Page Four - Personal Items 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts, of De- troit, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Humphrey Roberts. Miss Rose Marie Armstrong under- went an operation for the removal of her tonsils, Mrs. Eva 8. Leask and Mr. Geo. R. Davey have exchanged residences and moved this week. "Mrs. Samuel Farmer is attending a Liberal Convention in London. WHITBY MINSTRELS COMING TO PORT PERRY The famous Whitby Minstrels have been booked for Port Perry on May 14 under the auspices of the Sons of England. This troupe are under the leadership of Mr. Lynde and will be accompanied by a 10 piece orchestra. Watch for further particulars. . BICYCLE FOR SALE Man's Bicycle, only ridden 16 miles. Cost $40 will sell for $25. seen at the Star Office. em (mints Yes, the Doctor . said you MUST operate, tonsils are dis- eased. We said No, and Mrs. Sybilla Spahr's Tonsilitis was applied. Ton- sils healed, operation cancelled. Try it, it's guaranteed. A. J. Davis, PORT PERRY TENNIS CLUB At a meeting of Tennis fans at the School last week, a club was formed, and the following officers elected: Hon. Presidents--W. H. Harris and Mrs. J. Nasmith. President--Mr. B. D. Henry. Vice Presidents--Mrs. W. M. Letcher and Mr. Levia. Sec'y-Treas.--Mr. A. Mitchell. Grounds Committee--Mr. Gémmell, Mr. J. Harris, Rev. Mr. Nind, Mr. Shepherd and Mr. Farmer. Finance Committee--Mr. Henry, Mr. Walkér, Mr. Hutcheson, Mr. J. E. Jackson, Mrs. Bentley and Miss Sine. A committee was appointed to look into the question of the construction of two tennis -courts on the High School grounds. The Finance Com- mittee are entrusted with the task of finding the wherewithal. No definite steps have been made for immediate construction as there are some dif- ficulties to be overcome. BE DIED In Port Perry, on Tuesday, April 23, 1929, Mary A. Crandell, widow of the late John J. Stewart, in her 86th year. : nO GIVEN IMPORTANT POSITION Rev. R. T. Richards has been ap- pointed organizer for the Emmanuel College Campaign in the Bay of Quinte Conference. cure funds for the project. Mr. sence of about five weeks. ST JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, PORT PERRY Sunday, April 28th, 1929-- Morning service at 11 o'clock. . Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. Evening Service at 7 o'clock UTICA, service at 2.30 p.m. Y.P.S. Social, 8 p.m. on Monday {| Mid-week service. Thursday at Can be of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Moon was fair- ly well attended. The Woman's Asso- This new Theo- logical College is to be built in con- nection with Victoria University and a campaign is being conducted to se- Rev. Wesley Elliott will take Rev. Richard's work during his ab- -- SS "A Great Musical Event The coming visit of the Harmony Choir and Glee Club, of Toronto, to Port Perry, on Friday, May 3rd, worthy of more than passing It is an extraordinary event to have this chorus of 60 voices visit a town this size, which would be xactical) 33 prohibited under the usual procedure, but owing to the generosity of a small group of our citizens, one of biggest items of expense is being met and the town and surrounding coun may have an opportunity of enjoying jut A Sev J. Mark. Mr, an Mrs, C. Sleep have returned home from Toronto where they spent visited Mr. and Mes. I. Irwin on Sun- day. / Mrs. A. Bruce spent Sunday in To- ronto with relatives. Wanamaker: Mr. and Mim, G. Forder, of Bladkgh """P0ken stock, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wanamaker. HATCHING Mr. and Mrs. E. Butt visited in To- C. White ronto on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. W. Martin, "accom-| British panied by Mrs. Mark, Prince Albert, | strain. reasonable. V. spent Sunday evening with Mr, and| pp corner spent 'Sunday at the home EGGS AND 8 FOR SALE is J agho: ling hens ge seg and chic Tom year. Columbia cockerels--300 Ask us for Port egg are erry "concession and the a concert that under ordinary stances visits only large cities. organization goes as far afield as New York and Chicago, where they have received high praise. In addition to the Choir and Glee Miss. Graham, talented soprano, Migs Norma French, the wonderful child to ensure a seat. NOW FEELS WRATH OF SOVIET M. Tomsky, the Communist, was once refused admittance to Eng- land to attend the Trades Union Congress because of his activity in transmitting Moscow money to finance a general strike throughout Britain, has now been exiled to Siberia by order of the Russian Soviet Government. SEAGRAVE The pancake social held at the home ciation are to e congratulated on the from Port Perry Hospital