Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 12 Jun 1930, p. 4

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PERSONAL |! | Mrs. Edward E. Annand will be at home at the Manse on the third and tourth Friday of each month. COMING--Dr. F. E. Luke, Opto- metrist, at A. M. Lawrence's drug store; Port Perry, on Thursday, June 19th. Encyclopedia Britannica was com- piled by Moyer and 3500 contributors: it cost over $2,000,000 and is the out- standing editorial achievement of the age. The Public Library of Port Perry has added a copy of this valu- able works to its reference section and with it a beautiful reading table. Mrs. James McFarlane is leaving for the West and is going to Edmon- ton to visit her sister. You are cordially invited to a re- cital given by pupils from the studio of Miss Lucille B. Leask, A.T.C.M.,, to be held in the United Church, Port Perry, on Friday evening, June 20th, | Geo. Hall .. at 8 o'clock. Orchestra .. Mr, Grant Real has gone to Flint, Mes, Brooks ....., Mich., for a couple of months. Mrs, Asher uous ravnyer dvs F. Shepherd ......ccivveunins Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCaw have | Postage returned home after spending a plea- | Microphone .........c...c000 sant winter in Florida, Telephone Dr. Fletcher Penhall, of Morton, oo ha Minn; and his daughter Mrs. Tippy, of MeKay Dairy Detroit; and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gerrow's renhall, of Southerland, B.C., are}. . visiting with Miss L. Penhall M: Mooney * Rent ......... Taxi... 40 PORT PERRY UNITED C HURG H Printing ....c0ivivsvvadnensns Lundy, June 15th-- Sabbath "Echoes erence." oa 11 am. School. . a.m, from WU pam, r vice, ship. Special music by the choir, assisted by Mr, School Orchestra, Evéning service withdrawn. Pripce Albert 1 p.m.--Sabbath School. Worship Service withdrawn, BOWLING TOURNAMENT The following were the winners in the Port Perry Bowling Tournament of last week: 1. First nedy, of Uxbridge. 2; High Scare--two wins--Ab. Mille, Uxbridge. 3. High Score--one win--E. H. Purdy, Port pores: 00 eims MONSTER ST REET DANCE The Port Perry, Reach, and Scugog putting on e at Port Perpy, on July music to be furnished by George Wade and his Corn Huskers-- (Agricultural Aociety, ar a street da violins, saxaphone, piano, drums, there were many who saw no change trumpet, banjo, ete. Dancing from 91. 1.0 .ondition. His illness took its p.m. to 1 a.m,, standard time. Dancing most serious turn on Wednesday of 50c. each, others 25¢. Old and modern | pis week, when a heart attack caused dance tunes. much anxiety. Deceased was in his cei ID ciminn CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Trinity Sunday, June 15th-- 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Service, Friday, 7 W. A. of Toronto Diocese (Anglican) was held last week at St. George's Church, Oshawa, to give members liv- ing outside Toronto, a chance to at- tend. Two car loads from Port Perry W. A. attended, also members from Uxbridge, Markham and other places. Interesting reports of the work of the W. A. were presented. an adjournment was made to the church for prayer and an address by the rural dean. In the afternoon Archdeacon Fleming of the Arctic told of the work being done amongst the Esquimaux and of a hospital to be built this year in Baffin Land. all present. _ ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rey. E: E. Annand, B.A., Minister. Junday, June 15th-- 11 a.m.--Morning Service. 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m~--Evening Service. BREADALBANE CHURCH, UTICA "Service at 2.30 p.m. ' LAW OFFICE the Con- Special Oddfellow ser- Warriner Lodge and visit- ing brethren will parade and wor- Barton McTag- gart, of Toronto, and the Sunday of Janetville. high score, three wins-- Lamb, of Lindsay; second--Jos. Ken- Ab p.m., Week-night esrvice. The monthly board meeting of the At noonday It was very interesting and much enjoyed by |' SEAGRAVE SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY Sunday, June 16, the Rev. Mr. Ed- munds, of Uxbridge, will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Music in morning by children, in evening by Greenbank choir, Monday, June 16th--Sports for old and young. Tea served from 6 to 8. At 8.15, a play, "Sonny Jane" will be presented by Greenbank young people. Admission 50c. Children 2bc. NOTICE Any one who has not filed their ac- count with Port Perry Hockey Club, do so before June 156th. After which date the present officers will not be responsible. J. A. Mathers, Sec.-Treas. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE PORT PERRY HOCKEY CLUB DANCE Expenses Oil and Cartage Prizes Total expenses Receipts PROFIT Mr. J. Weir, of the Sebert House, is to be congratulated upon the im- proved appearance of his premises to the north of the hotel. Mr. Weir has also put in a pool table for the enter- tainment of his patrons ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AND GARDEN PARTY AT LOTUS Services on Sunday, June 15th, at 7 p.m. conducted by Rev. R. Patterson, Special music. Garden Party on Monday, June 1C. Supper, Sports and a good program. Adults 5c. Children 25c. JOD ime -Obituary (Ingersoll Tribune) WILLIAM C. FORMAN, DECEASED Many residents of Ingersoll were shocked last night to hear of the death of W. C. Forman, who passed away at the family residence, Duke street, after an illness of which few were aware. While it was known to intimate friends that his health had been failing the past two months, 77th year. Born at Port Perry, Mr. Forman came to Ingersoll many years ago, and was in business here for more than forty years, conducting a'gen- 'l eral drygoods business during that term under the trade name of The Fair. In this way, he had been long and actively. engaged in the business life of Ingersoll. He took a deep in- terest in all the business affairs of Ingersoll, and was never slow to ex- press his opinion on matters that had to do with the general good of the community. Prior to Union, deceased was an outstanding member of St. Paul's Presbyterian church. He went with the Unionists into the congregation of Trinity United church and here too, had exhibited his marked interest in church affairs. He was also an ar- dent worker in the cause of temper- ance, and coupling this with his church work, gave largely of his time. He had also been a member of the Board of Education here for some voted the same serious interest to all his work in that behalf. Some two or three years ago Mr. very serious operation at that time gave him renewed health and vigor. He spoke freely of his wonderful re- covery and often stated to friends that he felt much better than he had for years. He had been about as usual up until a few days ago. In fact a weak spell on 'Sunday made it necessary for him to retire from the segvice in Trinity church. This was Hp V. Jamieson's a 1 week. Last week. {riends'in Sunderland on Sunday. Mrs. Jot' Beare visited in Toronto Mr. Thomas Nugent visited with Sunday. the meetings of the Busines Men' Bible Class in Uxbridge, on Sunday. Watson's on Monday. - daughter Mrs. John McKitrick, 'uated as an M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Dyson. ed to her home here. ronto on Sunday. from Lacadena, Sask. relatives and friends here. week end in Stouffville. on Sunday. ronto this week. Baldwin. mitted in our midst a short time ago, when. a vandal or vandals visited our cemetery, dispoiled a newly placed memorial wreath and robbed it of half its beauty. An act of this kind is al- ways to be deplored, in this case it is doubly so, in that the donor comes from another land and will no doubt, speak of this happening, to our shame, for many years to come. Miss F. E. Phoenix in, Toronto on Quite a number from here 'attended Mrs. Harper, of Buffalo, at Mrs. Mr. Heron has returned to Toronto after spending some' time with his This season's last meeting of the Y. P. S. was held on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cragg were in To- ronto last week attending the gradua- tion of their son Wilmot, who grad-, Mr. and Mrs. Follick and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, Toronto, are guests of Mrs. McArthur, who has been with her daughter in Stratford, has return- Mr. and Mrs. R. Beare were in To- Mr. and Mrs. D. McMillan motored to visit with . Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson spent the Mr. E and Miss Eva Luke were here Mrs. E. Cragg at Whitby on Tues- day attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Loach. rata nnn Mr. Norman Flewell visiting in IN MEMORIAM Bolsover recently. In loving memory of our dear Mr. Mathers, Toronto, called on| mother, Ellen Samells, who was called Miss Harman, on Tuesday. to rest, June 8th, 1925. Mrs. Isaac Beare visiting in To-| A loving mother, so gentle and kind, Mr. and Mrs. Horsefield, of Mimico, are spending the summer with Mrs. A most regrettable act was com- bus, all reported 'a splendid evening. At the last regular meeting, D. D.| 8! G. M. C. B. DeGuerre paid an official visit to this lodge. There was a large] turnout of the brethren and after the work of the evening, lunch was served for all present, Next Sunday, June 156th, the An- nual Church Service will be held ia the United Church at 2.30 o'clock, (Standard Time.) Rev. Mr. Richards will be in charge of the service and special music will be rendered by the choir, assisted by Mr. Barton Me- Taggart, soloist of Toronto, and the Sunday School Orchestra. Warriner Lodge is being honoured by the pre- sence of Grand Master Bro. A. G. Carscadden and other Grand Lodge officers, for this service. The brethren' of Warriner Lodge and all visiting brethren will gather in the Lodge Room at 1 o'clock (stand- ard time) to greet the Grand Master, ering before proceeding to the church. The parade will be headed by the Port Perry Band and the two Canton Lodges from Toronto, who will be in full dress regalia. Every person will be welcome to this church service. What a wonderful memory she left To wait for cure, but all in vain. Till God himself knew what was best, after which he will address the gath-|¥ He took her home and gave her rest. --Husband and Family. ein) (Hines NOTICE The Blacksmiths' shops in Port Perry, do not close on Wednesday afternoon during the summer, but close on Saturday afternoon as in the _ Hose, Men's Forur NEE We are Offering Splendid Valu Il quote prices on just a few Ls i On lines we are clearing out. Women's Patent Strap, Kid Strap, and - Kid Oxfords, reg. $3.95 to $4. 