Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 2 Oct 1930, p. 4

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PERSONAL Get the girl and come to the Barn Dance in Uxbridge Arena, Oct. 7th. Billy Hole and His Live Wires will play. Miss Marion Gooderham, nine year old daughter of our local game over- seer, received word from Powassan, that she had been successful in obtain- ing third prize in writing at the Agri- cultural*Fair there. The W. M. 8. of the United Church will'hold their Missionary Rally in the Sunday School Room of the Church, Wednesday, October 8th at 3 p.m. The 'ladies of Blackstock W.M.S. expect to visit us and put on the programme which will be followed by a social half hour. The president would like to see all the members out. On Saturday evening September 27, a number of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. James Malcolm to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Percy Malcolm home from their honeymoon: and bestowed on them many good wishes for their future happiness. 4 A tea and entertainment will be given in connection with the Anniver- sary Services of St. John's Presby- terian Church, on Tuesday, Oct. 21st. Keep the date in mind. Full particu- lars later. We are glad to 1fote that Miss Gert-] rude Stovin is able to be about again after her long illness. Monday evening, Oct. 6th, E. I Gale- will be glad to show the moon to the public through the Port Perry High School Telescope, weather per- mitting. "r Chicken Pie Supper to be held at Bethel Church, gnear Shifley) on Oct. 17th. = Particulars later Port Perry High School sent a good representation to the Inter-School Field Day held at Alexandra -Park, Oshawa, on Wednesday afternoon on this week. Bowmanville, Port Perry, and Whitby High Schools competed. A full report of the events will be published next week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dunlop, of Cold- water were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davey, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Harris have ar- rived home from their honeymoon trip from Vancouver by motor. Ee, .bs™b THORNTON'S CORNERS WIN On Friday evening last Thornton's Corner's Softball team defeated the Courtice team in the final for the championship of Ontario and Durham Counties in the Sunday School Soft- ball League. J m---- OY sien LEAVING TOWN Mrs. Claude Vickery-is leaving town shortly to take up her residence with her children in Toronto. Mrs. Vickery has been a citizen of Port Perry for many years, and has gained the high esteem of Port Perry people for her fine character and brave facing of life's problems. At the store of F. W. Brock & Son, Mrs. Vickery was well known. Her pleasing service gained for her a host of friends, who will always be glad to see her when she makes her visits to our town. In the Ladies' Bible Class of the United Church Sunday School and as an unobtrusive member of that church, Mrs. Vickery was much appreciated. But the children--Clifford and Helen --have grown up; and Port Perry can- not serve their present interests; so they have gone to the city and their mother is going, too. Needless to say, we are sorry to lose them, and shall watch with inter- est their progress-and success, al- ways expecting the best from them, and hoping that life will give them happiness and opportunity for service. ei) Om sarioo CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, October 5th-- 7 11 a.m.--Holy Communion 3 p.m.--Sunday School Friday, 7.45 p.m.--Confirmation elass. 000 A WARNING Two local residents and a man from Hamilton, were placed before the magistrate in Port Perry and con- victed of shooting during prohibited hours. They were assessed $10 and cost. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN ~~, CHURCH Rev. E. E. Annand, B.A., Minister. ~ 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 7 p.m.--Evening Service. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA Service at 2.30 p.m. LAW OFFICE Creer & Humphreys Barristers, Solicitors, ete. © Money to Loan 'Ofice--McCaw Block, Port Perry. Phone 264 Frame house, and three lots, with stable and sheds, on Caleb street, Port Perry, property of the late C. L. Vickery, price $1600. Also 3 lots on Scugog and Ella streets, price $90," For particulars apply to C. A. Vickery, 40 Pine Crescent, Toronto. - july 17, t.£. James Graham Passes on (Saskatoon Star-Phoenix) James Graham, a well-known Sas- katoon district farmer died about 3.30 o'clock on: Friday, September 19th. Death occurred. suddenly. Mr. Gra- ham, who farmed five miles west of Saskatoon on Twenty-second street, had attended a meeting of the session of Cory United church at the home of William Tiffins. He returned home about 11 o'clock apparently in good health. Shortly afterward he was seized by what was apparently a paralytic stroke. Two doctors were called but he was beyond medical aid. Mr. Graham was widély known as a judge at plowing matches and in sheep, cattle 'and hog classes. He had assisted the extension department of the University of Saskatchewan in this capacity from the beginning of the work of that institution. Mr. Graham who was 67 years of age, leaves a widow, three sons, and four daughters. Clark M., and Ken- neth Graham reside on their father's farm. - The Rev. W. J. Graham is minister of the United Church at Kel- vington. Daughters are Mrs. Leo Pollock, of this city, and Mrs. B. Pol- lock, Mrg. D. J. Binnington, and Mrs. Bruce Ackerman residing on nearby farms. The funeral was from Cory United Church. Mr. Graham was a former farmer near Saintfield, and a brother of Mr. Wm. Graham, of Port Perry. --000-- me Malcolm-Graham A charming house wedding cere: mony was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham, 41 Willard Ave. Ottawa, on Saturday evening, Sept. the twentieth, when Vera Adele Gra- ham was united in marriage to Percy Lewis Malcolm, of®Joronto, son of Mrs. Malcolm and the late James Malcolm, of Port Perry. The rooms of the residence were at- tractively adorned with palms, ferns, asters, gladioli and roses. Rev. G. I. Campbell officiated and Mrs. Thos. Dawson, cousin of the bride, presided at the piano playing the bridal numbers in a most impres- sive manner. During the signing of the register"Miss Isabel Smith, sang "Until" sweetly. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was attended by her sister Miss Eileen Graham as bridesmaid, while Mr. Marshall Malcolm, a brother of the groom, was groomsman. The bride was lovely in her wedding gown of ivory bridal satin modelled on long lines with a train, and she wore a tulle veil, the folds held in place on her head in cap effect and adorned with clusters of orange blos- soms. She carried a bouquet of roses and lily-of-the-valley. The bridesmaid was dressed in a pretty gown of green chiffon and carried pink roses and asters. ' Among the thirty guests who were present for the ceremony, and recep- tion which followed were the follow- ing from out-of-town: Mrs. Malcolm, mother of the groom; Miss Orma Gra- ham, of Montreal, sister of the bride; Mr. Emmerson Paige, of Montreal; Mrs. Jones, of Toronto; Mrs. Joblin, of Nestleton; Miss Eunice Malcolm and Mr. Marshall Malcolm, of Port Perry; Mr. Austin Mitchell, of To- ronto. : After a' buffet luncheon, during which a toast was proposed by Rev. Mr. Campbell and amiably responded to by the 'gropm, the happy couple left by motor for Montreal. From there they will take a boat trip down the Saguenay River. The bride wore a very becoming brown transparent velvet suit for traveling, with a brown velvet hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm will take up residence on Montye Avenue, Toronto. ee 000mm SOME CAPACITY (Montreal Gazette) The six-foot ditch-digger of Saska- toon who consumed 'eighty-one large green apples, cores and all, on a bet, and