much im- proved in health. Toronto. The many friends of Mr. William Fishley and relatives will sympathize with them in their recent and sad bereavement in the death of the late James Fishley a highly respected citizen of the community. The funeral will take place on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. W. Crosier of Oshawa, were recent visitors here. Mr. N. Eagleson visited in Zion last week. Mrs, J. Shunk has returned home from Toronto after a pleasant week spent with friends, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Reynolds enter- tained about fifty guests on Saturday evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs. G. Cherrie (nee Miss G. Reynolds) who Club, they will be accompanied by, elocutionist. Order your tickets ly, "lL SATURDAY, APRIL 27th At last--ZANE GREY'S "VANISHING PIONEER also LUCKY NUMBER DRAW delicious pancakes and maple syrup served. A pleasant evening was spent. We are glad to se the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin home again Mr. F. Smith has returned home from an enjoyable holiday spent in recently returned from their honey- | moon spent abroad. It Pays e use 100% PURE PAINT AND VARN IS SHES A aki pict «lot ony puspeses ~ for every surface WheNew Mc AUGHLIN- BUICK Ls the HE unprecedented popularity of the 1929 McLaughlin-Buick unquestionably establishes it as the new order of motor-car style. The new Masterpiece Bodies by Fisher ate revolutionary, it is true. Revolutionary in the majestic beauty of their appearance. Revolutionary in the richness of their con- tours and colours. Revolutionary "in the spaciousness and sheer luxury of their in.' teriors. Revolutionary, in fact, in ALL the character- istics which make twice as many people * choose McLaughlin-Buick as any other car at or above its price. Ue30+4-290 'BEARE BROS. Port Perry - - Ontario j Provincial Highway. . apr, 26 building material d ost or whieh thet "w|PORT PERRY PICTURE HOUSE |i of sree to sos ae When Better Automobiles Are Built -- McLaughlin-Buick Will Build Thom ; ON MEN'S SUITS A, 3. 'Gordon. Peace is the flowing of the , but joy is the dashing of the cataract when the brook is filled, bursts its 'banks, and rushes down the rocks. i Post mortem sympathy is useless. --Hugh Brown. : 'Thanksgiving is a good thing. Thanks living is better. = --Parker. 1f it is a small sacrifice, give it up for others, if a great one for yourself. It s once said of a Christian man "Sis face was a thanksgiving for past mercies and a love letter to all mankind." 5 Herbs That Heal When Lungs and Bronchial Tubes Seem all on Fire Fift; a quiet-going Jonams Gallagher, came to Htndt County. His Tas a marvelous skill & compounding herbal medicine. One of his many prescriptions--for folk subject to Prone or similar ills and, nasty coughs and colds--was his Rati, Berselt. Wonderully healing to rd blood. Make 3 soquaintance thie Winter. Together with the Pn in fine Gallagher H Sushi , DOW P. G. MORRISON, SPECIAL PRICES phy and Le is FER EES onde Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry ' WANTED Garage Foreman waked, must be first class mechanic, with a good set. Highest wages paid. Apply to to Thicke BABY BEEF od ( Jaintaized by n 'must go further. Canadian Bak of Come OF COMMERCE (THE STANDARD 'BANK SRR or canapa ) CAWKER BROS: FRESH CAUGHT WHITEFISH. BEST QUALITY RED SALMON IN BULK LAMB. OYSTERS YOUNG_PORK en. VEAL eee BELL PHONE 20w WE BUY CATTLE, POULTRY, and HIDES Port Perry Dominion Store =!/OUR LOW PRICE SYSTEM : BEGINS NOW Take your opportunity. We have a big stock of Dry- goods-- Men's, ' and Children's Ready-to- wear--and Boots and Shoes, at cut prices. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Men's Spring Top Coats, .....ccoveeeiess. $10.50 Men's Felt Hats ............ aN eR eae Men's Suits Men's Oxford Shoes ............ RARE Men'S Caps ........vviviinsivivanissnsve 33D Men's Work Boots .......c.ovsvnneeeeees. $2.79 Children's Reefer Coats ...................$2.69 Ladies' Silk Stockings .......covieevevineins Ladies' Crepe de Chene Dresses ............$10.75 Alix. Gilboord, Proprietor. Phone 177 FOR SALE of tools, Steady work the year round son Motor Sales, 9 Bond St. Osh , Ont. re (OQ MAID WANTED ] Four adults, good wages. Aply Mrs. John McCrae, Lindsay, Ont. may 2 re OOO FOR RENT OR SALE Get the habit of Visiting VARIETY STORE B50 sae FANGY CHINA, SCHOOL SUPPLIES and ~Tovs 'Banner Oats, Barley and Mixed Grain. Apply to Leask Bros, RE.2, Seagrave, Phone 115 r 8-2. apr12 ha I TA Our Candies are always (a ; '| Always Something New. u ooo ron wx | RH. PIERRE Honey Sor sale. pom oe Prom ona sock" post WANTED Live Muskrats