Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 1 Aug 1929, p. 7

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'between those who call her Gurgles gles and those who call her Glory and those who would normally to do with right and wrong. pose there are savage tribes in which a person only possesses one name, and 50 has to be addressed by it. It might be maintained that the first ~ name is always the noblest and most sacred in a religious and moral sense. "1 complain of it here, not because it shows a lack of appreciation of the 'world. © It especially shows 'a lack of appreciation of the civilized world. It shows a dullness in distinguishing and tasting the art of civilization. To take another alternative pos- "sibility, some of those Utoplas des-| eribed by Mr. Wells might possibly abolish all Christian names, or even abolish all names. We might have labels, : 2 oi Our criticiam on it would be that # dulled the edge of fine cultural in- tercourse. It takes away certain 'fing shades of personal interest, of| -- pr or PD 'which help the colored comedy of life, It is barbaric and reactionary to de- stroy these cultural distinctions be- tween one thing and another, because it 'is like rubbing out all the lines of a fine drawing. Now there were very many things in which the Victorians were quite wronf, But in their punctiliousness about etiquette in things like this they were: quite right. In insisting that the young lady should be called at one stage Miss Vavasour, and only \ at another stage Gloria, and only in extreme and confidence Gurgles, they were a thousand times right. They were maintaining a Wholly superior social system, by which social ac tions were significant, and not (as they are now) all of them equally in- significant, There is a meaning in each 38, those names. When I was a boy there was a real symbolism, a real poetry, and in the sane sense & real romance, in the transition from being supposed to oall a lady Miss Brown to being al- lowed to call her Mabel. , There is also this further point, The old stages of intimacy were in- dividual, and In that sense even un- conventional. The new comradeship is entirely conventional. It Is In the exact and solid sense a conven: tion. The old admission to special friendship occurred at different stages with different people; it was an ad- fenture, The mew familiarity is real iy a formality. It is a thing made common like the rules of a game; it is a thing dictated by what the in- stinct of the people themselpes call "the crowd." But the essential point about it is - that this sort of simplification merely fmpoverishes life. Life is much more "rich and indipldual initiations, special _ favors and different titles Tor dif- ferent relations of life. "It 1 were constructing a Utopia, which God forbid, I should describe a civilization broad highway, or bathers in the | scantiest of costumes basking In the gleaming sunshine on the sands. Going Back to Nature Mrs. Grundy may gasp her dismay, but the fact remains that Britain, to keep fit, is going back to nature. if | Sun-bathing has come to stay. 1A little while ago a great sensation was caused on the Sussex downs by two members of a society which be- lleves that mixed sun and alr-bathing in the nude state is the secrét of mental and bodily health. One was a girl of 20, with a body as well as ever again. Now I go about my work with pleas. : 'whe; in fact, feel 10 years younger." Buy a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at all druggists and dealers in medicine or, post- paid, by mail at 30 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario. ohh igs: EL i: i i Ef 5 but latterly the nude state has been ) bly cb joned Young girls, particularly, bave exhibited the greatest entiusiadim, and nude sun- bathing parties have been many and successful, And so the revolt against clothes continues: to spread throughout the world. Perhaps Britain will soon be on the way to regaining its position as the healthiest nation under the sun.--Montreal Standard. r lei KEEP CHILDREN WELL DURING HOT WEATHER Every mother knows how fatal the richly tanned by continual e to sun and wind; her companion, a young man, who eloquently explained that they believed in pride of body, and not shame of It. "We want to Infuse grace and grand into an exi that has become paltry and trivial" be de- clared. "Ws accomplish this psychic: ally by sun-bathing and mentally by psychoanalysis and positivo thinking. Living Poetically "Qur great idea is to discipline our pelves in order that we may live more vigorously and joyously. Tired- ness of limb and weariness of soul go together." On one occasion, when both were ambling along in a nude state, they were surprised by a party of holiday makers on their way over the downs to bathe. "They were extremely surprised," sald the young sun-god, "and they were also somewhat concerned. But we had nothing of which t oe as hamed. We are simply living poetl- cally." Again ,a remarkable stir was creat- ed by an advanced educational experi ment at a private school in Suffolk, where boys and girls ran about nak- ed and sketched from the nude in ed classes, ere were 26 pupils, all the boys being under the age of 12, while the ages of the girl puplls ranged from a few years to 16, The outhouses of the school had been converted into studios and a gymnasium. Near by was a pool of water where, in the summer months the boys and girls bathed, there be- ing a strict rule that costumes should not be worn. Modern Adams and Eves We educate our children on psy- chological lines," said Mayor T. J. Faithful, the head of the school, "We teach them to ignore the differences of sex, and so far as harm resulting from the art classes I clalm that til IN x) HH Baul UN 