COMMUNITY BUYING b Through the co-operation of the Business Men listed relationship 'bring about a better business community in which to live. % between resident and A. J. DAVIS 78 Rexall sire DRUGS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS CONFECTIONERY TOILETRIES KODAKS and DEVELOPING Telephone 49 Residence 134 BROCK & SON DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BBOTS & SHOES. WALL WALL PAPER A SPECIALTY. Telephone 43 W. R. WILLAN THE MERCHANT TAILOR Clothes Made to Your Measure Telephone 46 Morrison's Drug Stor KODAKS, FILMS AND DEVELOPING MOIR'S CONFECTIONERY COMPLETE NYAL LINE Telephone 16 IL R. BENTLEY JEWELLER & STATIONER Our Values are Equal to Anywhere EYES TESTED FREE. J. F. McClintock DRYGOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES CROCKERY, FLOUR, FEED. Telephone 36 "E. H. GERROW BAKED GOODS AND CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM & SOFT DRINKS Telephone 32. Port Perry Lumber & Milling COMPANY ROUGH AND DRESSED __ LUMBER HARDWOOD FLOORING "SHINGLES, LATH DOORS and SASH CUSTOM CHOPPING, FLOUR AND FEED OF ALL KINDS. i Telephone 26. CHANGE OF A The Port Perry Branch of this Bank will Ferguson Block, East of the Post Office. You our premises, where we shall have every facility for PORT PERRY BRANCH B. D. HENRY, Manager PULL TOGETHER Residents of town and country are partner in each other's business and affairs and the folly of the tug-of-war between residents of the two sections of one community is about as plain as it ever will be. Good-will, co-operation and the square deal make a successful partnership, not dissension and rivalry. Residents of Port Perry and the surrounding rural dis- tricts must practice co-ordination and unity of effort to en- sure the success of the entire community. Farmers, your market is in Port Perry. Sell your wares in this town and buy your necessities here. Merchants, the farmers of this district are your patrons and friends. Buy their products and give them what their goods are worth. Then sell them your merchandise on an honest and co-operative basis. Good-will and combined support for Port Perry will result. With such a system in practice, this town will soon become a leading community. The money which the farmer pays for his necessities will remain here and that which the mer- chant pays the farmer will come back to him. The profits of trade will build up this community and not go to the support of competing cities. You as residents in your community must adopt the spirit of co-operation, as well as team work. Make a concentrated effort to bring to Port Perry the outlying trade, and by doing this you will build slowly but surely for a bigger and better business, and a better community in which to live. W.L. Parrish | Willard & Co. HARDWARE General Merchants INWARE GROCERIES, DRYGOODS and HEATING FRUITS, VEGETABLES. Telephone 46 r 2. Telephone 55. PORT PERRY MILLING COMPANY This company. have two main branches in their business --the Flour and Grist Mill, and the Planing Mills and sash and door factory. FLOUR--Expert milling has producéd reliable Al Flour, suitable for Bread and Pastry. Custom chopping. is done promptly and at reasonable cost. LUMBER, ETC.--Estimates given on all kinds of building materials, Sash and Doors. Call and tell them your wants. They are at your service. The Canadian Bank of Commerce PORT PERRY BRANCH Equipped for service--Following the Amal tion of the two local branches, increased facilities to serve the public have been introduced. MAKE THIS YOUR BANK " CARNEGIE HARDWARE Let us give you an estimate on Plumbing and Furnace Work. toh The Royal Bank of Canada| Millinery; Men's Clothing Furnishings; | rt MacGregor FOR QUALITY MEATS BUTTER AND EGGS Telephone 72 r 2 ? ak McKEE & SON | GENTS' FURNISHINGS & SHOES BOOTS GROCERIES & FRUITS FLOUR & FEEDS - Telephone 152. Hall's Restaurant "A Good Place to EAT" ICE CREAM and 'CONFECTIONERY W. T. RODMAN MERCHANT TAILOR. Made-to-Measure Clothes Cleaning, Pressing & Repairing i W. A. BEATTY HARNESS, LEATHER GOODS, SUIT CASES, CLUB BAGS TRUNKS, ROBES, RUGS AND BEARE BROS. McLAUGHLIN AND CHEVROLET MOTOR SALES AND SERVICE Telephone 130 W.4, A. L. McDermott FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS Telephone 128 W, 4 House 128 J CARNEGIE-DAY MOTORS This is "EXIDE" BATTERY WEEK. No where can you Beat Qur Prices. Buy your BATTERY in our town. Phone 61 ' : 1929 FALL FAIR DATES +... Sept. 18-14 REPORT OF CADMUS SCHOO) 8. 