: g ! Hl i gaz 2 if '& Ss 2 £ sway for thousands of years, and had destroyed or built up as primeval 'Saws had dictated. 'Through the whole of Ohio and Indiana we had this magnifiéent, mysterious wood land almost constantly on either band. 'Toward evening the trees be- gan to grow more sparse, and finally merged Into an extensive meadow Jand, whose.....green sprang ffom a marshy soil. Then followed more woods, and once in a While a still, motionless lake, until gloomy "waters "eame Into view on both sides of the track, while the sun was sinking in glowing tones of red and orange. Along the northern horizon lay a bluish streak, which showed us that we were not far distant from Lake Michigan." "(Two days later.) Our road to-day lay through the 'rolling' prairie. A liar feeling of freed and of peacefulness lays hold of the speecta- tor. Toward evry pint of the com- pass the prairie seems limitless. No- where does the eye meet with a check; no fence, no hedge marks. a boundary; the horses and - cattle graze unrestricted, or the herd, paus- ing beside a small brook, seeks the shade of some near-by oaks, les in the grass, or 'stands in the water 'cooling its flanks in the clear stream. The eye of the tr d £ prisonment as an alternative ~ Upon a second or subsequent con viction the license should be auto- matically suspended for not less than ols hs, the Ci ost 1 tains. The qualifying age for an ap- plicant for a license to drive a motor- cycle sheuld be raised from-14 to 16 In the case of commercial aed a license to drive should not be ef fective, continues the Commission un- less the holder of such a license Is 23 Other recommendations are that the Minister o/ Transport should com-| pile comprehensive statistics on the causes of all road accidents; further- more, that he should also be ed to order an injuiry into the cause of any accident in which motor vehi- J cles are involved; but such an in quiry should be obligatory In case any accident to a public service vehl- cle involves a fatality. "Any person found driving or at- tempting to drive a mechanically pro- pelled vehicle when he is found to be under the influence of drink or drugs as to be incapable of having a proper control of such vehicle," says the report, "shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $250, or imprisonment not exceeding four months, or both, for ATATORIAL STARS, con- uerors of the Catalina and g! Channels, world cham- fons, record-holders, in open prizes and championship For sustained interest and tumultuous excitement, no specta- cle, no contest com Wrigley Marathon. Friday, August 23rd; Wednesday, August 2 "OTHER EMPIRE YEAR "HIGH LIGHTS" Opening of the new $1,000,000 Auto- tural Prize List; Trotting and Pacing at least 12 months." The report continues: son taking part in or conniving at motor racing or speed trials on a pub- lic road should be declared guilty of an indictable offense punishable by imprisonment, without option of fine qualification for holding: or "Any per- #*A HOUSENOLD NAME IN B54 COUNTRIES" Races and $5,000 F from every clime; International Regatta and out-board motorboat races; 2,000evoice Exhibition Then comes this reminder: "Six thousand deaths in one year with a prospect of a still greater death roll each succeeding year until we reach what has been called 'the saturation point' as regard the number of motor vericles, is a very heavy price to pay for modern transport." sion the commission declares: "Legis- lation on the subject of general com- tro} of trafic on roads is long over- due and should be enacted without 'Britannia's Muster," an in- and naval presentation by 1,500 performers on the world's larg- est stage; National Aircrafc Show and Carnival of the Clouds; feature after suring he euive fourteen days In conclu commission is headed by Sir from his idyrlle picture of the long, swelling lines of the prairie fading away nto the dim horizon, and ft will seldom meet with a sight more lovely." "On the evening of the second day we went aboard tle small steamer which was to carry us up the Mis- sissippl to St. Paul. The trip, which occupied several days ----- the boat steamed between the low and sparsely settled banks of the river and past numerous small green fs- lands--was not without its charm-- Saturday evening we finally arrived in St. Paul. The ten-year-old city, rises in a series of terraces on both sides of the broad river. As in all these new. towns of the West, the dwelling houses are built separately, scattered over a disproportionately ~ large area.....St. Anthony, mot far distant, with its falls of the Missis- #ippl reminding me of the Rhne falls at Schaffhausen, and the four-year-|,.. old town of Mnneapolis across the river, are situated at th eend of civill- gation. North of these two points the only inhabitants are Indians, bears and wolves."--From "On Two Conti nents, Memories of a half a Cen- tury," by 'Hansen Taylor. ' Waning Joys pause to admire and to taste, eager are we to hasten to, an open ing which we imagine will be more beautiful still. But by degrees, as we advance, the trees grow bleak, the flowers and butterflies fail, the fruits * disappear, and we find we have ar- rived--to reach a Arthur Grifith-Boscawen, who was appointed last August by Sir Willlam Joynson-Hicks, then Home Secretary. It examined many witnesses, includ ing representatives of the Ministry of Transport, rallwaymen, motoring associations, motorbus and commer- cial car experts, police cyclists, engl neers and municipal authorities, THOMAS BRADSHAW, " 57 H. W. WATERS, Canadian Aviation Growing Steadily Major-Gen. MacBrien Fore-|ous to the sees Bright Future--Flies | ths 1 No season of the year is so danger- lite of little ones as is the The excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand, the baby