then asked for bread and bologna sausage, seems determined to keep the doctor away for the rest of his - Ro ef ns TY RUA avs THE Winter. Don't Be Too Late !! AFTER THE SNOW FALLS, you will say-- 'I wish we had those storm sash installed to SAVE THE FUEL this winter." NOW is the time: we are prepared to give you a price on storm sash-- completely installed on your house--glazed, and painted any color--hardware and labour supplied. Let us help you save on your fuel bill THIS Motor Truck Delivery. Sam. N: Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 Day or Night Port Perry PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS DAY On Wednesday, September 24th, the Port Perry High School, held "their annual Sports Day at the local Fair Grounds. Although rain had threat- ened earlier in the morning, by 10.30 a.m. the sun appeared and it remained fine for the rest of the day. The pupils were pleased to find some of the peo- ple of the village in attendance as they vied with one another for fop place. By 3.30 in the afternoon the sports had all been completed and the champions announced. B. Smallman and A. Crozier won the senior and junior boys' championships respective- ly, while Alice Hayden and Marjory Pyatt, won the girls' championships. Following the sports a fast baseball game was played between the Port Perry boys and Sunderland Continua- tion School, the home team winning by 16-8. The Boys' Senior events resulted as follows: 100 yard dash--1 Tom Harris, 2 B. Smallman, 3 W. Phoenix. 220 yard dash--1 B, Smallman, 2 W. Phoenix, 3 M. Black. 440 yard dash--1 B. Smallman, 2 T. Harris, 3. A. Cawker. 1 Mile run--1 E.-Lee, 2. M. Black, 8 L. Burton. Running High Jump--1 S. Beare, 2 R. Willan, 3 T. Harris. Standing Broad Jump--1 T. Harris, 2 A. Cawker, 3 R. Ewers. Running Broad Jump--1 T. Harris, 2 B. Smallman, Hop, step and jump--1 B Smallman, 2 T. Harris, 8 S. Beare. ? Pole Vault--1 R. Willan, 2 Don. Shepherd, 3 M. Black Shot Put--1 D Shepherd, 2 B Small- man, § M. Black. Relay Race--Fifth Form. The Boys' Junior Events 100 yard dash--1 A. Crozier, 2 E. Hood, 3 G. Wanamaker 220 yard dash--1 A. Crozier, 2 A. Smith, 3 G. Wanamaker. 440 yard--1 A. Crozier, 2 R. Car- negie, 3 R. Oke. Half mile--1 A. Smith, 2 S. Small- man, 3 E. Nasmith. = High Jump--1 R. Carnegie, 2 J. St. John, 3 J. Cooney. Standing Broad Jump--R. Carnegie, 2 A. Crozier, 3 E. Hook. > Running Broad--1 A. Crozier, 2 R. Carnegie, 3. J. Cooney. Hop, Step and Jump--1A. Crozier, 2 R. Carnegie, 3 E. Nasmith. Pole Vault--1 J. Cooney, 2 R. Car- negie, 3 S. Smallman. Shot Put--R. Carnegie, 2 W. Caw- ker, 3 G. Wanamaker. : Events for Girls at Track Meet Senior Running High Jump--1 D. Murray, 2 D. Nasmith, 3 M. Mitchell. 'Running Hop, Step and Jump--1 A. Hayden, 2 M. Mitchell, 3 D. Balfour. Runnng Broad Jump--1 D. Murray, 2 A. Hayden, 3 M. Mitchell. Standing Broad Jump--1 A. Hayden 2 M. Mitchell, 3 D. Murray. 100 yard dash--1 A. Hayden, 2 M. Mitchell, 3 D&Murray. Softball for distance--1 F. Raines, 2 D. Murray, 3 A. Hayden. Softball for target--1F. Raines, 2 D. Nasmith, 3 M. Mitchell. Basketball for distance-- D. Balfour 2 F. Christie, 3 A. Hayden. High J Junior came 2 G ig! um] . e, . Hood, 3 L. Kight. 2 Hop, Step and Jump--S. Nind, V. Nasmith and M. Pyatt, oa), Running Broad Jump--S. Nind, 2 R. Willard, 3 D. Williams, Standing Broad Jump--1 M. Pyatt, 2 V. Nasmith, A. Balfour. 100 yard dash--1 I. Milner, 2 M. Pyatt, 3 S. Nind and 'A. Balfour, equal Softball for distance--1 J. Harrison, 2 G. Hood, J. Cummi i Softail for an ; . Cumm and M. Tinsley, equal. Basketball for distance--1 J. Cum- mings, 2 R. Willard, 8 R. McCrea. Relay (form event)--1 IV Form, 2 1 Xorm, Sa n--S. Nind and M. unior mpio! = . Junor Champion--S. Nind and M. Pyatt, equal. The form obtaining the most points was Form V. #1 Altred N. And Supplies. Prince Albert Mss Lillian Murphy is holidaying with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith took in Blackstock Fair on Saturday. Mr. Knapp, of Frankfort, visited at the home of Mrs. Leonard Smith, recently. Miss Gertrude Martyn who has been visiting friends in Toronto has returned home. Sunday visitors of the Misses Tewksbury were: Mrs. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs, McDonald, Toronto, Mrs. Stevens , Mr. and Mrs. Whittle of Whitby. At present Mrs. Van Epps of Michigan is their guest. Mr. and Mrs. R. Young of Toronto are visiting Mrs. E. Spurr. Some twelve children of this village are in attendance at the Port Perry High School. Mrs. Reuben Bond is making her daughter, Mrs. E. Andrews of Toronto a-visit., | The Rally Day service at the Church was encouraging. A goodly number of children were in attendance and they sang their part of the program very well indeed. Next Sunday after the preaching service Communion service will be held. On Monday evening the Fourth Class girls of the Port Perry Public School came to Prince Albert and played a game of softball with the Dar of the Prince Albert School. It was played in the school yard. The game .was close and quite exciting the local girls carrying off the honors. The score was 13 to 12. mrs ~~ The Rite Hat Shoppe invite you to their showing of Felt and Velvet Hats. 'The two leading materials in the smartest fall cloors. All types may be suited from the youthful girl to the matron-- the beret shape, double brim, off-the-face effects, all combine to make the selection unusually smart. Chenille Tams, 96c., Kiddies Hats, $1.95, Misses Hats, $1.95 to $2.95. We are going to dispose of the Shoe and Furnishing end of the Business. Everything wil] be sold at sacrifice prices, starting October 4th We have a well assorted stock of the best lines of merchandise . that money can procure. This will be a great opportunity to purchase goods at less than wholesale prices. € 3 We are going to devote all our time to the Grocery, Fruit, Provisions. Flour and Feed Business. genuine osing qut sale. ~ Superior Chain Stores | Monster Clearing Sale | $12,000 Stock of Merchandise going to be Slaughtered This will be a JAS. McKEE POSITION WANTED / Woman wanting position, keeping house. Apply Star Office. ret Oren EXCHANGE Will exchange good, strong, young horse for cow. Phone 168. Walter Bown, Cochrane St., Port Perry. © me (Ur WHITEWASHING Cellars, stables, chicken houses, whitewashed with a power sprayer. Large or small jobs will receive prompt attention. If you live in the vicinity of Whitby, leave word with Wm. Maw, or see E. Colborne, 116 Division St., Oshawa, Ont. oc Ops ALMOST AS GOOD The car had come to a sudden standstill on a country road. The motorist descended, diagnosed the trouble, and then applied at a neigh- ing cottage for assistance. "Pardon me," he said to the old woman who answered his knock, "do you by any chance possess any lubri- cating oil?" The old woman shook her head. "Any oil will do," said the motorist, hopefully; "castor oil, if you have any." "I ain't got it," said the old woman, regretfully, "but I could fix you up a dose of salts." new and better. George MATINEE every Saturday H. SHULMAN, STRAND THEATRE, UXBRIDGE "The Home of Clean Entertainment." WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, October 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Carmel Byers and Jack Egan in "BROADWAY SCANDALS" A talking, singing and dancing picture. ; Something Also good TALKING COMEDY. SATURDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY, October 4th, 6th, and 7th Sidney & Charles Murray in "The Cohens and Kellys in Scotland." The funniest rip-roaring film of 1980. Sensation of the season--talking, singing, dancing. Children 10c. Bring the family. at 2.80 p.m. -- Addlts 20c. PROPRIETOR nti LUMBER, Shingles Radio Service and | and Tile, Lumber, Coal, Wood We have on hand at all times a full line of D. L. & W. SCRANTON ANTHRACITE COAL, and Alberta Coal, the