Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 10 Apr 1930, p. 3

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SATE NI DN cit ® 'spectors Forest, Fox, Drew, and Kane, ' and the system the five evolved has largely helped to secure for Scotland «Mr. Arrow sald: "I firmly believe + that there should be one Scotland Yard for the United Kingdom. By. that I . mean tere should be: one: detective ., 'headquarters to which the best men of the country and city constabularies should be sent, "I would not interfere in the slight- est with the organization of local uni- form police forces, but one central authority for criminal investigation would mean ~ even greater efficiency than at present. The British system of police work and, of course, that means Scotland Yard--has nothing to learn from any 'foreign nation. Detection of crime is developing along scientific lines, but that does not mean that England should, like some other countries, dg- velop a police scientific staff. We can' always go to the very best men in the \ country, and we do." Mr. Arrow said that thirty years ago there were perhaps more clever crim- dnals than clever detectives. "But to-day," he declared, "it is the other way about. The general glever- | ness of criminals is greater, and there are a number of outstanding crooks, dut the general level of the detective force is very much higher." "No "Dr. Morjartys" 4 One popular idea was given short shift by Mr, Arrow, "It is all nonsense to talk about Bri- tish criminals working in big gangs. 'They simply do not do it, and when an officer gets up in the witness-box and tells the judge that the prisoner | | is a member of the "Forty Thieves," |* dt is so much romance. Nor are there any "Master Crimin- als." Two or three men may work together, and one is naturally the feader, but there is no great organizer and director of crime like "Dr. Mori arty"--except in works of fiction, On the other hand, there always 'have been criminals of outstanding ability, I met one in the Strand the other day. He was a great worker here and on the Continent and I dare Bay, although he is an elderly man . now, he is still operating, The weally big receivers have gone. In the old days there were men of seemingly strict probity, pillars of the local church and all that, If anyone could be described as "Moriarty" they could, for they encouraged . thieves and others to make profits out of their booty. But they have disappeared. Receivers now operate on a much Smaller scale." A Fear of the Lash ' Mr. Arrow denounced the proposed abolition of corporal punishment, say- "It will be one of the greatest mis- fakes our lawmakers ever made if 'they abolish it. If hanging wera,abol- ished, there would be more murders, and more policemen would be killed. Jt is because we hang murderers that ! go few burglars carry weapons, but _ © When at the utmost it could only mean 4p few years' more imprisonment if a liceman trying to make an arrest' "1 were killed, what burglar would hesi- tate to kill if he thought by so .doing he had a chance of getting away? "Crimes of violence are very proper- -- 1y punished by the lash. To those Who advocate its abolition pause to think what the effect of being mauled about by a brutal ruffian must haye on their women folk?" i -------- . 4 'Agriculture Needs an Inventor There 1s a real opportunity awa ing some enterprising genius who. evolve a4 machine which will ef tively and economically dust _ plants to prevent stem rust. "experts of the Dominion Depar! re find that the o method' of controllin {Jets are given on '| medicine = dealers or by mail at 26 i house and find them a wonderful h sudden attacks of ilness that thelr little ones. It ; the fret sign ness the baby will soon be right Concerning the Tablets ver; Lyndale, BPEL, writ ways keep Baby's Own Tablets in keeping my baby well." Er Tablets are sold by all cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. reread Moscow and Montreal Quebec Action Catholique Ind): By the orders of Moscow, on Thursday of last week March 6, . . , four thousand people in the City of Montreal tried to parade and demonstrate in the streats! = Four thousand people, just consider the figure! . ,.. Montreal is taking orders from Moscow, There must, therefore, be a Bolshevist or- ganization in Montreal. And, judg- ing by the number of people who obey these instructions, how can wé doubt the existence of continuous propag- anda? The fact is that in Montreal, a8 In many Canadian towns, thers are nucle or cells of Communists. They distribute revolutionary literature, even to children, ------ The obstinacy of the indolent and weak is less conquerable than that of the fiery and bold.