ES a. 9 Literary Soci Glee Club, giving ooul raining, 10. A Competent i A of Senchers, " Beveral courses are offered b Je High School + vi the student for different vocation in Matriculation and Teacher's Course.) the. versity, nursing, vg a broad foun ; in r five years, i Farm Mechanics' Building. © A two: Household Sciente Course for ; most of the a the-matriculation tourse except. dry The fine Jzaining Household Science, , ess arithmetic. third send funinion may work. This i is A a a a SEE SE BAC ree Ao EEEmeT Sh the proto ol iad ie anne, Joss de 'care foot ons, 00] by TH) going to Ontario tural git to ness College, or going into business or industrial THE a J, 0.8 Prineival teacher of Mathutiation at FOTek ce. 'B1CA Mins SE Sa Art jeal Culture. . 'Read, 'teacher of Latin and istory. Mage, teacher of English and Household Science. THE AGRICULTURAL COURSES ing tos Onirarsty course There are many ttending a University yet who like to time in high + school Bo rere ui Th Mond like to ars hn ser dim High School offers the voea! inal alt ben This a High 8 years duration but EK of The atuyont hue been satisfactory Sears duration ot he Hay. 31 3t ia'so: desirgs; take a third year's work. ++ 'The Vocational Course are admitted admis iv e school on Ue ore ities of t ee on 'teams, volley ball, basketball, evans, ete. gd 3 '| first with a muskalun ture, o taken in Domestic Science Room ---- OQ One over Twenty Pounds, the other Sixteen. Two Royal Muskalunge caught by Elijah Beare on Monday Evident flashing bait that you buy at bit well on Monday, and they played favorites, too. the fish were getting hun for some of that the hardware store, for they the same, we don't see why two of the very biggest fish should flock to Elijah Beare's line. But luck does chase some people so hard; and Elijah Beare had to struggle that with a 16 pounder." "OLD" LAKE SCUGOG. DELIVERS THE GOODS IN BASS AND LUNGE 68 "Muskies" and 79 "Big Mouths" Taken at Port Perry Alone. Toronto Globe x Dominion Day ushered in the mus- kalunge and bass season in the waters of this district and Lake Scugog es- tablished a record that would be hard to beat. Hundreds. of "hinge" and bass {were 'taken from these waters. "| A complete count would be impossible to obtain without a roundup of the various game wardens, but at Port Perry alone 68 lunge and 79 bass were Toported to Warden J. C. Cockburn. boats and canoes were Fr at 'frequent interyals through- out the day with catches as high as 16 lunge, or 12 bass and 1 lunge. Two lunge were brough in by Lige Beare and friend which weighed 16 and 21% pounds respectively. Ladies were almost as numerous as men, and equally as successful. Here is the day's tally for Port Perry, as récorded hy Warden Cock- burn: Stuart Collins and friend, 4 lunge; Clinton Short, 8 lunge; C. B. Bagwell and friend, 6 bass; Geo. Grey and Thos. Green, 9 bass and 3 lunge; Earl and Mac Beare, 4 lunge and 1 bass; Lige Beare and friend, 2 lunge; John Armstrong and friend 8 bass and 8 lunge; R. Woods and M. Wakefield, 4 bass; A. D. Clark and A. Welsman and their spouses, 7 lunge and 1 bass; 'Wm. Harris and F. Wakefield, 12 bass and 1 lunge; Chas. Bowerman and party, 16 lunge, weighing from 8 to 11 pounds; Fred Schell, 6 lunge and 1 bass; Alfred Johnston, 3 lunge and 4 bass; R. Roach, 2 lunge and 1 bass; Messrs. Farmer and Collacutt, 4 bass; J. Brewer and son and T. Gibbie, 8 bass and 1 lunge; Art. Somerville, 8 lunge; Mr. and Mra. Cook, 9 bass and 1 lunge; James Frise, 4 bass, > et (J mes. County Deoldes to Build New Registry Office Plans for the new addition to the, } Clara Porteous, Harold Webber, 53 weighed 20} lbs, and later tty good for Scugog. The Atherley Bridge The Atherley Bridge question has finally been disposed of, after hang- ing fire for over four years. The Council adopted a report brought in| by the special committee of Warden "Dobson, G. M. Forsyth and John Ross '(Thorah), which visited Ottawa with a view .to securing a further settle- ment in connection with the Dominion jgovernment's share of the cost. ; The committee, it was reported, pressed the government very hard for 5% of the $40,000 cheque, which remained in the chief engineer's office for two 'years until the final settlement agree- ment was finally consumated and, when consolidated, amounted to $15,- 000 greater than the amount of the cheque. Mr. Forsyth thought that the committee deserved credit for secur- 'ing such & settlement, and _council agreed, In the letter from the Chief Engineer, however, which was read to the Council, it was pointed out that had the two counties-- Ontario and Simcoe, accepted the lowest tender for the bridge sub- structure, the cost of the structure would have been about $11,000 less. 'It was no fault of the government, the letter stated, that the lowest tender, bmitted, by a reliable contraetor, was not accepted, and the government should not be required to pay part of this extra cost. - The total grant to be made for the bridge by the government is $55,956, which includes the capitalization to be paid for. The Council decided to issue de- bentures for Ontario County's share of the cost of the structure. BLACKSTOCK CONTINUATION . SCHOOL Form I to Form II-- Figures means average mark. Subject 'following name means failed in that subject. - Harold McCutcheon, 81 Arnold Johnston 80 | Lewis Watson, 76 Snowie Marlow, 66 Albert Abbott, 656 Elsie Venning, 64 Aileen Mountjoy, 64 Irene Graham, 63, (History) 'Muriel Mountjoy, 62, (Zoology, Hist.) Ralph Emerson, 61. Lorne Lansing, 61. Ralph VanCamp, 60. 56, (Arith, Latin) 53 (Zool, His, Arith) Gram.) | Alvin Marlow, 58, (Fr Robert Wilson, 61 Emel Greta Hulbert 42, Gall sist bist) Form II to Form Allf! vivian Johnston, 48; (Pha) | Gordon Brown, 43 (Phys., Zool., Latin, French, Grammar, History.) i Ferga Johnston, 43, (Zool, Arith, : Grammar, History.) D. R. Bellinan and C. 8. Burchill, Teachers. Fas a PROMOTIONS 8. 8.'No. 1, SCUGOG Sr. III to Jr. IV--Lavern Martyn 1st, Irene Heayn, 1st, Jean Black. Jr, HI to Sr, III--Clifford Redman 1st, Eileen Reader 2nd. Sr. IT to Jr. III--Orval Heayn, 1st, Aleta Reader 1st, Dorothy Cliff, 2nd, Leonard Fowler, Jr. II to Sr. II--Allan Carter 1st, Leona Prentice 2nd, Irene Red- man, Helen Colleran. Sr. Pr. to Jr. I--Harold Martyn, 1st., Gladys Collins 1st, Florence Car- ter 1st, Alvin Heayn 1st, Violet Fowler 1st. Recommended--Ronald Cliff, Nelson Reader. Sr. Pr.--Lorraine Collins, Evert Collins, Jr. Pr--Edna Samells, Olive Brown, Percy Collins, Rena Fowler. 1st and 2nd means degrees of honors. R. QUANTZ, Teacher. ee OO cons PRINCE ALBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL 8. 8. No. 7, REACH Report of June Promotion Ex- aminations and standing for Sept., 1929, Br.- IV--Joy Smith, (Hon.); Grant | | Hunter, Gerald McCrae, Welling- ton' Midgley. Jr. IV--Marion Kirby (Hon.); Robena McCrae (H); Kathleen Midgley, Murray Luke, Mary iVckery; Elva: Murray Luke, Mary Vickery, Elva Murphy. III-<Ileen .Hope, Norman McCrae, Milton Heayn. II--Margaret McCrae, (Hon.); Doris Murphy (H); Mary McCrae (Hon,); Allan Martyn, Mabel Midgley. I--Myra Sager (Hon.); Olive Bond, (Hon.); Audrey Bond. . Pr.--~Hazel McCrae, Myrtle Bond, Jack Hope, Gladys Midgley. . Pr--Esther Hunter, Merle Hope, Marjory Jeffrey. Eunice M. Malcolm, Teacher. MYRTLE A pretty June wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Broome, on. Wednesday afternoon, June 26th, when their only daughter, Violet," was married to Mr. Clarence Redman, of Kinsale. Promptly at 2.30 p.m, the bride proceeded to the lawn and under a pretty arch of ever- greens and roses, became the bride of Mr. Redman, Rev. Mr, Merriam tieing the nupital knot. Miss Redman, sister of the groom, and Mr. Ross Broome, brother of the bride, acting as brides- maid and best man. The bride was daintily attired in white with flowing veil and carrying a sheaf of roses. After a dainty wedding supper the happy couple left by motor for To- ronto and from thence to Detroit, where they will spend a couple of weeks with the bride's aunt. On their return they will reside near Kinsale. About sixty guests were present from Kinsale, Oshawa, Whitby and Ash- burn. School closed for the summer on Friday. The scholars generally do- ing splendidly on the promotion ex- aminations. The bridge south of the side road a half mile south of the village has been completed and the men are now con- structing the one that was washed away by the flood in the spring, a mile and a half west of Croxall's Corners, on the seventh concession. v! Mrs, Frank Schell spent the week end with her sister Mrs, English of Manilla. The Sunday School scholars with their parents turned out in full force to the Sunday School pienic at Oshawa Park, on Saturday, and the usual good time was spent. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Quinn and son of Toronto, visited the former's brother, Mr. John Quinn, over the holiday. Mr. Will J. Cook was successful in Jr. dollars on his team of Light Draught colts at Newmarket Fair on Monday, Robert Vernon and son, won the first and same prize on' their team of heavy draught horses. This is. an