3] DeMilliams' PINK PILLS "A HOUSEHOLD NAME 14 84 COUNTRIRS = . ' 1 inat 4: Imagination has given us all pro gress, bullt our cities, written the worth-while books, composed our splendid music, carved living statues, given birth to modern industry and made the desert places of life to blos- som as the rose. This is the essence of genius, the basis of success, the creator of character, the soul of sym- pathy, and the chief witness to the nature of infinite being--H. K. Mik it Rea fo hot are to small obil- dren, Cholera infantum, dlarrhoea, dysentry, coll and stomach troubles are rife at this time and often a pre- clous little life is lest after only a few hours illness. The mother who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in the house feels safe. The occasional us: of the Tablets prevent stomach and bowel or it ble comes suddenly ~--as it generally does--the Tablets will bring the baby safely through. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont.' She. How do you like my new 1929 bathing sult? He: Wait a minute, 1 haven't seen it yet. ---- ee Radio * Ottawa Droit" (Ind.): The best plan would be, inour opinion, to commer- clalize radio ,which has become a pub- icity medium of very great value, al- though that of the press still surpass- es it by many lengths, In this re- gpect the American practice seems to recommend {itself. Certain interests, companies, businesses of all sorts, are sold an hour a week, and the pur- h are ible for the or- there are positive ad "Life," he sald, "is a natural thing, and nudity is only shameful because we have made it so. Unhealthiness comes from separating the sexes." Germany, once a land of restricted womanhood and iron morals, has to- day over 38,000,000 disciples of the Sweden too, have joined in the move- ment. : The German sun-worshippers claim Lord Mc do as their pi Hi When your Children Cry < -jorlc Baby has little upsets at times. All your care cannot prevent them. But you can be prepared. Then you can do what any experienced nurse would | oc ana in suitable localities" to | 90--wiiat wast Physicians won el | preach and practice clothelessness. JOU 10 Bopive 3 robs pais Only recently, with the sanction eta; amos i at 2 oa] Lo Gerums Hote fies, e3d the Baby is i pe Inet a a approval of the Ministry of Health, ter of moments. Yei you have ur. neq of ihe ent rented Sased your ar Corl waste tracts of lake and IMeralde vegetable. . So it's safe to use as of- land thuoy ao he Tn en ten as an infant has any ir closures where members may you cannot pat away. And it's al-| 0g tneir clothing and expose their ways ready for the crueler pangs Of|y,jies to the sun free from prying bathing naked in public brooks and sun-bathing in the mud with nothing but a coating of olive-oil on his body. And that was in 1796! ; The army of modern Adams and Eves In Germany is popularly known as the "Children of the Sun." Mem- bers are pledged "on suitable occa- shocked the German honsewives by | ganization of their musical programs, reserving here and there a few sec. onds for their own publicity. This method, besides allowing us to reduce to a minimum the price of licenses; will make radio stations paying pro- positions. We shall thus be enabled to resist the principle of State owner- ship ,which there has been some at- tempt to import here from Canada in the matter of radio. 1 eee Unnecessary The barrister 'had returned home after an Important case in which he had been defending a man charged with murder. "What was the verdict?" asked his wife, rushing into the hall and throw- ing her arms round her husband's neck. : : "He was acquitted," beamed the bar- rister. "Wonderful! How did you mange that? On what grounds?" "Insanity," was the reply. "I proved that his father had spent five years in a lunatic asylum." "But he hadn't, liad he?" "Oh, yes, he had!" said the rising young er. was a doctor | eyes: there, but T that out." 28! turally Mr. Lioyd George would like the thunder Premier MacDon- ald e from him put into effect. As long as he goes straight Premier MacDonald can probably count on Lloyd George's support, provided he makes certain changes in the Fran: chise Act which should give Lloyd George twice as many followers as he has now and to that extent would make the balance of power twice as puissant as it is to-day. But Premier MacDonald must not forget that there is a Man Behind and that little David with his stone the great Goliath slew. No doubt Mr. Lloyd George still has hopes for the rejuvenescence of the Liberal party. He still has the cam- paign fund In his hands and at the next election can say to one, come, and he cometh, and to another, go, and he goeth, and otherwise act with full authority. . It is this Campaign fund that Win- ston Churchill deplores when he states in his post mortem on the elec- tion that Mr. Lloyd George used every means tb sabotage the Conservative Party, This is only partly true, the Conservative pdrty haying sabotaged itself to some extent by having noth- ing more colorful to put forward than to let well enough alone. "Is 'Mr, Churchill snarling or has he dreams of being the Man. Behind and switch- ing the Liberal party over to his side? One way or another, this Mr. Church- ill has done a lot of switching in his day. ria Intéf-Imperial Trade Quebec Evenement (Cons.): Some people think, with Lord Beaverbrook, that free trade between Britain and the British countries across the sea, is the most practical solution of this grave pmeblem, Others, with Mr. Chamberlain, believe that the time is approaching when the application of commercial Imperialism, but with guarantees for the daughter patioms of England, will be the only efficacious solution of the difficulty. In our hum- ble opinion, free trade is no more de- sirable