--J. C. Lavater, merce, sends out its spider experts to collect the right variety, to cult vate them as factory workers, Bo to speak, much as bees ate cultivated for their honey, 5 "The process of the education of these commercial spiders is interest- ng. kindness, to walk round and round a stick, and as they do so the thread is wound round it, so that the spider is madq to manufacture a. sort of bobbin of inconceivably fine thread, This thread is afterwards wrapped round the prongs of a fork which has been painted beforehand with shéllac to prevent the thread from sticking, and these forkfuls of gossamer are then put into cold storage. I believe these commercial cobwebs are wanted chief. ly for aerlal photography, the thread being stretched across the diaphragm of the camera to supply the sighting line, "The spider thus joins. the ranks of industrial workers, a prosaic addition to the exploitation of nature in the age of business, Perhaps there will be a spiders' protection society with proper trade union regulations, It seems rather a grim business for the spider, and certainly a contrast to the poetry of the spider's web, and one wonders what W, H. Hudson, who clad his etheral Rima In a diaphanous vesture of spider's gossamer, would have thought of it." --------pties Witness (in assau!t case at North London). --My wife flicked him in the face with her glove ,and, as a gentle. man of course, he struck her back and pushed her down the «airs. [ ANY SEASON Is Vacation Time In Atlantic City ANY VACATION Is An Assured Success If You Stay at the IST. CHARLES With the Finest Location and the Longest Porch on the Boardwalk Offering the ultimate in Service with Unexcelled Cuisine ical of the accommodation ie dase on wl y Cunard "A" ships. You Twill be surprised at the size and comfors Weekly sailings from Montreal (ana " from April 26th.» w Book through The Cunard line, | 'Corner of Bay and Wellington "Streets, Toronto, (Tel. Elgin 8471). or any steamship agent CANADIAN SERVICE (CABIN 4+ TOURIST THIRD CABIN + THIRD CLASS a oUB Pl § wis: STOMACH TR Nurse Gains 7 Ibs. in 2 Weeks with Yeast and Iron "I am a nurse at the hospital," writes Miss Martha Burns, "and I want to let you know that I am glad to recommend your Irbnized Yeast. . "It gave me a good appetite. I got strong and gained 7 pounds in 2 I could write all day about how much good Ironized Yeast did me. You would be surprised at the strength I gained in 3 or 4 days." People everywhere are amazed at the wonderful benefits of Ironized Yeast. Many write they were doubt- ful when they started. But after taking it regularly for omly 8 or 4 weeks they galned 6 to' 15 pounds. Ugly hollows fill out. Skinny limbs become gracefully rounded. Blemish ed skin gets clear and beautiful. Only when Yeast Is Ironized is it more effective--for Iron ig needed to bring out the weight-building and strengthening values of Yeast, Pleas- ant tablets in a handy bottle. Never. cause gas or bloating. Safe--no harmful drugs. Go to any druggist to-day and get a full size treatment of Iromized Yeast. It after this generous trial you are not delighted, your money back in- stantly from manufacturer. They are induced, entirely by || red, the first article of this Chinese Chinese people are beginning to realize the value of currency and are learning to handle it systematically, The financial position in China is bet. ter to-day but not until the govern. ment adopts higher taxation will there be peace, is the view of K. N. Chang, president of the Bank of China and outstanding financier of the country who sailed from Vancouver for Shang- hai aboard Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Russia recently, Photo- graph was taken on the ship. te ome A Chinese Magna Charta What may well prove to be an im. portant step towards constitutional guarantees, hitherto significantly lack: ing in China, 'is discerned by some keen political students in a Bill of Rights which has been jointly spon- sored by Dr. H. H. Kung, Minister of Industry, Commerce and Labor, and Mr. Chiao Yitang, a prominent Na- tionalist leader. This Bill of Rights has been widely printed throughout the Chinese press, and has attracted a good deal of attention both in the English press in China and from the newspapers of Japan. According to despatches just recelv- Magna Charta sets forth that the CHinesa people, irrespective of race, caste, sex, or creed, shall enjoy full legal equality, and the second provides that no person shall be restrainea or deprived of his libe'ly without: due process of law. No one is to be subject to the jurisdiction of military courts except those in the service of the army, navy, or aerial forces en- gaged In war or in areas of occupa- tion, : The principle of freedom of speech and of the press is affirmed by another article, which declares that everyone has the right, within the bounds ot the law, to express his views by word of mouth, by writing or drawing, or by any other method that he may think of. It is also provided that within the limits set by the law the pdople shall have the right to assemble and to organize. The right of privacy as regards the mails, telephones, tele- graphs and otlier means of communi- cation is recognized. Other articles lay it down that no dwelling-house may be searched wit out the 'consent of the owner and due process of law, that every person shall havp the right to live and travel wherever he wishes, and that every- one shall be permitted to choose his own occupation, profession, or em- ployment. No property is to be con- fiscated without due process of law, and every person is to have the right of free access to the courts, Parents who have more children than they can care for can call upon the 'State for help; orphahs, cripples and those' enfeebled by age have also a claim fo State assistance; while the right of the workless to ask the State for employment, the right of landless peasants to cultivate unowned land, and the right of poor people to free education are also fun.amental princi: ples sof the Bill. Whatever else it does, it certainly gives indication that gomebody in China has got a clear grasp of the hest foundation upon which to build a really democratic Government, -- The Wealth of India Calcutta Englishman: The general public, pathetically unversed in econo- mics and exchange, do not realize the i ity of India's natural re, sources. They do not understand that thelr wealth remains; that though political tergiversation and' corrupt and Inefficient administration may make the winnowing of this wealth by the Indians and Europeans harder in the future than it has been In the past, the wealth remains and de- mands the application of ever fireater capital and labor. Whatever the pre- cise evolution of Indo-British politics, it is utterly unthinkable that any time, however distant, Britain will be false to hor trust to the extent of let- ting India slide into Chinese chaos. fas Combining Pastels In the evening fashions worn this year there Is the same tendency to combine pastels in sports cos- tumes. By the younger women, short, baby blue wraps are worn over flash Dr. Williams Pink Pills' Will Tone Up Your Stomach Mak- . ing Mealtime a Pleasure Are you afraid of mealtime? Does eating dlstress 388 you? Would you rath- er go without food? That is the con- dition of many due entirely to indiges- There can be no perfect diges- tion--hence no enjoyment of meal time--unlesa you have rich, red blood. This pure blood is necessary to tone up your stomach and make it capable ot properly digesting the food. '. Many so-called stomach remedies merely try to digest your food for you. That is a mistake--nature should do that work and if nature does mot do it serious results are bound to follow. Tone up your stomach by driving out the poisons that are in the blood. Make new rich blood and your appe- tite and digestion will soon be normal --meals will once more bs a pleasure. The<one sure medicine to enrich the blood, restore strength and banish stomach trouble and indigestion is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Concerning them Mrs, Wm. T. Thompson, Brus- sels, Ont., says:--"For years I suffer ed with indigestion, headaches and dizzy spells. I tried a great many so- called remedies without relief. As a farmer's wife, with three little girls, it was almost impossible to be idle and I just dragged myself through my. work, I suffered so I was actually afraid of meal time, A friend advised the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and although I had lost faith in ever being well again I purchased a supply and began taking them. Gradually the dizziness and headaches left me. ' My appetite improved and soon I was able to enjoy my meals, I gained in welght and my health in general is better than ft has been for years. I feel I owe much to Dr. Williams Pink Pills for they relieved me of all my misery." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents 2 box from The Dr. Willlams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, A ean. Sometime Sometime 1 will forget vou, Forget your multicolored eyes, Like shells held in tha sun The way you brush your hair--your ties, Your voice like music far away. It is not good for one to lie Awake with stars and dream I shall forget you sometime-- When I die, ~--Norma Keating in the New York Evening Post. mete tenn Minard's--50 Year Record of Success. mb ren Mrs. Longworth and Mrs. Gann are still at it. Maybe we're a little violentminded, but we'd kind of like to see those two girls get together some time at a bargain counter,-- "Life." eee fp eee Scientifically speaking, coal ls of the same composition as the dia: mond." "Still, it is only a carbon copy." « LIVER? . Why be handicapped with unsightly blotches on the face, eyes with yellow tinge and that tired and languid feel- ing? This indicates a torpid liver Fieadache, Dizziness and Biliousness surely follow. You must stimulate your lazy liver, start the bile flowing with Carter's Little Liver Pills. They also act as a mild laxative purely vegetable, free from calome and poisonous dru s, small, to swallow, and not habit forming. They are not a purgative that cramps or pains, unpleasant after effect follow- ing, on the contrary a good tonic. Aft Druggists 25¢ and 75c red pkgs. Suzanne: Lenglen Seeks New Technique in Making © i Sports Attire . Suzanne Lenglen is now open cham- plon for the short skirt brigade, and it is related: that she is in conflict with the long skirt advocates among the Paris dressmakers and she Is planning a new conception of femi- nine dress based upon the modern wo- 'man's need for unhindered movement, particularly