may be beyond all hu- man help before the mother realizes he is 11. Summer is the season when diarrhoea, cholera infantum, dysen- tery and colic are most prevalent. Any of these troubles may prove deadly if mot promptly treated. Dur- ing the summer the mothers' best end is Baby's Own Tablets. They 8 sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets are sold by me or by mail at 25 cents a box from The] Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co, Brock- Winnipeg--Unprecedented develop- ment of aviation in Canada and pos sibility of the Dominion linking Vancouver and Halifax by 1931, were heralded here recently by Major-Gen. J. H. MacBrien, of Ot- tawa, President of the Aviation Lea- "| miles of a solo flight from Ottawa, Gen, MacBrien piloted his little Gypsy o dealexs| Moth to a perfect landing at Steven. son airdrome. He is en route to the Pacific Coast and will continue h The future is always fairyland to the young. Life is lke a beautiful and winding lane, on either side bright flowers, and beautiful butterfiles, and tempting fruits, which we scarcely te Speen flight from here. "Progress The Loyal Consumer in Canadian aviation has been satisfactory," sald Gen. Mac. Brien, "and a rapid development is taking place. Commercial aviation teadily in Canada. New mil routes are being opened all the time, new flying clubs are being form- ed, and, generally, the situation very promising." : ery ; Referring to the establishment of a transcontinental lne, Gen, Mac- Brien stressed the im, y anization, 'pointed oub|to direct o A. Sala. SI, the east and the wes Government's Merchant Marine Victoria Colonist Cons.): Bvi- dences continue to multiply of how Government not to attempt the tax: burdening task of State-owned in: dustry. mpi ---- in tion, the less she can say." at -- : Kindness Pins depends on the situation. money is lost In State-managed en- terprises, and a striking example is furnished in connection with the|ed, The mosalcs reveal remnants Canadian Merchant Marie. . . Canada is experiencing heavy losses on 8|the year. The figures in the middle small fleet of vessels because -there| gection have been destroyed, and are only forty-five ships of 306,909| coarser mosaics. substituted. This tons deadweight in the Government Merchant Marine, and these are chief- ly cargo vessels. What bas hap- pened to the Australian Merchant Marine and what is happening t0| general scheme. Canada's similar venture, and how the taxpayers are suffering, should prove a warning to Britain's Labor An old Turkoman proverb says, "One drop of water given to the thirst- ing in the desert will wash away the sins of a hundred years" Those who know deserts can best understand the to| saying. Because of the scarcity of water, even drops are treasured. FT A 2S Some Hves are so situated that lit- {le kindnesses, like those drops of wa- | legend has it--by Alex- ~ | ander the Great, bas been revealed, perhaps for the first time in 1000 years, through the excavation work of the British School of in Jerusalem. and Yale University under the leadership of J. W. Crow- foot, director of the loral school. A magnificent stairway of fine red stone was completely excavated. It ascends almost to the Church of St. Theodore the excavation of which was begun last season, a notable edi fice standing on the third and high- est of thrée levels rising frcm the famous Street of the Columns. many other bistorical sites. three, and all quite close together. Synagogue." factors. geometric in design. "| the jewels had been kept. -| Gerasa was rebullt during the period of the Syrian kings of Antioch, glory of anclent Gerasa, scena -of notable events in ancient history and Eskimos and Whites Seattle, Wash. -- "Oomiak puk! ABY CHICKS: JULY AN Comiak paki meaning "Bis boats | IB, Rocks, 186, 'Hrovn Le Big boat!" is the cry that goes up when the Eskimos sight the schoon- er Boxer, Alaska supply ship for the United States Board of Education, now on its second cruise for this sea son. In May it left on its first trip.| Stoc going nearly to the mouth of the Yukon. In early July it left Seattle} today. Maple Grove Nurseries, Winona, again for Pt. Barrow and all remote points north. The Boxer, like all prudent boats, leaves Pt. Barrow each fall not later than Sept. 10. The present village (Jerash) Is located on the eastern bank of a stream, the ancient site being on the western, so that the latter is un- spoiled by unsightly buildings erect ed over it, as is the case with so This season's excavations were confined to a number of Byzantine churches, most of which date about the sixth century A.D. They were found to be in groups of two or tle t ted powes sch , but compared to the skin "oomiaks" of the natives she Is "puk," big, and "puk" In importance, for no sbip car- ries more precious freight. From re. | quisitions made out by teachers In the long winters, Dr. Jonathan T. Wag- ner, superintendent of the Alaska division of the United States Board of Education, fills the Boxer with sup- plies that must last a whole year until she comes again. Such formal things as requisition talk French!" sheets and such a conventional instl- tution as the Government become mobile before the needs of points farthest north, and a supply of tooth paste and a few tubs for the people of St. Lawrence Island, must be In- cluded with pen and ink. In Mr. A notable feature of one of these 1s the discovery of the floor of a synagcgue, only a few Inches below the level of 'the church, located im- mediately to the rear of the Temple of Artemis, commanding an xcellent view of the city. The mosaics of the syndigogue flocr, some of which were partly destroyed by the erection of the church above it, reveal an elabo- rate scene from Noah's Ark and two heads of figures with the names of Shem and