Itisa pleasing businger to shop at | 2a Sutcliffe's. Every shelf carries ras eon that delight the eye, and meet popu- | lar style requirements. Special attention is drawn to our Ladies' Ready- to-Wear Department dependable for smart, cor- rect pono gathered from great fashion centres. "SUPERIOR STORE |Jas. McKee & Son ~~ - Port Perry Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Chamoisette Gloves We are showing smart | Cildrers and Ladies' Chamoisctte New Spring Suitings and New York stylesin dresses | ~~" a ies, Ts : lo) ti of printed flat crepe. They o Clear at 59. a cs po, ts ods vercoatings ~. . are moderately priced at a mtn of 2 pos te caer Jee fol ange of Serine Suitiss Sea ver. |] from $7.95 to $25.00. travel a pleasure... Smooth and silent to a sur- and we can made you a suit or overcoat that will fit you, and : : Silk Underwear prising degree. As a result of such features as its : our prices are in the reach of all. Give us a trial In Pastel Shades at $2.35 Set. W. R. WILLAN ~ |l Special Sale of Gloves Si Sis, nm ie i Bote are MERCHANT TAILOR Ladies' French and Italian made i White Kid Gloves--up to $2.25 value-- Coton Broadcloth Slips, 6: Sizes 6 to 71. Bloomers, according to size-- Sale Price $1.15 45c. to T5e. ; Ne moe Bow a or ov lon yo dei i the Oakland Six maintains a brilliant per- formance you'd never expect in » car of ite : moderate price. nrg obrosinsc ; J i) il : Ii = " bere | li CR : = x NOE RS H: R. Archer Motor Sales < mY = or the Paving of a Cement Highway ay Pam 1}: A or between Manchester and Port Perry 3 DUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED AT YY consisting of about three miles, will not be needed just now as spring is A oo 7 not far distant, and anyway what's the use when the mud is about to dry up. But it is wise to be prepared for good roads and that automobile trip yon have been waiting for so long, by buying one of our TRY OUR "THE GREATEST TIRE RELIABLE USED CARS vy 3 L | L Y WwW 4 | T E THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN We have a limited supply just now and each bears our guarantee for two 'The Royal Master. was bul. without i months from date of purchase. Our stock consists of a for t is the finest tire that can be built. . . F | oO U ie IN a do doc dis curd bs 1927 Ford Touring - $375.00 a cum ple of wb fic Sidewlls up 1926 Ford Tudor - - $350.00 lot ome Royal Master is ove: for [BREAD bully The Ro Maser is made, core Oc 1925 Ford Tudor - - $275.00 Our customers are pleased with it, ine thousand will yi you wan tires that will last as log es A trial will convince and please you. gore pfortokt. ou loop your car, sen buy Royal Mate. 1925 Ford Touring - $1 75.00 On sale at every PORT PERRY MILLING & LUMBER CO. DOM : POT 1925 Ford Touring - $125.00 ERG PORT MINION TIRE D fl Motors 1926 F ord Ton Truck Restel $290.00 CR _-'" 1928 Ford Coach unui $625.00 POR SALE 1926 Chevrolet Coach, 3c? $375.00 One Coal burning Jrooder in Ls , : Bi 0, Hon, rin lor, 6% 1929 Durant Sedan, "5: $875.00 SALE 1925 Star Touring $150.00 TE caperione hme 'most To are reasonable when familiar with facts. Again sasg0_Brick house Sctric fights, : ois Whether pi BC RRL Be Re AR 1 1923 Ford Touring $150.00 "a sti 1 price. We use no BE ee to attract business. Our grocery stock is e Also I xchange 4h 2 oh weight and mas. i AT Eas dng Fiala ve Cog Lai ht a 1923 Ford Touring $125.00 ---- : i B 1928 Ford Coach - $675.00 est buying this week ¥ fase ed G. Clark New Model, like new : , Cooking Figs rin? Ibs for 25c. pr ~- g has opened his ! ; ; Implement Shop Ask us about our Easy Payment Plan ~ Carnegie-Day Motors - > >= FORD SALES AND SERVICE