{ in the head. : : for colds Morrison' Drug Store Port Perry a <= ' Ontario Easter Confectionery ph tee hac SC arr N y d e from. Ve i ORDER YOUR HOT CROSS BUNS EARL Y. E. H GERROW & SONS Bakers and Confectioners, Port Perry. s' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, "palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it geod 'BERT MacGREGOR _ Will do the rest. Ring up Phone 72. Collegiate after ha $ land Mr. and the week former's parents, PURE MAPLE SYRUP We have just received our Maple Syrup . Supply. -1t is made from the first run of : SupBlY. iit always considered the best of ~ theseason. Price $2.75 per imperial gal. ray 0 comma an Spa pn ca om _ complete a ay you to call or, At CTIORID ~All Government inspected seed, 1 oe F. McCLINTOCK 3 = Hout " Harris & H - RAGLAN' Conesatulationg. to Mr. and Mts. 5. n| 4 e re (nee Mildred Watson) on their recent marriage on April 8rd. School after Eas! a number beginners, making a roll call. ih r. Arthur Ormiston has been able to resume his studies at the Oshawa been confined to his home with the chickenpox. We are glad to yeport this epidemic has cleared away from the Community. Miss Susie Bra nt a few days at the home of Mr. G. Moore, Burke- ton. . The April flood which reached the surrounding district did 'considerable damage, ng out a mnumber of culverts, bridges, etc, and making the roads almost im ble. Mr. and Mrs. 7 Kelli n and son . Roy Brawn, spent t the home of the Mr. Clarence Cook was a recent vigitor at the home of Mr. J. Evans. _ Miss N. Ormiston, of Columbus, spent Monday at the home of Mr. IL Ormiston. CER Mr. Frank 'Nottingham is busy cutting wood for the farmers in the | community. Mrs. J. Weatherh Mr. A. Slute. The shadow of death has again passed a gloom over the village, and taken its victim in the person of Mr. the son of Mrs. Jane and late William Squelch: his hirtyaeventh year, most of life in or near Raglan, but of late has worked at his trade in here he was a member of the Methodist church and Sunday School. He is survived by his mother, five brother and three sisters. ' The deepest regret has been ex- pressed at his early death. The fun- era] was largely attended, the service being condu by Rev. Mr. Merriam. ------O (er DISTURBING THE BALANCE OF ; NATURE A gpider is killed-- A fly on the garbage sits and laughs: Stings the young slayer with sickness dread, ny : And death a new draught of humanity quafls, neni MODERN IMPROVEMENTS AT GOODE'S ICE CREAM FACTORY Installation of the Waltham Re- frigerating system at Goode's Ice Cream factory marks another forward step in this popular Port Perry busi- ness. The new system does away with ice in the cabinets of the retailers and it also does away with the slop and mess of melting ice. Ev ing is and clean in the new cabinets, bs tin ian (20 below a ro) § ra ca ; ow zero are pion | in receptacles about the can. Daily service is b is maintained with- In connection with this new re- frigeral nt, a handsome Ice figerating Han purchased with even tem ns of ice cream. ga) i gt We are pleased to see Mr. Goode cream business, I 3 PROSPECT SCHOOL REPORT Bowmanville afier visiting her brother Squelch, who died in the George W. | city of Buffalo, on April 2nd. He was and spent the village of bridge, Buffalo, along with his older cal for ca one hundred Dacity rrying a abreast of the times, and v up to date service in his ice imble or a day or a day to nes on the u 38 is at a standstill, "This is the t ning work, fixing to see where imp gives us that / | Real "loafing "" have no of definite work, adding a little gram are known to fail. of roads in Reach Township will not only a detriment to Port As long as there is business been a bad strip of problem with courage and vision SEAGRAVE A pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Holdershaw on Saturday evening last in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Holdershaw, whose marriage took. place at Sonya on Wednesday, April Mth, .. Nearly forty guests were present from Ux- Oshawa, Bowmanville and other points. Mrs. John Mark has returned from Toronto where she spent several weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Orval e and son Carl, of Bowmanville, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. G. Montgomery and Mr. Leonard Beadle, spent the week end with relatives. 