in 'omen's, Misses and Children' s 'Sandals and Spo Shoes, Running Shoes, will be sold regardless of cost. In Men's and Boys' Shoes we sell the best lines manufactured in Canada at close prices, "In Women's, Misses' and Children's, we can give you fit, zie 1 Soafort: It is a pleasure for us to fit you. ed BANCROFT i in The Wolf of Wall Street Two Shows--7. 00 and 9. 00 p.m. SUPERIOR STORE Jas. McKee & Son - Port Perry S---- OF FURNITURE the property of the late Mrs. John Abbott, at lot 10, con. 8, Reach Tp., on Friday, ber 12th at 1 o'clock. Y, oo "Don't let that worry you; shell attend to that? ...: » 4 Od CONSPICIOUS BY HIS COLOR hs eg OO a will admit | I haven't Rivard lived as I should, but I do love. your daughter sincerely, and if ever I should make her unhappy, I hope I husband here two 'hours ago; Have you seen him?" Floorwalker: 'Possibly, adam: Anything distinctive about him?" Woman: Yes, I imagine he's purple by this time," Life Woman: "I was to have met-my} Going Out of Business We have decided to close 'out our business, and in order to clear out our stock of Suitings and Overcoatings, the prices will be reduced so low that it will pay you to buy We are making a special on Men's Trousers-- Values you cannot beat--$10.00 Trousers for $7.00. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING DONE NOW. will be made to suffer for it." ij : 2 rel ee ce tet i 'MERCHANT TAILOR Does it pay to wear tires OUT? ' It does nor #3 eid 'they go to es dg. Alo ly od to a crash, to run tires dll use-- It's false . You can't afford the time, the trouble and the that blowouts bring. --It's not worth the warty. Xo can't Hide in eomione «if you know a blowout Is due any mini Ie will to let us ay or 35 0 J sw pull off same oyal Cords or - Masters. They will free bint Royal Co wi yo To in Tete in dhe lass--~Ropsl Mastery Seine desty tem ited dedaartius PORT T PERRY. Cumegi Day Motors Van Camp Brothers "Sin enr v: fun than any cobs ; "Al kinds of "Dry 'W. R. WILLAN "The New Fall Dress Goods Now on With the close approach of the fall season the demand for : will be readily met with the new ranges of Wool and Silk. m . we recently placed in stock. You will be interested | in these-- French Wool Ottoman $1.19 French Wool Faille $1.35 Practical for ladies and misses dresses sh shades, also Navy and Black. own in the most favoured All-wool Dress Flannel t 750. ° This is nly good quality and comes in a splendid Full 32 in. wide range of colors. and worth regularly y 89c. Specia y priced per yd. 75¢. Fancy Striped Bedspreads $1.98 More of this special value just in--Double bed size in cream with stripes of blue, Rose and Gold On sale at $1.98 Real Value offered in Hosiery Fer Women For Children 75c. values at 49c¢. Values at 76c¢. for 596. These are a- manufacturer's clearance of all Wool and Silk and Wool makes in first" quality goods only. found in this lot. Women's sizes at 59c. Children's sizes at-49¢. The new shades will be Sutcliffe's Giant Scribbler 6 for 25¢. 80 pages of Good Paper omelris EYESIGHT SPECIALIST : © Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health : Eye Cnre and Eye Strain 1 1516 PHONE - Disney Block. OSHAWA, ONT. (Opposite Post Office) SPECIAL PRICES MENS SUITS] and Overcoats Our prices are greatly reduced-- With the arrivel of new goods' there {is a splendid choles. Ge your order Clawing and |; Pressing done. Ladies' fine dreamer {thoroughly -eleaned by our New 'Pry- i Cleaning Process at very moderate iorices. Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry IN MEMORIAM Larmer--In loving memory of a faithful daughter and sister, Lucy | - Woodley, beloved wife of H. Larmer, | who departed this life, October 5, 1928 God is good; He gives us st; ~ To bear our heavy cross. He is the only one who knows How bitter is our loss. Hy We miss her at a th Along life's weary way. For life 3 Tok the sume tous Since IN' MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear friend success in her undertaking. Mr. and Mrs. T. Heatley of Toronto, Lucy B. Woodley, wife of Harold Lar-| Were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Heat- mer, who passed to the beyond, Oct. "bth, 1928. Deep in our hearts lies a picture, Of one who has gone to rest. In our memory's frame we will keep it, Because she was one of the best. Sadly missed by her friends, Ethel McDermott, E. McMillan, and Luella i Brent. ----e 0) Oren SEAGRAVE Mrs. Thornbury has returned to her home in Hartley after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Malcolm McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Holdershaw spent the week end in Clarkesburg. Misses Alma Clements and Aileen FP ishley, _ with Miss Ruth Stone, on . Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Eagleson visiting in Cambray en Sunday Armistice Day has been 'again pro-| claimed : Thanksgiving Day by the Goveérnor-Genéral, who has issued the | following proclamation: "Whereas it hath' pleased Almighty God in His great goodness to vouchsafe this year unto the Dominion of Canada a bountiful harvest and other blessings We, therefore considering that these | blessings enjoyed by our acknowledge- ment appoint Monday, the 11th day of November next, Armistice Day as a day of general thanksgiving to Al- mighty God for the bountiful harvest and other blessings with which Can- ada has been favored this year. Rally Sunday was observed in our church on Sunday morning and was largely attended by members and several visitors, ~The Educational Council programme was used. Mrs, H. Eagleson told a story of the Good 'Shepherd, Mr .S. Reynolds, gave a talk on the life of Paul, Mr. Bert Wana- 'maker told a story of John Wesley, Mr. R. Scott gave a story on Dr. Switzer of Africa, while the pastor, Rev. Mr. Green, gave an interesting | talk on the "Quest for others". These were enjoyed by all. The many friends of Mrs. L. Frise, Little Britain, formerly of Seagrave, { ley, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Byers, and son, of Blackstock, called on Mr. and Mrs. H. Wanamaker, on Monday. Mrs. E. Mark visited with Mrs, F. Couch on Menday. A number of the school children en- joyed a corn roast on Monday evening. Mr: and Mrs. H. Horn, of Sault Ste Marie, Mr. and Mrs. E. Darcy, and Mrs. M. Spinks, of Blackstock, visited with relatives here last week. Mrs. J. Shunk visited with relatives | 2 in Blackstock, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark and family, accompanied by Miss Gladys Sharp, of Little Britain, spent Sunday in To- ronto. Mrs. Spence, of Eldon, is visiting with her daughter Mrs. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. A. Shunk, of Prince Albert, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Jas, Shunk. Miss Dora Orchard, of Stouffville, spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. C. Mark and sister Miss H. Mark, of Toronto, visited with their sister, Mrs. A. Bruce on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. Irwin and daughter Sing, spent Sunday at Pontypool. brought forth much online The First-Aid Lessons given were splendid | and with the physical culture and drills made a fine program. Prizes were awarded as follows: Marjorie Byers, Violet Collett rt First Aid Competition--1st Irene Coates, Marjorie Byers, and Violet Collett. 2nd---Robt. Skerratt, Dennis Steer, and Hazel Ballard. 3rd--Ruth Payne, Norma Millman, Ruby Wilson. Vocal Duets--T1st--Ruth Payne and Norma Millman; 2nd--Ruth Whit- taker and Bernice Gilroy. Girls Speaking--1 Frances Jones, Ruby Wilson, 3 Dorothy Wilson, 4 Norma Millman, 5 Ruth Whittaker. Public. Speaking, boys--1 Kenneth Reynolds, 2 Murray Holtby, 3 Gordon Prentice, 4 Roland Armstrong, 5 Ray- mond Martin. FREE--a three months course in Household Science and Agriculture, covering music, poultry, and a num- ber of other subjects, will be held in Uxbridge, commencing on November 26 and ending February 28. This will bé a splendid opportunity for all who ean possibly attend to learn a great deal which will help you throughout your life, Miss: June Sonley and. Master Walter Sonley, of Port Perry, were Miss Jean Michie spent the, week iy end at her home in Greenbank, Miss Marion Watson, of Cresswell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Wat- son, is to be congratulated on winning 1st prize in home economics, for girls in Mariposa Township. The Church service will be with- drawn next Sunday evening on ac- count of the special service at Zion. MANCHESTER Mr. and Mrs, Durward Lamb and Mrs. Hall, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. C. Lamb. Rev. and Mrs. Ireland were visiting here for a few days, We were pleased to have them attend church on Sun- day. Sunday October 6, will be observed | at Rally Day at our Sunday School. UA join service will be held. A good program is being prepared. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore moved on Monday last into the home of Mr. Mr. and Mi L. Christie of Oshawa, nd Mrs, A Crosier last visitors at the home of their grand- mother, last week. Mrs. Wm. McClintock has returned home after spending a few days with her brother Mr, Frank Lamb. Miss Blanche Reesor spent the week end in Stouffville, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have closed up their home in the village for the winter months' and are living in with Mr. Peter Christie, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Christie have returned to their home in Baltimore, after spending the th with his father, Mr. P. Christie. A number from here attended the James Dusty sale on Tuesday. Mr, Fred Lamb bought a number of sheep. A number of the ladies from here were entertained by the Utica ladies at a supper in the church. on Thurs- day last. Mr. Thos. McKee attended the fun- eral of his sister this week. A weiner roast was held on Tussisy evening on the vacant lot back of Miss A. Rees' home, when 18 or 29 young people gathered and spent a social evening together Mr. and Mrs. B. Robertson, of To- ronto, were week end visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lakey. TRAVEL JE XPERIENCED travellers use Travels lers' Cheques. They are as good as cash anywhere, and far safer. Before going away, buy Travellers® Cheques at The Royal Bank of Canada 'and avoid worry while travelling.