How Much Money a Year Makes a Melon? The average shareholder in the Bell Telephone Company owns 27 shares, has paid full par value or more for every share, and gets $216 a year in dividends. ~~ INow "almost everyone can experience BIG SIX "ownership/ EXToE is no longer an obstacle, for Pontiac has introduced Big Six quality and performance into the low- ou (hint © '$ dozen Window Blind and Roller "complete. Slightly imperfect. Cream only. Regular 86¢ value. ...for 69. 000 5 * CURTAIN NET REMNANTS, "25% DISCOUNT We have about 15 ends of Curtain nets, lerigths running from 8 to 12 - yards in assortment of prices. Priced to clear at 25% discount. By 000 CONGOLEUM RUGS REDUCED These are discontinued patterns in some good colorings. Size § x 10%, regular $11.25 for $9.95. Size 9 x 12, $12.76 for $10.95. The man who bought his shares on the market 15° years ago and has since taken advantage of every offering, to- day is getting less than 7 per cent on the money he has paid. der field. Now almost everyone can enjoy, at low cost, the pleasures of Big Six ownership . . the surge of power from a Big Six engine with G-M-R high-com Slinger head, balanéed crankshaft and r ic Bal + « the speed and smoothness of Big Six performance . . the luxury of big, roomy Fisher Bodies, with their modish and massive beauty, their rich upholsteries and appoint- ments . . the safety of in ing four-wheel brakes . . and the comfort of Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock It's a Big Six _. . and a Bigger Value, See #t at our showroo P16.2.26€ myo H.R. ARCHER -- MOTOR SALES Port Perry, Ontario PONTIAC BIG PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED HOUSE | Furnishings . Paper of the highest grade--new patterns and colors as recognized by regular This man is typical. The holders of 84 per cent of the company's total stock subscribe again to new shares as they are offered. pg GROCERIES 10 Ibs. Granulated Sugar ............ Edwardsburg Corn Syrup, 10 Ibs...... Edwardsburg Corn Syrup, 5 Ibs. .. Easifirst Shortening, 3 1b pail ..... Pure Dutch Coton for table use, 17 or 8% * Han mmonia; per pkg. .. re . = y Per .6 rolls for 26c. Toilet Paper ......... ....6 Ibs for 26c. The telephone company has never split its stock nor exploited the public, though it has grown to one of the largest institutions in Canada. THE BELL TELEPHONE Pilchards ......... Arpaio hg Cc. P. & G. or Comfort Soap .10 bars for 46¢. Orange Marmalade, 40 oz. ....... .. .Special 39c. Fresh Ground Coffee ........ Ved ves vil O86: Ginger Snaps ....... sheds sanisans 2 Ibs for 26c. i YOU WILL NEVER GET COLD IF YOU BURN OUR COAL, We sell the best--Lehigh Valley Coal and Solvay Coke. We can deliver it to your residence if desired. "Myrtle Elevator Phone 120 r 5 Myrtle Station, Ont. omelris EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Cure and Eye Strain. 1516 PHONE Disney Block. OSHAWA, ONT. N me SPECIAL PRICES Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith visited Mr. Wells on Sunday last. The Prospect Ladies' Aid held their usual meeting and a quilting at the home of Mrs. Geo. McClintock on Wednesday of last week, On Friday of last week Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis of Utica visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, Mrs. F. Martin visited Mrs. Tripp, last week. i A number from here enjoyed the hockey tournament at Port Perry last week, Mr. S. Gray is drawing wood to Myrtle. daughter Merrell, accompanied by Mr. '| Mr. R. Owls, have moved to Port Perry where they will reside for some time. There many friends wish them success. We are pleased to see Mr. John Mark around again after his recent illness, : Mowiun BUILDING--for permanence, 1516 low. ipkeed and appearance--sounds the death-knell of wooden roofs. The dangers of fire to the building itself, to other buildings and to human life 1s rapidly being banished by metal roofs of high quality. RE-ROOF WITH RIB ROLL The appearance of this roofing alone has sold thousands. Whenever a roof of this material is laid in any district, it immediately secures a preference, and others who are roofing any kind of building, whether it be barn, shed or m-- i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacGregor of Port Perry are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wannamaker. Mr. L. Scott spent a few days in Toronto on business last week. Mr. and Mrs, J. Harding visited in Toronto a couple of days last week. J. A. HETHERINGTON Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist 34 Wolverleigh Blvd, Toronto Phone Hargrave 