0 for $1.98 Men's Dress and Work Pants, Overalls, Boys' Clothing, Men's and Boys' Caps in beautiful patterns. Sp 2 dozen Men's Silk and Silk and Wool 76¢ ..........Special 49c Men' s. Black Elk Boots, regular $6 for $3.99 . Boys' 'Brown Oxfords, reg. $3.95 for $2.95 ¢ Boots, Panko soles, : Shoes, Gents' | urnishings, Hosiery : - Departments $2.59 close prices. es for above Lines and of the many Bargains All marked down at See these goods and be convinced 0 of their values. Sorry to Downey. Mr. and JAS. McKEE & SON, MYRTLE report that Mrs. Jack Kirkham has been confined to her bed and under the care of Dr. Moore, for the past three weeks, suffering from an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. (Dr.) E. T. Slemon, who has been visiting her mother Mrs. William Hoar, for the past two weeks, return- behind. ed to Ottawa on Friday. Long days, long nights, she bore her| Miss Pearl Vance spent the week pain, » end with Toronto friends. Mr. E. Carmichael, of London, s spent the week end here. A number from here were in Osh- awa on Saturday attending the funeral of an old Myrtle boy, Mr. George Mr. and Mrs. Tom Curtis, of Oak- wood visited the former's cousin, Mr. E. E. Mole, last week. Mrs. Percy Pherrill re- The Sectional meeting of the W.M. S. will be held in the United Church on Tuesday, June 17th at 2.30 p.m. ein CARD OF THANKS The family of the late D. W. Luke wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for all the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement. Gyp roc Gives PERMANENT PROTECTION MAPE from Gypsum rock, Gyproc Wall- board does not burn. And this year it has a new smooth Ivory finish that needs no decoration winter. Opes AWNINGS Window Awnings, Verandah Curtains, Canopies, Tents, Flags. T. TAYLOR 475 YONGE ST, TORONTO Local Agent--G. A. HALL, Phone 96. turned to their home in Montreal on Friday. Rev. R. J. Merriam and Mrs. Mer- riam, are visiting friends in Belleville the later part of this week and they will also attend the opening of the New Albert College and Old Boys' Re-union there. Grading operations have been com- pleted on the side road a half mile south of the village. Messrs, Cook and Ormiston, being at the wheel and made a splendid job, This road has been a great 'annoyance to truck drivers and any one wanting to use it, for sonle time, Last year a new bridge was constructed on it and it was closed to general traffic the most of the summer. With a good coating of gravel it should now be in good shape for some time to come. Mr. and Mrs. Schyler Porter and family visited at Mr. Allie Ross' on Sunday. ------ Ge ONTARIO EDUCATIONAL . * CONVENTION wish. (when panelled) al- X though you can tint, paper or plaster it if you Structurally strong, in- expensive, easily and Ontario County Educational Asso- ciation will hold a convention at Udora Community Hall, on Friday, June 13, afternoon and evening. will be Mr. W. M. Morris, of Toronto; Miss M. V. Powell, Whitby; Inspector R. A. Hutchison, and Inspector T. The speakers quickly put up, Gyproc Ferguson, Mr, Samuel Farmer. Miss Fallowdown and the Misses Brethour, Wallboard gives perma- nent fire protection to the walls, ceilings and partitions of your home. Your dealer's name is i of Sunderland, will assist with the entertainment part of the program. All are welcome. v PORT PERRY Selling Out THE ENTIRE $12,000.00 STOCK OF THE Port Perry Dominion Store is to be sold at sacrifice prices. Anticipate your needs, buy "now for months ahead--and save. Come and see for yourself. Get your share, you will never get another chance like this. Our one aim is to turn this valuable stock into cash as quickly as we can. aside. All thought of cost, loss or profit has been set Now is your best opportunity. Remember our sale Commenced on Thursday, June 5th. Come and get your share. Men's Good Black Overalls ... Men's Good Work Shirts, .... ET Ladies' House Dresses ...... Boys' and Girls' Stocking, per pair E4 eie wren Men's Work Boots ... ALIX. GILBOORD, Proprietor GOOD SECOND-HAND MACHINERY "FOR SALE 3 Footlift Sulky Plows, - 2 Mowers, Manure Spreader, 2 Crown Gang Plows, Cockshutt O.F.G Riding Plow, Cockshutt Beaver Riding Plow 1 ten-foot Frost and Wood Hayrake All first-class con- r.|dition and cheap. Geo. Jackson & Son Port Perry years and in this connection had de-| 'Forman's health was undermined. A| foo fe nimation sty ad of his! safe Gypsum write for free if listed below. Ask him for complete details of this pioneer Canadian fire- board or For Washing Cleaning MYRTLE -- ELEVATOR Carload of Cement arrived. Buckwheat suitable for seed Complete line of Marmill Poultry Feed Phone for Summer Coal Prices ST COMING DR. F. E. LUKE, Optometrist, 167 Yonge St, Toronto's able eyesight specialist, at Lawrence's drugstore, Port Perry, successor, to A. J. Davis, on Thursday, June 19th. F. E. LUKE, Opt. D. and - W. E. LUKE, R. O. 163-167 Yonge Street Toronto Elgin 4820 Opposite Simpson's « ABLACK * BUSINESS »

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