Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 19 Dec 1929, p. 4

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» year member present. _igent felt that this had been the best 2 held in District No: 40 for _gratulated upon the successful work "of his orchestra. The Superintendent of the Sunday School, Mr. R. B. , was much pleased with the fine attendance at both morning and evening services. a ------ HIGH SCHOOL NOTES , "It won't be long now." Christmas is coming and with it the preparation for Christmas. Every student of Port Perry High School is working and striving to make this commencement exercises the best that they have ever had. : Sb tomindy WARRINER -LODGE, NO, 75 On Tuesday evening, December 10, HOCKEY SCHEDULE FOR THIS Port Perry at Fenelon Fall, (date to be decided.) > ? rs .| Dec. 27--Peterboro at Port Perry. Dec. 80---Fenelon Falls at Lindsay Jan. 3---+Lindsay at Port Perry Jan, 7--Peterboro at Fenelon Falls. Jan, 10--Fenelon Falls at Port Perry . | Jan. 14--Peterboro at Lindsay, : Jan. 17--Port Perry at Peterboro Jan, 22--Lindsay at Fenelon Falls Jan. 24--Lindsay at Peterbo Jan. 28--Fenelon Falls at | Jan. 28--Port Perry at Lindsay. 900 7 BLACKSTOCK Miss Cline, children's worker on the O.R.E.C. gave an interesting and in- The pallbearers were Messrs, Harry Edgerton, Wm. Brooks, Ganton Web- ster, Herman Walker, Frank Martin, and Howard Franklin. The funeral was largely attpnded, the remains being laid to rest in Pine Grove structive address in United Church, Kentucky. Miss Cline was a former teacher in' the Blackstock ~ Public School and was also the teacher of on Community Work in the State of | the Young Ladies' Bible Class, in the United Sunday School, Her many friends were delighted at the oppor- tunity of seeing her again. = ° 2 On Sunday next, Dec. 22nd, special Christmas services will be held in the United Church both: morning and evening, and special music will be furnished by the choir. On Wednesday and Thursday even- ings, 26th and 26th, a play entitled "Marrying Ann" will be put on by the young people of the United Church, in the town hall, Those tak- ing part are: Mrs. Clarence Marlow, Cemetery, Prince Albert. Beyond the pain, beyond the care, Beyond life's mystery; Beyond the range of time and change That home, her home, shall be. i QO Oss MANCHESTER Miss Rilla Windrim, of Lindsay, and Mrs, Robt. Martin, of Fenelon Falls, returned to their respective homes after spending a couple of weeks visiting at the home of Mr. C. Lamb, Mr, Percy Chase and Mrs. Archer "about forty members of. Warriner | No. 15, LO.OF, went to by special bus to attend a ro.| given by the lodges of this riet, to Grand Master Bro. Cars- en and Grand Secretary Bro. two red brethren gath- . ered together for this occasion in the Whitby Lodge Rooms, where the id Lodge Officers were received br DOAN Bro. DeGuerre, of Osh- of the evening was then 'by the Degree team of War- ney Lodge, Port Perry, which was ® in a very creditable manner the able leadership of Bro. N. wers, as Captain. Immediately following this degree work, the brethren were asked to proceed to the town hall, where the tables were all set to receive them, for the very fine banquet which was to follow. The hall was nicely decorated with flags and bunting and a five piece. Council are trying' to interest the orchestra supplied the music during the banquet. Cy This was followed by the usual toasts of the evening, the Grand Master and Grand Secretary, respond- ed to the toast of the Grand Lidge. These addresses were of a very high order and were very interesting to the brethren present. Each one spoke of the great progress Warriner Lodge ' was making and said that their re- cord for the past five years was un- beatable by any lodge in the Province of Ontario, = Bro. John Doubt was the only fifty Bro. E. H, Purdy proposed the toast visiting brethren from other These speeches were intermingled with songs and music and when the meeting broke up, every member pre- time, amps) Qed PERRY UNITED CHURCH of Oakwood, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Holtby. The Community Club met in the ! hall last Thursday night with a fairly | good attendance. The opening took place with community singing. A , very interesting reading was given by Miss A. Barrett. Mr. Ben Kay and Mr, James Hitchens sang a duet. A contest of interest was given by Mr. Johnson, after which followed a very educational game given by Mr. Elwood Crosier and Mr, Don Fergu- son. On the 3rd week in Janumry, Rev. Mr. Merriam will show some lantern slides showing pictures of rell; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Archer; great interest. i ; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Cecil Hill; Cor. Sec'y, Mr, Fred Lamb spent Tuésday in Mrs, Roy Taylor; Treas, Mrs. James Toronto. Marlow; Christian Stewardship and Mr. Horace Herrington, of Utica, Finance Sec, Mrs. F. Stinson; Liter- spent Sunday with Mr, Jas. Hitchens. ature and Supply See., Mrs. J. Lar- Mr, Franklin Lamb, of Lindsay is mer; Strangers' Sec., Mrs. Roy Fer- visiting with his grandmother and guson; Associate Helpers' Sec., Mrs. grandfather, Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank T.