: bring about better business relationship between resident and merchant in the town, and thus bring about more sr : ity in which to live. Business Men 3 DIRECTORY AND BUSINESSGUIE a re "DRUGS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS CONFECTIONERY TOILETRIES KODAKS and DEVELOPING 'elephone 49 Residence 13 BROCK & SON DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BBOTS & SHOES. WALL WALL PAPER A SPECIALTY. Telephone 43 W. R. WILLAN 'THE MERCHANT TAILOR Clothes Made to Your Measure | Telephone 46 Morrison's Drug Store KODAKS, FILMS AND DEVELOPING MOIR'S CONFECTIONERY COMPLETE NYAL LINE Telephone 16 I. R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & STATIONER Our Values are Equal to WE HAVE MOVED to our new premises in the Ferguson Black. e invite you to call. The Royal Bank of Canada Masapi [+ PORT PERRY BRANCH . B.D. HENRY, Consider the Merchant Do you ever Stop to consider what your merchant means to your community ? What it means to him from the stand- point of investment, to stock his store with seasonable mer- chandise of every description for the convenience of com- munity residents? He will choose, we will say, a five thousand dollar stock of goods and place them on his shelves for your convenience of purchase, he has studied your needs, he knows your desires. Why not show your confidence in him through your purchases ?That same investment could easily be placed at 6% outside of your community and tripled in one year. . If you do. not help, through your purchases of his merchandise, his stock becomes old and shopworn,and finally he gives up doing business in disgust. When this is done your merchant leaves the community. Yes hé has lost out, not so much from"a monetary stand- point, but his confidence has been shattered. When con- fidence is gone you remove the foundation of your whole civic structure. Yes, the merchant lost, but not as much as the community who lost him. When a community can point with pride to the stability of its business interests you are doubly safe in assuming a vital factor in it. Think it over and CONSIDER that the residents through their sup- port have ben YOUR MERCHANT. W. L. Parrish Willard & Co. HARDWARE General Merchants TINWARE PLUMBING, GROCERIES, DRYGOODS FRUITS, VEGETABLES. and HEATING derwear and Hosiery Goods; ont Ro Home Town. Phone 246 Bert MacGregor FOR QUALITY MEATS CANNED GOODS BUTTER AND EGes Telephone 72 r 2 GROCERIES & FLOUR & FEEDS Telephone 152. Hall's Restaurant "A Good Place to EAT" ICE CREAM and CONFECTIONERY W. T. RODMAN MERCHANT TAILOR Bet May there be.a large attend -and lunch. Program, games ay P. C. and Mrs. Mrs, Burton, of To- ronto, are visiting with Mrs, W. F. Walker. Mrs. L, Lamb visited her daughter, 4 were in Greenwood on Saturday; Mrs. | Shirts and drawers, per garment oo, SWEATERS. AND WIRDRREAKERS $2.15 ments are $3.50 107$4.00 goods and are a real bar- gain at These. s price. They i in all wool goods in attractive patterns. "LADIES HOSIERY, 79¢. All sizes, large assortment of silk and wool and wool hosiery. SPECIAL AT 79¢, "MEN'S SILK AND WOOL HOSE 5%¢. bought as learing line and come in at- tracks PR o in SALE PRICE 59c. STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR We Keep warm this winter with Stanfield's. underwear is unshrinkable and is faultiess in fi nd Jute SW John Johnson returned home with | Combinations ..............$2.75, $3.00, iho and Q gato them after spending tl her aunt Mrs, Jane at 2.30 and 7 pm, Utica and Columbus choir are to furnish the music, . a a'. Prince Albert Mr. and Mrs, MacPherson visited| "weeks with | = Thank Offering services will be held | F. Ww. Brock & Son' i at our church on Sunday next, Nov. 8, Quartette CAWKER BROS. for Choice Meats SALE PRICE $2.75 J Underwear, This. ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Martyn, recently. Mrs. Wauchope and children of To- ronto, spent ta few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. Turner, last week. Miss Margaret Wright of Whitby is visiting the Misses Tewkesbury. Anywhere Telephone § bb. EYES TESTED FREE. EEE J. F. McClintock 'BEARE BROS. Telephone 46 r 2. BABY BEEF YOUNG PORK LAMB ------ VEAL ------ " BELL PHONE 29w WE BUY CATTLE, POULTRY, and HIDES | DRYGOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES Hl CROCKERY, FLOUR, FEED. i} Telephone 36 E. H. GERROW BAKED GOODS AND CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM & SOFT DRINKS Telephone 32. Port Perry A Lumber & Milling COMPANY ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER HARDWOOD FLOORING 'SHINGLES, LATH DOORS and SASH CUSTOM CHOPPING, FLOUR AND FEED OF ALL KINDS. | 'Telephone 26. , This firm is doing a big business in the popular Chevrolet and McLaughlin autos. Demonstrations and all information may be had for the asking. ways secure prompt and courteous attention from BEARE BROS. The Canadian Bank of Commerce PORT PERRY BRANCH Equipped for service--Following the Amalgamation of the two Jecal introduced. branches, increased facilities to serve the public have been MAKE THIS YOUR BANK E. B. Walker, Associate Manager. CARNEGIE HARDWARE Let us give you an estimate on Plumbing and Furnace Work. Lil HARDWARE :: PLUMBING :;:: FURNACES In repairs and service you al- H. G. Hutcheson, Manager. W. A. BEATTY McLAUGHLIN SALES AND 'SERVICE Telephone 130 Woo i MOTOR | Smith. CARNEGIE-DAY MOTORS - This is "EXIDE" BATTERY WEEK. No Beat Our Prices. Buy your BATTER Phone 61 : . ere can you Lpur town. Standard Gara || DURANT CARS TRUCKS « Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Bufson, of Port Perry, have again become residents of our village, Mrs. C. Patterson leaves next Tues- day for Orlando, Florida, where she intends spending the winter with her sister-in-law Mrs. Eddy. Mrs. Mark is visiting her daughter Mrs. Martyn. Mrs, Alvin Hunter visited with| friends™in, Toronto recently. Mrs. AT Mark, Mastetr Chas. and 'Miss Ruth Mark, of Port Hope, spent a week recently with Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Martyn. Mr. and Mrs, T. Cox, Miss G. Cox, | and Master J. Cox, of Humber Bay; | were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben] Mrs." W. Jeffrey, Toronto, is spend- ing a few days with Mrs, Greaves. . Mrs. McBrien and Mrs. Spurr are] leaving on Thursday for Toronto, | where they are remaining f + a couple 'of weeks before leaving for ornia' 'to. spend the winter with Miss Julia | McBrien. Mr. and Mrs, Robert. Jackson, of| , visited Mr. and Mrs, Stanley