those faithful toilers whose zeal commends itsef to our praise. Their intention is to honour the merg- ory of a loving parent, brother, sister and friend. They are surely accom- plishing their purpose, but they do more, they are raising a lasting monument to themselves. reenter MYRTLE Mrs. Geo. Painter and children were in Toronto visiting relatives last week. Word was received here last week that Miss Dorcas McFarlan, of Tilson- burg, who underwent an operation for appendicitis recently was sufficiently recovered to be able to return to her home. The Hydro line running from the ninth concession to Mr. Clarence Har- rison's is complete and Mr. Harrison now has his house and outbuildings lighted with electricity. Mr. Deadman who has been occupy- ing Mr. Lowery's cottage south of the village, has moved to Toronto. rn CM brn, ZION NEWS Mrs. Albert Henderson, of Little Britain, visited with her daughter Mrs. Stuart Tall on Sunday. Miss Velma Hall spent Friday in | Lindsay. Mr. Norman Smith motored to Peterboro with a load of hogs on Tuesday. Mr. Wilfred Kitson was a business visitor to Port Perry on Saturday. Mr. Stuart Hall attended 'Barrie SE and Blackstock Fairs during the past week. ' Miss Viola Osborne, of Toronto, is visiting her cousin Miss Gladys Os- borpe. Miss Irene Wickett of Little Britain, spent Sunday with friends here. ji Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thornton and family attended the funeral of his mother in Lindsay on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Moran and Mr. and Mrs. M. MacMillan, of Palestine, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kitson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Beacroft, of To- ronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hall, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tamplyn and Miss Jean, Oshawa, called on friends here Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gilson, of To- this vicinity. Mr. Wilfrid Kitson and Miss Ada Kitson accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Owen Sweetman and family, motored to Toronto, on Monday. Mrs. Annie Downer and Miss Ida Downer, of Port Perry, spent the week end with Mrs, W. J. Hall and attended the re-opening of the church. Rev. John Webtser, of Syracuse, N. | Y., has been visiting his sister Mra, John Hall, Sr. Mrs. Fred Western accompanied by her mother: Mrs. M. Gillson, of Sonya, motored to Lindsay on Wednesday and attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Thornton. Mrs. George Walls, of Toronto, is visiting her mother Mrs. John Hall Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson attended the funeral of her mother the late Mrs Thornton, of Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Hall, accom- panied by Mrs, Fred Western, motored to Bowmanville, recently. Mrs. Stuart Hall attended the fair at Bobcaygeon on Saturday. The Children ~--dreaming : ing of the of the Farm « + « planning . . . think- future, perhaps. Let a Savings Account shape their course. Let them look forward to what money in the bank stock--impl will do. It will buy land-- ements. Open an account for your boy and _help him cultivate the habit of saving. You will like banking at the Royal \ ¥ ronto, spent Sunday with friends in FALCON No. 4 PEAS, regular size tin aia s ies sv por tim 9. JIUTLAND SARDINES ...........ccccovuivinnnne. .2 for 19c. GOLD MEDAL CASTILE SOAP... .. Gi 8 cakes for 25c. QUICK QUA QUAKER OATS, family size ......... hee pkg 27¢. ~ Granulated Sugar, 10 Ibs. 47c. MUFFETS, The Sunshine Cereal ......... ise 2 for 23c. BENSON'S CORNSTARCH ...... ......cc..... 2 pkgs. for 23¢. SOCKEYE SALMON, 111b tin ........... i per tin 39c. STANDARD TOMATOES, large tin ................. 2 for 27c. Ovaltine, sm, 50c, med. 75c¢, large $1.25 INFANTS DELIGHT SOAP .................. 4 cakes for 25c. WHEATLETS ...... .....c..; ci iiiiviinasss 4 1bs for 23c. POCKET MATCHES ...........c....... 0... per dozen 19c. RED & WHITE NAPTHA SOAP .............=....6 cakes 25c. . Red & White Jelly Powd ar, wit FREE 5% White ORANGE PEKOE TEA a, 57c. BORDEN'S MALTED MILK, 160z. ................ per tin 53c. BROCK'S BIRD SEED .................c00uu0e, 1 1b pkg. 19c. 1 BAG RED & WHITE FLOUR, 5 pounds, and 11 JEWEL SHORTENING, ..................... both for 37c Red & White €) Soda Wafers, i: ti m 2 pkgs. 25¢. PURE ORANGE MARMALADE, 40 oz. jar ............... 27c. TENDER JELL ORANGE SLICES ................ per 1b 24c. PUMPKIN, large family size ..................... per tin 14c. GOLDEN SPRAY LOAF CHEESE ................ per 1b 35c. FALCON BRAND SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 12 0z . .......23c. F. Ww. Brock & Son Workmanship NOTICE OF POSTING UP OF VOTERS' LIST Notice is hereby given that I have this day posted up in my office the Voters' List of the Corporation of Port Perry for the year 1930. All parties interested are called upon to examine said List and see that no and govern themselves accordingly. E. H. PURDY, Clerk. Up FORSALE _ Good Winter Onions. Apply to Morley Moase, Phone 148 J. on errors or omissions have been made, | p, Libby's Pork & Beans, 3 cans 25c. A RA RS, Port Perry Phone 43 "QUALITY ALWAYS HIGHER THAN PRICE" "HUGH CAMPBELL MERCHANT TAILOR FALL SUITS and OVERCOATS in the latest styles. Excellent cloths and trimmings. Guaranteed. FKENCH DRY CLEANING Agent for Regent Clothes +"HUGH CAMPBELL : "Northern Spies" FOR SALE Good Nothern Spy Apples--$4.00 a barrel. Apply to Harry Nasmith, Port Perry, Phone 22. le (re WANTED . Reliable woman wishes work by the day. Apply to Mrs. S. Wakford, Port erry. J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist "34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0090 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday, Th day and Saturday, 10 to 12 a.m. Phone 2358 SPECIAL PRICES ON . MEN'S SUITS and Overcoats With a ice Sire of ve pool har there Pa 2 |W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry YY ? "

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