| Jus. Ginn; Temperance Sec., Miss A. Lamb. Wright; Mission Band Sec., Mrs. (Rev) Newell; Press Sec., Mrs. E. Larmer, At the close of the business Minister of Highways, to build a gession the meeting was favored with Provinvial Highway from Manchester the-following program and lunch was via Port Perry to Scugog, and Cart-| served: piano solo by Mrs. F. Stinson, wright and on to Peterboro. It is talk on temperance by Mrs. A. John- claimed that the new road will fur- son, and a reading by Mrs. Cecil Hill. nish a new scenic route for tourists,| Owing to the special services in the and shorten the distance from Toronto "United Church on Sunday next, there | to Peterboro, will be mo services in St, John's church Mr. Joshua Dobson purchased the = either morning or evening. twenty acres of land adjoining his | 'We are sory to report that Mrs, farm from Mr, W. F. Walker. Jas, Byers, Mrs. Geo. Forder and Mr. | 'Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Real, Green-| Robt. Bruce, wene-taken seriously ill bank, were visitors last week for a | during the past week; Mrs, Byers and day at the home of the latter's sister," Mr, 'Bruce suffereing' from strokes. Mrs. W. F. Walker, : We hope they may be restored to Mr. Thos, Johnson had a horse run, health and strength again. Peterboro away with a cutter and was caught Mrs, John Forder was. in at Utica by Mr. Harold Kerry. No orf Thursday of: last week. damage was done; - ©. - "The high school concert held in the Mr. James Masters has been spend- . township hall on Friday evening last ing several days in Toronto at, the was a splendid success. "The proceeds home of his sister to visit with his amounted to nearly $90. aged father who is quite ill. * + We are sorry to know that Mr. Orr Mr, Vyrtle Crozier and Mr. Arnold¥ Venning had the misfortune to break Roach were home for the week end. Mr. Harvey Dobson shipped three carloads of hay last week. The Woman's Missionary Society Mrs. Harvey Ginn, Misses Esther Strong, Frances Mountjoy, Olive Van- Camp, Margaret Swain, Messrs. Jno, Venning, Harold Swain, Norman Me- Curdy. . Music will be furnished be- tween acts. : The annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Stinson, on Wednesday after- noon, Dec. 11th. - The following 'of- ficers: were elected for the ensuing year: Hon. President, Mrs. James Byers; President, Mrs. Alex. Johnson; 1st - Vice President, Mrs. Earl Dor- "We are glad to see that the County} 1 ing his car a few days ago. : Mr. Norton VanCamp, of Toron is spending a few days with his par. ents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Werry ai son, visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'Baildy on Sunday. two bones in his wrist while cranks | and Overcoats | MENS SUITS} For Washin and for try " : OshawalLaundry Dry Cleaning Co.Ltd REPRESENTED BY H. H. STONE'S "THE STORE FOR MEN" friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wall and presented thair daughter Ivy and her husband Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Hamilton, with & hoger of gifts and good wishes. Mr. Jack Smith ably filled his position as chairman and on beautiful and useful gifts was a four hundred day clock from the A.Y.P.A. of which the groom has been president and the bride secretary for the past two years, a Following the presentation and customery speeches the remainder of 'the 'evening was spent in a happy ments, 'entered our township with startling' suddenness and called hore after only a few hours illness, one of our best loved"and. most highly respected citi- zens in the person of Mrs. John H. Devitt, wife of Mr. John Henry | ex-M.P.P. kindly = cheerful manner, her fine assuming disposition won f elf a large circle of friends : | On Tuesday evening last about 100 behalf of those: present made the pre-{. sentation. Among the numerous}. social time and partaking of refresh-| The deceased 'with her] christian principles and quiet 'un-| SUPERIOR S Jas. McKee & Son is " Ry . | ents of money for C 'mas oo jelptives, ends = employees, we have pr d a special 'cheque printed in 'be found 'most suitable and "pleasing for this purpose. g.. Yau will Bind 4 suprly of . ese cheques' our use on the desks in of oe Mavs Obs array «an acceptable gift, © The Roval Bank of Canada es ' bors. She was a 7 Johny; Anglican Church & Christmas colours, which will © 'and copy may be had on request any agent of the Ganadian National Railways. er He 3 The family of the late Mr, *| Jos, Holthy: wish to thank. friends and neighbors' ness por BEC AER ia hekenl, Port Perry Branch. - B.D. Henry, Manager ' at the time of thelr recent sad

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