3 are spending some weeks at Pigeon | Mrs. EB. Walker and family wil spend the summer at Port Bolster. family left last Friday for Montreal 'where they will visit friends for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Taylor started on Tuesday and will sjoin Mr. and Mrs, Jeffrey, in Montreal, after which they will all' visit Northern Quebec, stopping at "Ste. Agathe des Monts, Mont Laurier and Maniwaki. "They will return via Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Crosier and grandson, Elwood Crosier, have just returned from a motor trip to London and Fingal, calling on friends. Miss Marguerite Jackson has com- pleted her hospital course and is now a fully qualified Registered nurse. We congratulate Miss Jackson upon her success, 'Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jecrey and svault. customers. ' _ July and August. Mr. Reg. Doubt has taken a position upon the Editorial Staff. of the Peter- |' boro Examiner. Success to him. There is a big field open for the right kind of men. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Leask, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Baird, have just re- turned from a motor trip through New York State, Ohio and Michigan. Mr. Irvin Coates, Mr. and Mrs. R. Milne, and Mrs. John Shaw, of To- ronto, visited Mr. John Irvin for the holiday. Mr, Frank Gould, of the Royal Bank staff, and lady friend, spent the holi- | day at his home in Sterling. Mr. and "Mrs. W. McClintock, of Lindsay, spent the holiday with Port Perry friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris, of To- ronto, were visiting friends in Port Perry for a few days. Misses Kathleen and Lucille Leask left on Wednesday, July 38rd for the Thousand Island Park, New York. They will have charge of the music for Sunday Services there during Miss. Lucille will resume her teaching here the first] week in September. Mr. Arthur W. Beall, Whitby, lecturer on Eugenics and Per- sonal Hygiene in High and Public Schools, was in town on Wednesday, |. and called on the Editor of the Star Do not foregt the decoration and memorial service at Pine Grove Ceme- tary, on Sunday next, July 7. Mr. S. Farmer is in London .this| week. OO CHANGES IN PLACE OF BUSINESS Mr. P, G. Morrison has moved into the Archer Block, just west of the Post Office, and the Rite Hat Shoppe have moved to the Blong Block, next to Willan's Tailor Shop. The Royal |, Bank are fitting up the premises va- cated by Mr. Morrison, and will move shortly. i Orestes TEN FROM WHITBY HAVE AP- PLIED FOR OLD AGE PENSIONS- Reeve J. M..Kenny as Whitby's re- presentative on the County Board to hear applications for help under the Old Age Pensions Act, has been ap- proached by no fewer than ten citizens of Whitby who feel that as the result of old age and shortage of life's ne- cessities they should receive pensions; The applications received by him will have to come before the County Board for consideration before any action is taken. The reeve has received a copy of the Act and is now studying its various provisions. res} DECORATION SERVICES The annual memorial and decoration services will be held at Pime Grove} Cemetery on Sunday, July 7th, at 2.30 h p.m, Brel Omi STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE M.A, of 'Summer School was' given by Miss). _ week, has been effected over the Sra without rE "the customers. On Tuesday morning the office opened 1 4h as usual in the Commerce Building on the North side with the combined staff, the office having been comodate the increased business. A much larger 8p allotted to the public and the arrangements behind with the increased staff make it possible to give quicker to our customers. .» + Greater facilities have been provided for Safety Deposit Box. holders 'as well as increased protection by improvements in the We would be glad to receive a visit from any - 'our' H. G. HUTCHESON; Manager: E. B. WALKER, Manager. - | the semi-annual meeting of the Lresbyterian W.M.S. of Lindsay Pres- 'pyterial took place in. Chalmer's Gnurcn, Uxbridge. on Thursday, June 'z0th. | ihe morning session opened at 10.30 with the president Miss M, Gould, of Uxbridge, in the chair, About 200 aelegates bowed their heads for a few moments in silent prayer, after which the hymn "Unto the Hills Around Do 'i Lut Up My Longing Eyes" was sung. Scripture reading by Mrs. Ferguson, of Quaker Hill, followed. mrs, Maclver, of Port Perry, offered prayer for the work of the W. M. S. in all its branches, The minuntes of the last semi-an- nual meeting were read by Mrs, J. B. Ross, Beaverton, Recording-Secretary and then a conference of the Presby- verial Secretaries followed. Very satisfactory and encouraging reports were presented from all auxiliaries. 'susiness and questions were then dis- cussed. A most intereting report of Ross, of Cannington, and the singing of a hymn closed the morning session. The afternoon session opened at 2 "J o'clock but at 1.45 all interested met with the heads of departments to ask for and receive information regarding 'the work. . A hymn, Scripture reading 'by Miss Willis, of Uxbridge, and prayer by Mrs. Douglas, of Sonya, formed the" devotional exercises.-Wei- come to the delegates was extended by 'Mrs. Frankish, of Uxbridge. Minutes of the morning meeting were read by Mrs. Ross and the roll call followed. The Treasurer's report showed that 'up to the present time $1213.10 had been raised, an increase of $207.74 'over the same period last year. + After the offering, a short talk by 'Mrs. Ellen Anderson, (Prov. Supply Secretary) on the Supply Work of our society was given and then fol- lowed a chorus "The World for Christ" beautifully rendered by the Band. The address of the afternoon was given by Mrs, McKellar, of Ham-; ilton, her subject being "Service." Greetings from Presbytery were tend- ered by Rev. Mr. Robinson, of Ux- 'bridge and then féllowed the closing (words so fittingly and beautifully 'chosen by Mrs." W. A, McLennan, former President of the Presbyterial and now Vice President of the Prov, Society. Just at this moment Mrs. McLennan was surprised with an addresé from "| the Presbyterial expressing the af- fection of all the auxiliaries and voic- ing the regrets 'which were felt at her removal. An Honorary membership certificate was presented as a slight token of the esteeem in which she wis We will promptly and carefully de- [cl liver 'your orders at current retail . Phone W. Mm. 8. SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING 'smallest members of the Mission |, OPEN BRANCH IN OSHAWA Messrs. Harris & Harris, barristers and solieitors, are opening a branch office in Oshawa, with Mr. John Harris in charge. rere (iin THE SCOUTS' CORNER Do a good turn daily. Be prepared, Remember the Scout law, ; * %, 0% A new contest between the patrols was inaugurated at the meeting last Tuesday, 'with quietness in Patrol Corners, atténdance, and punctuality to count. The Senior Patrol dis- tinguished (7?) themselves by coming last so far. But just watch those seniors next meeting! * * % If you're late or absent next meet- ing you will lose % or 1 mark for your Patrol. Consequently don't for- get the date--Tuesday, July 9th, or the time 7.30 p.m. The softball en- thusiasts can show up at the diamond anytime from 6.30 p.m, on. «so» ; The sing-song last meeting revealed | the surprising fact that some of the Scouts are actually good singers., We all'had a good time singing (or trying to) and the sounds that came forth, while perhaps not harmonious, were not hard to listen to. * Patrol Yoilles Donald (Peck) Shep- ard has been i uarter for the Scout Camp which will be held during the third week in August. Peck would appreciate you telling him if you have a tent or know where any could be obtained. * There is a troop of Scouts camping] them, give him the Scout salute and the hand shake. Remember a Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout. A om AM a CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, July 7th, 1929, 8 a.m.--Holy Communion : 10 a.m.--Sunday School. . 11 am~ ~--Thanksgiving service for the King's recovery. Friday, 8 p.m --Week-night service. e000 : THE LATE SADIE ALLIN LAID TO REST AT SUNDERLAND The funeral of the late Miss Sadie Allin, who died suddenly at. the home | of her sister, Mrs, W. C. Wilson, on Friday, June 22nd, took place from the Church of the Ascension of Tues- day afternoon. assisted by the Rev. P. G. Powell, of Blackstock. The church was filled to on the Island. If you meet one of} e service was con-| Autied by we Sector, Rev, 1. A. Sind; large class copacity with relatives and friends. | Myrtle, RECITAL An interesting recital of song and piano . was given Tuesday evening, June 25th, by twenty pupils of Miss Lucile Leask, A.T.C.M., at the United Church, where a large attendance en- joyed listening 40 the well-chosen numbers from the compositions "of Schuman™ Bach, Tschaikoski and others, In this age of Sant it is, refreshing to feel the boys and girls are learning] to know and play. good music. The execution ef even the wee tots must have been gratifying to parents and reflects credit on the teacher who 'watches the development of each pupil 'with' interest. The _glimax to the recital was the |- Bweet manner in which Miss Leask en- 34 Wolsereish 'Blvd, Toronse Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10-to 12 am. Phone 58 YOU WILL NEVER GET COLD IF YOU BURN OUR 'We sell 'the and Solvay Lehigh Valley Coal We can deliver it to your residence if desired: JUST ARRIVED--Carload of Cement and carload of No. 1 Seed Oats at 62¢ Myrtle Elevator Phone 120 r 5 Myrtle Station, Ont. tertained her audience by singing two beautiful selectios accompanied by her sister Miss Kathleen Leask, or- ganist of Whitby United Church and member of the Faculty of 'Oc Li Co tal NR LOCAL BOWLERS HAVE SUCCESSFUL WEEK During the past week teams repre- senting the Port: Pery 'Bowling Club, M, Williams, M. Letcher, and Graham, won the second prizes. which hs 'were carving sets, in the primary. 'Another Port Pezy, team skipped by John MecClin 'took second in the 'Consolation at. same tournament. There prizes were umbrellas. - At the Dominion Day Tournament 'at Oshawa, Port Perry was represent- ed by three teams and the one skipped by D. Carnegie took first in' the Con- solation. The mémbers of the team, D. Carnegie, (skip); P. Ingram, G. McKee, and W. Graham, were each recipents of attractive clocks. ~~ -- for general Sousegerk.. X No washing. Wages $25.00. mth. Apply to Interment took place at Sunderland.| Draft ¢ The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Fea! Service Your Eyes and Eye Cure and Eye Strain. 1516 , PHONE 1516 Disney Block. OSHAWA, ONT. , (Opposite Post Office) == | GOLF DEFINED Farmer (to friend): "I hear, Bett, that while ye were in the city ye took up this here golf, How'd ve like it?" Bert: "Well, it ain't bad. It's a bit harder than Bouin' Saraipe an an' a Be 'easier than diggin' potatoes? SPECIAL PRICES | MENS 'surrs| our pena PICTURE HOUS COAL PY. Port Whitby, Oni. . Friday and Saturday, July 5 and 6 CLARA, BOW ia her greatest h hit . THE F LEETS IN. W. 'W. COOMBE | ocx -- and Bullder : RS0n 357: Chawior 180, See a1. £ All persons having claims against the estate of John Collin, "Public School Teacher, late of the "Township of Seugog, deceased, who died on or about the 24th day of July, 1928, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed, solicitor for the Executors, on or before the 27th day of June, 1929, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after said date the assets of TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK A carload of B. C. Shingles--bx, 8x and 2x. Also cedar and fir Tumber-- especially high grade cedar and fir for | house finish, boat building, ete. the deaceased be distributed - + | amongst those thereto having C L. VICKERY. segad aply to claims So filed; a --t------ "Dai at Port. Perry, 22nd day ¢ FOR SALE 'May, A.D. 1929. : Yorkshire sow, also sixteen young pigs. Apply to S. J. Wooldridge, Seagrave, Ont. Lx Juneld INO: W. CROZIER, "Solicitor for above esta YOUNG PORK LAME BABY BEEF ------ VEAL BELL PHONE 29w ve BUY CATILE, POULTRY, and HIDES Se -- S--------