Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 21 Feb 1929, p. 5

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By any standard you care to set~ DGE it any way yon like. It's a BIG Six . . oJ with true big car luxury, performance and ty. It is BIG in its conception of -Kisher Body luxury - beauty. , roomy in. teriors, with deep, inviting seats. Massive a ce. Lines that reflect the latest vogue. car refinements. It is BIG in its standard of performance. A big, new Six-cylindér engine provides a sur- 2 plus of power and speed for every need, with LOE Hae smoothness and case as delightful as they are, " unusual. : gl It is BIG in its completeness of fine-car fea- tures. Big, dirt-and-weather-proof four-wheel - brakes of thé latest ihternal-expanding type. Spring covers. Lovejoy PE Absorbers. Adjustable driver's seat. Full, big-car equip- ment throughout. g : And it is BIGGEST of all in its idea of auto- mobile value. It's the kind of ear you've hoped to own today. Come in and see it. P.9-2-29C BR ARCHER . - MOTOR SALES ~ ~ Port Perry, Ontarlo ~ PONTIAC ~ BIG "PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED to own some day and it's a car you can afford iota ed defeat at the hands of Thornton's Corners at Brooklin, on Saturday , 0 'Their opponents being much bigger and the local teams have | not had much practice, so that: they had not much chance, although under the circumstances they put up a good game. . Dr. R. Clark returned to her home in Cleveland last week; her father Mr. William Tarvis and her brother Mur- {ray accompanied her, Mr. Tarvis Sr. 'being somewhat improved in health. Word was received here on Monday morning that Mrs. Sarah M. Dake had passed away in the General Hospital in Toronto, of injuries she sustained when she fell on a street car while going to church on February 10th. | Deceased who was in her 78th year was an old resident of this village some years ago, and every summer came back to visit old friends here. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Wesson have been visiting with Toronto friends. The pan-cake supper under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid which was held in the b t of the church last week was a splendid success. After all those present had a generous serving of delicious pan-cakes and other good things, Rev. Mr, Merriam J.called the gathering to order and community singing was enjoyed for a time, when Miss Effie Graham gave an interesting reading on St. Valen- tine. Mr. Chas. Gordon gave a cor- net solo in his usual pleasing manner. These were both appreciated. The .pro- ceeds amounted to about $20.00. Mrs. Fred Beadle of Toronto, spent the wegk end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook. Mrs. T. Baker had the misfortune to fall on the ice in her yard last week and fracture her arm. Mr. E. Jones, who represents the Rawleigh people made a house to house visitation here the earlier part of the week re-stocking the homes 'with his various spices and remedies. His customer here, are sorry to hear that Mr, Chas. Luke, who has been running the Raglan grist and saw mill has sold his business to a Mr. Miller, of Oshawa, to whom Mr. Jas. Hortop sold the mill. Mr. Luke is at _. BUY YOUR FROM THE ~~ PORT PERRY MILLING & LUMBER C0. For Pastry, or Lily White for Bread. The number of users 2 Frowing daily. Our customers are 'pleased 'with our . Try it: be convinced. Mr. William Causley, recently with the Galt Milling Company, is anxious to have 'the house wives of Port Perry and district to w use his flour. -- . i] present undecided what he will do in 'the future, but it.is hoped he may 'enjoy continued success. y The congregational meeting which was held here on Monday night was lax; attended and proved very in- spiring. Reports of the different de- partments of the church work were given, and the choir provided a splen- did programme. The ladies provided hot meat pies and other good eats, which re soon disposed of. Pro- viding réreshments is a new feature 'at these meetings' but it met with such approval that jt will no doubt be continued in future. Mr. McKay, of Oshawa, took charge of Rev. Mr. Merriam's work on Sun- y and spoke very foreibly on the tenance Fund. Some fifteen euchre were played at the weekly ing Modern homes and modern | demand for prepared foods. It has recently been officer of Toronto that canned the laws of our country than done in the home. of soup ora y in well known industries, 3 Wu other preparing ajar a frit a pot serving of spinach when. you can buy them y 8 for the table! pees De hl ted by a medical health fruits and vegetables, done as required by are really more safe { x 'Horn's Pure f tr ood products -- s Nu-Jell, 1 pkg Cake Iefng g Custard Powder, - 1 Tapioca y all ed in cake pan gc it tables of progressive "club on Friday night. ~The prize win- ners being Mr. Jay O'Boyle and Miss 'Effie Graham. The winners of the boo-hoo prize being with held until | they Teach a higher point. 