In the Empire than it would be between Canada and the United States. It Is clear that our different habits of life render a proposal like this inacceptable to Canadians. It would put our raw materials at teh disposal of British industry, to the detriment of the Canadian industrial ist and worker, and it would not com- pensate this disadvantage by any ade- quate increase in the importation by England of articles produced in Can- ada, What both Britain and Canada appear to need is commercial treaty assuring to both a strong commercial preference. Canada already gives this, but receives practically nothing in return. Without doubt, London is our best client for the export of agri- cultural products. But in the invis- ible exchanges, money, for example, Canada annually dispatches to Eng- land hundreds of millions of dollars ip dividends. ame fire Minard's Liniment for Earache. a a G9L Hopes Hast thou o'er the clear heaven of thy soul Seen tempest roll? Hast thou watched all the hopes thou would'st have won Fade one by one? Wait til the clouds raise thine eyes To bluer skies.' 2 --=Adelaide A. Proctor. are past, then The up-and-coming young man Is likely to succeed, unless. he is up at four and just coming home. LUXO FOR THE HAIR Ask Your Barber--He Knows yment program outlined: by the ral party and unalloyed by the 'opinions of the Fablan Society. Na- Young and Old 3 When all the world is young, lad, And all the trees are green; And every goose a swan, lad, And every lass a queen; Then hey for boot and horse, lad, And round the world away; Young blood must have its course, lad, And every dog his day. 'When all the world is old, lad, And all the trees are brown; And all the sport is stale, lad, And all the wheels run down; Creep home, and take your place there, The spent and maimed among; God grant you find one face there, You loved when all was young. --~Charles Kingsley. damsel on. Ohio State Journal: "One' of the somewhat disillusioned brides of this neighborhood wonders. if Lindy snores." Another assignment for the reporters.--Toledo Blade. JAERoxon WithThe Pin 1 TheHoney "You Must Do Your Bit in the war against the fly, carrier of germs and breeder of disease. It 1s proven that AEROXON is one of the most convenient and most efficient means of combating this fly evil. It is convenieht, because of the push-pin. It is hygienic: flies never get away when once caught. Each spiral gives three weeks' perfect service. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Sold at drug, grocery end hardware stores La Cie C. 0. Genest & Fils, Limitée SHERBROOKE, QUE i Distributor for Ontarl NEWTON A. HILL 68 Front St. RH. - - Toronto RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE isextra good Classified Advertisements BABY CHIOKS ABY CHICKS: JULY AND AUGUST, B Rocks nconas 11 ns Tats Te, Cy #.rted chicks 9c. Express paid on 200 or over: free catalogue. A. H Switzer, Granton Ontario. 9 Thank Goodness Detroit News: The office cynic says he felt instantly relieved this morn- ing, when reading over the proposed new tariff bill in full detail, to find unmanufactured lava on the free list. ee eines: My poor friend George has lost the tie-pin his wife gave him for & birth- day present. He could not keep up the instalments. Paibe tra | 0 es Syme Be Ng Eyes tell Your Character Brown eyes for strength--Blus { i TCray eyes toe dicate a a lens stnuels Yeor Wud 'ood eyes sparkle? Are the whitey clear or are they tinged with yellow weindicating an out-of sorts. condition = due to constipa- tion? If so, you need Bee wn (PLCS . se foi gasiod; Sout dyes will" og Seastable Y uci "" Read about Character the Eye mn . Juture Beecham Advertisements Sales Agents: Harold ¥. Ritchie & Co. Limited. Toronto \ t= Se a Cuticura Ssap restores the normal action of the pores by its wonderfully effective cleansing and purifying qualities. ifty Years of Sereice Soap 2050. Ointment 250. and Boe. College Girl Tells How She Cleared Skin, Gains 12 Ibs. "l am a student at Columbia Uni versity," writes Miss Arden Ambroo- kian, "and I am writing to Inform you of the benefits derived from Ironized Yeast. It helped do away with some ungightly pimples that were so hard to get rid of. Before taking Ironlzed Yeast my weight was 103 Ibs. Now I weigh 116 Ibs, My face and neck are rounding out, my digéstion is bet- ter, 1 eat and sleep well and my health is excellent." Letter after letter tells this same wonderful story. Five to 16 pounds galned In a few weeks. Bony limbs rounded. Blemished skin cleared. Only when Yeast Is lronized is It more - effective--for Iron is needed to . bring out, the welght-bullding and strengthening values of Yeast. Get these pleasant tasting tablets to- day. Never cause gas or bloating. Safe--no harmful drugs. Go to any drug store to-day and get a full size treatment of Ironized Yeast. If after this generous trial you are not delighted, get your money back from druggist or manufacturer. It inconvenient to buy from druggist, send $1.25 to Canadian Ironized Yeast Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Desk 425-BT. When Pain Dandruff Rub Minard's Into your scalp four times a week. Prevents falling hair. Lrg PN ETT eet es 13s "] bave to work in the store and do my own housework, too, and 1 got nervous and run-down and wasin bed nearly all summer, The least noise would make me nervous. I was told to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and 1 have taken seven bottles; It has made me strong. er and put more color into my face. 1 am looking after my store and | housework and my four children and | am getting slong nicely now." =--Mr. J; Malin, R. R. No. 5, Barton | St Bast, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,

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