Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 18 Sep 1930, p. 4

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town on Frjday, ) uch APPLES FOR SALE. from basket. reo 170, Port Perry PERSONAL ~ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Platten and son of Toronto, and Mrs. Breen, were in renewing old ac- quaintances. It is thirty one years since Mr. Platten left Port Perry. He thinks the old home town is looki or a large {|| FOR SALE Port Perry, property of the late C. L. Vickery, price $1600. Also 3 to C. A. Vickery, 40 Pine Cresent, Toronto. ; july 17, tL. better. ACNE (NARI Mr. Thos. Dixon, who was seriously injured in an automobile accident, and who has been for some weeks at Port Perry Hospital, has sufficiently re- covered to be able to return to his home in Markham. Latest reports are that Mr. Joseph Wilson, who was badly injured re- cently, is doing fairly well, and may recover. 2 Miss Irva Nott left this week for Toronto where she will attend Normal School. Mrs. (Rev.) Black and Evelyn, of Broadview, Sask., have been visiting for a few days with Mrs. 1. R. Bentley. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Michel, Clifton, N. J., are visiting with the latter's sister, Mrs. Aaron Williams, . Mr. McEachern is . Leaving for o Trinidad The Bank of Commerce staff re- ceived word from Mr. McEachern (formerly of this branch) that he had been moved to Port of Spain, Trinidad, where he is to take the position of accountant. Mr. McEachern, who leaves shortly, sends a message of ap- preciation to all his friends. We all join in good wishes for his success. er ea Oi Mark Twain once asked a neighbour if he might read a set of his books. The neighbour replied ungraciously that he was welcome to read them in his library, but he had a rule never to let a book leave the house. Some weeks later the same neighbour sent over to ask for the loan of his lawn mower. "I shall be very glad to loan you my lawn mower," said Mark Twain, but since I make it a rule never to let it leave my lawn, you will be obliged to use it there." - ie) OO mms NEW PLAN LAUNCHES (Ontario Agricultural Bulletin) The re-establishment of the hog- raising industry in Eastern Canada by the liberal utilization of coarse grains grown in Western Canada, thus also assisting the West to solve the problem of marketing its crops, is the underlying idea of plans now in the course of development by the Western Wheat Pools, the Eastern live stock interests and the packers, with the aid of the Ontario and Do- minion Departments of Agriculture, and the O. A. C. A representative of the grain growers has already been visiting various parts of Ontario with a view to organizing for the distribu- tion to live stock breeders of coarse grain feeds of which there is now a large surplus tied up in terminal ele- vators. + In this way it is hoped that Canada may recapture her former fine export market for bacon, hams and other pork products. At the same time a domestic market will be pro- vided for barley, oats and lower grade wheat produced in Western Canada, thus easing the marketing problem of the West at times when grains are slow to move. According to the plan, these grains will be made available at any point in Ontario at equalized prices and an assurance given the stock-raiser that he will be able to obtain such grain every month in the year at a com- parative level with world prices. Tt is hoped that new stimulus will be given the live stock industry by the inauguration of this program. TE ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN ; 'CHURCH _ Rev. E. E. Annand, B.A., Minister. SOUTH ONTARIO 8. 8. SOFTBALL LEAGUE At last South Ontario Sunday School League has declared a winner. At the end of the regular schedule, Lhornton's Corners and Whitevale were in joint possession of first place. Home and home games were decided on; the first at Thornton's Corners was a win tor the nome team. The second gare, which was played at whitevale, was called off at the 8th inning because of darkness with the score Y-Y. When this game was re- played, Whitevale succeeded in mak- ing a win. This necessitated a 4th game, On Firday night, Sept. 6th, these 2 good teams met on neutral ground, vhe ball field at Port Perry, being the scene of hostilities, By the end of the ord inning, the Thornton's Corners team had succeeded in scoring three times while Whitevale had nothing but goose eggs. However by the end of the 4th, the score was 3-3 and it was anybody's game. Thornton's Corners again forged ahead in the 6th inning and held the lead till the end of the game. Whitvale kept plug- ging away and kept in the running until the 8th inning when a couple of nice hits and the odd error netted the winners 5 runs. The 9th was similar to the 8th and the final score was 14-8, Durham County League has not de- clared a winner at time of writing. It is expected, however, that the Courtice: team will represent their League. The Durham County cham- pions will meet the winners of eur League (Thornton's Corners) in a sudden death game at Brooklin Com- munity Field this coming "Friday, September 19th. Game called at 5.16 (S.T.) In case of rain the game will be played Saturday night. The boys from the East are playing fast ball and Thornton's Corners