'S STORE NEWS Ip are based on laborsaving, 'This creates the growing Aileen Mountjoy 61.2, Muriel Mount- joy 604, Elsie Venning 60, Lorne Lansing 58.4, Snowie Marlow 68, Clara Porteous 58.3, Harold Hebber 58.4, Robert Wilson 53.3, Ralph Emerson 60.6, Alvin Marlow 44.5, Greta Hubbert 89.5, Murray Byers 88.6, Lottie Brown absent. FORM II--Merle Thompson 90, Genevieve Ferguson 89, Pauline Fer- guson 75.1, Russell Batten 70.8, Doris Marlow 69.3, Norma Hooey 65.4, Aileen Devitt 64.2, Myrtle Weather-' ilt 638, Verna White 62.3, Ferga Johnston 54.5, Gordon Brown 51.1. FORM III--Evelyn. Sanderson 77.7, "Earl Gray 76.5, Marion Ferguson 76.5, George McCutcheon 72.8, Olive Van- Camp 71.7, Howard Abbott 71.1, Violet Pacey 69.2, Dorothy Stephens 68.3, Lela Mountjoy 61.1, Oliver Smith 58.7, Chrstal Fallis 56.8, Ross Philps 56.6, Donald Emerson 51.8, Alice Johnston 43.8, Norton VanCamp 42, Number enrolled 45. Harold Burchall, Teachers. ------t SCUGOG Miss Mary Carter was visiting in Toronto recently. | Miss Doris Milner is visiting with Mrs. S. Ploughman, Port Perry, for a few days. Mr. Edward. Deer is Visiting his sister in Toronto for a few days: Mrs. C. Hardie was visiting her sister Mrs. D. Hope one day last week. Everyone who went to hear the debate last Tuesday evening, at the Head Church, enjoyed th lves im- [t | SPECIALS | THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21, Sutcliffe & Sons suitable for Camp Blankets! Blankets! Special, 4 only Blankets of wool and cotton mixtures, make an ideal horse Blan- ket, dark colors, large size. Regularly sold at $2.50 Special, only $1.50 each Clearing lot SILK and WOOL HOSE . Hose. Regular $1.19 quality. Light and dark colors. Special 98c. Pr. of Ladies' Silk and Wool use, or Grey Ibex BI Grey only. Flanelette Blankets ular price $2.49. Your chance to save. ankets; full 12/4 size. Reg- Sale Price $2.00 Pair FREE OFFER Free, with every purchase of a dress length in our dress goods chase exceeds $2.00, we will give you your choice of any Butterick Pattern in stock FREE. - This offer is only good on Friday and Saturday epartment, wh ere the pur- DELINEATOR Drop in to-day and secure our special offer on 'The Delineator,"' the magazine published monthly for the Butterick Pattern Co. It has good reading, also all the latest styles. Special rate--16 months for $1.00 Tooth Paste Speclal Only a limited quantity of SPORT WOOL A fine quality of wool, suit- Cotton Broadeloth Bloomers, | a few pairs left Regular Price $1.25. | ' ee ble for Sweaters or Scarf Taylor's Tooth Paste. Reg. | a ares, price 26¢. tube. Friday and | in g range of colors. Regu- Saturday, 2 tubes for 25c. Special 8c. Each BLOOMER SPECIAL In colors of Blue, Green, and Mauve. ined with Flannelette. Only Sale Price 98c. big people had the advantage over the small ones by flne points. There is another debate coming in the near future. Miss Myrtle Sweetman is visiting her cousin Mrs. A. Martyn, for a few days. Miss Blanche Sweetman of Toronto, was visiting her parents over the! week-end. Mr. L. Clarke spent Sunday with Mr. O. Reader. \ Mrs. Pettitt is, entertaining the Y. P. S. on Thursday evening. We hope to see a good crowd out. Mr, Gordon Cherrie of Oshawa was home over the week end. Mr. T. Clarke of Toronto spent the week-end at his sister's, Mrs, O. Reader. Mr. A. Black had his arm cut with the circular saw, we wish him a speedy recovery, Mrs. J. Sweetman is spending a few weeks in Toronto. Mr. Arthur Léighton had a very succcessful sale last week. They are moving to Cartwright this week, we wish them every success in there new home. Miss M. Sweetman visited with Miss Zella Hope on Sunday. Mr. Stuart Mark and Mr. Roy Hope are helping Mr. Rogerson get out n number of posts, Mr. ahd Mrs. Frank Nottingham of Raglan, visited with her father, Mr. George Shunk, on Sunday. Mr. Venning and granddaughter of Blackstock, visited at the home of Mr. J. Pearce, on Sunday. Mr. Milton Demara spent Sunday with Mr."Amaga Sweetman. - Mr. and Mrs. S. Nicholls are moving this week to Sonya. We wish them success in their new home. ~0Q0---- . RAGLAN Mrs. J. McGahey of Lindsay is spending a few days at the home of her sister, Mrs, J. Evans. Among the ones who attended the dance at Mr. L. Knapps of Burketon, on Wednesday night wera: Mr. and Mrs. F. Nottingham,and Mrs. and Mr. and M. Knapp and family. Mr. Kellington's house and store were nearly consumed by fire on Mon- day last caused hy the explosion of a coaloil stove. But by the assistance of neighbors they extinguished the flames before any great amount of 'damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. L. McKee ,of Man- chester, and Miss Beula Dripg, of Toronto, and Mr. Dring, of Oshawa, palit: y home here. and be removed to the home her sister Mrs. J. Evans, where she is improv- The shadow of death has again | passed over our village and taken away one of our esteemed ladies iv, the person of Mrs. Jonathan Thomp- son. Deceased was only ill for a few weeks previous to an operation, and death. Mrs. Thompson was in her 50th year, spending the latter part of her life of twenty years in the vicinity of Raglan. She was a mem- ber of the Raglan United Church and in former years took an active part in the Ladies' Aid and other church work. The members found in her a faithful friend and helper. She will be greatly missed, not only in her own home, but by the community. She is survived by her husband, two sons Gordon -and Howard, and two daughter Violet and Olive, all at home, sympathy of all. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Merriam, on Thursday last, to which a large number of friends attended to pay their last respects to a friend and neighbor... A wealth of floral beauty and richness attended the loving re- gard and esteem in which she was held. Among the floral tributes were those of the family, Mrs. T. Thomp- son and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, Oshawa, The boys' class of Oshawa high school, Raglan Sun- to whom is extended the heart felt} day School, Ladies' Aid; Mr. and Mrs. F. Dring, Mr. and Mrs, D. Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ormiston. Inter- ment was ymade at Pine Grove Ceme- tery, Prince Albert. men | | cmd FOR SALE OR RENT 7 roomed house on Union Avenue, Port Perry. Electric light; 2 lots; double garage, smal fruit. Apply to Fred Lyle, Port Perry. mar 14 JO Oe PROSPECT NEWS Perry on Wednesday of last week. day night. Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith visited Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm. Parrott, on Sunday. Mr. Thos. Moore visited with Mr F, Martin, over the week end. Corners, on Saturday at Brookliy Thornton's Corners. 50 ; Don't make any other engagemen 1.0.D.E. Skating Party. at close prices. away below cost. s. McKee & a We specialize in quality shoes, by the best makers in Canada. can give you fit, style, and comfort, 100 pairs of Men's Work Socks, 3 pairs for $1.00 100 pairs of Strap Slippers and Oxfords to clear $1.98 Pr. : LAE : Co Bed SUPERIOR STORE - Son. Po ~~ Port P erry eb EE THE FAMILY SHOE AND GENTS FURNISHING STORE made We We have a lot of bargains after Stock Taking that we will clear at prices 50 pairs of Boys' Rubbers, to clear at $1.50 pair 50 pairs of Youths' Moccasins, to clear .75 pair 50 pairs of Women's Goloshes, to clear 1.98 pair 100 pairs af Men's Winter Mitts, to clear .75 pair 25 pairs of Boys' Shoe Packs, to clear 1.76 pair 12 pairs of Men's Shoe Packs, to clear = 2.80 pair 8 "5 N ; " Miss Mary Martin visited in Port Several from Prospect attended the skating party at Port Perry on Satur- Mr. Edward Oyler visited friends in A hockey team ,made up from Pros- pect and Myrtle, played Thornton's | 1929, to send by post, prepaid, to rink, the score being 11-1 in favor of for March 1st--thats the date of the or any part WANTED We will pay highest market prices. Give us a trial. THE LAKE SCUGOGC FUR FARMS North half of lot 18, con. 10, Reach, R. R. 1, Seagrave, Ont. 000mm NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of George Howsam, Deceased. Pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of George Howsam, late of the Village of Port Perry, In .|the County of Ontario, Thresher, de- ceased, who died on or about the 2nd day of October A.D. 1928, are, on or before the 7th day of March A.D. 1 | Harris & Harris, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for Ida Howsam, Walter Howsam and Wm. Francis Dobson, Executors of the last Will and Testa- ment of the said deceased their christ- ian names. and surnames, addresses t| and descriptions ,the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the se- curities (if any) held by them, and that after the day last aforesaid the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having re- gard only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall wot have. been received by Harris & Harris at the time of such distribu- tion. Dated at Port Perry, Ont., this 1st day of January A.D. 1929. Harris & Harris, Solicitors for George Howsam Estate, Port Perry, Ont. SEER VAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS Elizabeth Jane Moore, Deceased. Pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Jane Moore, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Spinster, de- ceased, who died on or about the 9th day of January A.D. 1929, are, on or before the Seventh day of March A.D. 1029, to send by post, prepaid, to Harris & Harris, Port Perry, Ontario, solicitors for William Francis Dobson, administrator of the estate of the said deceased, their christian names and surnames, addresses and descri tions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement o ftheir accounts and the nature of the security (if any) held by them, and that after day last said said admini strator will proceed to distribute the assets 'of the said deceased. among the. paities 'entitled theréto ha: re- gard only to such claims of which notice shall hay 4 'a feb 21 {of will not 'be persons of 3 netice shall not Harris & Ha : tribution. 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