3: the field of p i % ence in the lives of the successful and those in life--the different uses they make of their ctive or destructi for cleaning seed, repairing machinery, plan- up round the barn. It is a time to look about rovements can be made in any business. J business is rushing, we have not time to look around, nor to make labor ving changes and repairs. The "rainy day" plant, producing goods for future ni ey ras doing something for improvement--these are the tested methods of success; and few who follow this pro- at . \ . An Expensive Piece of ; Poor "Only those who are or have been responsible for the upkeep spots on the road between Port Perry and Manchester are. specially served by that road; but it is the indirect cause of much road destruction along the concessions leading to the highway. way east ,autos and trucks will contrive to get through somehow. If they cannot travel on the Manchester road, they will try it on the 6th or-the-bth,-or the-4th concession, or-along Quaker Streets} and the Prince Albert Road. The result is that because there has ad between Port Perry and Manchester, all other roads leading to the cement highway are cut up great cost to the township in the matter of upkeep. In the interests of economy this piece of road should be cemented. While highway expense is tremendous, et we must meet the constructed roads, these are money-saving necessities to-day. . boone toplan. A day in which to feel think out new ideas and prepare roduction. ve." '¢ farm and in the store. In many waiting for the weather to clear real place in business. The habit each day to the efficiency of the arranging stock more Road. realize how expensive Shose bad t is Perry and the people who are and travel to and from the high- badly at a . Larger files ih culverts, better find themselves being "sold" to satisfy social ambitions; the invalid Arnold who needs "pep" and develops plenty of it; Flower, whose "stars and garters" occupy the centre of the stage at most inconvenient periods; lovable Aunt Mattie, the anchor of the 3 grasping, Mr. Epps; the young lovers who "lived happy ever after" in spite of early tragedies and prison shadows; and the butler, so correct and so human. These were the characters that held the keen interest of the audience while they depicted a phase of life, quite real, but with the varnish removed. Between h acts excellent musical rs. J. Shunk is a few days in Toronto with relatives and friends. Mrs. J. Rogers, who has spent the winfer in Toronto, has returned -and is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rogers. Mr. A. Scott, of Peterboro, is visit. ing relatives for a few days. The monthly meetin, of the Woman's Association and W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Alice Tan- ner on Wednesday afternoon, April 10th, with a good attendance of mem- bers and visitors. The Vice President was in the chair and took charge. of the meeting. During the business session it was decided to hold a pan- cake social at the home of Mrs. C. Moon, on Wednesday evening of this week. Mrs. Eagleson gave a paper on Missionary work. and a photo of the child to be clothed in Saskatchewan was received, The box of clothing will be filled by those in- terested. Lunch was served GREENBANK Mr. J. Nugent, Orillia, visited his brother, Mr. T. Nugent, fast week. Mrs. Baldwin returned to her home here Jast Thursday after spending the winter with her brother in New Jersey. d Mr, and Mrs. James Wells, Buffalo, at H. Hickman's on Sunday... Mr. Reg. Foster, Toronto, visiting {friends here over the week end. Mr. James Michie, Toronto, at. his home here on Sunday. Miss Margaret Rodd," Toronto, at her home here for the week end. TW, O'Neill and Me. Geo. Cra on., have taken itions vith the Massey: al ¥ rris Co. Mrs. haw is visiting in Toronto. : é Gs W. | pleasant. s-were given by members of the company, and "Arnold" excelled himself on monologues of a type quite unusual in their style, DO SCUGOG The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson last Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. Sweetman acting as president in the absence of Mrs. C. Fralick. The 'meeting opened with devotional exercises. After the busi- ness tea was served to about sixty. Each member of the party was weighed which caused considerable ex- citement. As Mr. Jackson has delco lights installed it made things very Mrs. F. Crozier spent a week in To- ronto recently with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Foster. on Thursday evening of this week. Mr. M. Fralick has charge of the meeting, which will be literary night. Mrs. R. Jackson and Miss Aileen| spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. A. Mark and Miss B. Schell, of Oshawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark and Mrs. Pettitt over the week end. On Thursday, April 11th, one of Scugog's respected citizens passed away in the person of John Reader, at the age of 71 years. Funeral ser- vice was held at his late residence on Sunday afternoon and was largely at. tended. Deceased leaves to mourn his loss two brothers, William T, of Port Perry, and Ephiriam, of Peterhoro, three sisters, Mrs. Isaac Rodman, an fg y y Sons | Messrs. Charles and Oliver Reader of Scugog, and Mr.. Robert Reader, of Toronto, two daughter, Mrs. Russell | Graham, of Scugog and Mrs. C. Sey- mour, of Toronto, To these are ex- tended the sympathy 'of the friend | and neighbors of Scugog. | || Next Thursday evening, April 25, a League Social and rogram will be held at the church. e program will "Mr. and Mrs. W. Crosier and son e, of Manchester, visited with r. and Mrs..G. Samells on Sunday. 