are worthy champions of the local league. Let everybody be out to cheer Ontario County Champions to victory. Ad- mission 15c. Children free. ------(( (meen The business of improving business conditions is every- body's business. liach dollar spent gives added opportun- 1Ly of a aoliar vo be returned to the spender, 'Lhe dollars we spend are the dollars that show our faith in Canada, and our willingness todo our share to keep everybody busy, Be ..,._l inp f REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mr. Wesley Boynton has put through the following real estate transfers re- cently. The Walter Moase farm at Finger- board has been sold to Mr. Jewel, of Sunderland. Possession in March. The James Mowat house on the Avenue in Port Perry, has been sold to Mrs. George Colton. Mrs, Wallace Bruce has sold Ber house to Mr. McMillan of Port Perry. hie pide REPORTS REQUESTED With the coming of the fall season, all kinds of societies and fraternal organizations will be resuming their activities. The Port Perry Star is anxious to publish reports of all or- ganization meetings, and requests that secretaries and press reporters will send in their reports promptly, either in writing or by telephone to No. 50. NA Sl DIED RODMAN--On Sunday, September 14th, 1980, at the residence of her son- in-law, Albert Mills, 52 GuestvilleAve, Mount Dennis, Matilda Rodman, widow of the late James Rodman, late of ort Perry, in her 79th year. A IE PORT PERRY SCHOOL FAIR, SATURDAY, SEPT. 20 Word has been received from the Dept. of Agriculture, that Port Perry School Fair will be held on Saturday, September 27th. Parents and others at the school Sounds. We believe i in givin every customers x Wie nt and to treat him exactly as we would wish t6 be treated ourselves. We believe in giving the biggest values quickest and most helpful service; and the lowest prices consistent with quality. these things, let's get together. . little--a square dea and the It you believe in -- Estimates free, Motor Truck Delivery. Sam. N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 Day or Night Port Perry CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, Sept. 4th-- 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 11 a.m--Mornin Service. Friday, at 8 p.m.--Weeknight service EPSOM Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ackney and fam- ily and Mrs. Mervyn Christie, Utica, visited on Sunday at Mr. F. Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pogue and family visited on Sunday with friends on Scugog Island. . Mrs. Wm. Asling, who underwent an operation in Port Perry Hospital last week for goitre, is, we are pleased to say improving. Miss Hazel Ackney of Scugog Is- land, at her home over the week end. Miss Philp spent the week end at her home in Sunderland. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Jos.. Wilson at the time of writing is improving as well as can be expected. He is in St. Michael's Hospital The new wire fence around the church grounds is now completed and adds much to its appearance. M.r and Mrs.-Bert Emblein, of New Torento, visited on Sunday. with friends here. Miss Doris Pogue who' has been 'with her grandmother Mrs. Collins, of Scugog, for some time, returned home on Sunday, much improved in health, THE STRAND THEATRE UXBRIDGE Special Re-opening Picture Thursday, Sept. 25th, and Friday, Sept. 26th New Pictures Saturday, Sept. 27th, Monday, Sept. 29th, Tuesday, Sept. 30th THE STRAND has a good reputation as the "Home of Clean Entertainment." A fine choice of pictures is given, and film fans alwa enjoy an evening at T i STRAND THEATRE. H. SHULMAN, 5 GREENBANK Mr. Cecil Arborne of Brock has rented Mr. R. Real's farm and will take possession on the 1st of March. Mr, Clarke has rented his brother's farm at Pinegrove. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Collingwood, Mr: and Mrs. Hollinger, Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie, Mr. and" Mrs. Lacelle and children of Toronto, visited Mr. and 'Mrs. C. Whitter on Sunday. Two car loads of people came from Toronto on Saturday afternoon and had 'a corn roast and entertainment at Mr. T. Sharps' Tourist Camp, in the evening, remaning over until Sun- day night. Mr. D. Ianson and family are mov- ing into their new home this week. 'Mr. and Mrs, Harold Cragg and son of Toronto visited at the home of W. Phoenix over the week end. Mr. Harry Phoenix of Toronto visit- ed relatives here on Sunday. Mrs. W. Whiteford, Toronto visited Mr. R. Cragg on Sunday. Miss Aletha Cragg visited her home home here over the week end. Miss Ruby Lee has gone to Peter- borough where she will attend Normal School. i Mr. C. Whitter has sold two build- ing 'lots on Greenbank Gardens to Mr. John Stone and two to Mr. Lorne UTICA Anniversary to be held in the near future, Mr. Allie Christie has rented Mr. Arthur Reynold's farm and will take possession in the spring. Mr. Geo. Welch vistied his daughter Mrs. W. Brown on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Verna of Uxbridge with Mr. and Mrs. C. Greer. Mrs. Jas. Bentley and Gordon at- tended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. W. Brown, Stratford. Mr. C. W. Lakey in Peterbor, on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid of the United Church, are holding a Bazaar on Oct. 28th, Mr. Jno. Dalton and Mr. Charles Dalton, of Scott Township, visited Mr, Harry Davis, on Sunday. Pleased to report Mr. John Pickard is some better. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parrott and fam- ily visited at the home of his grand- father Mr. A. Stevens. Mr. Reesor and friend, of Markham, visited Mr. B. McKercher, on Sunday. Sit Orem Mark Twain refused to play golf himself, but he once consented to watch a friend play. The friend was rather a .duffer. Teeing off, he sent clouds of earth flying in all directions. Then, to hide his confusion, he said to his guest: "What do you think of our We Have large quantities.of broken lines . to clear away below cost... : fon School Days Are Here -- Every person aE should be well shod for wet weather. This is your opportunity. All other lines at close prices. call and be convinced. JAS. McKEE FOR SALE Good Baby Carriage and Sulky, both in good condition. Cheap. Apply to S. Arnold, Prince Albert. og | ----e OQ eens .. CLERK'S NOTICE 'OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIS Voters' Lists, 1930. Municipality of Reach, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of The Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Manchester; on the 6th day of September, 1930, the list of all persons entitled to vote in thee said Municipality at icipal and that-such list remains there for. inspection. And .I hereby call. upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors 'or omissions corrected ac-]| cording to law, the last day for ap- peals being the 27th day of September 1930. Dated at Manchester this 12th day of September, 1930. W. F. DOBSON, Clerk of the Municipality. -- HELP WANTED Good reliable woman wanted for housework. Apply to Mrs. Pyatt, Port Perry, Phones 94-or 233. roi O------ WINTER APPLES Northern Spies delivered in town when picked, $4.00 a barrel, or 50c. a large basket. McIntosh Red windfalls for cooking 25¢ or hand picked b60c. a large basket delivered. Phone 22 or speak to Malcolm. H. C. Nasmith. rte) (J (reer STRAYED to the premises of Mrs. J. Hurnliam.} Port Perry, a young collie dog. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. HL La AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and implements, the property of Mr. George Williams, lot 8, concession 1, Reach Township, an Friday, September 26th. Sale at one o'clock. i Geo. Jack & Son, Aucti 8 NT CAT PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH. Sunday, September 21st-- 10 a.m.--Sabbath School. 11 a.m.--Worship Service. 7 p.m.--Worship Service. Prince Albert Church-- 1.45 p.m.--Sabbath School. PROPRIETOR links here, Mr. Clemens?" "Best I i ever tasted," said Mark Twain, as he wiped the dirt form his lips. are invited to attend this annual 'event a 3 p.m.--Worship Service The e plac where & SON, "| Ladies' Slickers, ...... detachable, ............ very reasonable prices. " shopping.' i COAL ABLACK BUSINESS COKE pow Fipm TAT THE PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G, W. PYATT FOR EXCHANGE Toronto Bungalow, East end, for house and small acreage, preferably Port Perry Dominion Store Bargains for this" Week End Men's Leatherette Rairnicoats and slickers Si kh Men's Fine Blue Serge Suits, reg. $20. 00... vveeeaassSpecial $14.95 Men's Good Work Boots .........eeeteeaessen... Special $3.89 Men's Good Wool Work Sox, LI Special 3 pairs. 69c. Ladies' Flat Crepe Dresses ..... Ladies" Fine House and Street Dresses ............Special 75c. Girls' Middies, made of good cloth; serge collar and cuffs SaaS Special $1.25 Girls' Fine Serge Pleated Skirts, avs vravaess vs rua Special $1.25 We have a full line: of Boys' and Girls Boots and Shoes, clothing ...Special $2.25 ~ .Special $5.95 Examine our goodevand compare our prices. before you do your ALIX. GILBOORD, Proprietor : pha Phone 177 WOOD TILE Best grades of Hard Coal, Coke, Can- nel Coal, Steam Coal, Hardwood and Hardwood Slabs, Soft Wood, Cement and Lime, A car of Alberta Coal just arrived, lump size, specially prepared for On- tario use. This the best month to put in your nert winter's coal. Phone your order. .Our truck service ensures prompt de- livery anywhere. Phones: Office 94; Residence 233 AWNINGS Window Awnings, Verandah Curtains, C: ies, Tents, Flags. near small town. Write part to E. E. Morrison, Prince Albert, Ont. FOR SALE 4 burner gasoline stove, oven, Cole- Lodge, Prince Albert, Ont, ee OQ APPLES FOR SALE man, 2 gagolinelamps, cheap. . Cedar |. T. TAYLOR 475 YONGE ST, TORONTO Local Agent--G. A. HALL, Phone 96. pen (ens FOR SALE One young heavy horse, one driving = mare, Allis-Chalmer Tractor, two Wagons, _and all Jarm implements, 'one motor boat. Wealthy, 30¢ basket, 26c. basket, Colberts, 26¢ basket, de-| h livered--good clean fruit. Apply to Eddie Abbott, Port Perry. MA HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Middle aged woman. Apply at Star These will all be sold cheap. Walter Bown, Cochrane Street, Port Perry, Phone 168 septdt.f. Farm for Sale 160 acres--one half mile west of Manchester and cement highway, lot 10, con. 5, Reach Township. Good house, hard and soft water. Large hip-roof bank barn. Implement house. Very fertile clay and sandy loam, 100 °

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