size and qual- ity as recommended by the Dominion Gov- ernment for use in Ontario. = Coke, Steam Coal, Body Wood, and Slabs. Asphalt--, Plaster, Lime, Cement, Brick, MARMILL FEED. MOTOR TRUCK DELIVERY Bell Phone--73 W. | FRED E. REESOR, Port Perry -- Wood, Metal or & SON, Ladies' Slickers, Men's Good Work Boots Ladies* Flat Crepe Dresses detachable, 9| Girls' Fine Serge Pleated Skirts, i We have a full line of Boys' and Girls Boots and Shoes, clothing very reasonable prices. shopping. A good selection of Fall and very reasonable prices. COAL COKE ABLACK BUSINESS W.G.W. Pvarr W. G, W. PYATT FOUND--Four Keys on ring. Apply at Star Office. : \ --) Ons TO RENT Furnished or part furnished house on John St, Port Perry. See A. D. Peters, Port Perry, Phone 234 Oct 2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of Nancy Miller, Deceased. Pursuant to Sec. 51 of Chapter 150 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1927, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Nancy Miller, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Widow, who died on or about the 29th day of June A.D. 1930, are, op or before the 30th day of October A.D. 1930, to send by post, prepaid, to Harris & Harris, Port Perry, solrs, for Thos. H. Watson, Lucinda Ryan and Charles J. Moase, executors of the last Will and Testa- ment and codicil thereto of the said deceaged their 'christian names and surnarhes, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and that after the day last aforesaid the said executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received. by Harris & Harris at the time of such distribution. Dated at Port Perry, Ont., this 25th day of September A.D, 1980. HARRIS & HARRIS, Solicitors for Estate of Nancy Miller, deceased. eee) Q Oe. FOR SALE -. 4 burner gasoline stove and oven, 2 Coleman gasoline lamps. Apply to Cedar Lodge, Prince Albert. Oct9 PORT PERRY Port Perry Dominion Bargains for this Week End Men's Leatherette Raincoats and slickers Yeniea wisn valve aie na Special $2.25 Men's Fine Blue Serge Suits, reg. $20.00... Men's Good Wool Work Sox, .... Ladies' Fine House and Street Dresses Girls' Middies, made of good cloth, serge collar and cuffs Store * sie sivsinn en sina glA4y eee Special $14.95 RT ...Special $3.39 .......Special 3 pairs 69c. verse Special $5.95 MATE Special 75c¢. ....Special $1.26 Vliet ea Special $1.25 Examine our goods and compare our prices before you do your Winter Goods going to be sold at ALIX. GILBOORD, Proprietor WOOD TILE Best grades of Hard Coal, Coke, Can- nel Coal, Steam Coal, Hardwood and Hardwood Slabs, Soft Wood, Cement and Lime. A car of Alberta Coal just arrived, lump size, specially prepared for On- tario use. This is the best month to put in your next wintgr's coal. Phone your order. Our truck service ensures prompt de- livery anywhere: THE PORT.PERRY COAL YARD Phones: Office 94; Residence 233 FOR SALE AT JUBILEE PUMP WORKS, PORT PERRY Now is the 'time to buy cheap heaters. Several heaters, one with oven; a box stove and a kitchen range. See us for any thing in the line of pumps, wood or iron. 'A. D. PETERS Phone 234, Port Parry. --l Ore t FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse Lighting -Plant--- 100 light--good shape. Will be sold very cheap for cash. Owner is in- stalling hydro. A quantity of Wealthy Apples for sale. Apply to Wilmot 'Walker, Reach Tp., Phone 153 r 5. Oct 2 mr {JO Osten EXCHANGE 3 piece Chesterfield Suite, and one livestock. Apply F. E. Hutton, 21 Norwood Road, Toronto Oct 2 'MARKET Re-Opening Port Perry Market will be re-opened for weekly 'sales each Thursday morning, - The usual buyers will be on hand. Eyes Examined By the most Modern Methods F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. W. BE. LUKE, R. 0. 163-167 Yonge St. Higin tom Opp. Bimpoons Wilton Rug, 9 ft. x 10 ft ($100) for - » 2 iw bo {0

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