at sport. - To carry out her ideas the former) tennis champion, who 1s now a dress designer, has given orders for the in- stallation near her Paris office of a private tennis court, upon which spe- cially chosen mannequins will plag daily with racket and. ball under her critical gaze. Grace in Motion Every variation in the lines of the frocks worn by the players will be carefully noted and later studisd. "Clothes which are graceful only while the wearer ramains motionless are useless for women of to-day," Mile, Lenglen delared. "New frocks must be designed for action and speed, as well as for elegance. "My first matches at Wimbledon im- pressed the idea on me. I was strock by the clumsiness of women's clothes on the court, They wore their skirts und sleeves too long and had too much to carry. The effect in motion was ugly. "Sooner than play in this ridiculous atiire, I introduced the bandeau, tha siveveless jumper and tha shorier skirt, which were all adopted. "That was a beginning, but there is still much to be done. I think I have found a way to do it, and a new technique of dressmaking will be the result. All my designs will be based upon the fact that beauty to be charm- ing must vary incessantly." rr -------- on Biwi © AFFECTIONS We must 'be as careful to 'Keep friends as to make them. The affec- tions should not be mere "tents of a night." Friendship gives no. privilege to make ourselves disagreeable.--Lord Avebury. ie lean He alone is an acute observer who can observe minutely without being observed.--Lavater, Emm ---- Terof. BR. Le Mulvene¥'s World Famous Tapeworm Remedy has expelled these horrid monsters in two to three hours. No starving necessary. no sicknes no trouble whatever. 3 Write for full information. Dept. A, 311 Ossington Ave, Toronto pret sanpietttatta-- Wet Feet Endanger the whole system. Play safe by bathing in Minard's and hot water, Magistrate: "Are you here again? I told you no to let me see you here again." Prisoner: "Yes, sir, I told the policeman, but he wouldn't listen to me." -_-- "She has ne physical infirmity, she could tell the truth it she liked," said a landlady, speaking of her lodger, at Shoreditch, YOUR HAIR NEEDS LUXO TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND LUSTRE She looks 20 years younger, "I have taken Kruschen Salts for 7 years, and enclose my photo at 50, to ask your opinion u my record, i Liave beta Inairiod 30 yeam, ave 3 sons, 20, 25, 3 also 2 grandsons. ASK YOUR BARBER i put down my youthful 6 and 20 months, appearance to Kruschen Salts taken each T should never think of starting morning, the day without taki: them, Protect your skin, scalp and hair from " Lain it. bin, In height, weight 11 pounds: infection and assist the pores in the X ean assure you my husband is very proud of me, ' elimination of waste by daily use of Cuticura Soap 230. Everywhere Origlaal lottar oa fle for (nspeotion. To preserve your youthful charm you must preserve your health, Charm and beauty are mainly a matter of health, so are vitality and vigour. All will be yours if Fou pin your faith in the * little daily dimeful." "Start to-morrow, and wou will feel years younger before you dre many days older. Kruschen Salts fs obfainable at drug and department stores In Canada at 75c. a bottle, A bottle contains enough to last for 4 or § months--good health for half-a~oent 'o ] FREE TRIAL OFFER If you have never tried Kruschen--iry it at our expense, We have distributed » Keep Kidneys Active Health and life depend on them. Try Warner Safe Kidney and i AD; GIANT" packages which Liver Remady 1" ay for you to prove our claim fbr He h The trouble about kidney disease is| Ask your gist for the mew " GIANT" 260) 9. Ribs conalsta of our regular 75. bottle Souther with a separate trial bottle--sufcient for one weok. Open the trial bottle fixst, put ib $0 the test, and then, If not ent! Kruschen does everything we regular bottle is still as good back, _ Your t 1s aut! our 76c. immediatel ou have tried Kruse What could be. faltet E. Orimths Hughes, Ltd, watch--headache, dullness, la sey. bad temper, moodiness. &s don't happen if you are perfectly normal. At the first suspicion of these symp- toms you should take steps to tome up kidneys and liver. ¥For more tham 50 years thousands of families have been using Warrer's Safe Kidney and Liver as new, 0 "to without quest Manuiachured by Manchester, Eng. Le rennet pa Hatab. 1750), Tuporters | McGillivray Brose This safe herbal remedy originally a . R700), pol i doctor's proscription, aids to clean body d., Toronto, poisons from the system, purify the blood, restore abounding health. Every t knows Warner's Safes ver Remedy--has sold it It is pleasant to take and help your kidneys. now for a bottle. rovement. 'Warner's Safe 0., Toronto, Ontario. Warner's Safe Kidney and = S eo § a gi ®, Remedies Liver Remedy Before Her Baby Came "I have used several bottles of Lydia E: Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and find it helps me wonderfully, espe Bol Chakichd hove ve lovely ren; m! last baby came 1 had y

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