0990 IN PORT PERRY 01d roofs like this ave rapidly becoming things of the past. Fireproof, permanent, Rib Roll roofs mean lower insurance rates, banish upkeep trouble and give your building an at » BP Pp house, garage, ea warehouse insist on Rib Roll. |COUNCILSTANDARD Tt is made to famous "Council Nuva, Standard" specifications. EASY TO LAY ON NEW ROOFS OR OVER OLD ROOFS The cost of laying Rib Roll is lower than that of nearly all other t; of roofing. Any man who is handy with a hammer can put it on. Its handsome appearance adds many dollars to the value of your property. Send ridge and rafter measurements of roof A "close-up" of Rib Roll, showing the side-lap. or roofs in question, for free estimate of cost. When nailed this joint is so tight that it is quite invisible from even a is away. Allustration shows tractive pati ori which is stam sheets on huge press of 40 tons ca) A Beware of substitutes. There is one Get particulars about our SPECIAL SPRING OFFER Rib Roll. : Fasiem PRESTON, ONT. MONTREAL TORONTO ~ .BEAGRAVE - + | wishing to quilt, will do well to con- (To late for last week) sult the association. After roll call, The monthly meeting "of the the rest of the afternoon was spent Woman's Association was held at the! by the W.M.S. Mrs. A. Martin was home of Mrs. Alvin Bruce, on' Wed-| lected president for the ing year; nesday, February 13th. The meeting . Mrs. Orchard, Sec.-Treas.; Mrs. 8S. was well attended, many visitors from | Reynolds, Strangers Sec.; Mrs. Frank _ a distance weve: present, which added | Watson, Missionary Monthly Sec; . greatly' to :the pleasant "afternoon. | Mrs. A, Bruce, and Mrs. Butt, for the r 2 President 'M 5 + he. ly - cS There were a number of visitors pre- sent, which was encouraging to our teacher, Miss Irene Spoffard, There were Valentines in abundance, show- ing some very good work by the pupils. Each pupil received a lovelf valentine from the teachery and Mr. S. J. Wooldridge gave each a t Mr. Wm. Rogers was called to To- ronto on Saturday morning to see his aged mother, who had the misfortune to fall down the stairs at the home of her daughter Mrs. J. Brown. We arg glad to report she was not seriously hurt and is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. S. J. Wooldridge visited with! her mother Mrs. Leask, of Greenbank, Geo. Smith on Saturday last. Geo. Smith on Saturda last. Mr. Geo. McClintock has d 'Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 to 12 a.m. Phone 258 MENS SUITS help for the summer. Miss Melba Gray spent Sunday at her home here. 5 Mr, Thos. Moore spent Sunday at the home of Mr. F. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. F. Martin spent Sun- on Sunday. Miss Mabel Rennie spent the week end at her home in Wick. Mr. Wilbert Lamb, of Portage I! Prairie is visiting at the home of Mr.' fa and Mrs. Jas. Shunk, and with his mother, Mrs. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pickard and family are leaving this week for their new home near Utica. They carry the best wishes from their Seagrave] friends. We are sorry to lose so many from our community. i Mrs. J. S. Long has returned to her home in Myrtle after a pleasant visit with her daughter Mrs. R. Scott. J Mr. Leonard Beadle and Mr. El- wood Clements have Bowmanville. 'Miss Illa Moon has returned from a pleasant holiday spent with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rowe and daughters | X weeks in pted posi-|ihe farm tions with the Goodyear Rubber Co.|F of Whitby spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. J. Shunk. Mr. Russell Pollock, of Uxbrid was the guest day ing with Mr. and Miss K. Orchard: BR a. it UTICA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ke and th Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMillan, of Greenbank, recently, Mr. Geo. Welsh and Mr. "Mrs. Wilbur Brown, af the | ttended of Mrs. Brown's grandmother, Mrs. Jno. Abbott, on Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Aird and Mrs. F. Ackney spent the week end in Toronto. Pleased to see Mrs. Jas. able to be but again after con- fined to the house for the past three months, with a broken arm, also the flu. = "Miss P. Jones returned home Jast at ell has iy vacated Mr. J. W. A. Sangster ~~ DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 am. to 5 p.m. Office over McKoe's Shoe Store. |and Overcoats MYRTLE cx ELEVATOR A CARLOAD OF COKE HAS. JUST ARRIVED GOVERNMENT TESTED SWEET CLOVER AND ALAFLA SEED "FOR SALE. (Get orders in early.) CHOPPING DONE ON TUESDAY / AND FRIDAY = ONTARIO GRAIN COMPANY Chas. Pilkey, in charge +