'and Mrs. E. Ploughman visited on »| include a debate. The Y. P. 8. will meet in the church' vlose of the business session a Miss Rebecca Reader, of Scugog, and Me and Mis. Bushy of Topi, Mrs. Burton: of Port Perry; three y visiting their parents, Mr. and of Messrs. John Venning, Norton Van. Camp and a ina, ores recently p N few days in Toronto last week. Messrs. Leslie Graham Wallace Marlow have motored Mr. Marlow's two trucks to Midland where they have secured a month's. employment in the truck business. i ome again some time with her grandmother, Mrs. Bowles. Miss Mabel VanCamp spent her Easter holidays her aunt Mrs. Francis Werry, of skillen. Rev. and Mrs. P. G. Powell and Edith vigisted at the home of Smith Bros, on last. Misses Vera Forder, Ruth Marlow, Florence = McLaughlin and Phema Hooey, have returned to Toronto after spending the Easter holidays at their respective homes. y iss Muriel Everest, of Toronto, has returned home after visiting the Mises Susie and Olive VanCamp, and calling on old acquaintances. Miss Florrie Parr is visiting with relatives in Toronto. Mr. T. Smith made a business trip to Peterboro on Friday of last week. Owing to the washout on the tracks and the irregularity of train service there was no mail for several days and passengers for Toronto had to meet the bus at Manchester. The, found the roads bad from Blackstock to Port Perry, but almost impassible from Port Perry to Manchester. The Continuation and Public Schools have reopened after the holidays. Owing to some delay in completing the work which is being done in the public school only the 2nd, 8rd and 4th classes are able to attend. We are glad to see all the scarlet fever homes out of quarantine and hope the epidemic is over for this year at least. Misses Hazel Mountjoy and Helen Fowler-returned- to Peterboro where they are attending the Normal School. On Wednesday afternoon, April 8rd, the regular monthly meeting of the Victorian Women's Institue was held at the home of Mrs. A. L. Bailey, with an attendance of 56. The president, Mrs, Leslie Graham presided. After the business session the program was given and sted of ity singing and two papers--Community Peace, given b; rs, Powell and The League of Nations, by Mrs. T. Smith, Lunch was served by the hostess and committee in charge. Mr. W. VanCam as delegate to the O. E. A, The April meeting of the W. A. of St. John's church will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, on Thursday evening, April 18th. A " is "requested ws | was in Toronto delegates to the annual W. A. Con- ventiomto be held in Toronto, will be appointed. thet home recently by the Jute Elite Jane oN . nt Christie purchased a néw McCormick-Deering tractor from Mr. Thos. Smith, Blackstock. Miss Viola Mitchellran employee of the Robt. Simpson Co., was a recent visitor at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Jos, Mitchell. t very enjoyable evening was last week when Mr. and Mes ban. Christie entertained abont twenty of their friends and neighbors. A very teresting service was con- ducted at the chi by the Woman's Missionary Society, on Sunday morn- ine. Those aking pr were Miss Dolly Rees, Miss A. rratt, Miss B. Reesor, Mrs. Marlhy. Miss 5 Mr. Jos. Flewe]l has pure! the piece of land beside the church, form- erally owned by Miss Eliza Moore. Messrs. Harold and Roy Dobson and their mother were in Toronto one day last week. Miss Violet Wildman visited at the home of her parents last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Lambe, of - Toronto, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. E. b. Manchester School Report Sr, IV--Archie Crosier 733, Helen Crosier 602. Jr. IV--Jessie Walker 714, Doroth; Roper 638, Mansell Gerrow 627, Mild- red Crosier 625. Jr. III--Verna Masters 6576, Ann Taylor 573, Harold Holtby 520, Lloyd Ouderkirk 514, Ross Strong 277. Sr, II--Robert Walker 515. Jr. II--Murray Holtby 471, George Munro 429, L. G. Lamb 387, Charles Andrews 345. Sr. I--Fred Christie, 215; Ha Masters 211, Reta Munro 183, Ru Mitchell 188, Alverta Mitchell 165, Roy Dobson 163. r. I--Donald Christie 226, Fred Andrews 198, Sr. Pr.--Roger Ouderkirk 199, Robt. Ouderkirk 192, Keith Ouderkirk 184, Murray Wilson 168, Pr.