8. No. 5, Cartwright Names in order of merit. *--Those prevented by sickness from i September September 18-14 trying but promoted on their year's |§ Allen Fallis, Hon.; Sidney Heming § ton, Violet White, Percy Hulbert. her aaa] x. 11 to Sr. Iil~Doris Wilson, Hon: * Harvey Thompson, *Violet } Sr. I to Jr. I1I--Allen Beacock, Hon; | village Assortment in V- tricity to be tarned on. _ The members of St. choir are providing the special music| for the Presbyterian Anniversary ser- vices to be held in Nestleton, on Sun-| : | MEN'S SHIRTS, $1.89. 'day morning and evening next. Miss Susie VanCamp and Margaret Swain are in Stirling this week at- tending the Summer School. ; "Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, Percy and Cecil, spent the week end at the City of Hamilton; the guests of Mz: and Mrs. John Hamilton, edly E yh The Garden Party held under the auspices of the. Victorian Women's | F.W.Brock & Son Port Perry Institute at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mountjoy, was a splendid sue- cess, the proceeds amounted to $110. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haneock and Gordon, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Mountjoy. MissMuriel Willan, of Port Perry, is spending this week with Miss Mabel VanCamp. Mr. and Mrs. D. W, Bradburn Mrs. Wm. Barton, are visiting with relatives in Tiverton. Wo RE A Miss Helen Kemp, of Stratford, has been engaged as principal of our Con: tinuation School. i SEAGRAVE (Too last for last week.) The annual Sunday School 'Picne| was held at the Cream of Barl Park, Bowmanville, on Thursday, 18th inst. Ineluded in the growd of about two hundred, were the minister and superintendent and officers of the Sunday School. . The children sure did enjoy the playground equipment at the park and ladies provided abund- ance of "eats"for everyone. The winners of the races were: Boys' race, 6 to 10--Harvey Clarke, Kenneth' Scott, Walter Fishley. Girls' race, 6 to 10--FernieMoon, Kathleen Clarke, Jean. Harding. Boys' race, 10 to 16--Glen Wana- maker, Oliver Martin, Frank Harding. Girls' race, 10 to 16--Norma Moon, Ruth Clements, ~ ° 3 "Young ladies™ race-- Violet Pickard, | Alma Frise, Ila Moon. bE Married ladies' race--Mrs. M. Sleep, Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs. (Rev.) Green. 's race--J. Harding, M. W. Crosier. - } ¥ Jon's church]: 46 in. x 20 in., © (See the nes n's Sweaters ate d Coat Sweaters. All wool ment of fi and silk and wool in a asso « designs. 3 ; SALE PRICE, large sizes $2.50 we [MEN'S FANCY SWEATERS, from $4.35 up, in a large assort- "ment of new goods, Some with two collars in fine broadcloth, and nice patterns : © Your Choice $1.89 . 4 : : : MEN'S FANCY COTTON HOSE, 20c. These hose are in at- tractive patterns and good quality. Excellent Value 20c. pr. LADIES' BATHING SHOES in Red and Green, . . ..75¢ per pair. CHILDREN'S BATHING SHOES ................per pair 66c. _ ~W. H. DOUBT "wishes to announce to his many friends and customers in Port Perry vicinity that he is now prepared to do an MERCHANT TAILOR BUSINESS in Special MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHING He will gladly submit prices and samples. Cleaning, ; delling, pressing, and repairing Men's adi dling. 74 Simcoe St. N., OSHAWA, Upstairs, Room 8, 8 Th C 5 ' True loyalty requires no considera- ; : eamery tion, accepts none. It springs from e Lr A the honest acknowledgenient of obli- is paying 39¢., 88c., and 8Bc¢. f0r| gation and is sustained by frank re- Butter Fat. You can save 1abor| cognition of right. It is the highest and make more money by send- 'possible expression of independent £3 manhood in its relation with man, | community and nation. = Do nothing shameful, even if you are alone. = * BUYING ON THE A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors Ay months. INSTALMENT PLAN: THOUSANDS LIKE HIM DOCTOR! 5 $ the radio set much. And you can get : "Jan, 4. Bought an day. Very easy terms. Very fine car, with cigar lighter on dash. Ought to finish payment on this in eighteen "August 6, Somehow do mim plenty of books from the public 1 rary. The thing that hurts is that Uncle George should be so mean. Of