Japheth written in Greek. Thére is also a Greek inscription, broken In part, which reads as far as preserved, "Amen, Sela. Peace to the Representations, of the seven branched candlestick, the palm branch, citron, and Scroll of the Law were found, and also another inscrip- tion reading, "Peace unto all lsrael," followed by the names of the bene- seen, packed with phonograph records going to Barrow. games; raffia and water colors, which In St. George's Church there is an excellent representation of a peacock, while all the other musaics there are From all evidence obtainable, St. Theodore's is apparently the oldest of all the hurches thus far excavat- of a design giving the 12 months of is 'believed to have been done as an act of protest against imges, but en- ough remains of the names of the months to enable Identification of the On the stairway were found a pair of gold earrings and several seal rings, and also parts of boxes in which over; free catalogue. Granton Ontario. GENTS WANTED TO SELL FRUIT Trees, Shade Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Hedging, and a complete for old established firm. furnished, Cash commission paid week, Good teritory still open Ontarlo, As boats go, the Boxer Is only a lit- * RIFLES * CARTRIDGES SPORTSMEN'S SUPPLIES Write fos Catalogue T. W. BOYD & SON MONTREAL Wagner's office a cheese box was Besides all the et cetera of schools, such as songbooks, word-building the natives delight in, and stencils cf George Washington and Abraham Lin- coln to be drawn on the blackboard, there are such practical things as alarm clocks and building material. On her last trip the Boxer carried lumber for a school on Isolated King Island in the waters north of Nome. This island is so steep that houses are built on stilts fastened into the steep bank and is only inhabited be- cause of its choice seal and walrus fishing. In the summer the natives take their, pelts and Ivory and carved ivory to Nome where they barter them for their winter's supplies and then when the Boxer returns from Bar. row in the early fall and the sear are heavy for their frail boats; they re- turn by the "oomiak puk." The Boxer does many such friendly errands and In cases where she Is the oly boat visiting, carries gen- eral freight for the comfort of the ity, supplying Its needs. Where ing the period of Roman rule. der the Turkish Government. tor. be laid to rest.--Dallas News. when its name was d to "Antl- och of the Golden River." The orig: inal term, however, proved the more popular one, and it has survived and is still to be recognized in the pres- ent Arab name Jerash, The city was later captured by Alexander Jannaeus, the Maccabean king, and was sub- sequently liberated by Pompey. As is evidenced by the public buildings recently excavated, Gerasa sas at the height of its splendor and glory dur- The ¢ity eontinued to prosper dur- ing the Christian period, as shown by the churches of that epoch. After the advent of the Moslems, Gerasa went through many vicissitudes, which resulted ultimately in its down- fall. It was not until 1878 that it was again rebuilt by the Circassians, un- These discoveries bring to a con- clusion two successful years of exca- vation work.--Christian Sclence Moni- reed eee E * Us Democrats don't care where the he more a woman is pressed for| Republican party was born- it we there are co-operative stores estab- lished by the government teachers, while the native storekeepers do their own wholsale, buying, the Boxer, it there 1s no other beat, carries thelr supplies at the cost of operating the boat. In the case of the personal supplies of the teachers they are car- ried free. ein mn Minard's Liniment for aching Joints A Knowledge Life is the goal of knowledge. All learning has, as its ultimate aim, better living. Losing sight of this truth, students sometimes become "fossils." They are deficient in all- round life, and this deficlensy in turn limits their knowledge. When what one knows is assiduously applied to what one does, the knowledge itself becomes enriched and expanded. To live, know; to know, live. ERR | As we understand it, the ship-build- ing race between the United States and Great Britain is the first slow- motion race in history Kay - .Fea- could only kiow when ft-is going to tures. BoA INDIGESTION or PHILLIPS En dose! Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' nu bed "Reduce the Acid Take a spoonful in water and your harmful methods will never appeal to you. Go prove this for your owa| HK seke. It may save a great many| HM disagreeable hours. 3 Newrich had just arrived from a tour of Europe, and her long- suffering acquaintances had no oppor- tunity to forger the fact. "And Paris!" she gushed. is just wonderful! The people are all so well-educated--not at all like they are in this crude country, my dear! Why, even the street cleaners can Americans have become so extra. vagant that it is now almost as hard to live within an income as without one.~ Louisville Times, LUXO FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Barber--He Knows EROXON With'The Pin Ea = < rs A "You Must Do Your Bit in the war against the fly, carrier of germs and breeder of disease. It Is proven that AEROXON is one of the most convenient and most | efficient means of combating. this fly evil. It is convenient, because of the push-pin. It iy hygienic: flies never get away when once caught. Each spiral gives three BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Bold at drug, grocery end hardware stores 1a Cie C. 0. Genest & Fils, Limitée [9 en Distributor for Ontario NEWTON A. Stop Pain Minard's may be used inter nally or externally to ease pain in all parts of body. TIE Aer e WOMAN $0 SICK COULD NOT WORK Helped by Taking Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound