y fcliffe & Sons en Clothes of Distinction "| Men's Work Shirts, ..$1.00 and up \V "for My Lady Hy WE ry. Expert buyers at t, tantl : $2.95, i X buyers at many centres are constantly on i] Sinan: shoes, We also have other Pan To. bo the lookout for correct Ready Made Clothing for the pocket, - an why ,.. . lady customers of the Sutcliffe Stores. To say that i Se agers Des : | your Ready to Wear Clothing is bought at Sutcliffe's : ys ry : 18 a guarantee that it is in good taste. Holeproof Hose Boys' Caps, ....from 75¢c to $1.00 We have the moment styles Men's Fine Shirts, ..$1.50 to $3.00 in Holeproof H to match any Men's Ties ...: .from 50c to $1.00 shoe. . . Boys' Ties 60c. "SUPERIOR STORE b. | Jas. es ER «Port Perry|]| ALwavs - SEASONABLE GOODS IN Hats Dresses Coats ily » STOCK FRENCH COATS--Smart and durable. Sizes 12 to 20 New Spring Suitings and - "I "years, Prices $5.75 and up. yes i s & NEWEST WASH MATERIALS--We carry a full line of Overcoatings . COTTONS the season's newest wash materials 4 meet every "We now have a full range of Spring Suitings and Over- PRINTS demand for the ever popular tub frock. coatings that we would like to show you. They are up-to-date LINENS : : i "and we can made you a suit or overcoat that will fit you, and ruc] SILKS 30 all ditfe Ter: shades. wey 3 ractical and our prices are in the reach of all. Give us a trial. ; GLOVES FIGURED RAYON in dress lengths. Very pretty colors W. R. WILLAN HOSIERY and designs. 84 yd. lengths--$1.25 yd. RWEAR . MERCHANT TAILOR PORT PERRY UNDERWEAR | | ;NCHEON SETS--A nice line of Luncheon Sets, in Mauve, Yellow, Greens. etc. Various Prices. MEN'S WEAR EE -- . GLADIOLUS BULBS--2 dozen for 25c. | BEARE BROS. | mS fai u our CL mme REL WE | Guaranteed BE NINE 77% USED CARS EE From Generation to Generation | =r our | i==mmmmE from US guardian of money, an agent of credit and an 8 L IL Y WwW bd i T E ally of progress of a nation and its people. : In all the branches of this Bank--in city, : town and village--from sea to sea in Canada-- 1 FLOU R | Seip Cars that are dependable 'for BREAD jie The Royal Bank and right | smmeman | U00 | SPECIALS for the next, --_ -- II 10 days and priced low - -- ---- s-------- issn psi gm ah Pontiac Coupe, late 1926, like new fr ] : b LY ance a o in or par- : 0 0 WILLARD S STORE NEWS tieulars apply to Box 279, Port Foy Overland Coupe, good condition A fine Spring "tonic for young and old--Canned Tomatoes have been declared by TS . s . phic tbe oe "of the most healthful foods produced. "Tests have proven {hat od eres EFT R 000, $8000 ah Star Touring, 1925, fair ed Tomatoes include all the essential body building properties for young nce a. 5% or par: , : i ami -- eee ponte Hesirs. Sy Box 1, Port Por Ford Tudor, 1926, priced low apr. fe 20th ath = Alfred G. Clark Ford Coupe, 1926, priced low for cash en | NE a ape an BR . Ford Touring, 1925, splendid buy EASY TERMS IF DESIRED 'Carnegie-Day Motors FORD SALES AND SERVICE