--Rose Masters, June Mitchell. Miss B. Reesor, teacher meena Qs. UTICA NEWS Sorry to report Mr. J. Pickard's family is quarantined with scarlet fever. * * Mr. Chas. Irish has engaged with Mr. Chester Geer for a month. Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Bentley, on Monday, April 15th, a son. Mrs. C. W. Lakey spent last week in Toronto. f Pleased to-say the severe storms of late have done very litlte damage in and around here. 2 Mr, Arthur Kight of Port Perry, The many friends of Miss Jennie | with Mr. George Kight, recently. Prout will be pleased to hear that her health is somewhat improved and that she appreciated very much the shower of Easter cards sent her by the W.A. of which she is Honorary President. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doak, of Wind- sor, spent Easter with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Nesbitt. The dramatic club of St. John's church, with their able leader Mrs. Powell, are again re-hearsing their play "In Cherry Time" preparatory to taking it to West Hill, the last of the month. We-are very sorry to hear the Mr. Hector Shortridge and Mr. Louis Swain met with rather painful ac- cident just recently. Hector losing a thumb and injuring several fingers in a sawing machine, and Mr. Swain severing one finger and cutting an- other with an ax. A very interesting meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church was held in the church on Wednesday afternoon the 10th inst. In the ab of the President, Mrs. F, Stinson, the 1st vice president, Mrs. Alex. Johnston, presided. At the pro- gram was given. Community singing, a letter from Miss Hambly was read, and two papers given by Mrs, Ernest Larmer and Mrs. Tennyson Samells. The attendance at the dance held in the town hall on Thursday evening was small owing to the heavy rain. On Wednesday evening of last week the young people of Port Perry held a farewell party at the home of Mr. Walker, Manager of the Bank of Com- merce, to say good-bye to Mr. L. Mountjoy, and presented him with a arting gift. Lawrence is leaving the nk staff to take a position in a broker's offce in Toronto. His many Blackstock friends join with those in Port Perry in wishing him every suec- cess in his new venture. Miss Annie Archer, of Oshawa, is some: with-her r. and Mrs. Jos. Archer. Messrs. Thos. Smith and Osmond Wright," have been busy all week oe International tors in fon Hamilton, th it e sympathy of the community goes out to the sorowing friends and relatives and little son of the late Mrs. John Dowson, who away very suddenly of heart failure at her Rome oh Monday, March 26th, Hes. usband passed away a year a since his death Mrs. Slay with her hired help, has been managing her farm, son attended school on Monday morning, leaving his mother | in apparent health, and returned at 3 ht to nd her lying on the floor death. p Sorry to report that Mr, Peter Day is very low. ---- SONYA NEWS Miss Tena Cameron has returned home from Toronto. Miss Sadie Thorburn, of Oshawa, was the guest of Misses Williamson for the week end. Mrs. Chas. McPhadden visited with friends in Toronto recently. Mrs. Neil Fergusosn was in Lind- say on Saturday. Mrs. Stewart McFarlane was the guest of Mrs. Scott Brandon, in Can- nington on Monday. Mr. Douglas Lunney, of Lindsay, with his parents recently. Mrs. S. A. Acres, of Montreal, who has been spending some time with her mother, Mrs. D. L. McTaggart, has returned home. Miss Gladys Hallett has arrived home from Toronto and gone to Peterboro where she has accepted a position. Mr. Noble and family of Oshawa have moved to their farm recently purchased from Mr, Jas. Watson. We welcome them to our community. The Misses Doris and Anna Wil- liamson were home for the week end. i (een Wonderful useful articles will be sold at the I. O, D. E, Bazaar. Home- made Cooking, Pickles, Jellies, ete., will be on sale. In the rooms of the Scugog Chapter, Friday, April 19th. ese {sie NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of An- thony Wells, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, Deceased Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 51 of The Trustee Act, R.8.0. 1927, Chapter 150, that all creditors and Sthels having claims or against the estate of Anthony ells, who died intestate on or about the 23rd day of February, 1929, in the | Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, are required, on or before the 1st day of June, 1929, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Leonard Burnett, administrator of -the estate of the said d d, at addr he given, their Christian names and sur- nature of the security, if any, held by them. Eo And take notice that after such last